Governors Statement 20.06.14

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Heartland Radio Foundation

At the recent EGM/AGM of the Heartland Radio Foundation Ltd there were one or two changes
made to the constitution. These are not dramatic changes but simply a realigning of the company to
address the ways the Foundation has moved on over the last 22 years.
The changes mean the Foundation now has the ability to draw on a wider pool of expertise from the
business world rather than be limited to the availability of the talent within the ranks of The Friends
of Heartland FM, now The Heartland Radio Association. It also addresses the confusion that many
people had when having to join a separate organisation with its own constitution and membership
fees before being able to bring their skills and expertise to the Foundation.
Over the last 22 years many things have changed and as a result the day to day running of the
station has to be on a more professional footing to encourage growth. By that we mean financial
stability, improve the number of volunteers, more training programmes, and easier access to the
studio increasing the potential to be the community tool that it can be. This is not to take away from
the very valuable input given by a great number of people over the past two decades but if we want
to ensure that Heartland continues on to 2025 and beyond we need to recognise that changes have
to be made.
From the outset it was known that Heartland would have to exist on a mixed funding package. To
take full advantage of any grants, external monies and ensure business confidence it needs to show
that there is a strong, stable business practise in place. These changes are to address that and will
allow the Foundation to fully implement and expand the 5 year business plan that has been drawn
up to be used to impress upon future and current partners that we have a vision for the coming
This does not alter the function of the Heartland Radio Association, their continued positive support
both morally and financially will be very much appreciated. To keep that relationship in place the
Foundation will welcome the nomination of the two members of the Radio Association onto their
Board of Governors. Nor does it alter any commitment to the community Heartland FM serves albeit
a much larger one than 22 years ago. Heartland FM will remain The Voice of Perthshire and
ultimately, accountable directly to the community it serves.

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