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1) Pascal places philosopher on a plank wider than necessary for

him to stand but resting over a precipice(rock cliff). Pascal argues

that even if a person as wise as philosher is made to stand on such
platform although he knows its safe to stand on but his
imagination will lead him to think over consequences and his
reason which would be saying its safe to stand shall not
prevail(page 25, para 6 under imagination)
2) "Imagination decides everything Pascal says The imagination
disposes of everything; it makes beauty, justice, and happiness,
which is everything in the world in page 12 under the heading
3) Pascal says we are misled by past impressions and we tend to
misjudge either over or under judge a work, person or situation
he says I should much like to see an Italian work, of which I only
know the title, which alone is worth many books, Della opinione
regina del mondo.[51] I approve of the book without knowing it,
save the evil in it, if any. These are pretty much the effects of that
deceptive faculty, which seems to have been expressly given us to
lead us into necessary error. Hence we run into necessary errors
because of pas impression and novelty. Para 12 under heading of
imagination on page 26
4) Note that: The true religion must convince men that there is a god
in order to make men happy. Our sole evil is to be separated from
God. We are full of ignorance, which keeps us from knowing God.
We ought to love God. Lusts turn us away from God #430 page

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