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Sharing KnowledgeDeveloping Excellence

Property Address: Bournemouth City College Residence
144 Old Christchurch Road
Room Number: ..................
BCC contacts:..........................
Mobile Phone: 07874!!8"# 01$0$%%4004
Email: in&o'(

Tenant !
Tenant Name
Tenant Mobile
Tenant Email
Course Name
"tart #ate
End #ate
The term: ................. )ee*s (eginning on ..........+............+ $011
,he rent: $...... -er -erson -er )ee* -aya(le in ad.ance /0.ery 4 )ee*s1
2e-osit: $%%
#ated: .......................
3igned /&or and on behal& o& BCC1:44.44444444444444444444..
3igned /the
3igned /the !
TERM" AN# C'N#(T('N": 5n order to ensure a -eace&ul stay &or all o& us -lease read
care&ully the &ollo)ing -oints and -ut them into -ractice.

Sharing KnowledgeDeveloping Excellence
Payment and deposit
Rent must (e -aid in ad.ance e.ery 4 )ee*s.
,he delay in the -ayment is not acce-ta(le under any circumstances.
6 100 de-osit is -aya(le on the day you mo.e in. ,his )ill (e re&unda(le i&:
7ou are a(le to sho) the recei-t
7ou did not damage any -ro-erty
7ou had gi.en ! )ee*s notice in ad.ance

Noise and loud music
8lease# i& you are )atching ,9 or listening to the Radio# *ee- the .olume do)n and do not
distur( your house mates. :lso # -lease do not (ang the doors.
,here is no -ro(lem )ith &riends ho) .isitors must (e considerate and lea.e
(e&ore $":"0 at night to res-ect others in house. 7ou )ill ho) (e as*ed to lea.e the
residence i& )e notice that you (ring .isitors into the accommodation and allo) them to stay
longer than the -ermitted time.
5t is also not -ermitted to accommodate &riends or )ithout arranging -ayment and
-ermission# in )riting# &rom BCC rece-tion.
3mo*ing inside the residence is not -ermitted any)here at any time.
#ama+e and brea*in+ items
5& you (rea* or damage anything in the residence you must -lease re-ort it immediately .7ou
may (e as*ed to -ay the cost o& )hat you ha.e damaged.
,ashin+ Machine:
0.eryone can use the )ashing machine once a )ee*. 8lease choose the time and day that
suits you and )rite it in the calendar.
8lease (e a)are that coo*ing is not allo)ed a&ter $":00 and must *ee- the *itchen clean and
tidy. 7ou must clean any dishes and -ans you use and return them to their right -lace.

Sharing KnowledgeDeveloping Excellence
8lease (e a)are that BCC is not a place to consume alcohol and -arty e.ery night. Once )e
notice any anti;social (eha.ior occurring# BCC has the right to as* you to lea.e immediately.
Prostitution- )iolence and #ru+s
BCC residence holds a <ero toleration -olicy to)ards -rostitution# .iolence and drugs. 5& any
tenant is &ound engaged in such acts# you )ill (e as*ed to lea.e )ithout any )arning.
,a*ing &ire e=it signs and smo*ing signs o&& o& the )alls is against the British la).
:ny tenant )ho does so )ill (e -rosecuted. /urniture or Any Property &urniture and any BCC -ro-erties around the residence is also not -ermitted.
8lease do not lea.e lights on )hen you lea.e the toilet+*itchen and your room.
8lease ensure that &loor is dry in the (athroom a&ter you ha.e a sho)er and that the room is
le&t clean and tidy &or other tenants to use it.
>ailing to com-ly )ith the house rules )ill result in as*ing you to lea.e the house and may
(e lia(le to loose your de-osit.

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