Clauses Worksheet

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Name: _____________________________________

Clauses at the Mall

Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Circle the predicates and underline the subjects. Draw a
line separating the clauses in the sentence, count them, and write the amount o clauses on the line.
Subject: a noun or pronoun that ta!es the predicate.
Predicate: an action or state o being "#erb$.
Clause: a subject and a predicate wor!ing together.
Example: %he ate the donuts. &t is cold in the classroom ' but it is hot in the hall

% ( "one clause$ % ( % ( "two clauses$
). My sister and & were at my grandma*s house when the phone rang.
+. ,e were watching -. on the couch, the old brown one, and eating
/. &t was 0an, my sister*s riend, and she wanted to tal! to my sister.
1. & said, 2&*ll go get her, 0an,2 and then & went to get her.
3. 0an told my sister that the new super group, the Dance 4oys, was at the mall.
5. My sister almost ainted because she*s the biggest an o the Dance 4oys.
6. 2& lo#e the Dance 4oys,2 she said e7citedly.
8. 0an, my sister, and & all hopped on the bus to the mall to see the Dance 4oys.
9. &*m not really a an o the Dance 4oys, but & li!e to go to the mall, so & went.
):. ,hen we got there, the mall was pac!ed with Dance 4oy ans.
)). ;#eryone wore Dance 4oy shirts e7cept me because & hate the Dance 4oys.
)+. ,hile the Dance 4oys sang, 0an danced, but & played games on my cell
)/. & challenged one o the Dance 4oys to a dance battle but he was scared.
)1. %ince we went to the mall, &*#e been wor!ing on my mo#es, but &*m still bad.
)3. & 0an, my sister, and & go to the mall again, &*ll surely wal! around and shop.
< o Clauses: _____
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< o Clauses: _____
Try it yourself:
=n the bac! o this paper write three sentences with one clause. >nderline the subjects and circle the
predicates. -hen, write two sentences with two or more clauses. >nderline the subjects and circle the

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