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Miller 1

Greg Miller
Ms. Caruso
UWRT 1101
10 June 2014
The Trojan condom ad that was runran during the Evolve Campaign attempted to bring to
attention the importance of using a condom to protect yourself from unintended pregnancy and
sexually transmitted infections. The ad uses pigs as a metaphor for men who choose to not wear
a condom. The text of the ad stated that real men wear condoms and those who do not are just
pigs. While I do think the ad succeeded in getting its point across, I also think there are many
other ways to improve the message both in content and delivery.
In the Trojan ad they decided to focus on just the man. This sends the message that
protecting yourself during sex is completely up to the man. I feel that by focusing on just the
mans morals on whether or not he wanted to be considered a pig , they really missed out on
capturing a much larger audience that should have included women. Women have just as much
responsibility as men when it comes to being responsible and remaining protected during sex. In
this re-creation I have decided to use a business card as the delivery system.
When people receive a business card they expect to see the pertinent information clearly
printed and in a delivery system that is easily stored for later reference. On this card you can
expect to see a company logo followed by a contact name and various methods of contact for
that person. With my business card I have decided to keep with the basic layout, starting with the
Trojan company logo in the top left. I have however decided to go with a logo that adds a bit
more flare to draw attention to the actual product. This is done by centering the original logo in
Comment [J1]: Reviewed by Jason Solomon
Comment [J2]: What is the Evolve
campaign. What does it have to do with a
Trojon Condom advertisement? Try to add
some quick details on this to get the reader
unfamiliar with this up to speed.
Comment [J3]: Nice ending sentence to pull
me into the next paragraph.
Comment [J4]: Good pointyou found
some good biasness.
Comment [J5]: Nice flow from the sentence
above to this one.
Comment [J6]: How could the audience
react to the business card? If I handed you a
card in a club regarding condoms, how would
you react, and what would be your opposite
reaction. Maybe have another paragraph
explain this or find a way to include it within
this paragraph
Miller 2
the middle of a blue background which features an assortment of different shades of blue in an
almost star burst pattern. In place of the contact name on the card I have gone with Trojan
Condom. This is the self-proclaimed expert on preventing unintended pregnancy. The rest of the
card contains my new message that hopes to be an eye opener for both men and women.
The original ad had a lot going on in it with all the humorous content that could have
distracted the intended audience. I felt that it really took away from the message the ad was
originally intended to convey. That underlying message being that not using a condom could
lead to unintended pregnancy. On my card I have thus decided to remove all the flashy extras so
as not to detract from my message. The card reads In what world does 1 + 1 = 3, An
unprotected one! The thought of bringing another person into this world without pre planning,
is reason enough for both men and women to reevaluate a potential mistake waiting to happen.
At the bottom of the card I decided to throw a clever little phrase in to help the simple minded
males remember the intended message. This phrase reads Dont be a fool, wrap your tool! I
feel that this simple approach of conveying the message will reach my intended audience much
better than the original pig ad.
The intended audience for my business card would be both men and women in local bars
and clubs all over the United States. These places often contain single men and women looking
to meet the opposite sex. People in these places are often there with the intention of consuming a
lot of alcohol which often leads to questionable decision making. The original ad took place in a
bar setting as well, which leads me to believe that this same audience was targeted by them.
While I do feel this audience is a critical one to educate on the consequences of irresponsibility, I
feel that many other important audiences are left out.
Comment [J7]: Condom in packageout of
package. Blue, green, red, standard color?
You have the option here to add details to paint
a more vivid picture of your idea.
Comment [J8]: Bars and clubsis this the
only place good for marketing your
hmmmcollege, clinics, and even high school
could be a good place. Just a suggestion.
Comment [J9]: Who are these important
audiences? You could briefly explain if you
wanted to.
Miller 3
Mass distribution of business cards to every home in America is just not logical. For
starters the cost for the company would be prohibitive. Reaching people outside the club and bar
scenes could still be possible if the cards were passed along to friends and coworkers, much like
word of mouth advertising. While this would help to extend the message beyond its intended
target, it still fails to reach the nation as a whole.
With that said, I still feel that this genre approach is superior to the original printed ad.
The message is not left to interpretation and it leaves you with a clever phrase to remember even
after youve put the card away or tossed it.

Comment [J10]: You could go deeper into
cost comparisondriving from club to club
(Time and gas) vs (paying a vendor to send
cards world wide)theres this and plenty
other cost comparisonswhat about a web
advertisement or other means to reach out to
the world?
Comment [J11]: How/why would fail?
Comment [J12]: Why is the message not
open to interpretation?
Miller 4

Miller 5

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