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Writing Task (an essay)

Public places are noisy. What are the causes of this and what do you think should be done about it?
Nowdays there are many big and crowded places that are very noisy. Those places usually
attract many people for some reason, for some purpose these have. However, in the same
time the noise at these places can be so loud and iritating that many people can not stand it
and they will rather avoid such places. I am sure there are some things that can be done to
reduce this noise and make these places more enjoyable for their visitors.
One of the eample of such place can be a public park. ! park in the city center can be really
crowded place, especially if it is the only park in the area and surounded by many resident
buildings. There can be a lot of noise from the traffic and from many people and children in
the park. This can be a big problem for someone who hase came to read a book, or for jung
mother with a litle baby if baby wants to sleap.
This problem can be reduced in several different ways. One of them can be to reduce the
traffic around the park or to organi"e the traffic in a better way so it makes less noise.
!nother way to reduce the noise from the traffic can be to plant trees at the outer edges of
the park. #lanting trees or some other plants around the park betwen certain areas can also
reduce the noise to spread everywhere around the park from one part of it to another.
$inally, ofcourse there are many other public places, not only parks, that have the same
problem with the noise. !t many of those places the same or similar things can be done to
reduce this negativ impact. It is not such a great effort to make and the benefit would be very

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