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Love Your Body

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes. Im with Pete Coussas book again. And
the second principle hes got here is: love the body you have been given. He said,
Look in the mirror every day for a month and say, I love me ten times. And then see
what happens in your life. It works.

Do you know a lot of people take a look in the mirror and look at their body and they
dont like it. Its the only one youre going to get. It may not be in the greatest shape, it
may not be the way you want it right now. It may not look the way you want it. But if
you dont have a healthy respect for it-- do you remember in the movie The Secret?
(If you saw it youll remember.) I said, (kiss the hand) youve got to love yourself. Get to
the point where you can kiss yourself.

You see, our body is a magnificent instrument. It really is. Its an electric magnetic field.
Do you know your body is just nothing but a massive energy? Youve got enough
power in your hand to light up a half-decent sized town for about a week-- eleven
million kilowatt hours per pound. Think of the blood flowing through your body. It
circulates through hundreds of miles of passageway every thirty-three seconds. It carries
all the food in and all the garbage out in one sweeping change. Think of the electrical
system in this body that youve got. It will make the electrical system in a super
computer look like a toy.

When Pete Coussa says love the body youve been given, he meant it. I want you to
spend the next four or five minutes looking in the mirror and then understand that if you
dont like the way the body looks that doesnt mean you dont want to love it. Love it.
Think of the magnificence in it and then say Im going to make this body look the way I
want it to look. Youre in charge of it. The body is an instrument of the mind. How do
you think about your health and your body? Give this some thought. Spend four or five
minutes thinking about it. Youre not going to get another one. When this wears out
youre toast Jack, its all gone. Look at it. Love it (kisses the hand).

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