Rebekah Champion: Skills

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Rebekah Champion

9A Fulton Street. Milverton, Ontario. N0K 1M0

Rebekahchampion 7! hotmail .com
Home " #$%&'9"007 . Mobile " #(19%7$"'17
Objective : To obtain a part time or full time job.
Quick learner; Responsible; Mature; Organized
Works to get things done on time
pplies artistic skill in proper situations and projects
!eople skills
Stratford Central Secondary School 010 ) *re+ent
"#celled in art classes that focused on $llustration and %igure &ra'ing
Work Experience
Factory1!" Strat,or- %ebruar( )*+, - .une )*+,
)/+.0 co-op hours
&ail( responsibilit( of cleaning and maintaining lobb(
Mature attitude and determination to complete tasks
rtistic creati1it( used to create mural in lobb(
#eartoo$ies" Milverton .ul/ 01' " April 01&
2ood communication and use of team'ork
3reati1el( prepare and la(out attracti1e meals for customers
"ffecti1e at multitasking
Foodland" Strat,or- September 01 " 0ecember 01
Responsible for 4ualit( customer ser1ice
Responsible for cooking and preparing meat slices for customer consumption
Maintain a safe and clean en1ironment for the 'orkplace
%olunteer Experience
&ions Club of 'ilverton" Milverton September 011 " 0ecember 01'
Responsible for 'ashing5 dr(ing and putting a'a( dishes
Organized clean up after meetings and tid(ing up area
(dditional )ualifications
W6$M$7 training
Training in customer ser1ice
1ailable upon re4uest

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