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5 questions about space you what to know the

answers to !
How Peoples Ideas About Earth Have
The ancient Babylonians viewed the universe as a flat disk of land
surrounded by water .They were the first people to keep detailed records
of the paths of plants .Like most ancient people , Babylonians believed that
studying planetary movements could help them predict the future .
Egyptians associated the stars with eternity and the afterlife of a king -- a
pharaoh. After death, a pharaoh would hope to join those circumpolar
stars. Egyptians aligned their pyramids and temples toward the north
because they believed their pharaohs became stars in the northern sky
after they died. To assure that a king would join the circumpolar stars, the
pyramids were laid out facing due north toward the "indestructible" stars.
They thought that aligning the pyramids toward north gave the deceased
pharaohs direct access to the northern sky.
How Earths Rotation Causes the Day
and Night Cycle. Also the Seasons!
At any time half of the earth faces the sun .This part is day. The other
half of the earth faces away from the sun .It receives no light. It is
dark and has light.
We have seasons because the earth is tilted , as it makes its yearly
journey around the sun. The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5
degrees. This means that the Earth is always "pointing" to one side as
it goes around the Sun. So, sometimes the Sun is in the direction that
the Earth is pointing, but not at other times. The varying amounts of
sunlight around the Earth during the year, creates the seasons.
How the Moon Affects Earth!
The moon affects the earth in many ways , tis gravitational pull causes
the tides , it stabilizes the earths tilt , it creates solar eclipses by
orbiting in front of the sun. The moons phases are caused by its
position in its orbit around the earth.
Cultures and the Stars!
Many ancient cultures relied on the stars in many ways. An example
of this is the sundial which told the time of day using the position of
the sun. Cultures also used the position of the stars to tell the time of
year so they can plant crops in early spring (the right time to plant).
Many cultures also used the position of the sun or moon to signify
celebrations such as the summer solstice and the harvest moon.
Advancements In Space Technology
The first man made object in space was the Russian satellite sputnik
that was launched in 1957. The first living thing in space was a
Russian dog named laika. The first human in space was a Russian man
named Yuri Gagarin.
Extra Info !!!!!
On comets, asteroids, and mentors!
Comets are small pieces of rock and ice that
is known mainly for its recognizable tail. The
tail is formed when the comet passes closely
to the sun. When this happens the ice particles
are not only melted but is heated so quickly
and immensely by the sun that the ice
instantaneously becomes water vapor. Water
vapor alone is not enough to make a bright
tail which is where radiation comes in. That
radiation is called solar radiation. Solar
radiation is radiation emitted by the sun and
is blocked out of earth by the ozone layer. A
comet however has no ozone layer so the
Solar radiation causes the water vapor to
glow creating the bright comets tail.
Asteroids are minor planets. Most asteroids are
made of rocks much like the ones our planets
are made of. A majority of the asteroids in our
Solar system comes from the asteroid belt
which is located between mars and Jupiter.
Some scientists believe that the asteroid belt
was formed out of leftover planets that where
created during the beginnings of our Solar
system that broke apart into asteroids.
Meteors are small pieces of rock or
metal. Out in space these pieces of rock
or metal are called meteors but when
they enter earths atmosphere and
manage to reach the surface they are
called meteorites. If many meteorites
enter the earths atmosphere and burn
up leaving streaks of fire in the sky than
it is a meteor shower.


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