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I. Factors Responsible for Determining Attitude

1. Environment: It determines ones attitude to the greater extent. Our own environment
affects others and vice versa. It comprises of- home, school, cultural/ religious background,
traditions, belief-system, social environment (media) and political environment
2. Education: Formal+Informal; information should be blended perfectly with knowledge and
wisdom which leads to success and improves living
3. Experience: Positive experience leads to positive attitude, whereas negative experience
leads to doubt, cautions and eventually moves towards negative attitude. However, the
conclusions or inferences drawn on the basis of negative experience should be considered
as the guidelines for future constructive development.

II. Advantages of Positive Attitude
1. For Individual: positive attitude facilitates-
- Pleasing and energizing personality
- Ambitious nature
- Enjoyment in life
- Inspiring perspective
- Contribution to society and nation
2. For Organization
- Increases productivity and consequently, profit
- Fosters team-work and goal-oriented work
- Facilitates problem-solving
- Improves quality
- Breeds loyalty
- Enables healthy inter-personal relationship
- Avoids bitterness, resentment, health problems and high stress for oneself as well as

III. Developing Positive Attitude
1. Pre-requisites of Positive Attitude
a. Follow and accept the principles that build positive attitude.
b. Desire to be positive.
c. Cultivate discipline and dedication to practice such principles.

2. Steps
a. Change focus, look for positive in every aspect of life; looking for negative leads to
criticizing nature.
b. Make a habit of doing it now.
c. Develop an attitude of gratitude.
d. Get into continuous education: remember-
- Education without values is futile.
- Only knowledge is not powerful.
- Education does not mean the power of good judgement.
- Being educated= Information+knowledge+wisdom (presence of mind)
- We all are gifted with some strengths- to be aware of these strengths, to use them to
the fullest and to sharpen our axe (skills) is must.
- Feed your mind with good aspects in life.
e. Build positive self-esteem.
f. Stay away from the negative influences.
g. Learn to like the things that need to be done.
h. Start your day with something positive.

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