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November 09


This is a message from your neighbors at Nantucket West. Please take some time to read this
and to study our governing documents, which you were provided.

We welcome you to our neighborhood. We are a community operated by all the owners
through a mini-government. Our Property Manager is Pat McGoldrick, of Swanson-
McGoldrick, telephone 272-4138, Ext. 3. Our governing body is the Board of Directors.

Each of us has decided that cooperative condominium living suits our life style. We can
actively participate in government, management, social activities or maintenance if we desire,
or not participate at all. For the active, we have board memberships, committees and informal
tasks that assist the Board and the Property Manager. A higher level of participation in
committees and volunteer work crews will tend to keep our dues, which are regular monthly
assessments plus an annual reserve assessment, low. The more work we contract out, the
higher will be our costs and our monthly assessments. Your help is needed and appreciated.

We are a fairly close-knit neighborhood, something like a very small town. We have much in
common and feel very secure here. Without being nosy, we look out for and help each other.
A Neighborhood Watch program has been activated and we are always alert for unusual
activity that could be a precursor to crime.

As in any condominium community, we have rules, which control our activities. Please read
and comply with our Covenants, the Bylaws and the House Rules and Regulations. Below are
comments on some of our rules, but this is not intended to be a complete representation of

Our homes are very close in age and they have some fixtures and features that are identical or
very similar. Therefore, we can share experiences or operational instructions. If you need
help with operation of any appliance or fixture, feel free to call any board member or our
property manager. One of them should to be able to identify someone to help you. Here are
some examples of areas where you may have questions:

Board of Directors
We have an elected 5 member Board of Directors, which is currently composed entirely of
resident owners and meets monthly, usually the third Tuesday. We also have an annual
Owners’ Association meeting in June, an Owners’ budget ratification meeting in December and
social gatherings around the holiday season and mid-summer. All owners are encouraged to
attend the Association meetings, the Board meetings and social gatherings. Any Board
member can give you the location of the next meeting or refer to the last page of your
Nantucket Neighborhood newsletter for the location.

The Board members as of November 09 are:

President Don Cooper 460-1651
Vice President Mary Ann Coble 565-3430
Secretary Helen Williams 566-8192
Treasurer Stan Corrington 564-5663
Member at Large Tom Flora 564-6702

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Our regular assessment or “dues” are due in full by the first of each month. A $25 late fee is
levied on the 15th of the month of any unpaid assessment. The monthly dues include common
element maintenance and maintenance reserves, structure (property) and liability insurance for
the Association, water & sewer, and basic level cable TV with Click! Network.

The Nantucket West Condo Association purchases insurance to cover our buildings for
physical damage. You do not need to buy “Dwelling” coverage, beyond a basic $5,000 or
$10,000 which is usually automatic on your policy. This “Dwelling” coverage limit on your
policy will be an automatic 10% of your “Personal Property” limit if you have the standard HO-6
policy form. Consult your insurance agent. You are responsible to insure your personal
property and liability.

The Gate
Your name and assigned three digit code number are programmed into the electronic directory
of the entry system. Visitors can locate your name by using the A or Z buttons. Your phone
will ring and you will be able to talk to your visitor at the gate.

There are three normal ways to open the gate:

1. Within a few feet, one button of your remote garage door controller will open your
garage door and the other button opens the entry gate. (The exit gate opens automatically
by sensor.)
2. When an incoming guest presses the three-digit number code shown on the gate
directory for your name, it will ring your phone. You can then talk directly with the party at
the gate to determine their identity. If it is someone you recognize and wish to admit,
press number 9 on your phone. You will hear a one second tone. That opens the gate
and your friend can enter. (This only works if your party is calling you on our gate phone,
not on their cellular phone). On some cordless phones you may have to press 9 more
than once. If you do not recognize a caller from the gate, do not admit them. Never open
the gate for people you do not know. If you do not open the gate, press number 4 on your
phone to disconnect. This will free the gate phone and your phone immediately for other
3. Finally, we have a confidential four-digit gate code, which will open the gate directly,
when entered into the digital keypad at the gate. This code is changed occasionally, to
keep it as confidential as possible. Please share it only with trusted friends who are
regular visitors.

In case of a power failure, the gate is equipped with a battery backup, which should open both
gates until the failure is over. In cold weather, the hydraulics may stiffen and not work well. In
that case, one of the following can help you open the gate:
Person Address Phone Gate Phone #
Tom Flora 5015 70th 564-6702 021
Stan Corrington 7005 51st 564-5663 019
Don Cooper 6817 51st 460-1651 028
Never force the gate open!

There is limited vertical clearance at the gate due to a low street light. When you are moving in
(or out) or taking delivery by truck, be sure to warn the delivery driver to drive around the light.
Replacements cost $500 plus installation.

Personal Parties and Gatherings

If you wish to be a better host you can have the gate left open for access whenever you have
an event with a large group of people visiting. Just call one of the above and designate the 30
or 40 minute period needed for entry.

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Because our private road is a Fire Lane, all parking is restricted to one side only. That is the
right side of the street on entering (this is the West side of 70th and the South side of 51st).
Please advise your guests. Keep all cars clear of the mailboxes until after delivery time and
clear of driveways.

RV Area
At the East end of our property is a small RV lot. There is a monthly charge for storage of an
RV or auto. Auto parking for a few days is not charged as long as the Property Manager or
Board President is notified and gives permission.

Patio Fences
They are generally considered to be owner’s property for care and maintenance. The
Association will paint the outside (although you are welcome to do so) and you are responsible
for the inside. Patio fences must be painted the same color as the perimeter fence. If you
choose to paint the outside of your patio fence, the association will provide you enough paint
to paint both sides (2 gallon limit).

Common Areas
These include the lawn and planting areas in front of and outside each building, outside your
patio. The association maintains them all. No one is permitted to plant, prune or place objects
in these areas without approval of the landscape committee. There is usually no problem with
plantings similar to those existing in the complex.

Unit Models
We have two unit models, Manchester and Cambridge. If you would like a copy of your floor
plan the Board can probably find one
• If your unit has your water heater in a room near your rear door, it is a Manchester.
• If your water heater is in a room in front, next to the guest bathroom, your unit is a

Water Turn-Offs
• The most reliable water turn-off is located outside at the water meter, but it turns off the
water to the entire building (both units).
• There is also a water turn-off located inside:
1. If you have a Manchester model the valve (blue handle) is located under the guest
bathroom sink, on the back wall.
2. If you have a Cambridge model the valve (blue handle) is located in the furnace room
at eye level between the furnace and water heater.
This valve usually does turn off the inside water, but it does it slowly in some cases. In an
emergency you might need to back it up by closing the meter valve outside.
• Another water turn-off valve is located under your utility room sink. This one apparently
only turns off the outdoor hose bibs at the rear.

Outdoor Hose Bibs

Our outdoor hose connections are freeze-proof and should not need special insulation or
protection. In winter, all hoses must be disconnected or the freeze-proof feature will not work
and your pipes will burst. You also may have a single bare pipe just inside your garage door,
leading to the outside hose bib. Make sure that pipe is insulated. If it is not, call our property
manager or a Board member.

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Guest Shower
The shower in your second bathroom has a peculiar operation. To make it work you must (1)
turn on the water, (2) adjust the temperature and then (3) pull down on the spout ring. Oh
yes…move your head or it will get wet.

Air Conditioning
Before installing or relocating an air conditioning unit, be sure to contact a board member. The
Board must approve the request and exterior unit location prior to any installation work. A
permit from the City of University Place is also required.

Gas Turn-Off, Furnace and Fireplace

The gas turn-off is located outside at the meter, at one of the driveways on the side your
building. In case of emergency it can be turned off with an adjustable wrench. The gas shut
off valve is usually the first fitting on the gas supply pipe coming out of the ground near the
meter. Do not take a chance by trying to relight pilot lights yourself. If you encounter problems
with your furnace or fireplace, such as no gas or pilot light, call the gas company toll free at 1-
888-225-5773. Or you can call any furnace repair firm.

Gas Fireplace
There are four basic controls for the gas fireplace:
1. Top toggle switch on the wall – This will operate the blower. It should be on whenever
the gas burner is on.
2. Bottom toggle switch on the wall – This turns the gas burner on and off.
3. Main fireplace gas control – Located on the right side of your fireplace. It is a brass
plate with a square hole and a brass key. It controls the gas volume and can cut the
fireplace gas completely off, including the pilot light.
4. Fan speed control – Located behind the bottom vent of the fireplace. We are not sure
about this one, because it is labeled “Temperature Control”. But it seems to operate
only as a fan speed control.
Carefully follow all the manufacturer’s instructions.

Garage Electricity
You can turn off the electricity inside the garage without using your circuit box. There is a
switch just inside your side garage door, about 6 feet up, which does that. It is handy if you
want to turn off all inside lights and all outlets, including the garage door while you are on
vacation. Your outside security lights will remain on. But do not turn off the switch if you have
a refrigerator or other appliance running in your garage!

Security System
All units have the same security system, unless there have been system changes by an owner.
Your security system is not connected to any central station for monitoring unless a unit owner
does so on their own. You should have a “User Guide,” instruction manual. If not, a spare
may be available. The system was installed by BB Electric of Tacoma. If you do not know
your Master Code it is necessary to call BB Electric (253-573-1373) so they can clear the old
one and you can reset it with your personal code. The system is a “Moose Z800”. In at least
one case where it was reset for an Owner, the cost was under $50.00.

Neighborhood Watch
We should all remain alert for unusual events and for persons who appear to not belong here.
In the past these have been door-to-door solicitors, people picking (psychedelic) mushrooms,
kids short cutting through, a lost truck which caused damage turning around, and several who
had no real explanation. They have come over the fence and through the gate, “tailgating”

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behind us. Write down descriptions of vehicles and people for future reference. If you
perceive any immediate danger or witness any crime, call 9-1-1 immediately. Getting license
numbers and descriptions is critical.

We have several Owners on our Neighborhood Watch Committee. They are listed in each
newsletter. Abnormal events should be notified to any of them and they will pass the
information along to the chair, who will record it. We feel it is important to keep this information
for reference in case of a future related problem.

Windows and Skylights

Our original windows and skylights were made by Milgard Manufacturing of Tacoma. They are
double layer, insulated glass. Generally speaking, problems with the windows and skylights
are the responsibility of the owner. We suggest you notify the property manager before any
repairs, to determine responsibility for repair.

Our windows include secondary plastic latches which allow them to be opened about 3 inches
or less, with relative security. The latches pop out from the frame of the upper window on the
left and right sides, about 3 inches above the top of the lower frame. If you cannot find the
latches, call a Board member.

Dishwashers, Kitchen Range, Oven and Microwave

These are similar, but not the same in all units, as some have upgrades, replacements or
different brands. Most ranges and ovens are electric, some are gas.

Water Leaks
We have a great concern about any water leaks. They can be a source of major damage,
especially if left to leak or drip. If you discover a plumbing leak, contact a plumber for repair
immediately and let our property manager or a Board member know about it. Water intrusion
from the outside should also be reported immediately, because it will only get worse. We
always need to evaluate the cause of leaks with respect to exposure in all of our homes
because we share many of the same age and design plumbing and appliances.

Dangerous internal water leak exposures exist with your plumbed ice maker, water heater, dish
washer, clothes washer, and any plumbing. Your clothes washer hoses should be burst
resistant stainless steel braided. They cost about $20 a pair. If you cannot find them, let a
Board member know. We’ll find it for you and install, if you wish.

Consider installing one or more water leak alarms. They are inexpensive ($10) and we will find
and install for you. They are worth the effort.

Screen or Storm Doors and Railings

If you do not have a storm or screen door and wish to have one, it must be in the same color
and style as your door or as the other storm doors you see in the development. Any alteration
or addition to the common area or limited common area which can be seen from the outside,
such as storm doors or railings must be approved by owners (Declaration, Article 20). Our
practice has been Board approval.

Crawl Space
The access door to the crawl space is located in the floor of the den closet in most units. An
access door might also be located in the floor of the guest bedroom closet.

Access hatch to the house attic is located in the ceiling of the master bedroom closet. Storage
there is not recommended.

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Our newsletter is called the “Nantucket Neighborhood” and is usually delivered to your door
monthly. If you have any news or information that you would like sent to your friends and
neighbors here by way of the newsletter, call Don Cooper at 253-460-1651.

If you have any questions about our neighborhood, need clarification of rules or any of the
above information or need assistance, just call a Board member or one of your friendly

For plumbers, electricians heating contractors or others to do maintenance or improvements
for you, our Property Manager Pat McGoldrick has a list of companies he uses. Remember;
you should not hire anyone to work on the common area, which is outside your living space.
The association does that, if repairs are needed.

We believe the following list is some of the original contractors. We are not sure if all the
telephone numbers and addresses are current:

Builder Carino Homes 2010 65th Ave. W. 253-565-4610

Floors, Tile,
Counter Tops C & R Floors Federal Way
Cabinets Mobili 253-869-3937
Fireplace Puget Sound Fireplace 253-472-4995
Heating and Air Need Board approval for
Conditioning Sunrise Energy new AC and permit from 253-922-1011
City of UP
Electric & BB Electric Believe they
have changed owners
Security 2721 So. Ash 253-573-1373
Windows Milgard Mfg. Great warranty! But for 253-922-6030
original owners only.

Below are a few other contractors whose names were gathered from owners or from our
Property Manager who have used them with good results. If you have used a contractor and
are pleased with their work, let us know and we will add them to the list.

Plumbing Acclaim Plumbing Ask dispatcher to 253-848-8669

schedule with Jim
Electrical Groff Electric 253-383-3511
Garage Doors Overhead Door 4802 Center St. 253-564-7756
Heating and Air J. W. Brower 3424 So. Tacoma 253-474-3731
Conditioning Way
Window Washing Roy Snelling 253-572-7110

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