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Week 1
My first day at our APO Briefed about the safty briefing and APO review Briefly ,
after being given to the CCR our landing Point - A.
The second day we were given direction by Mr . Faisal on activities we have to do for
a month in APO ie two weeks on and two weeks in a cluster and Point A , I was in charge in
the Cluster during the first two weeks I met directly with Mr . Jo ( Junaidi Hius ) are very
excited to welcome our arrival to CCR Cluster 4 we were given little direction about the state
of the Cluster 4 and dangerous areas visited . After that we went straight to the train 2 ,
separators , gas - gas exchangers , propant chiller , chiller propant scrubber . After the break
we were immediately taken to the water treatment , and also described the flow pattern .
Then me and my friends were given the opportunity to see the process and close the
valve pig leucher accompanied by mentor direct field , the next day we were also given the
opportunity to open the same valve . We even brought directly by the field mentor to see the
improvement in compressor tool pronane the compressor only are the activities that I did in
the first week in Cluster 4 .

Week 2
The second week in Cluster 4 is not much different from the previous days , go
around the water treatment and cluster area and look directly at the booster compressor
cleaning process and how to turn on and off the device is in direct bombing by the field
mentor . After the event finished we immediately surrounding the cluster as he re-review
what - what have we got - week week of the last day in the APO sebelumnya.di we can see
directly ordinance issued pig leucher.

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