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Present tense

The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.

She sends much money to her parents in the villageevery month.
The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
The ceremony starts at nine
The shipment arrives tomorrow at 2 p.m.

Past tense
He bought a pair of shoes yesterday.
Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo three months ago.
The party started at 10.00 a.m.
Roni got up early last Sunday.
The boy played games in this room 5 minutes ago.

Present continous tense
These days most people are using email instead of writing letters.
The climate is changing rapidly.
You are learning English now
Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
We are performing orchestra on stage in two weeks.

Past continous tense
I was watching TV when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work
I was studying while he was making dinner.

Present perfect tense
Theyve been married for nearly fifty years.
My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.
I have seen that movie twenty times.
Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
I think I have seen that movie before

Present perfect continous tense
I have been waiting here for two hours.
She has been working at that company for three years.
James has been teaching at the university since June.
We've been playing tennis for 1 hours.
I have been living in America since 2003

Past perfect tense
I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.
Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times
We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.

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