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Maguindanao carnage strikes at the very foundations of democracy

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) demands

justice for our colleagues and all the other victims of the November 23
carnage in Maguindanao province.

The Ampatuan massacre, which the military has confirmed was

perpetrated by Shariff Aguak Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. and police Sr.
Inspector Dicay, goes beyond the issue of freedom of the press and of
expression and strikes at the very foundations of democracy.

Aside from the wife, relatives and supporters of Ismail Mangudadatu,

who were on their way to file his certificate of candidacy to run as
governor of Maguindanao, the slaughter also claimed the lives of at least
12 colleagues, according to reports from our chapters in Mindanao.

This incident not only erases all doubts about the Philippines being the
most dangerous country for journalists in the world, outside of Iraq, it
could very well place the country on the map as a candidate for a failed

Running for office and voting are as much exercises of free will and
expression as covering and reporting the news.

We expect nothing less from this government than the swift apprehension
and punishment of everyone involved in this gruesome assault on the
national body politic, including the masterminds, regardless of who they
might be.

Anything less would mean that the impunity that has emboldened those
who would silence the press, staining this administration with the worst
record of murdered journalists, has spread to embolden those who would
subvert our democracy for their own selfish interests.

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