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Portfolio & Reflection:

Little Accomplishment
Partial Accomplishment
Substantial Accomplishment
Full Accomplishment
Throughout the course,
I maintained a portfolio with
proof of my process as I
worked toward meeting my

A portfolio is attempted.
Some effort toward goal is
Fragments of portfolio (e.g.,
only updates included) but
little or no progress
A portfolio is submitted, but
there is lack of evidence of
working toward the goal
throughout the course or
evidence of not working
toward the goal throughout
the course.
Portfolio demonstrates work
toward meeting goal
throughout the course.
Could work to full
accomplishment of portfolio
with minimal feedback.
Portfolio includes evidence of
thoughtful, thorough work
toward goal throughout the

My reflection explains the
contents of my portfolio and
how it demonstrates my
efforts to meet my goal.

A reflection is attempted.
Some effort toward an
explanation is made.
Brief, sketchy comments
about the contents of the
portfolio and connections to
the goal.
A reflection is submitted, but
there is a lack of detail in the
explanation the contents of
the portfolio and in how it
demonstrates efforts to meet
the goal.
What was learned is not
Reflection explains the
contents of portfolio and how
it demonstrates efforts to
meet the goal.
What was learned is
Some details are missing but
could work to full
accomplishment with
minimal feedback.
Reflection explains in detail
the contents of portfolio and
how each piece of evidence
demonstrates efforts to meet
the goal.
What was learned is
thoughtfully and thoroughly
I evaluated my own portfolio
based on my plan, process,
and product

An evaluation is attempted.
Brief, sketchy comments
about the plan, process, and
product are made.
An evaluation is submitted,
but there is a lack of evidence
of understanding what and
how to evaluate or evidence
of not understanding.
Evaluation addresses plan,
process, and product.
Evaluation tool reflects
personal goals OR goals of
Some details are missing but
could work to full
accomplishment with
minimal feedback.
Evaluation thoughtfully and
thoroughly addresses plan,
process, and product.
Evaluation tool reflects
personal goals AND goals of

Total Points _____ out of 12

12 points = A+ (100%)
11 points = A (96%)
10 points = A- (91%)
9 points = B+ (89%)
8 points = B (85%)
7 points = B- (81%)
6 points = D (65%)
Less than 6 points = F (50%)

Portfolio & Reflection:

Your choice of Learning
Objectives that match your
Little Accomplishment
Partial Accomplishment
Substantial Accomplishment
Full Accomplishment

My portfolio includes
evidence that shows the
incorporation of STEM
activities in addition to other
types of formative

Evidence of my effort to
further my knowledge and
understanding of STEM and
how to use it effectively is
displayed in my portfolio

Evidence in my portfolio
shows effort towards
incorporating STEM in a
meaningful way

A portfolio is attempted.
No examples of STEM
assessments are included.

Very little evidence that has
an unclear purpose and does
not show a true
understanding of STEM
assessments and activities

Evidence shows no effort
towards using STEM in a
meaningful way, but instead
uses STEM as a fun pastime
for students.

A portfolio is submitted.
One example of STEM
assessment is included.

Some evidence is presented
and has a clearer purpose,
but still is not explained in
terms of its use with STEM

Evidence shows some effort
towards making STEM a part
of meaningful instruction,
however the assessments
still do not assess knowledge.

A portfolio is submitted.
Two to three examples of
STEM assessment are
included along with other
forms of assessment.

Evidence of knowledge and
understanding is shown
throughout the portfolio,
however, is not explained

Evidence shows effort
towards making STEM a part
of meaningful instruction and
the assessments assess
knowledge but do not fit well
with planning.

A successful portfolio is
submitted. An array of STEM
assessment examples are
included, along with other
forms of assessment.

Evidence shows clear and
concise effort towards a full
understanding of STEM
assessments, as well as their
incorporation with other
formative assessments and
are thoroughly explained

Evidence shows effort
towards making STEM a part
of meaningful instruction and
the assessments assess
knowledge and fit in with

Explanation of rubric:

I chose to score myself in this way because I think that it is indicative of my efforts on this assignment. I feel as though I
accomplished a lot in terms of this goal during this class, however, with any goal, there is always more that you can learn. This goal
was a hard one to work on this short amount of time and while only taking two classes. I think that it would have been easier to
work on it during student teaching or in my own classroom. I gave myself a three on the first category because I did not have as
many activities that I created during this summer session as I wanted, however, where I could implement a STEM lesson in a
meaningful way I did. I also thought about how assessments could be altered and made into STEM based assessments. This leads
well into the reasoning behind giving myself a four in the third category. I worked very hard this semester to think about how STEM
can be used in a way that makes sense within the planning of a unit. I struggled before beginning this goal journey with just wanting
to use STEM because it was cool and I knew that students would enjoy being assessed in this way, however, I now know that these
activities lose all of their meaning if they do not assess what students actually need to learn. Finally, I gave myself a four in the
second category because this portfolio really shows the effort I put behind finding helpful articles and websites that will help to
further my understanding of STEM and its use as an assessment.


I chose to include these qualities in my rubric because I think that they really will prove that progress was made on this goal.
I think that they also show the importance of the inclusion of evidence, which, to me, is the best way to show progress. I chose to
include the incorporation of other kinds of formative assessment as well because I wanted to show that STEM is to be incorporated
in with other kinds of formative assessment. These qualities are important because practicing creating lessons and STEM activities
is how to work towards effective mathematical practice. One of the purposes of this goal was to understand how to incorporate
STEM in a meaningful way and that is to take into account effective mathematical practices. These qualities help me to move along
the justification progression, because the first and second quality I am showing justification based on the examples that I can
provide, while the third pushed me to justify why the examples fit into meaningful instruction. This forces me to look at the
generalizations about meaningful instruction. STEM cannot be incorporated just because it is engaging, it must be used in a way that
makes it an effective tool for instruction. In terms of these qualities in conjunction with my goal, I have really seen how STEM fits
with meaningful instruction, as well as different ways that STEM can fit in with other formative assessments. These qualities helped
me get to this point because they provided me with direction in completing my portfolio. They gave me things to look at and things
to consider. Currently, I think that I have done well with providing examples through assignments, research, and other class
material, as well as other types of formative assessments through the same mediums. I put more effort into finding STEM activities,
however, my math lesson plan and mathematical game are forms of other formative assessments. The next steps that I will take to
move further in my goal are to continue to think about the next assignments that I have to complete and how they can be connected
to STEM. I will also continue to research and find resources to reference to further my knowledge about STEM and how it is used as
an effective form of assessment.

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