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June 18, 2014

With the recent developments of the pork brrel scm, the !ilipino people re once gin chllenged to be united
nd rise up ginst t"rnn" nd corruption#
$he %entrl n &onseho ng 'g(rl )s n orgni*er of Rock and Rage Against Pork concert lst
%eptember 1+, 201+# Grnering the support of over hundred rtists, it )s host to one of the biggest concerts,
let lone, politicl ones in recent "ers t the ,unet Grndstnd in 'nil#
$his "er, on the 1-+
nniversr" of the birth of our .tionl /ero, Jose Rizal, %&'(010 )ith the help of other
groups re plnning to hold se2uel to lst "er3s concert on the dte of his birth# 4n light of the recent
developments, mn" of those implicted in the pork scm re still t lrge )hen the" should be persecuted for
their crimes ginst the !ilipino people#
4n line )ith this )e )ould like to sk "our good office the mount of 01-,000 for the event# Being a partner in
this activity would mean a great deal and it requires all of us to do our part for a better country. We re
hoping for "our kind considertion# $hnk "ou#
Jess errera
%&' 5ice 0resident

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