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The Scientific Basis of Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is the mental ability to receive messages from
people, places, or things that are remote in time and space.

Remote viewing entails the visual interpretation of such
information, which could be from any source that is not within
the normal visual range.

This means that the person who is remote viewing is using
intuition, or mental powers to tap into sources that are
geographically distant and are physically hidden from the
normal field of vision of any person.

Remote viewing, or RV, is considered to be another form of
extra sensory perception, where the mind is able to connect to
a sixth sense and utilize what is called in parapsychology as
psi, and see beyond the ordinary boundaries of space and

Scientific remote viewing takes into account the brains ability
to receive fine tuned signals from across space, utilizing the
brains own electromagnetic impulses, or brainwaves.

There are various other theories that explain RV, and some of
them are interesting enough to have launched government
probes, and use them for intelligence research during the world
wars. Remote viewing in general has captured the interest of
the mass public, and understandably so.

Remote viewing has aroused a great deal of scientific interest,
and many researchers within an academic tradition, have
brought out books and journals, investigating into the validity
of about remote viewing claims. Many well known books on the
subject, such as Courtney Browns Remote Viewing: The
Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception expound on the
ability of remote viewing, and proffer scientific explanations for
such mental facilities.

Courtney Brown, professor at Emory University, outlines in his
book the academic study of subjectivism or subjective physics,
which proves to be critical in the understanding of remote

The scientific understanding of remote viewing utilizes theories
of quantum physics, and establishes a link between quantum
physics and the consciousness of the mind. Brown deals with
the concept of subspace, along with varying levels of the
consciousness that affect remote viewing, propounding the idea
of subspace thinking in his book. There are many other ideas
about the nature of remote viewing that are expounded in this

Remote viewing is considered to be a psycho-energetic
process, meaning that the brain generates extra amounts of
energy during remote viewing, which does not come within the
usual purview of the consciousness.

The process of RV utilizes the hidden mental faculties that
allow the viewer to access information that is ordinarily hidden
from view. The subject of remote viewing should be treated as
science, and not sance, because of the fact that its application
can be used for scientific purposes, and for the benefit of all.

There are many aspects of the human brain that have not been
studied scientifically; because of they have been till date
couched in the terminology of pseudoscience. This particular
branding of scientific remote viewing was made during the
proper analysis of the mental abilities of RV, and not just
fictional accounts of remote viewing.

Remote viewing is considered to be one of the most relevant
areas of scientific inquiry, because if it is possible, our world
could be revolutionized in terms of communication. There are
also the other implications of breach of security and
information theft, along with loss of privacy. This had led to a
CIA funded experiment on remote viewing, along with the
development of Mind Technology by the intelligence agencies
around the world, during the 1950s.

The concept of psychic spies, who used remote viewing to
obtain enemy information, was well utilized during the war
years. There was extensive use of psychic spies during the
Second World War, and then again during the cold war. In fact,
Courtney Browns discovery of scientific remote viewing was
made during his personal contact with Pentagons previous
psychic spies, who were utilized against the Russians in the
Cold War.

However, these instances of the use of remote viewing for
spying purposes were critically examined and reviewed in the
1990s, when the CIA hired the American Institutes for
Research (AIR) to evaluate the claims. The Stargate program
was funded by the CIA and the US Army, used psychics for
spying, and locating information about Gaddafi, a Libyan
General, and missing airplanes in Africa.

The reviewers of such results included Jessica Utts, and Ray
Hyman who were psi researchers. Although there was
extensive deployment of psychic spies by many governments
around the world, the results of the AIR remained inconclusive,
because of insufficient evidence to propound the truth of the

Ingo Swann is widely recognized as one of the creators of the
discipline of remote viewing. His books on the subject of
scientific remote viewing include, Kiss the Earth Goodbye:
Adventures and Discoveries in the Nonmaterial, and the
several self help books, Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP:
Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of your Mind, and Your
Nostradamus Factor, to name a few. Swann looks to bring the
subject of remote viewing out of the pseudoscience jargon, and
in his books he establishes his role as a consciousness

There are many levels of the consciousness, and these form
the main crux of the concepts he dwells in his works. Swann is
considered to be a scientific researcher who uses well designed
experiments to evaluate the truth behind remote viewing, and
he had helped develop the process of remote viewing at the
Stanford Research Institute. He is also believed to have
propounded the theory of coordinate remote viewing, a process
via which one can view a location, given just the geographical
coordinates of the same. Such form of RV is able to conquer
the boundaries of ordinary space, in which a subject views any
location, just by knowing the coordinates of the place.

Remote viewing is said to operate outside the physical
parameters of space, as well as time. This implies that if the
brains innate ability to transcend time and space is tapped,
you can effectively see into the future, just as easily you can
see into the past. Scientific remote viewing looks at the space
time conundrum as problems of special relativity, among other
issues. False assumptions regarding the nature of space lead to
physical paradoxes, which is the apparent contradiction
between physical descriptions of the universe. This means that
the usual assumptions about space and time are fallible, and
the mind is normally programmed to believe in the same.

For remote viewing to be possible, your mind has to be
programmed against these assumptions, so that you are
actually breaking paradoxes such as the Twins paradox, which
shows that there is no absolute time. Most paradoxes relate to
false assumptions, and when these are verified, the paradoxes
resolve themselves. During the process of remote viewing,
minds that are attuned to the correct views of space and time
easily jump over the so called fences of time, as well as space.

Remote viewing is made possible if one proceeds from a
scientific standpoint of understanding how the mind works.
There are many who believe that one can easily see the
future, via scientific remote viewing. Phyllis M.H. Atwaters
book, Future Memory: How Those Who See the Future Shed
New Light on the Workings of the Human Mind deals with the
process of remote viewing into time. In her book, she
investigates the truth behind the ability to live life in advance,
and to be able to live apart from the present day physical
manifestations. Atwaters firm belief in the flexibility of reality
has led to the explanations behind the occurrences of
coincidences which are actually the shifts in the fluid
structure of reality.

She also believes that prophesying, precognition, clairvoyance,
and clairaudience are proof of the human brains futuristic
awareness, via the understanding of true nature of reality.
Atwater says that we all have future memories, and this
explains why we sometimes experience dja vu situations. Our
mental ability to see into the future is just the extension of our
innate ability to trace the correct pathways of interpreting time
and space.

Remote viewing experts suggest certain techniques, practicing
which we can free our mind from the limitations of ordinary
perspective. Atwater claims to have learnt how to remote view
through the practice of thinking and conceptualizing about the
future, time and again, till it became a habit of the mind.

This actually facilitates the process of shifting our perceived
notion of the present reality into the actual fluid structure of
time, so as to be able to view the next sequence. Remote
viewing into space is possible with the same concept, only you
are moving the perceived boundaries of space, as opposed to
the boundaries of time. Atwater says that the entire belief
structure in our minds about time and space has to be changed
completely, so as to discover the true nature of reality.

Our beliefs shape our future, and if we control our beliefs, we
can control our future. Our vision of the future is made possible
by programming the brain to encounter the truth, and not the
apparent web of sensory illusion of the present physical space.

With remote viewing, you are leaping over the boundaries of
your ordinary sensory limitations, and in a sense, you are
utilizing the powers of your highest mental faculty. Subjects,
who are remote viewing, are experiencing images from another
timeline, and from a place far away in space, with the help of
their own mind, and nothing else. Normal use of logic cannot
explain such phenomena, because ordinary logic relies on the
use of our ordinary senses.
Once you are conscious of future events, you will actually
incorporate those images within your normal memory, and in a
sense, you can easily reflect on these as you can do with
events that happened yesterday. It is of paramount importance
that you do not see what you want to see, during remote
viewing, as these are the results of false assumptions of the

Once you attune your mind to receive the truth and not
assume what you physically see to be true, you are expanding
your mental faculty, in a sense, opening up your mind to
receive true impressions.

There are many supporters of remote viewing, who perceive
the same as scientifically proven mind technologies, which
break the space time barrier, with the help of the highest
faculty of the mind. These mind technologies are derived from
the researches by the international intelligence community and
advanced mystics and mind masters. These communities
advocate the existence of a Universal Mind, which is the same
as Jungs collective unconscious, and the mystics Cosmic mind,
is the source of all truth, and as humans, all of us can tune into
this universal mind, via our own minds.

Such a theory seeks to provide solutions to many problems put
forward by psychoanalysts, psychics, quantum physicists, in
their respective domains. The existence of such a universal
mind, or repository of infinite intelligence, explains not only the
possibility of remote viewing, but also encourages the same.
Such a theory not only validates the claims of mystics and
spiritual believers in a unified Truth, but also supports the
theory that information about the past, present and future is
possible via a mental tuning into such a mind.

There are stages in our sleep cycle, when our brains electrical
activity drops to below 4 cycles per second, and this is when,
advocates of such a Universal Mind theory believe that we
loose individual consciousness, and enter into the Universal

We experience unconscious sleep almost every time we go to
sleep, and if such a theory were to be true, all of us are
innately connected to this universal mind, via the sleep cycle.
Psychoanalysts hold this responsible for the formation of
certain archetypes in our subconscious mind, as during the
unconscious sleep we connect to the collective unconscious.
During unconscious sleep, our mind does not perceive time to
be linear. Remote viewing is possible for those who learn how
to achieve this state during the normal periods of the brains

The major hurdle in the process of remote viewing that an
ordinary person faces is the supposed linearity of time, and
the physical boundaries of space. Once you are attuned to
think beyond the linearity of time, you can easily access
information that comes from the future. This is because, such
events are normally perceived to follow in a sequence, like
numbers on a number line.

This means that when we perceive time normally, we are
actually dwelling on incidents that follow sequentially. We
consider our future to follow our present, in a sequence, and
this is where we stumble. Our view of time should be
corrected, and with proper practice, remote viewing about
future events is done once the mind learns how to interpret
time in the correct manner.

This would mean that instead of subscribing to the linear view
of time, one is able to access a timeframe that is fluid in
nature, and therefore opening the doors of future to us. When
it comes to accessing remote points in space, our views of the
physical boundaries have to give way to the true understanding
of the same.

Scientific and psychological understanding of another
phenomenon, remote influencing, investigates into a minds
ability to influence another mind that is remote in space and
time. Remote influencing is similar to remote viewing, in the
manner that they are able to see beyond the physical
parameters of space and time. The point of difference between
the two would be in the manner of approaching the information
that is received remotely.

Remote viewing is passive in dealing with such information,
whereas remote influencing is active. Remote influencing has
an active influence on other minds, and in terms of
psychoenergetic sciences, one brain sends out stronger energy
signals to another brain. In the era of psychic warfare, the
Western and Eastern Blocks used brilliant scientific minds in a
quest to conquer the ultimate frontier of the mind-matter

They wanted to use this to affect mind to event viewing, and
influence future events. Mind technological warfare use remote
viewing, remote sensing, and remote influence, as the tools of
controlling present or future events. A desire to use such life
manifestation techniques, and mind control led to the
advancement in remote sensing and remote viewing theorizing,
which is the time when most of the researches into such
abilities were done.

One of the most intriguing aspects of remote viewing
researches is that remote viewers register unusual mental
activity during the seeing or sensing remote objects, people or
places. The brain encephalographic recording machines show a
pattern of theta waves, which are usually 4 to 7 cycles per
second normally occurring during the unconscious sleep cycle
to a relaxed state of mind.

Theta waves are not ordinarily present in ones consciousness;
in the waking state the brain emits only beta and alpha waves.
William Ross wrote about the relationship between the theta
state and remote viewing/influencing, in his pioneering book
about brainwave research. In his book, he outlines how
emotional states and behavior are influenced by placing a
subject in an electromagnetic field. Ross induced a 4.5 CPS
theta rhythm on his subjects, via a carrier frequency to
stimulate the brain and by controlling the EEG rhythm using
amplitude modulation.

The theta state of the mind is capable of remote viewing,
sensing, and remote influencing. Such a powerful state of the
mind was unaccounted for, and many scientists could not
explain why this could be achieved on any subject.
Psychoanalysts and the advocates of the universal mind explain
this by the fact that theta waves are transmitted by our deep
unconscious, which taps into the collective unconscious, and
hence is able to send or receive signals from any other mind
anywhere in the world.

The secret of remote viewing then, would lie at the very heart
of this control of ones theta state of the brain. Remote viewers
have the ability of relaxing their minds to such an extent, so as
to generate the deepest theta waves of 4.5 CPS. Anyone who
wants to train in remote viewing would then have to master
the art of configuring the brain to attain the deep theta state.

During such brain waves, the person stays awake with full
consciousness, while the body is actually in a state of sleep.
This is in fact not a contradictory situation, as we might
imagine, for this happens during our sleep cycles, the only
point of difference being that we are not aware of the same
during sleep, while during remote sensing, we are training our
awareness. Remote sensing works on the same brain states,
but remote influencing requires an even lower Delta state, with
brainwaves bellow 4Hz. The training techniques include a
variety of mind exercises, combined with practice of trance
meditation to induce deep brain waves.

Remote viewing is not a pseudoscientific claim, as the scientific
explanations of the same reveal. Although such an area is open
to many frauds, remote viewing is not the domain of psychic
magicians or the like, and should not be couched in esoteric
jargon, rather it can be practiced by anyone, with the proper
training and dedicated practice, and by knowing how to
precisely tune ones mind.

The applications of remote viewing however, is a different
matter altogether, because when such a powerful tool comes
under human control, greed and desire to harm others come
naturally. If you want to practice remote viewing, you should
strongly oppose such desires, for the ultimate good of others is
what you should desire.

When you are practicing remote viewing, your aim should not
be how to benefit from it, rather your goal should be to
uncover truths that are ordinarily hidden from view, because of
our warped view of time and space. When we expand our
perspectives and identify the true nature of time and space, we
are automatically tuning into the universal truth, and this gives
us access to the mysteries of time and space.

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