Dance Chaperone Assignments, Sign Up

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Fresno Stake Youth Dance


Date of Dance: _________________

Bishopric Member conducting interviews: ________________________________________

Young Men President: ____________________________________ #_________________
Young Women President: __________________________________ #_________________

Coat Check (2 ppl)

Stay in coat room at all times. Take youth items and give ticket in return. Keep items in coat
room organized on chairs with # on chairs. When dance is over, stay until all items have been
collected. Make every effort to return any left items. Clean up coat room. Put away chairs.
Vacuum if needed.
1. ____________________________________________ #____________________
2. _____________________________________________ # ___________________
Kitchen (2 ppl)
Keep refreshments and drinks stocked and refilled in cultural hall during the entire dance.
Wash, dry and put away, any dishes, utensils, etc. used from Stake building before leaving.
Clear sink and all counters. Take all trash out to outside receptacle near 3rd base of baseball
diamond west of behind building. Replace all trash can liners (found in members closet north of
stage across from restrooms). Sweep kitchen and serving area. Mop if needed. Take all food,
drink, and dishes brought with you when you leave. Bring your own dish cloths / towels with you
and take home with you when you leave.
1. ____________________________________________ #____________________
2. ____________________________________________ # ____________________
Roamer: (1 person)
Roam throughout the building checking all Classrooms, Bathrooms, Halls, and any other dark,
cozy place for youth trying to find privacy. Direct/Escort all youth back to the Cultural Hall or
North foyer.
1. ____________________________________________ #____________________

Exit Doors (3 ppl)

Sit in chair near each of 3 exit doors. Direct all youth to only enter and exit from front doors
in North foyer only. Do not allow anyone in or out from any other exit.
1. ____________________________________________ #____________________
2. ____________________________________________ #____________________
3. ____________________________________________ #____________________

Cultural Hall Dance Area (6 ppl)

Stay in Cultural Hall/Dance Area. Encourage dance participation. Chaperone for appropriate
dancing, language, behavior, dress, and activity.

Talk to youth privately if there are any issues.

Bring issues to the attention of the Stake Leaders as needed.

1. ____________________________________________ # ____________________
2. ____________________________________________ #____________________
3. ____________________________________________ # ____________________
4. ____________________________________________ #_____________________
5. ____________________________________________ #____________________
6. ____________________________________________ #____________________

Parking Lots and Patios (2 ppl)

Roam Parking Lot areas and 2 patio areas throughout the night. (Flashlights provided.) Check
all cozy dark locations where youth might try to find privacy. Be on the lookout for any
unwelcomed guests in parking lots. Notify Stake Leaders as needed.
1. ___________________________________________ # _____________________
2. ___________________________________________ #_____________________

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