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Dilisa V.

Mrs. Linda White
English Comp. II
10 March 2005

Art vs. Pornography

Merriam-Webster defines art as the conscious use of skill and creative

imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects. What this says to me is an

artist is a person who uses their skills to present their interpretation of an object to others.

Examples of what I consider art are The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Walkers

by Monet and Venus and Mars by Botticelli. These examples are what I think art is in its

fundamental state. There is a line that should not be crossed, though many “artists” push

the envelope testing the boundaries.

Merriam-Webster defines pornography as the depiction of erotic behavior or

material intended to cause sexual excitement. I take this to mean any lewd behavior

captured by someone and presented to someone else in order to cause a sexual reaction.

Nude pictures are only considered pornography because of the response the artist is

trying to receive from the viewer. Many nude paintings are tastefully done and only

require the response of serenity or non-sexual thoughts. The Birth of Venus by Botticelli

and Baigneuse Assise by Renoir examples of artfully dine nude painting. As I browsed

through images on-line I came across Les Grandes Baigneuse by Renoir. This painting

caught my attention because while it is a noted artist who produced it, I did not have a

feeling of serenity or calmness. I would guess when he was painting this picture he was

having sexual thoughts and it comes to me through the painting.

I used paintings as my basis of thought, but any form of mass media can

be used to define art and pornography. You can use books because they cause the reader
to use their imagination. We all know most of the time your imagination is more than

fifty percent of your sexual reaction. You can use movies because the acts are being

portrayed on the screen and you don’t have to leave anything to your imagination because

of that.

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