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Locomotive Engineer
Operating Manual
Form 8960
Section A:
Section B:
Section C:
Section D:
Section E:
Section F:
Section G:
Section H:
To contact the MSREP:
* CN phone:
1-1-780-421-6478 or 6387
* Public phone:
Call collect at 0-780-421-6487 or 6387
* Toll free number:
* Radio Contact Number:
* 5033 #
A1: General Instructions
A1.1: Responsibility of Locomotive Engineers
Locomotive engineers are responsible for proper locomo-
tive and train handling. They are expected to do everything
possible to conserve fuel and minimize brake shoe and
wheel wear. For specific locomotive and train handling in-
formation, refer to Section G: Train Handling.
A1.2: Emergency Devices
Locomotive engineers must know the location and opera-
tion of the emergency fuel cut-off devices and emergency
brake valves on locomotives.
A1.3: Speedometer
The speedometer or other such device capable of provid-
ing locomotive/train speed must be checked for accuracy
as soon as possible after leaving a terminal and at regular
time intervals to ensure accuracy. Tampering or interfering
with the function of the speedometer is prohibited.
A1.3.1: Speedometer Failure
(a) In the event of speedometer failure, the train may proceed
utilizing mile posts and watch to check for accuracy.
(b) CN 5600 to 5800 Series - If a speedometer fails on-line on
CN 5600 and 5800 series locomotives, there are three
other ways to verify speed.
You must access the EM2000 computer display screen
located above the control stand and perform the following
* Select the Main Menu button
* Select the Data Meters button
Any of these menu items will display locomotive speed
Dynamic Brake to verify Loco MPH
Power Data to verify Loco MPH
Creep Control to verify Radar MP
Trains or engines may proceed to the Locomotive Reliabil-
ity Center (LRC) or designated repair location without in-
curring on-line delays provided one of the above features
is functioning. Note that these features are radar driven
and can be affected by adverse weather conditions.
A1.4: Protection Devices Must Always be Operative
Locomotive, engine or electrical system protection devices
must not be blocked, tampered with or rendered inopera-
A1.5: Check All Gauges, Displays and Readouts
A frequent check must be made of all gauges, displays and
readouts in the controlling cab to ensure operating stan-
dards are maintained.
A1.6: Loadmeter
If the loadmeter on the controlling locomotive is inoperative,
the engine must not be operated at full throttle when moving
less than 12 MPH for more than 30 minutes to avoid over-
heating traction motors. This applies to locomotives of 3000
HP or less.
A1.7: Bail-off
The independent brake bail-off valve must not be blocked
as this nullifies the emergency feature of the locomotive
* Prior to an automatic brake application, the independent
brake must be bailed-off and held for a minimum of 6 sec-
onds for each locomotive in the consist after brake pipe
exhaust has ceased.
* The above point also applies when using the dynamic
brake with the automatic brake applied.
A1.8: Minimum Standard Pressure
Unless otherwise instructed, a locomotive consist and/or a
train should not move until the air pressure has reached the
minimum pressure standard and all required brake tests
have been properly performed.
Note: There may be operational requirements to move to
another track or close location to perform these tests, e.g.,
to clear a public crossing at grade; to clear a switching lead
required by another movement.
A1.9: Abnormal Conditions
Whenever there is an abnormal condition such as noise,
smoke or odor coming from an engine, electrical panel or
other component, the engine must be shut down. No at-
tempt should be made to restart the engine or remove in-
spection covers. In the event of fire, appropriate fire fight-
ing action must be taken, with due consideration for per-
sonal safety.
A1.10: MSREP
A Mechanical Service Representative (MSREP) is available
on a 24 hour, seven days a week basis. The MSREP will
assist in troubleshooting problems and provide diagnostic
information to help recover or repair a locomotive through
live contact with the locomotive engineer.
In addition, the MSREP will report detailed locomotive condi-
tion or defect information (as reported by the locomotive
engineer) to the LRC or any dispatched service vehicle.
All locomotive failures, faults or defects must always be
reported in the following manner:
* Initiate radio or telephone contact with the MSREP
* Record information on Form 538-D
* Inform the inbound LRC supervisor when terminating at
the LRC facility
When a condition or defect may prevent a locomotive from
operating, you must give as much advance notice as pos-
sible to the RTC so that train traffic can be as safe and
efficient as possible.
A1.10.1: Contacting the MSREP by Radio
The MSREP can be contacted through the radio network on
the appropriate RTC Standby Channel by dialing: *5033#.
To disconnect, dial: #.
When a Trackstar radio is utilized, the faceplate switch
must be in the DTMF position.
A1.10.2: Radio Network Not Available
Perform the following procedure when a radio network is
unavailable and advise the RTC of your location. The RTC
will contact the MSREP on your behalf. The latter will then
contact you as soon as possible; or
If and when you have phone access, phone the MSREP
and report the condition or defect; and complete Form 538-
D including MSREPs initials.
When a radio network is not available the RTC may, at its
discretion, patch the locomotive engineer through to the
A1.10.3: Contacting the MSREP by Phone
If you are unable to contact the MSREP by radio, use the
following phone numbers when you have phone access.
* CN phone system: 1-1-780-421-6478 or 6387
* Public phone system: call collect at 0-780-421-6487 or
* Toll free number: 1-877-406-3150
If the MSREP is not available you will be connected to the
voice mail system. Leave a message containing the follow-
ing information:
* Train number
* Locomotive number
* Date and time of call
* Subdivision name and mileage
* Concise description of condition or defect
A1.11: Placing a Non-Turbocharged Locomotive On-line
During fire seasons, when a non-turbocharged locomotive
(GM 1800 HP or less) is tagged Engine Isolated or is shown
on the train journal as isolated or shut down for fuel conser-
vation purposes and is placed in the engine consist of a
train for transfer to another location, its status must not be
changed to Work while en route since the exhausting of
any carbon buildup under full power creates a serious fire
Note: Permission to place a locomotive on-line may be ob-
tained from the MSREP. If permission has been obtained, the
locomotive engineer must be aware of the location of the
locomotive in the engine consist and every precaution must
be taken to prevent the possibility of fire.
A1.12: Marshalling Locomotives
A1.12.1: Yard Service Locomotives on Trains
Low-horsepower Yard Service locomotives without align-
ment control couplers marshalled behind the working con-
sist on heavy tonnage trains are susceptible to jackknifing
under buff conditions.
1) The following yard service locomotives are NOT
equipped with alignment control couplers:
CN 1339-1363-1371-1375-1385-1394
CN 1401-1402-1403-1404-1405-1406-1409-1412
CN 4118-4119-4121-4122-4124-4125
CN -7036-7061-7077-7078-7079-7080-7081-7082-
CN 7217-7236-7242-7271-237(Slug)
GTW 4600-to-4635
2) When any of the above locomotives are handled in train
service behind the working locomotive consist AND trail-
ing tonnage exceeds 4000 tons, it must not have any
other locomotive identified in item 1) anywhere in the
train behind the controlling locomotive.
NOTE: This restriction does not apply when these identi-
fied locomotives are the working consist or are mar-
shalled ahead of the working consist.
3) Locomotive Engineers, when handling any of these iden-
tified locomotives in train service must utilize extra cau-
tion to protect against jackknifing, especially when ap-
plying dynamic/independent brake while in motion or
throttle when shoving against a cut of cars.
4) Unless otherwise authorized, yard locomotives must
not be marshalled on remote distributed power (DP)
NOTE: If in doubt as to any yard service locomotive restric-
tions listed herein, the MSREP may be contacted for
A1.13: Locomotive Speed Restrictions
Locomotives with different maximum speeds when
coupled and/or operated together are restricted to the speed
of the locomotive with the lowest maximum speed.
Locomotives not equipped with rear pilots are re-
stricted to 25 MPH when making backward movements.
The following CN Locomotives are equipped with rear pi-
1400-1444, 1650-1652, 2523-2696, 2200-2205, 4000-4036,
4100-4143, GT 4600 to 4635, CN 4702, 4708, 4709, 4711,
4713, 4719, 4720, 4721, 4724, 4725, 4726, 4727, 4728,
4729, 4730, 4731, 4732, 4774, 4775, 4776, 4777, 4808,
5013, 5035, 5051, 5068, 5600-5800, 6000-6028 and 7000-
A1.13.1: Locomotives, Yard Switcher
Movements handling foreign yard switcher locomotives un-
less otherwise instructed: 40 MPH.
A1.14: Locomotive Bay Windows
Side clearance may restrict the movement of locomotives
equipped with bay windows when operating on other than
main tracks and sidings. Caution must be exercised when
locomotives equipped with bay windows are operated on
tracks where side clearance is restricted.
A1.15: Personal Safety Policies
Locomotive engineers must adhere to the following per-
sonal safety policies. Be familiar with the location and op-
eration of the:
* fire extinguishers,
* back board, and
* first aid kit.
* No Smoking signs on locomotives and at fueling stands
must be observed.
* Keep a safe distance from fans when making neces-
sary fan and shutter inspections.
* Avoid putting your face or hands near the main genera-
tor or any other high voltage source while the engine is
operating under load.
* Ensure the pressurized cooling system is vented be-
fore any attempt is made to remove the filler cap.
* Cabs and engine rooms must be kept free of rags,
paper or other foreign material except where suitable
storage provision is made.
* Floors and steps must be kept free of foreign materials
to avoid accidents. Extra precautions should be taken
while walking between locomotives if the running boards
are not free of oil, grease, ice, and snow.
* On trailing locomotives, ensure all doors and windows
are kept closed.
A1.16: Power Circuit Hazards
Cabinet doors marked 600 Volts must be kept closed dur-
ing operation. If electrical cabinet doors must be opened,
isolate the locomotive first.
A1.17: Enginemans Seat Left Armrest
Trailing locomotives equipped with a 30 CDW air brake valve
and an AAR control stand must have the automatic brake
valve handle set in the Handle Off position and the
engineers seat must be pushed to the full forward position,
and the left arm rest must be left in the up position where
it cannot contact the automatic brake valve handle.
Additionally, a modification to locomotives CN 5600 to 5800
and CN 2523 to 2696 provides an Automatic Brake Valve
Handle Locking Mechanism. New locomotive purchased
including locomotive s CN 2200 to 2205 and 2697 and above,
will be equipped with a version of this locking mechanism.
The locking mechanism pin assembly is placed over the
automatic brake valve handle when the handle is in Handle
Off position and prevents movement of the handle. This
locking mechanism must be used when these locomotives
are in trail position in a locomotive consist.
When it is not in use the locking mechanism must be placed
into the holder provided. Locking mechanisms must not be
purposely damaged or tampered with.
Automatic brake valve with the locking block applied.
Fig. A1 - 1
B1: Taking Charge of Locomotives
B1.1: At a Safety Inspection Location
a) Obtain Schedule B;
b) Release handbrake(s).
B1.2: At other than Safety Inspection Locations
Where a locomotive is placed in service at other than a
safety inspection location or laid over for more than 8 hours,
the locomotive must have a pre-departure inspection per-
formed by either the locomotive engineer or a qualified per-
son as per the following procedure:
a) Test air brakes and RSC (See Section B1.4: Shop Track
b) Release the handbrake;
c) Ensure operation of headlights and ditch lights; and bell
and whistle are functioning properly;
d) Perform a walk-around inspection of trucks, running
gear; and
e) Inspect for any apparent safety hazards that could
cause an accident or casualty.
* Any exceptions noted are to be reported to the MSREP
and/or Traffic Coordinator for correction, and logged on
Form 538-D.
* The locomotive engineer shall be responsible for deter-
mining that the prescribed inspection has been com-
pleted prior to departure.
B1.3: At a Run-Through Point
Check locomotive engineers work report Form 538-D.
B1.3.1: No.2 Brake Test at Crew Change Locations
At through train change-off locations, the inbound locomo-
tive engineer must leave the train brakes set to provide for
at least a Minimum Reduction (6-8 PSI) on the rear car of the
train as indicated on the IDU display. It will only be neces-
sary for the outbound locomotive engineer to verify conti-
nuity by identifying an increase in rear car brake pipe pres-
sure, as displayed on the IDU, before permitting the train to
B1.4: Shop Track Test
Note: An observer must be in position on the ground to
observe the application and release of all brake shoes in the
locomotive consist (one side only).
a) Release handbrakes (unless required to prevent move-
b) Apply and release the independent brake valve and
verify application and release of the brakes.
c) Make a 15 psi brake pipe reduction and verify applica-
tion of the brakes.
d) Bail-off the independent brake and verify release of the
e) With the independent brake valve in the release posi-
tion, make a further brake pipe reduction and observe
brake cylinder gauge for application of the brakes.
f ) Place the automatic brake valve in release position and
verify release of the brakes.
g) Allow the safety control device (RSC) to initiate brake
application, recover PC, and verify release of the brakes.
h) Place automatic brake valve in emergency position.
i) Recover emergency brake application, place the auto-
matic brake valve in release position and verify release
of the brakes.
B1.5: HPT Matching
Locomotive engineers are responsible to ensure that the
minimum number of locomotives are used to power the train
based on the designed HPT (Horsepower per Ton).
* HPT is calculated by dividing the total available horse-
power of the locomotive units (on-line and identified by
Operating Code LN) by the tonnage of the train.
* Horsepower per ton for the train is based on train ser-
vice design and is indicated on the TSP page of the
* The actual HPT is also indicated on the train profile.
* However, this only indicates the trains HPT from its
original location to where the new journal is printed.
* HPT changes after set-offs and/or lifts on-line of either
cars or locomotive units.
* Locomotive engineers must calculate HPT for their train
and determine the amount of horsepower required to
meet the HPT indicated for the train.
* The MSREP can provide the necessary information re-
garding an ongoing process to modify high horsepower
locomotive units that allow full horsepower with one
traction motor cut out.
B1.5.1: Calculating HPT
Following are examples of how to calculate the required
Example 1:
If Train 123 Maximum HPT = 1.0 (TSP)
Actual train has 3 locomotive units @ 4,000 HP each =
12,000 HP.
Tonnage of train = 8,000
12,000 HP 8,000 tons = 1.5 HPT (Train Profile)
* This indicates an excessive amount of horsepower as
per train spec.
* Isolate or shut down one locomotive unit:
8,000 HP 8,000 tons = 1.0 HPT
* By isolating or shutting down one locomotive unit, the
train will meet the designed HPT figure.
Example 2:
If Train 456 Maximum HPT = 1.4 (TSP)
Actual train has 3 locomotive units @ 4,000 HP each =
12,000 HP.
Tonnage of train = 6,000
12,000 HP 8,000 tons = 2.0 HPT (Train Profile)
* Reducing by one locomotive unit yields 8,000 HP:
8,000 HP 6,000 tons = 1.3 HPT
* This is lower than the designed HPT for that train ac-
cording to the design specification (1.4).
* Therefore, no isolation or shutdown of the unit is re-
B1.6: Operating Status Codes
The Operating Status (OP Code) of the locomotive is located
on the left hand side of the WOPRT (journal) next to the DIR
Following are the operating codes and status:
LF = Failed
LN= Normal
SI = Sealed Idling
SD= Sealed Deadhead Loco-Idle
SC= Sealed Fuel Conservation
SS= Stored Serviceable
SU= Stored Unserviceable
DH= Deadhead Dead Shutdown
DD= Deadhead Loco-Dead and Drained
B2: Leaving Locomotive Consists
Designated tie-up tracks, other than attended shop tracks,
have been identified for placement of unattended
locomotive(s). The location of such tracks will be indicated
in the timetable subdivision footnotes or in special instruc-
tions. These tracks are equipped with derails to provide
security against unauthorized movement.
Unless otherwise directed, locomotives left unattended must
be placed on a designated tie-up track.
B2.1: Locomotive Consists at a Run-through Point
a) Complete Locomotive Engineers Work Report (Form 538-
b) If relief crew not present, apply handbrake(s) as per
Rule 112 and test; display Handbrake Applied tag.
c) Leave locomotive controls in prescribed position as
described in item B2.4.
B2.2: Leave Engines Unattended
a) Complete Locomotive Engineers Work Report (Form 538-
b) Apply and test handbrake
c) Leave the locomotive controls in the prescribed posi-
tions as in B2.4
d) Display Handbrake Applied tag
e) Comply with applicable shut down policy
B2.3: Testing of Locomotive Handbrakes
a) Apply handbrake and release independent brake valve.
b) Place the throttle in the No.1 load position.
If the locomotive fails to move, the handbrake will be
considered functional.
B2.4 Prescribed Locomotive Control Positions when
Leaving Locomotives Unattended
When leaving locomotives unattended at any time, the fol-
lowing locomotive controls must be left in the positions indi-
cated below:
a) Throttle in idle
b) Generator field switch in the open position
c) Reverser lever in neutral and removed
d) Isolation switch in isolate position
e) Control and Fuel Pump switch in the on position
f ) Engine Run switch in the off position
g) Independent brake fully applied
B3: Locomotive Shutdown Policy
Company policy requires that every effort be made to con-
serve fuel and protect the environment through a locomo-
tive shutdown policy. Locomotives left unattended for any
length of time or locomotives which are attended and are
not expected to be used for 10 (ten) minutes or more must
be shut down when it is reasonably known that the ambient
temperature will be 5 Celsius (41 Fahrenheit) or greater.
This instruction applies to all assignments including yard
power tying up for lunch and at completion of shift. Through
freight trains that are yarded at terminals or fueling facilities
must contact the RTC or terminal coordinator for instruc-
tions. Locomotives arriving at the shop must be shut down
unless otherwise directed.
EXCEPTION: When a train is left unattended with power
attached, all locomotives in the consist EXCEPT THE LEAD
LOCOMOTIVE must be shut down.
B3.1: Seals on Isolation Switch
Seals must not be broken or removed unless permission
has been obtained from the MSREP. If unable to contact the
MSREP, permission may be obtained from the RTC, who will
obtain authority from the MSREP.
B3.1.1: Isolating or Shutting Down Locomotives
The locomotive engineer must notify the MSREP whenever
a locomotive has been isolated or shut down. Such infor-
mation must be recorded on Form 538-D on the lead loco-
motive of the consist.
B3.2: Cold Weather & Locomotive Freeze-up Protec-
1. Any locomotive that is shut down or shuts down, when the
ambient temperature is, or is expected to be below 0 C
(32 F), must be drained as per posted instructions.
The MSREP must be notified immediately at the first indica-
tion of a locomotive shutdown, so as to ensure arrange-
ments for protective handling while en route, and timely
repair and/or deployment of appropriate response. In the
event that a locomotive is to be set out on line due to failure,
condition, or defect, employees must adhere to item B3.2 of
this manual as well as any detailed instructions of the MSREP.
2. When the anticipated ambient temperature is -20 C (-4 F)
or lower, the following instructions apply when leaving lo-
comotives unattended:
* Generator field switch must be in off position.
* Engine run switch must be left in on position.
* Control and fuel pump switch must be left in on posi-
* Reverser handle must be left in neutral position.
* Isolation switch on all locomotives must be left in run
* Ensure locomotive brakes are fully applied.
* Ensure all windows and doors are locked.
* Ensure locomotive(s) are secured as per CROR 112.
* Set the throttle to the third position.
3. When left unattended on-line, the MSREP must be con-
tacted (or RTC if unable to contact the MSREP) and advised
of the quantity of fuel remaining in the locomotives fuel tank.
* Due to operational circumstances, it may be necessary
to shut down and drain the locomotive(s).
* Such instructions will be issued by the MSREP.
4. Due to the risk of locomotive freeze-up, locomotives are not
to be isolated for the purpose of HPT matching when the
ambient temperature is expected to be below 0 Celsius
(32 Fahrenheit).
* Locomotive engineers must be aware of the status of
all locomotives in their consist and make necessary
adjustments, particularly on trains that may have origi-
nated from a location where locomotives have been
isolated for the purpose of HPT matching.
B3.2.1: Locomotives with Low/High Idle Feature
The locomotive series below are equipped with an auto-
matic Low/High Idle feature which will protect the locomo-
tive from freeze-up and the throttle need not be placed in
position # 3.
Class Make Model Numbers
EF-640 GE Dash-8 CN 2400 - 2454
EF-644 GE Dash-9 CN 2500 - 2602
GF-638 GM SD-60 CN 5500 - 5563
GF-640 GM SD-70 CN 5600 - 5625
GF-643 GM SD-75 CN 5626 - 5800
GF-630 GM/GEC SD-40-3 GCFX 6030 - 6079
GF-630 GM/GEC SD-40-3 KCS 6600 - 6699
NOTE: If unable to determine if a locomotive is equipped with
the Low/High feature, the MSREP must be contacted.
B3.3: Fuel Monitor System
Some locomotives are equipped with an electronic fuel moni-
tor system that verifies locomotive fuel tank level and dis-
plays this information on a real time basis. The fuel level is
displayed on two remote displays mounted above the fuel
tank (on opposite sides of the locomotive) and is also shown
on the Cab Display Unit (CDU) in the locomotive cab.
B3.3.1: Types of Displays
The CDU displays up to five digits to indicate the fuel level in
imperial gallons or liters.
The ground-level tank displays indicate up to four digits for
the fuel level in liters x 10.
Note: All displays on BC Rail locomotives read in imperial
gallons only.
B3.3.2: Lead Locomotive Display
On a lead locomotive, the CDU also monitors a locomotive
consists electronic trainline via the 27pin trainline jumper
cable and is thus able to read and display locomotive road
numbers and associated fuel level values for other locomo-
tives in the consist also equipped with the fuel monitor
system. The lead CDU will give a visual warning if any
connected locomotive is low on fuel. Only one locomotive
can be viewed at a time but the operator can scroll through
the display to view any locomotive he desires.
B3.3.3: Trail Locomotive Display
On a trail locomotive, the CDU will transmit the locomotive
road number and fuel level value of that locomotive for
display by the lead locomotive. A trail CDU will give a visual
warning if its fuel level is low. Upon system power up, the
display will default to Trail mode. The operator must de-
press the Lead button on the face of the display for the
display to be in the Lead mode.
B3.3.4: Cab Display Unit (CDU) Functions
Cab Display Unit (CDU)
Fig. B1 - 2
F1 = Setup as Lead Mode; set all other connected displays to
Trail mode; also resets the display, i.e., re-establish the trail
locomotives with which it can communicate and subse-
quently display data.
F2 = Automatically scroll D1 and D2 at rate of 0.25 Hz (key
active only if in Lead Mode).
F3 = Scroll D1 and D2 with each press (key active if in Lead
F4 = Scroll display brightness setting with each press (bright-
est, brighter, dimmer, dimmest, brightest, etc.).
D1 = Displays locomotive road number; display LEAD if in Lead
mode and displaying own fuel value.
D2 = Displays fuel level of corresponding locomotive road num-
When Lead (F1) and then Auto (F2) buttons are se-
lected, the display will begin to scroll through trailing loco-
motives with likeequipped fuel monitor systems. The dis-
play will show the trailing units road number and fuel level
If communications are lost with the Trail locomotive and/or
no Trail locomotives have a Fuel Monitor, the Lead shall
display the road number and then MISSING in the fuel
value window until either communications are reestab-
lished or the operator presses Lead again; pressing Lead
resets the display and causes it to reestablish which trail
locomotives are present.
Pushing the Auto (F2) and Manual (F3) buttons simulta-
neously toggles the display between imperial gallons and
2563 12345678
Lead Auto Manual
F1 F2 F3 D1 D2 F4
(4 digits)
(8 digits)
B4: Locomotives Operating in the USA
B4.1: Form 633 (also called Form FRA F6180-49A)
In order to comply with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
locomotive inspection requirements for locomotives operat-
ing in the USA, the locomotive engineer must ensure that a
proper inspection has been made and noted on Form 633
(vanilla coloured cab card located on the cab wall) prior to
entering the USA. In most cases, the Mechanical Depart-
ment will have performed the inspection and signed the
card when locomotives are dispatched from a shop track.
The Form 633 must be signed each calendar day. If the
card becomes due, circumstances may require the locomo-
tive engineer to sign the card after performing the inspec-
tion. For example, if the card were last signed January 01 at
MacMillan Yard, an inspection must be performed and the
card signed before 23:59 on January 02. Good judgment
should be used in determining whether the inspection will
be required prior to entering the USA. If there will be insuf-
ficient time left in the calendar day to bring the train to its
objective terminal, the USA based crew taking over will be
responsible for performing the inspection.
B4.2: FRA Inspection for Locomotives Entering the
When performing FRA locomotive inspection for locomo-
tives entering the United States, all defects and exceptions
are to be reported to the MSREP and recorded on Form 538-
D. The Form 633 must also be signed. Such inspections
must include the following:
B4.2.1: Ground Inspections
a) Brake rigging
b) Brake shoes
c) Piston travel
d) Wheels (no evidence of overheat, shells or flat spots)
e) Safety appliances present and in good repair (handholds,
handrails, steps and windows)
f ) Sanders that deposit sand on each rail in front of the
first powered axle in the direction of movement.
g) No evidence of leaks of water, oil or traction motor
B4.2.2: Under-hood Inspection
a) No engine cooling water leaks.
b) All doors closed and securely latched.
c) Fire extinguishers at prescribed locations.
B4.2.3: Between Locomotives Inspections
a) MU hoses properly connected.
b) Jumper cables in good repair, and properly connected
or properly secured.
c) Safety chains connected to form a continuous barrier
across the end of the locomotive or between locomo-
B4.2.4: Cab Inspection
a) Cab cards.
b) Form 538-D must be completed as necessary for each
locomotive in the consist.
c) Bell working on the lead locomotive.
d) Horn working on the lead locomotive.
e) Heater (seasonal).
f ) Flagging equipment (lead locomotive).
g) Headlights/ditch lights
h) Schedule B slip or Shop Track Test performed by
i) Radio test: lead locomotive.
j) Clean and sweep the cab.
B4.3: Securing Unattended Locomotives
Canadian crews operating within the USA must comply
with FRA regulations requiring that each locomotive in the
lead consist of an unattended train be left secured with a
handbrake. This is in addition to other normal procedures
concerning throttle position, generator field switch, reverser,
isolation switch, and independent brake valve.
Handbrakes shall be fully applied on all locomotives in an
unattended locomotive consist outside a designated loco-
motive service area. At a minimum, the hand brake shall be
applied on the lead locomotive in an unattended locomotive
consist within a designated service area.
B4.4: Non-Complying Locomotive Tag
In compliance with FRA 49 CFR 232.109, the following pro-
cess has been implemented.
a) Any locomotive dispatched with the Dynamic Brake sys-
tem cut out and destined to enter the USA must have a
non-compliance tag bearing the words, Inoperative Dy-
namic Brake with the locomotive number, rail road name,
location and the date condition was discovered and
signature of person discovering the condition.
b) The tag must be securely attached and displayed in the
cab of the locomotive.
c) This form consists of a 3-part tag. The first part of the
tag goes onto the lead locomotive, the second part is
kept on file at the respective LRC and the third (yellow)
tag will be placed on the noncomplying locomotive.
d) Although it can be used to advise the crew of other
defects as well, the main purpose at this time is to meet
this FRA requirement.
e) Operating Employees are not to remove these tags from
the locomotive consists. The tags must remain with the
locomotive and are to be removed only by LRC person-
nel after repairs have been made.
C1: Safety Features
Note: Information covered in this section applies equally to
GM and GE locomotives. They only differ when stated and,
if so, are detailed in Section D: GM Locomotives and Sec-
tion E: GE Locomotives.
C1.1: Emergency Shutdown
Emergency shutdown procedures are as follows:
C1.1.1: Bottom Deck GM & GE
Road freight and some switcher locomotives:
* Press the emergency fuel cut-off button adjacent to
fuel fill location, just below the running board, on either
* Low horsepower locomotives (1300 HP and below):
* Pull the emergency fuel cut-off ring located at the cen-
ter of the locomotive, on either side, just below the
running board
C1.1.2: Engine Room GM
* Pullout the governor button or manual layshaft
* EFI locomotives: Press the emergency fuel cut-off but-
ton below the annunciator panel
C1.1.3: Engine Room GE
* Pull manual overspeed layshaft at the governor until
engine stop
* Press emergency fuel cut-off button at the start station
below the start switch
C1.1.4: Cab
* GM & GE: Press the emergency fuel cut-off button on
the electrical control panel
* GM only: Road freight and some switcher locomotives:
Place the throttle handle to the Stop position (only if the
isolation switch is in the Run position)
* GM only: Low horsepower locomotives (1300 HP and
below): Pull the emergency fuel cut-off ring beside the
control stand
Note: In the case of an emergency shutdown, apply the
Do Not Start tag on either the start station or the isola-
tion switch. Advise the MSREP, if required, and record
the event on Form 538-D.
Emergency Shutdown Procedures
Fig. C1 - 3
C1.2: Multiple Locomotive Shutdown
The following is intended for emergency use only (fire,
etc.). To initiate the shut down of all engines in a locomotive
* Move the throttle to Stop position.
* All engines in the locomotive consist shut down, pro-
vided the isolation switch on each locomotive is in the
Run position.
* Any locomotive in the consist with its isolation switch in
the Start-Stop-Isolate position will NOT shut down.
C1.3: RSC (Reset Safety Control)
The safety control device in the controlling cab of a locomo-
tive consist must be operational at all times. If the safety
control device on the controlling locomotive becomes inop-
erative while a train is en route, it may be cutout (CN loco-
motives cannot be cutout but some foreign locomotives can
be) and the train may proceed to the first location where:
* repairs by qualified personnel may be made, or
* there are facilities to change-out the locomotive, i.e., the
next crew change point.
En route failures must be immediately reported to the RTC. In
addition, a record of the failure must be made on Form 538-
Instructions regarding operation and failure of safety con-
trol devices on VIA passenger trains will be included in the
Special Instructions of that railway.
C1.4: RSC Enabled
The RSC is enabled when the air brake system is set up for
lead and any of the following conditions exist:
* the reverser lever is in either the Forward or Re-
verse position;
* the speed is greater than 1 MPH;
* the brake cylinder pressure is less than 30 psi.
C1.5: RSC Disabled
The RSC is disabled when the air brake system is set up for
trail or the automatic brake valve handle is in the Sup-
pression, handle-off,or Emergency position, or if all of
the following conditions are met:
* the reverser lever is in the Neutral position;
* the speed is less than 1 MPH;
* the brake cylinder pressure is 30 psi or more.
If all three of the above conditions are not met, the RSC will
be activated and a reset will be required to prevent the
Pneumatic Control (PC) switch from being activated, caus-
ing a penalty application of the brakes and a power knock-
off, i.e., the diesel engine returning to idle.
C1.6: RSC Resets
The RSC device is reset by one of the following items:
* Use of manual reset button or foot switch;
* Use of locomotive whistle;
* Use of bell;
* Change in throttle position;
* Use of bail off feature (depressed);
* Change of brake cylinder pressure 3-5 psi and 25-28
* Brake pipe reduction as per a full service brake (brake
pipe transducer).
If one of the resets is not activated within a time interval,
which is dependent on speed, lights will flash and a warn-
ing sound will be heard from the reset safety control box
located on or beside the control stand.
This warning will last for a period of 20 seconds and if a
reset is not activated, a warning whistle will be heard for
approximately six seconds and a penalty application of train
brakes will occur, with a loss of power.
C1.7: Penalty Brake
A penalty brake (or safety control or PC) application occurs
when one of the locomotives safety control devices (RSC
or Locomotive Overspeed Control (LOC) is activated and
not reset within a specified time. Once a penalty brake
application is initiated, a full service brake application will
take place.
When either of the safety control devices are activated and
not reset, it will result in the following:
1. There will be a full service brake application on the
locomotive consist and throughout the train.
2. The PC light will come on.
3. The loadmeter will indicate no load.
4. The engine will return to idle, regardless of throttle posi-
C1.8: Recovery from a Penalty Brake Application
The following steps must be taken in order to recover con-
trol of the brake system following a penalty application of
the brakes.
1. Place the throttle to the Idle position.
2. Place the automatic brake valve handle to the Suppres-
sion position.
3. If the penalty application is caused by overspeed, wait
for the speed to drop below the maximum permissible
speed. If it was caused by the RSC, a reset should be
4. Wait for the PC light to go out.
5. Release the brakes and recharge when safe to do so.
6. If in distributed power (DP), wait for timer to expire as
shown on the OIM screen.
C1.9: Recovery from an Emergency Brake Application
The following steps must be taken IMMEDIATELY in order to
recover control of the brake system following an emer-
gency application of the brakes initiated from any source.
1. Place the automatic brake valve handle to the Emer-
gency position.
2. Activate the EMERGENCY TOGGLE SWITCH on the
* Placing the SBU into emergency due to an Undesired
Emergency Brake Application (UDE) or an Emergency
Application initiated from the locomotive consist can as-
sist in reducing in-train-forces and could reduce the
overall stopping distance of the train movement.
3. Place the throttle to the Idle position.
4. Then wait for the train to stop and the equalizing reser-
voir pressure to reduce to 0 psi. Then wait 60 to 90
seconds before attempting to recover emergency.
5. Place the automatic brake valve to the Release posi-
tion and recharge the brake system when safe to do
so. The PC light should go out as the handle is moved
towards the release position.
6. If in distributed power (DP), wait for timer to expire as
shown on the OIM screen.
C1.10: Locomotive Event Recorders
Locomotive event recorders are installed on each locomo-
tive to record the following data:
* Speed
* Throttle Position
* Distance
* Dynamic Brake
* Time
* Whistle and Bell
* Direction
* Reset Safety Control
* Brake Pipe Pressure
* PC Switch
* Independent Bail-Off and Brake Cylinder Pressure
* Various mechanical and electrical functions
The above locomotive data is monitored to provide informa-
tion in the following areas:
* Rule compliance and speed control
* Train handling and fuel conservation
* Training and qualification standards
* Accident and incident analysis
* Litigation, claims and legal issues
* Mechanical and electrical problems
C2: Motive Power
C2.1: Traction Motor Cooling
To ensure a sufficient supply of cooling air, the throttle
should not be in position 5 or less when the loadmeter
reading is near the maximum value in the continuous rating
(for example, if maximum value is 900 and the loadmeter
reading is 850 amps, throttle position should not be less
than 5). When the loadmeter reading is in the short time
rating, the throttle should be in position 8.
The exceptions are the GR-418, GF-640, GF-643, EF-640,
EF-644; they have an AC motor-driven traction motor blower.
C2.1.1: Short Time Ratings
Short time ratings need not be observed if a locomotive
consist is made up entirely of locomotives from the follow-
ing list.
GF-636 5400-5459 GF-638 5500-5563
GF-640 5600-5625 GF-643 5626-5800
EF-640 2400-2454 EF-644 2200-2205
EF-644 2500-2696
C2.2: Stall Burns
To prevent stall burns, avoid excessive current flow to the
traction motors when the armatures are stationary. It is
important, when lifting a train, to get the motors turning as
soon as possible.
C2.3: Road Shocks
To reduce the probability of arcing when in power or dy-
namic brake, the throttle or dynamic brake lever must be
reduced to position 3 or lower eight seconds before pass-
ing over railway crossings at grade (or known rough spots
on the track). This allows the current flowing from the main
generator to drop to a lower value. The throttle should be
left in this position until all locomotives in the consist have
passed over the railway crossing at grade.
C2.3.1: Running Over Railway Crossings at Grade &
Draw Bridges
The shock traction motors receive when the wheels strike
the break in the rail at a railway crossing or drawbridge,
causes the brushes to lose contact with the traction mo-
tors commutators. Heavy arcing can occur, often causing
a flashover, burning the commutators and resulting in ground
relay action. For this reason, the following instructions ap-
a) The throttle must be reduced to the third throttle position
or lower at least 8 seconds before reaching the loca-
tion and must not be increased until the last locomotive
has cleared.
b) In dynamic braking, when approaching railway cross-
ings at grade or drawbridges, the braking current must
be reduced to half of the maximum or lower and must
not be increased until the last locomotive has cleared.
c) When using the train brakes in the vicinity of bridges
with open timber decks, when practicable, the train
brakes must be applied sufficiently in advance to en-
sure the brakes are released while the train is passing
over such structures.
d) When running in distributed power (DP) mode, the in-
structions in Item (c) above apply to all locomotives in all
remote consists.
C2.3.2: Running Through Water
When water above the rail is observed, the locomotive
engineer should make every effort to stop before the loco-
motive reaches it and then be governed by the following
a) When water is near or above the top of the rail, locomo-
tive speed must not exceed 3 MPH.
b) Under no circumstances should the locomotive pass
through water that is deep enough to touch the traction
motor frames. This must be checked by observation as
the movement progresses.
c) If distance is too short to make a stop, the following
instructions will apply:
i) The throttle should be moved quickly to idle position.
ii) The generator field switch should be opened, then
advance throttle to the eighth position. This action
increases the speed of the traction motor blowers
and the volume of air to the traction motors. The flow
of air will pressurize the traction motors and assist in
preventing water from entering.
iii) Dynamic brakes must not be used when passing
through water.
d) After locomotive has cleared the water:
i) Leave generator field switch open and continue blow-
ing air through traction motors for a few minutes in
throttle 5 position or lower. This will assist in drying
moisture in and around the motors.
ii) Return throttle to idle, close generator field switch.
iii) Reapply power with extreme care, being alert to
ground relay action on all locomotives in the locomo-
tive consist.
iv) Should a ground relay occur, follow recommended
procedure for resetting ground relay and repeat the
routine outline in items i) to iii) for an extended period
of time.
C2.4: Overheated Support Bearing
The first indication of overheated support bearings is smoke
in the vicinity of the defective bearing. If the overheated
support bearing is close to the controlling cab, the locomo-
tive engineer may also hear a high-pitched squealing sound.
If an overheated support bearing occurs, a stop and in-
spection must be made to determine the extent of the prob-
lem. Based on the inspection, a decision will have to be
made to either set the locomotive out or have it continue to
a maintenance point. The traction motor with the overheated
support bearing must be cut out using the traction motor
cutout switch or the locomotive isolated.
C2.5: Ground Relay
When a ground occurs, a protective device called a Ground
Relay is activated to alert the locomotive engineer of the
* When a ground occurs:
* An alarm bell will sound throughout the consist;
* The high voltage ground warning light will come on in
the locomotive affected;
* The engine will return to idle and stop loading.
The ground relay is either manually reset or automatically
reset. The automatic reset attempts to reset the ground
relay up to three times, after which a manual reset is neces-
sary. To manually reset the ground relay, the locomotive
must be isolated and the ground relay reset button pushed.
The locomotive may then be put back on line.
Common sense must be used when it comes to resetting
the ground relay. When the device trips for the first time, it
may be reset without taking any corrective action. Should
the relay trip immediately after or within a short time after
being reset, cut out one or more traction motors. Once all
combinations of traction motor cutouts have been tried and
the relay still trips, then the locomotive must be isolated.
C2.5.1: Opening Ground Relay Cut-Out
Opening of the ground relay cutout to prevent repeated
tripping of the ground relay is prohibited unless authorized
by proper operating or equipment officer.
C2.6: Traction Motor Cutout
The locomotive must be isolated before operating the trac-
tion motor cutout switch. Ensure that all wheels are turning
freely before operating with a traction motor cut out. The
isolated motor will continue to rotate as the train moves.
Warning: The dynamic brake is inoperative when a trac-
tion motor is cut out. On GE locomotives, where the traction
motor has been cut out automatically, the traction motor may
or may not be operative and therefore, the same applies to
the dynamic brake.
C2.7: Wheel Slip
The wheel slip light will come on in the lead locomotive
when ANY wheel in the locomotive consist is slipping. If the
loadmeter on the lead locomotive does not indicate a loss of
power when the wheel slip warning is given, then one of
the trail locomotives will have wheels slipping. A slipping
wheel or wheels on a locomotive (loss of adhesion) can, in
most cases, be detected and corrected automatically. The
automatic wheel slip detection system will reduce the power
to the traction motors and apply sand to the rails until the
wheel(s) have stopped slipping.
C2.7.1: Wheel Slip Indications
* Steady indicator light:
* Locked armature bearing (wheel sliding)
* Locked traction motor support bearing
* Wheel slip circuit defective
* Failure of power contactor to make contact
* Overheated or burned, opened connection/lead
* Intermittent indicator light:
* Any high resistance connection in the traction motor
* Hand brake set or partially applied
* Bad power contactors
* Lack of proper sanding
* Insufficient control or electric air pressure
If a wheel slip light remains on constantly or persistently
blinks on and off during locomotive operation, a pair of
wheels may be sliding. The locomotive should be stopped
immediately and a roll-by inspection made to ensure that all
wheels are rotating freely.
C2.7.2: Manual Wheel Slip Correction Procedure
If the wheel slip detection system does not stop the wheel
slip, perform the following procedure:
1. Reduce throttle position until wheel slip stops;
2. apply sand, if possible;
3. power reapplied when wheel slip stops.
A wheel slip warning for no apparent reason must always
be investigated.
Traction motor, pinion and gears
Fig. C2 - 4
C2.7.3: Detecting a Motor With a Slipped Pinion
A traction motor with a slipped pinion gear can be detected
1. applying the brakes to prevent movement;
2. having a person on the ground walk beside the locomo-
tive consist;
3. placing the throttle in position 1;
4. ensuring there is load on the loadmeter;
5. having the ground observer listen at each motor for the
sound of the defective motor.
After locating the defective motor, the problem must be
reported to the MSREP and an inspection made to determine
if it is safe to operate with the traction motor cutout. Ensure
that the wheels on the defective traction motor are turning
freely. If defect cannot be determined and light remains on,
follow the instructions of the MSREP.
C2.7.4: Detecting Locked Wheels
A locked wheel (or axle) can be located in the locomotive
consist by:
1. releasing the brakes;
2. placing the throttle to position 1;
3. ensuring there is load on the loadmeter;
4. having an observer on the ground to locate the locked
Once the locked or damaged wheels are located, the loco-
motive or train must be stopped immediately. The MSREP
and the RTC must be notified and no attempt must be made
to move the locomotive until advised by proper authorities. A
record of the defect must be made on Form 538-D.
C2.7.5: Condemning Limits
Condemning limits for wheel defects are:
* Slid flat spots: 2 inches long or over.
* Two or more slid flat spots: 1 inches long or over.
* Surface shell spots: 1 in length and 1 in width.
* Two or more surface shell spots: 1 in length and in
Further movement must not be made until authorized by
proper authority.
C2.7.6: Moving a Locomotive With Locked or Defective
If it is necessary to move a defective locomotive to clear the
main track, carefully perform the following procedure:
1. Obtain proper authority;
2. Lubricate (if required) the rail ahead of locked wheels;
3. Speed must not exceed 5 MPH;
4. If and when the locomotive has been set out, and if rail
lubrication has been performed, sand the rail on the return
to the train.
C2.8: Slow Speed Control Operation
Request slow speed operation (SSC mode) through the
locomotive computer display with the SLOW SPEED key on
the keypad. Once the computer initiates slow speed opera-
tion, the display shows the TARGET (set) speed and actual
speed (average axle speed) on the SLOW SPEED setup
screen. A locomotive could be in slow speed operation well
beyond the 30 minute blank screen time-out period without
a key being pressed. For this reason, the blank screen
function has been disabled when operating in slow speed
mode. If the user moves on to a different screen function
and there are no key presses for 10 minutes, the display
returns automatically to the SLOW SPEED setup screen.
If the setup screen is overridden by a priority crew mes-
sage, the operator can suppress the crew message and
return to the setup screen by pressing the EXIT key on the
Note: The SLOW SPEED setup screen must be displayed in
order for the operator to make speed adjustments with the
SPEED UP/DOWN rocker switch on the Operators Control
The SPEED UP/DOWN rocker switch is used in conjunction
with the computer display panel to control the Slow Speed
System. Pressing the switch rocker UP requests computer
to raise the locomotive speed setting. Pressing the rocker
DOWN requests a lower speed setting. Releasing the rocker
enables spring pressure to return it to the OFF (centered)
The computer increases the Set Speed change rate when
the rocker switch is held down for more than two (2) sec-
onds; the Set Speed change rate increases further if the
switch is operated for another two (2) seconds.
Note: The computer resets Set Speed to actual locomotive
speed or 10 MPH (whichever is slower) when slow speed
mode starts. It resets Set Speed to 0.0 MPH when Slow
Speed Mode ends.
C2.9: Pace Setter II
The analog speed indicator does not operate when the
pace setter is operated. Instead a Vu meter on the speed
control console is utilized. The following is a list of compo-
nents the locomotive engineer must be familiar with to oper-
ate pace setter II equipment.
Component Location
Speed Control Console: Located on control stand in front
of locomotive engineer and is the
control through which the pace
setter is operated.
Response: Located on speed control con-
sole; this dial has been modified
and is not utilized.
Speed Range: Located on speed control con-
sole. Allows the operator to se-
lect one of the three speed
ranges: .1 1 mph, 1 10 mph,
10 100 mph.
Set Speed: Located on speed control con-
sole. Allows precise setting of
desired operating speed.
Start/Manual: Located on speed control con-
sole. Controls amount of traction
motor loading in the Manual
mode. There is no effect on load-
ing in the Auto mode.
Panel Lights: Located on the speed control con-
sole and allows control of indica-
tor illumination.
Auto/Manual: Located on speed control con-
sole and is used for initial starting
when in pace setter operation.
On/Off: Located on speed control con-
sole and removes power from
speed control console when in
the off position. It should be OFF
when pace setter is not being
Interface ON/OFF/Trail: Located on control panel behind
locomotive engineer. To be placed
in TRAIL when locomotive trail-
ing, ON when used as lead and
OFF when pace setter is not
being used.
C2.9.1: Operating Sequence for Pace Setter II
1. Turn the interface panel switch to appropriate position (On,
Trail or Lead) on each on-line locomotive.
2. Select desired range with Speed range selector switch.
3. Adjust speed setting control to the desired speed.
4. Set Manual/start control to zero.
5. Set Auto/manual switch to manual.
6. Depress the on/off switch to on (switch will illuminate).
7. Open throttle to the 2nd or 3rd throttle position. (Avoid throttle
position No. 5 account engine vibration.)
8. Increase the setting of the Manual/start control. (The loco-
motive ammeter will indicate traction motor loading in direct
proportion to the Manual/start setting.)
9. When Vu meter begins to approach centre mark, press
Auto/manual switch to Auto. (The switch will illuminate.)
Train speed control is now fully automatic.
10.If the indicator begins to read consistently low, increase the
throttle setting.
11. If the train is stopped or the throttle is returned to idle, the
pace setter will have to be reset by repeating steps 3 to 9.
12.To return to normal operation, place the throttle in idle and
depress the on/off switch to off; also the interface switch
on lead and trailing locomotives must be placed in the off
C3: Basic Troubleshooting
Overheated support
bearing Smoke from defective bearing. If
close to the controlling cab, may
also hear a high-pitched squeal-
ing sound.
Stop & inspect extent of problem.
Decide whether to set out loco-
motive or continue to mainte-
nance point. Cut out affected
traction motor or isolate locomo-
tive . Contact MSREP.
Ground relay Alarm bell sounds throughout con-
sist; High voltage ground warn-
ing light comes on in locomotive
affected; Engine returns to idle;
stops loading.
Ground relay is either manually or
automatically reset. Automatic re-
set: 6 to 8 seconds after being
activated (three times, after
which a manual reset is neces-
Manual reset: locomotive must be
isolated & ground relay reset but-
ton pushed. Put locomotive back
If problem persists: cut out one or
more traction motors. If all trac-
tion motor cutouts combinations
do not solve, locomotive must be
isolated. Contact MSREP.
Wheel slip Wheel slip light comes on in lead
locomotive when ANY wheels in
the consist slip.
If not corrected automatically, re-
duce throttle until light goes out
Apply sand Increase throttle.
Locked wheels Wheel slip light remains on con-
Stop immediately and do a roll-by
inspection to ensure all wheels ro-
tate freely. Once the locked or dam-
aged wheels are located, the loco-
motive or train must be stopped im-
mediately. MSREP & RTC must be
notified and no attempt must be
made to move the locomotive until
advised by proper authorities. A
record of the defect must be made
on Form 538-D.
Slipped pinion Intermittent wheel slip warning and
the loadmeter fluctuating. Slipped
pinion warning light comes on.
Newer high HP locomotives, alarm
bell sounds.
Cutout affected traction motor
Ensure wheels turn freely Con-
tact MSREP. A record of the defect
must be made on Form 538-D.
D1: GM Locomotive Start-up and Shutdown
D1.1: GM Engine Purging
Blow the engine out if:
* It has been shut off for more than 24 hours
* The engine block is cool to the touch
D1.1.1: Engine Purging Procedure
* Open all cylinder test valves one full turn counter clock-
wi se
* Pull the manual layshaft (if equipped) completely and
hold in position while cranking.
Cylinder Test Valves
Fig. D1 - 5
* Pullout the governor button (if equipped)
* Turn the start switch to Start
* Hold the start switch in Start position until the engine
crankshaft has rotated two full revolutions
On an EFI engine, place the fuel injection switch on the
annunciator panel to the Run position and jog the start
switch on and off
Annunciator Panel SD70/75
Fig. D1 - 6
* When the engine blow out procedure is complete, push-
in governor button (if equipped)
* Close all cylinder test valves but do not over tighten
Note: Keep clear of test valves while cranking engine. They
may be expelled by hydraulic pressure.
Governor Button
Fig. D1 - 7
D1.1.2: Engine Start Procedures for GF-640 (SD-70) and
GF-643 (SD-75)
After the inspections have been completed, the diesel en-
gine may be started. Close engine room doors after engine
To start the engine, proceed as follows:
Note: If engine water temperature is 10
C (50
F) or less,
preheat engine before attempting to start. Pre-lube engine if
it has been shut down for more than 48 hours. Refer to
Engine Maintenance Manual for pre-lube instructions.
1. At the Annunciator (Fault) Panel on the side of the No. 3
AC electrical cabinet, place the FUEL INJECTION switch
in the STOP (down) position. Open cylinder test valves
and bar over the engine at least one revolution. Check
for leakage of fluids from test valves and notify mainte-
nance personnel if any is observed.
Note: Placing the FUEL INJECTION switch in the STOP
position allows engine to be cranked without firing cyl-
inders, even if fuel system has been primed.
2. Close cylinder test valves and return the FUEL INJEC-
TION switch to the RUN (up) position.
Note: The green SYSTEM READY light on the Annun-
ciator Panel must be ON to enable an engine start. Light
should go ON when the Fuel Prime/Engine Start (FP/ES)
switch is placed in the FUEL PRIME position, as in step 5
following. Operating this switch will energize the fuel
pump circuit and reset the engine shutdown circuit.
3. At the Operators Control Stand, make certain that only
the Fuel Pump & Control switch is ON (up). The Engine
Run and Generator Field switches should be OFF
Note: When starting a trailing locomotive diesel engine,
and control cables have been connected between lo-
comotives, the trailing locomotives Fuel Pump & Control
switch should remain OFF (down).
4. At the No. 1 Electrical Control Cabinet, check status of
the starting fuse, and that the Main Battery Knife switch,
Ground Relay Cutout switch and the Aux. Gen. Circuit
Breaker are all closed. Also, make sure that all breakers
in the shaded (black labeled) areas on the Circuit Breaker
Panel(s) are in the ON (up) position. In addition, verify
that the Isolation Switch on the Engine Control Panel is in
the START/STOP/ISOLATE position.
5. At the starting controls junction box on the equipment
rack, verify that no DO NOT START ENGINE tag is
hanging over the Fuel Prime/Engine Start (FP/ES) switch,
then set switch in the FUEL PRIME position until fuel
flows in the return fuel sight glass, to indicate that the
EFI system is charged with fuel.
Note: The electronic fuel injection (EFI) system requires
a fuel supply pressure greater than that used with me-
chanical injectors and therefore, usually takes a longer
period of time to fill the injectors with the fuel prime
Also, fuel flow observed in the return fuel sight glass
will contain air bubbles (fuel turbulence) during engine
prime and normal operation. Operators are advised to
ignore bubbles in the return fuel sight glass on locomo-
tives equipped with the EFI system.
6. Move the Fuel Prime/Engine Start (FP/ES) switch to EN-
GINE START position and hold in this position until the
engine fires and speed increases, but not for more than
twenty (20) seconds.
Caution: EMDEC equipped engines may require a slightly
longer cranking time than mechanically governed en-
gines. Therefore, it is important to observe the recom-
mended 20 second time limit for holding the starting
motors engaged in order to avoid a thermal overload
Do NOT advance throttle to increase engine speed above
IDLE until oil pressure is confirmed.
GF-640, 643 Start Station
Fig. D1 - 8
D1.2: Engine Start Procedures for GM EFI Locomo-
D1.2.1: Priming Engine
* Turn the start switch to Prime position and hold (about
10-15 seconds) until the primary (inner) fuel sight glass
is full and free of bubbles
If the secondary fuel sight glass fills up (outer sight glass),
see Section D3: Basic Troubleshooting.
* Some newer EFI engines do not have fuel sight glasses,
you must then prime for about 20-25 seconds
If the engine fails to prime, see Section D3: Basic Trouble-
D1.2.2: Starting Engine
* Turn the start switch to Start position and hold (for a
maximum of 20 seconds)
Start station - GM
Fig. D1 - 9
* Push the manual layshaft lever up to a third of its travel
until the engine fires and speed increases **
* Once the engine is started, promptly release the start
switch and layshaft lever
If the engine fails to start, see Section D3: Basic Trouble-
** Since EFI engines do not have layshafts, they may take
a bit longer to start but the procedure is similar.
D1.2.3: Low HP Locomotives (1300 HP and below)
* Turn the isolation switch to Run position for three
seconds to sound start-up alarm and then turn back to
Start-Stop-Isolate position
* Place the FP (Fuel Pump) switch in the Running posi-
* Press and hold the ES (Engine Start) switch until the
engine fires and speed increases
* Release the ES switch
Start Station - Low HP Locomotive
Fig. D1 - 10
Note: DO NOT continuously crank the engine for more than
20 seconds to avoid draining the batteries. Instead, check
for reason why engine will not start, e.g., incorrectly set
switches, safety features tripped, etc.
D2: Smart Start or Automatic Engine Shutdown
Systems (AES)
D2.1: Visual Recognition
Some locomotives are equipped with a device that will au-
tomatically shut down and restart a diesel locomotive en-
gine while parked in idle when certain preset conditions are
D2.1.1: SmartStart Logo
For safety concerns, it is very important to recognize and
understand any piece of equipment that stops and starts a
locomotive without human supervision. A locomotive equipped
with SmartStart always has a SmartStart logo on either side
of the locomotive.
SmartStart Logo
Fig. D2 - 11
The logo, while very distinctive, may not be noticed in night
time operations or under adverse conditions. Therefore,
there are two other ways to recognize a locomotive is
equipped with SmartStart.
D2.1.2: Visual Indicators
A Status Indicator light and a Parking/Lighting Enable button
are located at the top left side of the engine control panel,
inside the locomotive cabin. The Status Indicator light can
* Green - enabled
* Red - disabled
* Flashing green and red - autostart or shutdown in
* Dark - no 74 volts.
The Parking/Lighting Enable button can be:
* Red - enabled
* Dark - disabled.
D2.1.3: Audible Indicators
The audible alarms in the form of a Sonalert emanate simul-
taneously from two locations:
* Near the manual start station in the control cabinet.
* Near the SmartStart Autostart switch, located at the
back of the engine control panel.
The SmartStart Autostart switch, is locked in the ON posi-
tion (under normal circumstances) by means of a pin and a
wire seal with a tag. The alarms can:
* Blare (beep continuously)
* Chirp (quickly turn ON and OFF once every 10 to 20
* Be silent
D2.2: Conditions Prior to Shutdown
Before SmartStart can take charge of the automatic shut-
down, the following prerequisites have to be met:
* Engine idling at least 15 minutes
* Status Indicator Light green
* Locomotive reverser centered
To avoid a situation that would make it difficult to restart
later, the system checks four additional settings:
* Engine coolant temperature above 120F (48C)
* Outside temperature above 28F (-2C)
* Engine battery charging rate below 20 Amps
* Brake cylinder pressure at least 22 psi
These are the conditions that SmartStart monitors to decide
if an automatic shutdown is feasible. All these conditions
must be met for the locomotive to automatically shutdown.
D2.3: Restart Prerequisite Settings
Before SmartStart can take charge of the automatic restart,
certain prerequisites have to be met:
* Engine previously shut down by SmartStart
* Status Indicator Light green
* Locomotive throttle in Idle position
The conditions that trigger SmartStart to shutdown a loco-
motive are the same that trigger SmartStart to restart it:
* Engine coolant temperature below 100F (38C)
* Outside temperature below 28F (-2C)
* Engine battery charging rate below 63 Volts
* Brake cylinder pressure below 18.5 psi
When the conditions that trigger the start up return to an
acceptable level, SmartStart shuts down the locomotive.
D2.4: Shutdown Sequence
After ALL the shutdown conditions have been met, Smart-
Start initiates a shutdown. The sequence is as follows:
* Status Indicator Light flashes green and red, while
* SmartStart alarms blare:
* The warning lasts approximately 20 seconds
* At the end of the 20 seconds, SmartStart shuts down
the engine
These events occur BEFORE SmartStart shuts down the
D2.5: Shutdown Mode
Once SmartStart has shut down the engine, the following
events occur:
* Status Indicator Light glows green
* SmartStart alarms chirp every 20 seconds
* 2 minutes after the shutdown, the headlights turn off
and the Parking/Lighting Enable button becomes illumi-
* 10 minutes after the shutdown, the remaining auxiliary
lighting turns off
* Pressing the Parking/Light Enable button while illumi-
nated restores headlights for 2 minutes and auxiliary
lights for 10 minutes.
D2.6: Restart Sequence
If any one of the restart conditions is met, SmartStart re-
starts the locomotive. The sequence is as follows:
* Status Indicator Light flashes green and red, while
* SmartStart alarms cycle twice with:
* 10 seconds of rapid beeping
* 5 seconds of silence
* Fuel pump turns on
* The warning lasts approximately 30 seconds
* At the end of the 30 seconds, SmartStart starts crank-
ing the engine for 20 seconds
These events occur BEFORE SmartStart restarts the loco-
D2.7: Restart Mode
Once SmartStart has restarted the engine, the following
events occur:
* After the engine has been running for about one minute,
engine speed, traction power and cab alarm circuits
return to their normal operation mode
* Status Indicator light glows green
* SmartStart alarms are silent
The SmartStart system continues to monitor the conditions
required for a shutdown.
D2.8: SmartStart Failure to Restart
If the locomotive fails to start after 20 seconds:
* SmartStart stops cranking the engine and waits 2 min-
* The system repeats this sequence 2 more times
If it fails to start after the 3rd attempt:
* SmartStart disables itself
* The Status Indicator light turns red
* Alarms blare to alert personnel that the locomotive re-
quires immediate attention.
D2.9: Manual Restart
There may be cases when you need to restart a locomotive
that was shutdown by SmartStart. In these cases, the most
common method to manually restart a locomotive is to:
1. Ensure the locomotive was shut down by SmartStart
and listen for the chirp of the alarms and check if the
Status Indicator Light is green
2. Move the reverser to the forward or reverse position
3. After the engine starts, wait for one minute before mov-
ing the throttle
D2.10: Delay an Automatic Shutdown
The reverser handle can also be used to cancel an auto-
matic shutdown that is in progress. This will DELAY the
automatic shutdown for another 15 minutes without deac-
tivating SmartStart.
D2.11: Speed Up an Automatic Shutdown
You can also prompt the system to override the 15 minute
shutdown time delay. To do so push the Parking/Lighting
Enable button.
* The button will flash red to indicate the system is check-
ing the shutdown conditions
* When all conditions are met, an automatic shutdown
will begin
* After the engine is shut down, the Parking/Lighting En-
able button will go dark
Note: The Parking/Lighting Enable button becomes illumi-
nated ONLY in the shutdown mode, and flashes red ONLY
when someone prompts the system to override the 15 minute
shutdown time delay.
D2.12: Manual Shutdown
There are other methods to manually shut down a locomo-
tive that has been started by SmartStart. However, these
methods will DISABLE the system. Since SmartStart did not
shut down the locomotive, it will not restart it. When you
manually shut down the locomotive using one of these meth-
ods, it disables SmartStart (i.e. prevents it from restarting
the engine automatically).
D2.12.1: Most Common Method for Manual Shutdown
The most common method for manual shutdown is to press
the STOP button, or the emergency fuel cut-off button.
Pressing the emergency fuel cut-off button on a locomo-
tive, even when the engine is shut down, will deactivate
the SmartStart system. SmartStart will remain disabled until
the next time the engine is manually started.
D2.12.2: Locomotive Protective System Devices
One of the locomotive protective system devices (crank-
case pressure, low oil or low water) can also cause a
shutdown. Once a shutdown is requested manually or by
one of the locomotive protective devices, the following
events occur:
* The locomotive shuts down immediately and SmartStart
deactivates itself
* Status Indicator light turns red
* SmartStart alarms blare
* Push the emergency fuel cut-off button to silence the
* If the Locomotive Isolation Switch is in the Run posi-
tion, the locomotive cab alarm will also sound
* To silence the cab alarm, turn the Isolation Switch to the
Start/Stop/Isolate position
D2.12: Safety Precautions
If you are performing any inspection or maintenance work
on a locomotive, safe work practices state you must al-
ways conform to the following rules:
1. Press the emergency fuel cut-off whether the locomo-
tive is running or not (removes power from SmartStart)
2. Put the Autostart Switch in the OFF position
3. Pull the battery switch
4. Place Do Not Start tag in designated location.
If the Autostart Switch is placed in the OFF position while
the engine is running, it will immediately kill the engine and
the sirens will start to beep. The only way to silence the
sirens is to:
1. Place the switch momentarily in the ON position.
2. Press the emergency fuel cut-off button.
3. Turn back the Autostart Switch to OFF.
When service or maintenance is finished, and the locomo-
tive is to be returned to service, you must always return the
Autostart Switch to the ON position before manually start-
ing the engine. If you forget to turn the Autostart Switch
back ON before attempting to restart the locomotive, the
engine will not crank and the system alarms will beep rap-
idly to remind you to turn the Autostart Switch ON.
D3: Troubleshooting GM Engines
D3.1: Troubleshooting Chart
Engine air problems - Black smoke; loss of power.
Gently broom off car body filters if necessary. Report
plugged filters on 538-D and notify MSREP.
Combustion air problem/ air box explosion - Fire in the
engine air filters or engine room; dislodged air box covers.
Shut down engine: extinguish fires. Do not attempt to re-
start. Report on 538-D and notify MSREP. Place Do Not
Start tag. Protect engine from freezing by draining cooling
Crankcase explosion - Crankcase covers dislodged; pos-
sible fire.
Shut down engine: extinguish fires. Do not attempt to re-
start. Report on 538-D and notify MSREP. Place Do Not
Start tag. Protect engine from freezing by draining cooling
Do not open or remove crankcase or air box covers. Influx
of air (oxygen) into the engine may cause an explosion.
Ensure top deck covers are closed and properly secured.
Hazard is great if a hot spot is present.
Fuel oil problems - Air bubbles visible or little or no fuel in
return sight class (nearest the engine). Occurs on all ex-
cept some late model GF-643 engines.
Check level in fuel tank; fuel pump; filters. Report on 538-D
and notify MSREP.
Plugged fuel oil filters - Fuel present in the bypass fuel sight
glass. Occurs on all except some late model GF-643 en-
Report on 538-D and contact MSREP for instructions.
Low water - Alarm bells throughout consist. Governor Shut-
down/Low Lube Oil light lit in affected locomotive. Low lube
oil reset button protrudes on governor. EPD Low Water
button pops out. Engine shuts down.
Check the water level on the sight glass. Add water if
necessary. Record the conditions on Form 538-D and ad-
vise the MSREP.
Hot engine - Hot Engine light is lit in the affected locomotive
(on all locomotives). Engine returns to idle and drops its load
(GR-418 only). Operating in throttle position 7 or 8, reduces
engine speed and power automatically to throttle position 5
or 6 equivalent respectively. If in throttle 6 or below, engine
speed and power will NOT be reduced. (GF-430 only).
Isolate the locomotive and leave the engine idling. The alarm
bell will continue until the engine cools down. Check the
water level on the sight glass. Check the operation of the
cooling fans and shutters (they may have to be blocked
open). Record the conditions on Form 538-D and advise the
Exhaust leaks due to defects in engines exhaust sys-
tem - Engine not loading properly.
Nothing the engineer can do to repair exhaust system prob-
lems. However, if serious enough, engine should be shut
down, event reported on Form 538-D and the MSREP noti-
High crankcase pressure - The EPDs high crankcase pres-
sure button trips, causing the engine to shut down. Alarm
bell rings throughout consist, Governor Shutdown or Low
Oil light lit in the affected locomotive (Only those equipped
with EPD).
Do not restart the engine following a shutdown due to a
high crankcase pressure condition. Place Do Not Start
tag. Report on Form 538-D and notify MSREP.
Low lube oil pressure - Governor shutdown light comes on
affected locomotive. Engine returns to idle; low lube oil but-
ton (or plunger) protrudes on the governor exposes a red
band. Alarm bells sound in all locomotives of the consist,
provided the affected locomotives isolation switch is in the
Run position. (GF640 to GF-643 engines do not have a
governor. EM 2000 computer does this.)
Check EPD if equipped. Determine trouble or do not restart
engine. Check lube oil level and for fuel oil contamination.
Add lube oil if necessary. Check engine cooling system.
Record the condition on Form 538-D and advise the MSREP.
Do not open or remove the crankcase or air box covers.
Ensure that the top deck covers are closed and properly
secured. When a cover is removed, the sudden influx of air
(oxygen) into the engine, mixed with oil vapors, may cause
an explosion. The hazard is extremely great if a hot spot is
present, such as a defective bearing.
Do not restart the engine following a low lube shutdown
caused by fuel dilution (check for high oil level on dipstick or
unusual smell from the dipstick).
Do not restart the engine following a low lube shutdown if
the cause of the shutdown cannot be determined. The
cause of shutdown may be due to a loss of pressure
through a defective bearing. The majority of crankcase ex-
plosions take place after the engine has been restarted
following a low lube shutdown.
Hot lube oil - Alarm bells ring throughout the consist. Gover-
nor Shutdown or Low Lube Oil light comes ON in the af-
fected locomotive. Low Lube Oil Reset button protrudes on
the side of the governor. Engine shuts down. Occurs on
most except GF640 GF-643 engines do not have a gover-
nor (EM 2000 computer does this instead).
Check EPD if equipped. Determine trouble or do not restart
engine. Check lube oil level and for fuel oil contamination.
Add lube oil if necessary. Check engine cooling system.
Record the condition on Form 538-D and advise the MSREP.
D3.2: GM Engine Overspeed Trip
The overspeed trip will cause a shut down anytime engine
RPM increases over a predetermined value, caused by ei-
ther a stuck injector rack or a sudden drop off of load such
as a wheel slip. The overspeed trip lever is located at the
front of the diesel engine. Its normal position is 11 oclock.
When it is tripped, it is positioned at 2 oclock.
Overspeed Trip Lever
Fig. D3 - 13
If the overspeed trip mechanism is worn slightly, defective
or improperly adjusted, it may not shut down the engine.
This can be misleading because upon the first impression, it
appears as if there is a lack of fuel. Whenever there are
problems with the engine RPM and there is no throttle re-
sponse, the overspeed trip should always be checked.
Action - Reset the overspeed trip manually by pulling the
lever counterclockwise until it latches. On EFI engines, this
task is accomplished by the EMDEC computer.
D3.3: GM Engine Cooling Problems
The water temperature gauge is located in the engine room,
near the start station. The normal operating temperature for
a diesel engine is between 165 and 180 F. In the event of a
hot engine, isolate the locomotive, but do not shut it down.
The temperature of the cooling water may get too hot be-
cause of:
* a lack of cooling water;
* defective temperature switches;
* defective fan or shutter operation; or
* plugged radiators.
Engine Protective Device (EPD)
Fig. D3 - 14
When a hot engine condition occurs, an alarm bell will sound
throughout the consist and the Hot Engine warning light
will come on in the locomotive affected. The engine will
D3.3.1: Low Water Shutdown
Should the cooling water level drop below a safe operating
level on high HP locomotives, the engine will automatically
shut down. A device called the Engine Protective Device
or EPD initiates the shut down. It is equipped with two
buttons: a Low Water button and a High Crankcase Pres-
sure button. On GF 640/643 (GM SD-70/75) locomotives,
the two-button EPD has been replaced by a one-button
Crankcase Pressure Detector (CPD).
When the engine shuts down because of low water,
* the low water button pops out,
* the low oil reset button on the engines governor pro-
* the governor shutdown (or low lube oil) light on the
electrical control panel comes on and
* the engine shuts down.
Before restarting the engine, check the water level in the
sight glass.
* If the level is above the low mark, the engine can be
restarted and operated.
* If the level is below the low mark, the engine must be left
shut down and drained during cold weather. Other-
wise, the engine can be restarted but left isolated.
Water Level Sight Glass
Fig. D3 - 15
Before restarting an engine that has shutdown because of
a low water condition, one or two buttons (depending on
the type of engine) must be reset; the CPD button or the
governors low lube oil button and the EPDs low water
When starting the engine, the EPDs low water button may
trip even though no fault exists on the engine. Therefore, it
is advisable to check the button when starting the engine
and if it trips, reset it immediately. A timing device built into the
governor allows 60 seconds for the engine to build up its
lube oil pressure.
If it trips again, record the conditions on Form 538-D and
advise the MSREP.
Crankcase Pressure Detector (CPD)
Fig. D3 - 16
The low water tripping device balances water pressure
against air box pressure. In instances where the water
level is low but still visible in the water sight glass, the
engine may shut down when the throttles position is in-
creased above idle. If this happens, the engine should be
isolated until water can be added to the system. Record the
conditions on Form 538-D and advise the MSREP.
A small test cock is found below and slightly to the left of the
EPD. Its purpose is to shut off the water supply in order to
test the action of the low water button. It should be closed
during normal operation.
D3.3.2: Draining
Draining instructions can be found inside the locomotive
Note: Ensure air compressor cooling system is also drained.
Directions will be posted either in the cab or at the start
D3.4: GM Electrical System Problems
Auxiliary Generator Failure
(High HP Locos) Discharge indication on the Battery Charg-
ing Ammeter, or by the No Battery Charge light coming on.
Engine returns to idle; locomotive drops its load.
(GF-640 - GF-643) -EM 200 computer will display No Load-
No Companion alternator Output
Isolate locomotive. Check 250 A auxiliary generator fuse.
Check 30 A auxiliary generator field fuse or circuit breaker.
Replace or reset as necessary. If not corrected by chang-
ing fuses or resetting the circuit breaker, battery must be
protected against complete discharge. Record the condi-
tion on Form 538-D and advise the MSREP.
Auxiliary Generator Failure
(Low HP locos) No Power/No Battery Charge light comes
on in the defective locomotives electrical control panel. The
engine returns to idle and drops its load (no current from the
main generator to the traction motors). Note: If the auxiliary
generator fails with the throttle in the 5th or 6th position, the
diesel engine shuts down.
Isolate locomotive. Check 250 A auxiliary generator fuse or
circuit breaker and change or reset, if necessary. Check 30
A auxiliary generator field fuse or circuit breaker and change
or reset if necessary. If not corrected by changing fuses or
resetting the circuit breaker, battery must be protected
against complete discharge. Record condition on Form 538-
D and advise MSREP and RTC.
Alternator Failure
(High HP Locos) - Alarm bells throughout consist and No
Power/No Battery Charge light comes on in defective unit.
Engine returns to idle and drops its load. If the unit is so
equipped, battery charging ammeter, continues to show a
normal reading. Note: If alternator fails with the throttle in
position 5 or 6, diesel engine shuts down.
Isolate locomotive. Check 60A alternator field fuse or circuit
breaker and change or reset if necessary. If locomotive not
ammeter equipped, also check auxiliary generator fuses or
circuit breakers. Note: Most alternator failures are result of
auxiliary generator failure. Record condition on Form 538-D
and advise MSREP and RTC.
Alternator Failure
(Low HP locos) - Alarm bells throughout consist and No
Power/No Battery Charge light comes on in defective loco-
motive. Engine returns to idle and drops its load (no current
from the main generator to the traction motors). Most alter-
nator failures are result from auxiliary generator failure.
Note: If alternator fails with throttle in position 5 or 6, diesel
engine shuts down.
Isolate locomotive. Check 60A alternator field fuse or circuit
breaker and change or reset if necessary. If locomotive not
ammeter equipped, also check auxiliary generator fuses or
circuit breakers. If cannot be corrected, locomotive must be
left isolated. Record the condition on Form 538-D and ad-
vise the MSREP and the RTC.
Main Generator Failure
(Low HP locos) - No alarm or indicating light. Engine contin-
ues to respond to the throttle, but does not load.
Isolate locomotive. Check 80A battery field fuse or circuit
breaker and change or reset if necessary. Record condi-
tion on Form 538-D and advise MSREP and RTC.
Main Generator Failure
(High HP locos) - If generator field circuit breaker should trip
or the two 100A generator field fuses are defective, no
alarm or lights. Engine responds to throttle, but does not
load. If only one 100A fuse blows, locomotive responds to
throttle, but only partially loads.
Isolate locomotive. Check generator field circuit breaker
should trip or the two 100 amp generator field fuses and
change or reset if necessary. Record condition on Form
538-D and advise MSREP and RTC.
Excitation Limit
(High HP locos only) - Main generator unloads but engine
continues to respond to throttle. Alarm bells ring throughout
consist and excitation limit light comes on in defective loco-
To reset excitation limit device: place the throttle to Idle, then
return to desired power position, or turn Isolation Switch to
Start-Stop-Isolate position, then return to Run position.
Record condition on Form 538-D and advise MSREP and
E1: GE Locomotive Start-up and Shutdown
E1.1: Starting the GE Engine
The following procedure should be followed to start the
diesel engine.
1. If the engine has been stopped for considerable time or
if a quantity of rain has entered the stack, before start-
ing the engine, the cylinders should be purged of fuel or
water accumulation as follows:
a) Apply the engine barring over device, and back off
the compression relief plugs on the left side of each
b) Rotate the engine at least two complete revolutions
by use of the engine barring-over device.
c) Remove the barring-over device from the engine,
and tighten the relief plugs before cranking.
NOTE: Cover for barring-over feature must be securely
mounted, otherwise engine cannot be cranked.
* A barring-over switch is located under the diesel
engine barring-over access cover.
* This switch prevents the engine from being cranked
while engine barring-over procedure is in progress.
2. Check that the emergency stop feature is nullified (Emer-
gency MU SHUTDOWN switch in RUN) if the locomotive
is so equipped (EF 640/Dash 8 locomotives).
3. Close the Battery Switch located behind the door under
the EC panel.
4. Turn ON all applicable circuit breakers in the top row of
breakers on the EC panel.
5. Turn ON ALL circuit breakers in the second row of
breakers on the EC panel.
6. Check the Diagnostic Display for any fault messages. If
the display says Wont Crank, the locomotive will not
turn over.
7. Verify the Engine Control (EC) switch in the START
8. At the Start Station, located near the engine, turn the
Start switch to the PRIME position.
* Hold until solid fuel flow with no bubbles shows in the
sight glass.
Engine Start Station
Fig. E1 - 17
9. Turn the switch to the START position and hold until the
engine starts.
CAUTION: If the first two or three tries are unsuccess-
ful, recheck the starting procedure.
* There will be a 2 to 4 second delay between the time
the switch is placed in the START position and the
diesel engine starts to rotate.
* If proper engine lube oil pressure does not build up
within approximately 40 seconds, the governor will
shut off fuel and prevent the engine from running.
E1.1.1: Cold Engine Start
When a locomotive has been shut down for a period of
time, locomotive horsepower will automatically be restricted
until the lubricating oil temperature reaches a predetermined
E1.2: Shutting Down the GE Diesel Engine
Normal Shutdown Procedures
1. Move the throttle to IDLE.
2. Open the Generator Field circuit breaker located on the
control stand.
3. Move the Engine Control switch to START.
4. Press the Engine Stop push-button on the Engine Con-
trol Panel or at the Engine Start Station.
5. To shut down all engines when in multiple unit opera-
tion, move the Emergency MU Shutdown Switch to STOP
position (EF-640 locomotives only)
6. Comply with the prescribed instructions contained in
Section B: Taking Charge of and Leaving Locomotives
for securing or protecting the locomotive.
Emergency Shutdown
In the event of an emergency, all GE locomotives may be
shut down by momentarily pressing the emergency fuel
cut-off buttons located:
* on each side of the locomotive platform above the
fuel tank;
* at the Start Station;
* at the Engine Control (EC) panel.
* EF-640 (Dash 8) locomotives have a Multiple Unit
Emergency Shutdown button located on the left side
of the control console. It can shut down all the loco-
motives connected in multiple in the locomotive con-
GE MU Engine Emergency Shutdown switch (EF-640)
Fig. E2 - 18
E1.3 GE Engine Overspeed Shutdown Protection
E1.3.1: EF-640 Locomotives (GE Dash 8)
If the diesel engine overspeeds to 1160 RPM, the engine,
radiator fans and equipment blowers shut down automati-
cally. The overspeed link will trip and two red coils will be
visible at the base of the link.
Overspeed Link - Tripped
Fig. E2 - 19
1. After an overspeed, move the EC switch to START.
2. To reset the overspeed link, pull the layshaft lever out-
ward and hold for 5 seconds.
* A click indicates that the link is reset.
3. Push on the layshaft to provide more fuel to the cylin-
ders during cranking, if desired.
* The overspeed link disengages the layshaft lever
from the fuel racks to prevent inadvertent manual
overspeeding of the engine beyond the trip setting.
* Once the device trips, manual control of the fuel racks
is eliminated.
4. Proceed to start the engine as prescribed in Section
* If an overspeed occurs again, do not restart the en-
* In cold weather, take precautions to protect the en-
gine from freezing as prescribed in Section B3.2.
Overspeed Governor and Layshaft
Fig. E2 - 20
E1.3.2: EF-644 Locomotives (GE Dash 9)
EF-644 units (GE Dash 9) have electronic fuel injection (EFI)
and do not have an overspeed governor or mechanical fuel
linkage. These functions are provided by a solid-state
controller and electrical solenoids on the fuel pumps. After
an overspeed has occurred on one of these locomotives,
simply reset the fault on the DID panel and allow the fuel
pump motor to cycle OFF the control does the rest.
E1.4: GE Low Oil or Low Water Pressure Shutdown
If low oil or water pressure is detected, power is reduced
by one position every 20 seconds (water) or every 3 sec-
onds (oil) down to position 2. As pressure recovers, the
position is increased.
* If low water continues to occur, the load will go to
zero and the engine will remain at idle.
* If low oil pressure continues to occur, the engine will
be shut down.
E1.5: Jog Option on GE locomotives
GE locomotives from CN 2643 and higher are equipped with
a Jog Feature, which allows the locomotive to be moved
by using # 2 Traction Motor and battery voltage.
* This feature is to be used by main shops only in the
event that a locomotive must be moved a short dis-
tance and for some reason the diesel engine is un-
able to run.
* Examples of this would be to:
* re-spot a locomotive onto a Drop Table;
* move a locomotive outside to start up as no exhaust
fans are available inside,
* move a locomotive from one pit to another as the
engine is still under repair.
* All new locomotives have a button on the control
stand marked Spotter Button and an extra Jog
position on the isolation switch.
* For the Jog Feature to work:
* The locomotive must have at least 60 psi main reser-
voir pressure (higher pressure is preferable in case
more that 1 brake application is required).
* The locomotive will use #2 Traction motor so if it is cut
out, disconnected or missing the locomotive will not
* The Isolation switch must be selected to jog, reverser
moved to direction of travel and the button depressed
to move the locomotive.
* The button does not have to be depressed through-
out the entire move, but just long enough to get the
locomotive moving.
* As this operation is very quiet, the bell must be used
when performing the initial move.
E.2: GE Diagnostic Information Display (DID)
E2.1: DID Description
The DID (Diagnostic Information Display) panel is a terminal
which allows you to access the locomotives on-board com-
puter. Through this panel, you have access to the various
computer options. The panel is located in the Engine Control
Panel of the electrical cabinet.
GE Diagnostic Display (DID) panel
Fig. E2 - 21
E2.1.1: Level 1
Level 1 of the GE-9 computer system is the normal operat-
ing level of the DID panel. It allows operators to
view locomotive status;
view and reset most faults which occur on the locomo-
tive during operation.
E2.1.2: Faults
The on-board computer records any abnormal locomotive
condition (fault) it detects during operation.
* Some faults require the operator to take corrective ac-
tion to return the locomotive to full power.
* For example, if there is a low water pressure fault due
to low water level, the locomotive cannot operate at full
power until the water level is returned to its proper
operating level.
* The computer will reset some faults automatically.
* For example, the first 3 Ground Relay faults will reset
* However, after 3 such faults, the maintenance person-
nel must reset the fault.
E2.2: Using the DID Panel
If a mistake is made using the DID panel in level 1, locomotive
operation will not be affected and the equipment will not be
damaged. Use of the panel by locomotive engineers is en-
E2.2.1: Messages at Locomotive Start Up
Certain SUMMARY messages are intended to inform the op-
erator of the DID panel and the locomotive computers as
they are powered-up.
E2.2.2: Operating modes
The DID panel has three Level 1 operating modes which
indicate the status of the locomotive. (Level 2 is for mainte-
nance purposes only.)
1. The Ready mode indicates all locomotive systems are
operating properly and that the locomotive is ready to
operate at full power. In this mode, a fault may be stored
but is not restricting operation.
2. The Alarm mode indicates one or more faults have oc-
curred on the locomotive restricting operation. This mode:
turns on the alarm bell;
displays the highest priority fault message on the
message line;
displays the Silence option on the Menu line to allow
the operator to silence the alarm.
3. The Fault mode allows the operator to reset (if possible) a
fault condition to return the locomotive to the Ready mode.
E2.2.3: Ready Mode
The Ready mode indicates all locomotive systems are oper-
ating properly and that the locomotive is ready to operate at
full power.
The READY message on the display may appear in one of
three ways:
READY: No faults are detected or reset. The locomo-
tive can operate at full power.
READY - Work Report Stored: A fault has occurred
and has been reset in level 1. All operating restric-
tions imposed by the fault have been removed and
the locomotive can operate at full power.
READY - Fault Message Stored: A fault has occurred
and has been reset by the computer. The locomotive
can operate at full power.
NOTE: These ready messages are the lowest priority
E2.2.4: Alarm Mode
The computer may initiate Alarm mode if it detects a fault on
the locomotive.
NOTE: If the computer initiates the ALARM mode, when the
DID panel is operating in any other mode, it will interrupt that
mode to display the ALARM. When the ALARM mode is
completed, the display will return to its previous operating
When the ALARM mode is initiated, a description of the
problem will be given on the first line of the display in the
form of a fault message, the word Silence will appear on
the second line of the display and in most cases, an alarm
bell will sound.
NOTE: When any locomotive in the locomotive consist ini-
tiates an alarm, the alarm bell on all locomotives will ring. All
GE locomotives in the consist are notified of the alarm through
the SUMMARY message, Alarm from other unit. If the
initiating unit is a GE locomotive, a message describing the
fault and Silence will appear on the DID Panel of that
locomotive as described above. Pressing Silence on the
initiating locomotive will quiet the alarm on all locomotives in
the consist. The bell can only be silenced from the initiating
locomotive and therefore, the Silence message does not
appear on any other locomotives in the consist.
E2.2.5: Silence Soft Key
Silence is the only soft key that only appears in the Alarm
The alarm will sound for 30 seconds or until the silence
button is pressed (whichever comes first) at which time
the word Silence disappears and ALARM MODE is termi-
The first line of the display changes from the FAULT mes-
sage to show the operating restriction which has the great-
est effect on the locomotives ability to operate normally
(highest priority SUMMARY message).
NOTE: Some alarms are considered so serious (such as
ENGINE SHUTDOWN) they cannot be silenced so no Si-
lence soft key appears. The EC switch on the SHUTDOWN
locomotive must be turned to the START position to silence
the bell.
E2.2.6: Fault Mode
When abnormal conditions (FAULTS) are detected, the com-
puter may place restrictions on the locomotives operation
to protect the equipment.
FAULT mode will permit the operator to return the locomo-
tive to READY mode for certain faults that the operator can
correct. The restrictions imposed are displayed in the form
of SUMMARY messages. In resetting FAULTS it is important
to know the following about SUMMARY messages:
* Resetting a FAULT removes the operating restrictions
imposed by it and the related SUMMARY messages are
no longer displayed.
* Several FAULTS may impose the same operating re-
strictions and will result in the same SUMMARY mes-
* A FAULT may impose more than one operating restric-
tion and therefore, display more than one SUMMARY
* Under normal operating conditions, the highest priority
SUMMARY message will be displayed.
* Highest priority being those conditions which have the
greatest effect on the locomotives ability to operate
E2.2.7: Resetting Faults in Fault Mode
When a FAULT is detected, the highest priority SUMMARY
message will be displayed.
* The operator may now choose between the Reset
and ShoMore keys.
* When Reset is pressed, the most recent (newest)
FAULT message is displayed.
* The operator may choose to view older FAULTS or
reset the one displayed.
* Once an older FAULTS has been viewed, the operator
may choose to view newer FAULTS again.
* As an active FAULT is reset, the system will display the
highest priority SUMMARY message of the remaining
active FAULTS.
* Once all active FAULTS have been reset, the display
will change to indicate: READY Work Report Stored.
E3: GE Lubricating Oil System
E3.1: Adding Lube Oil
Lube oil fill port and dipstick
Fig. E3 - 22
When necessary, add lube oil through the lube oil fill pipe.
There is a fill pipe located next to each dipstick at either end
of the engine block.
Caution: Do not add lube oil above the FULL mark on the
dipstick. Oil above the FULL mark would likely cause a false
crankcase over-pressure indication. This will result in the
engine shutting down.
E4: GE Engine Coolant System
E4.1: Water Level Settings
Engine Cooling System GE Locomotive
Fig. E4 - 23
GE locomotives have a pressurized, dry radiator system,
whereby water circulates through the radiators only if cool-
ing is required. This is a major contributing factor to a vary-
ing water level.
* A water sight glass mounted on the right side of the
cooling water storage tank indicates the cooling water
* Markings near the sight glass indicate the proper level
for various conditions of the system.
* Markings found at the top of the sight glass are Full at
Idle and Low at Idle.
* The correct water level at the storage tank is between
* At the bottom end of the sight glass is the Low Loaded
mark which is the lowest point the water level should
be when the engine is under load.
* A too low water level will result in pump cavitations
causing low water pressure, poor cooling and engine
* A too high water level will result in frozen radiators.
E4.2: Water Filling Procedure
Water is added to the cooling system through the water fill
pipe at the water storage tank or through the fill pipe under
the pressure cap. When filling through the fill pipe under the
pressure cap, use the following procedure:
1. Pull the vent valve handle downward and hold for 60
(sixty) seconds.
* This will vent the pressure from the cooling system.
2. Add water until the water level reaches the FULL AT
IDLE mark on the water sight glass on the side of the
storage tank.
* Do not overfill as this could cause the system to run
cold, seriously damaging the radiators and the en-
* Add cold water slowly so you do not trip the auto
dump system, which operates at 40F (4C) or colder.
Warning - Removing the pressure cap before the water
system is fully vented will cause hot water to spray out of
the fill pipe, possibly resulting in personal injury. Also, do not
remove the water fill cap when the water level is above the
Full at Idle mark. If over-full, open the manual drain valve to
reduce water to a safe level.
E4.3: Draining Cooling Water System
There are two ways for water to drain from the cooling
* Manual engine drain valve (main drain valve)
* Automatic water drain valve (Guru plug).
E4.3.1: Manual Engine Drain Valve
The cooling water system may be drained by opening the
main drain valve on the right side of the locomotive near the
lube-oil pump.
1. Use the engine drain valve to drain water from the
* Opening this valve drains water from the storage
tank through the Lube Oil Cooler and empties it under
the locomotive.
2. After the pressure has been released on the cooling
system, remove the Pressure Cap to allow complete
draining of the cooling system.
Engine Cooling Water Drain Cock
Fig. E5 - 24
Warning - Do not open the Pressure Cap if the water level
is above the FULL AT IDLE mark on the sight glass. This will
cause water to drain from the cap, possibly resulting in
personal injury.
E4.3.2: Automatic Water Drain Valve
The mechanical automatic drain valve drains the water from
the system if the water temperature falls below 40F (4C).
E4.4: Hot Engine
If oil or water temperature rises to between 230F and
239F (110C and 115C) the engine RPM goes to throttle
position 8 and power is derated from no deration at 230F
(110C) to full deration (79% power) at 239F (115C)
* The engine will return to requested throttle position
speed when the temperature drops to 218F
NOTE: The engine will operate at 79% (37% for tunnel op-
eration) power between 236F (113C) and 239F (115C)
for three minutes before engine goes to IDLE.
* If the oil or water temperature exceeds 240F
(115.5C), engine RPM goes to IDLE and load goes to
E4.5: Low Water Pressure
If low water pressure is detected, engine speed and power
output are reduced by one throttle position every 20 sec-
onds, down to throttle position 2.
* The following message will appear on the DID Panel:
Load Limited: Low Water Pressure
* If water pressure continues to fall, the engine will
shut down.
F1: Locomotives Pre-departure Requirements
F1.1: Testing
At locations where a locomotive has been laid over, or been
altered or repaired, a qualified person will test brakes, as-
sociated radio/electronic control devices and safety con-
trols to determine that these systems are functioning prop-
erly. (Refer to Section B1.)
Locomotives that have been standing unattended for more
than 8 hours will be considered as laid over.
If the testing is performed by other than the operating em-
ployee, the results of the test will be made available to the
locomotive engineer by means of the Schedule B.
Schedule B will be valid until the locomotive consist leaves
the shop track or departs on a train. Schedule B for loco-
motive consists in yard service will be valid for 24 hours.
F2: Compressed Air System
F2.1: Air Compressor
The compressed air system consists of an air compressor
and main reservoirs. The air compressor is directly coupled
to and driven by the diesel engine on a GM locomotive or
coupled to and driven by an electric motor on a GE locomo-
F2.1.1: Charging the Brake Pipe
When charging the train air brake system, regardless of the
number of cars, it is unnecessary to increase engine RPM
unless main reservoir pressure drops to within 15 lbs. of
the regulating valve setting.
* If this occurs, place the generator field switch in off
position, the reverser in neutral, and advance the
throttle sufficiently to maintain main reservoir pres-
sure 15 psi. above the regulating valve setting.
* Avoid revving up the diesel engine(s) unnecessarily
(throttle position No. 3 is to be considered maximum
for this purpose).
* The throttle should be returned to idle position as
soon as main reservoir pressure exceeds regulating
valve settings by 15 psi.
* Avoid throttle positions that cause high engine vibra-
F2.2: Air Compressor Cut-out
At times it may be necessary to manually load the compres-
sor if the automatic control fails to function. If required, you
can manually shut down the compressor by turning the cut-
out T handle to the cut-out position.
Air Compressor Cut-out High HP Locomotives
Fig. F2 - 25
F3: Independent Brake
F3.1: Types of Independent Brake Valves
The independent brake valve controls application and re-
lease of the air brakes on the locomotive(s), independent of
the air brakes on the cars in the train. There are three types
of independent brake valves which function the same but
differ in appearance.
* 26L (SA-26)
* 30A-CDW (independent brake portion)
* CCB (NYAB) or EPIC-II (Wabtec). See Section F8:
Electronic Air Brakes, for details.
F3.2: Snow Brake Feature
A snow brake feature is present on a portion of the yard
engine fleet. The sole purpose of this feature is to maintain
a light engine brake application on locomotive wheels dur-
ing winter to ensure there is no snow or ice buildup on the
wheels, thereby enhancing braking efficiency. This fea-
ture must not be used during warm conditions as it may
cause skidding of the locomotive wheels.
F4: Automatic Brake Valve
F4.1: Types of Automatic Brake Valves
The prime purpose of the automatic brake valve is to enable
the locomotive engineer to apply and release the locomotive
and train air brakes by controlling brake pipe pressure.
There are three types of automatic brake valves, which
function the same but differ in appearance.
* 26L (26C)
* 30A-CDW (automatic brake portion)
* CCB (NYAB) or EPIC-II (Wabtec). See Section F8,
Electronic Air Brakes, for details.
F4.2: Bail-off Feature
Prior to performing an automatic brake reduction, the bail-
off handle must be depressed and held until the exhaust
ceases. It must be retained in that position for a six-second
duration for each locomotive in the consist.
F5: Other 26L System Valves
F5.1: MU-2A Valve
The positions on the MU-2A valve are Lead or Dead and
Trail 24-26. The MU-2A valve must be in the Lead or Dead
position on the lead locomotive of a locomotive consist, on
single locomotives, and on dead haul locomotives.
Lead or Dead Position
The function of the Lead or Dead position is to condition the
air brake system to act as the controlling locomotive of a
consist or to condition the air brake system for dead haul
Trail Position
The function of the Trail position is to condition the air brake
system to be controlled from the lead locomotive. When a
locomotive is in a trail position, the MU-2A valve must be
properly positioned to Trail.
Cut-in/Cut-out Function
The other function of the MU-2A valve is to cut-in or cut-
out the independent brake valve. When the MU-2A is in the
Lead or Dead position, the independent brake valve is cut-
in; when it is in a Trail position, the independent brake valve
is cut-out.
MU-2A Valve
Fig. F5 - 26
F5.2: Brake Pipe Cut-off Valve
The brake pipe cut-off valve is a manually operated valve
usually located on the front of the automatic brake valve. It
has three positions: OUT, FRT (freight), and PASS (pas-
Brake Pipe Cut-off Valve
Fig. F5 - 27
OUT Position
The OUT position cuts out all features of the automatic
brake valve except the emergency position. It also prevents
the regulating valve from charging the brake pipe. The OUT
position is used to:
* condition the automatic brake valve on trail locomotives
in a locomotive consist;
* condition the automatic brake valve on locomotives set
up for dead haul;
* condition the automatic brake valve on the lead locomo-
tive of a locomotive consist used in Helper or Pusher
* cut out the regulating valve (and the pressure maintain-
ing feature) to check brake pipe leakage during air tests.
FRT Position
The FRT (freight) position is used when handling a freight
train. All positions of the automatic brake valve are func-
tional and the regulating valve will charge the brake pipe if
the automatic brake valve is in the release position. The
pressure maintaining feature is operational in the minimum
reduction position and throughout the service zone. The
FRT position is used on the lead locomotive of a locomotive
consist or when operating as a single locomotive when the
train consist is made up entirely, or in part, of freight equip-
ment. When in the FRT position, the release of the freight
car air brakes can only be obtained by placing the automatic
brake valve in the release position. This type of release is
called Direct Release.
PASS Position
The PASS (passenger) position is used when handling a
passenger train. All positions of the automatic brake valve
are functional and the regulating valve will charge the brake
pipe if the automatic brake valve is in the release position.
The pressure maintaining feature is operational in the mini-
mum reduction position and throughout the service zone.
The PASS position is used on the lead locomotive of a loco-
motive consist or when operating as a single locomotive
when the train consist is made up entirely of passenger
Graduated Release Function
A Graduated Release (as opposed to Direct Release on
freight cars) is available on passenger equipment when the
brake pipe cut-off valve is in the PASS position. Graduated
release means that the brake cylinder pressure can be
reduced in steps proportionate to an increase in brake pipe
pressure. All trains, whether freight or passenger, may be
operated with the brake pipe cut-off valve in the FRT posi-
tion. However, graduated release on freight car brake sys-
tems is not available; only direct release.
Note: There are certain circumstances that would require
the use of the PASS position when handling freight trains.
For example, if the reduction of equalizing reservoir pres-
sure (brake pipe pressure) will not lap off due to leakage.
Turning the brake pipe cut-off valve from FRT to PASS will
stop the reduction of equalizing and brake pipe pressure.
To prevent or reduce the possibility of an unintentional release
of the brakes and ensure safe operating practices:
* the brake pipe cut-off valve must not be turned from
FRT to PASS before placing the automatic brake valve
to the release position or bringing the train to a complete
* the handle of the automatic brake valve must not be
moved toward the release position when operating with
the brake pipe cut-off valve in the PASS position.
F5.3: Regulating Valve
The regulating valve is used to adjust the pressure in the
equalizing reservoir and thus the brake pipe.
* Turning the adjusting wheel clockwise will increase the
equalizing reservoir pressure.
* Turning the adjusting wheel counter-clockwise will re-
duce the equalizing reservoir pressure.
The pressure in the brake pipe will follow suit in response to
the pressure in the equalizing reservoir. A quarter of a turn
is equal to a 5 psi increase or decrease. To increase the
equalizing reservoir pressure, the handle of the automatic
brake valve must be in the release position. For proper
operation of a regulating valve, the main reservoir pressure
must be maintained at least 15 psi higher than the regulating
valves setting.
F5.4: Vented Trainline Angle Cocks
Some locomotives are equipped with Vented Trainline Angle
Cocks. When opening this type of angle cock, a release of
air may be heard. This is normal for this type of angle cock
and is not a defect. When coupling to other equipment with
one of these locomotives, the angle cock on the locomotive
must be opened first to charge the air hose connection
between the locomotive and the equipment before opening
the angle cock on the equipment.
Warning: An undesired emergency brake application may
occur if this sequence is not followed.
F5.5: Truck Cut-out
In the event that it becomes necessary to work on the brake
rigging, such as during changing of brake shoes, a brake
cylinder cut-out valve is provided at each truck. This is a
safety feature for employees while working on brake gear
to prevent injury by someone inadvertently applying the
brake, and is frequently used by shop personnel.
If the valve is left in the cut-out position, the brake cylinder
gauge does not always indicate this, which is misleading
and can result in a serious mishap. If a truck is cut out, it
must be indicated on the 538-D. The brake cylinder gauge
should not be relied upon to indicate brake operation until
actually verified by observation of a brake application and
release at the wheels.
Truck Cut-out
Fig. F5 - 28
F6: Flowmeters
F6.1: Air Flowmeter
Air Flowmeter
Fig. F6 - 29
The air flow meter or brake pipe flow indicator is designed
to measure the flow of air throughout the brake pipe. Since
this flowmeter is not scaled linearly to read Cubic Feet per
Minute (CFM) flow, a calibration mark (or line) indicating 60
cfm has been placed on the dial face. The flowmeter pro-
vides valuable information to locomotive engineers:
* It indicates when excessive leakage is present in the
brake system, during road operation, and when per-
forming brake tests.
* It indicates when the brake system is charged and pro-
vides an indication of when the brakes are released on
trains measuring 2000 feet or more in length.
* It provides valuable information as to the state of charge
of the brake system when cycle braking, such as how
much of an initial reduction should be taken in order to
ensure that the brakes apply and remain applied.
* It can also be of assistance in indicating whether diffi-
culty in obtaining sufficient pressure on the rear of the
train is caused by leakage or a restriction in the brake
pipe due to a partially closed angle cock.
* It indicates malfunctions in components of the brake
system, such as leaking car control valves, or connect-
ing piping, that causes an increase in air flow.
F6.2: Flowmeter Indicating Unintentional Release
The flowmeter will also warn locomotive engineers of an
unintentional release of the brakes when using a pressure
maintaining type automatic brake valve. A sudden increase
in the flowmeters reading, followed by a return to normal,
indicates a heavy demand for air by the train, and usually
indicates a release of the brakes. To verify end-of-train
pressure and train integrity, you can also consult the IDU
display on the control stand. For further information on the
TIBS and unintentional releases, refer to Section G: Train
F6.3: AFM Indicator
AFM Indicator
Fig. F6 - 30
The AFM Indicator is a more recent type of air flow meter.
Unlike older style air flowmeters, the scale of the AFM Indi-
cator, graduated from 0 to 80 cfm, measures true cfm lin-
early throughout the scale. When the flowmeters hand
points to 60 cfm on the scale, it indicates a 60 cubic foot per
minute flow of air.
F7: Dynamic Brake
F7.1: Dynamic Brake Usage
Key points to remember when using DB:
* DB is defined as the use of locomotive traction motors
as generators to create retarding forces, which pro-
vide responsive and fully variable train braking forces.
* The use of DB is effective in slowing the train for planned
stops, speed restrictions and speed control.
* When DB is available it must be used as the first means
of initiating required train braking forces.
* When DB is in use, the automatic brake may be required
to provide additional braking effort.
* There is no limit on the amount of time spent in DB mode.
* The speedometer and the loadmeter should be closely
monitored as they provide the required information con-
cerning the use and effectiveness of DB.
* In consideration of slack action and control, depending
on track gradient and curvature, DB application should
be gradual and incremental.
Note: DB becomes disabled on a locomotive with cut-
out traction motors.
F7.2: Dynamic Brake Retarding Force
DB retarding force is concentrated on the head end of the
train, similar to an independent brake application. The brake
(or retarding) force is expressed in pounds. For example,
each traction motor is capable of producing 10,000 pounds
or more of retarding force (60,000 or 70,000 lb. for each 6
axle locomotive). It can be used either independently or in
conjunction with the train brakes to control speed on de-
scending grades and during slow downs and stops. When
DB is available, company regulations state that it must be
used as the first means of initiating the required train brak-
ing forces.
F7.3: Changing from Power to Dynamic Brake
Before changing from power to DB, the throttle must first be
returned to the Idle position, one throttle position at a time,
pausing briefly in each throttle position. Once at Idle, wait
10 seconds before going to DB Setup. This is necessary
for two reasons:
1. It allows the current in the traction motors fields to dis-
sipate, avoiding a surge of current when the brake is
2. It allows the slack to gradually bunch against the loco-
motive consist
The DB controller should be moved through the operating
range slowly and smoothly, monitoring the loadmeter to pre-
vent high compression or buff forces throughout the train.
The loadmeter indicates the amount of dynamic brake cur-
rent and is an indication of DB force.
Excessive buff forces may result in a derailment or gradual
deterioration of the track structure, particularly if the forces
occur at a turnout, crossover, point of sharp curvature or
other type track irregularity.
To avoid train handling problems, the following DB restric-
tions must be adhered to:
* 1 or 2 locomotives in a consist: No DB restrictions.
* 3 or more locomotives in a consist: DB usage restricted
to a maximum of 500 Amps when the head-end of the
train is entering a turnout, curve or crossover, until half
the train has passed through.
* Refer to applicable Subdivision Footnotes for any ex-
Adequate time must be taken when releasing DB and re-
turning to power to permit slack adjustment.
F7.4: Limits in the Use of Dynamic Brake
Trains with foreign AC locomotives in their consist must
reduce tractive effort or dynamic braking to 100,000 pounds
or less per locomotive, prior to occupying and/or on the
approach to any bridge structure. Once the locomotive con-
sist has cleared the structure, tractive effort can be in-
creased gradually and incrementally. AC locomotives are
equipped with a tractive effort/dynamic braking gauge
shown in digital form.
F7.5: Extended Range Dynamic Brake
Most CN DB-equipped locomotives have the extended range
DB. This feature supplements the basic standard range DB.
The following locomotives are exceptions:
* GF-30c: 5001, 5003, 5004, 5007
* GF-30x: 5388-5392
On locomotives equipped with standard range DB, the mini-
mum braking force/effort starts to drop off below approxi-
mately 17-23 mph. However, on locomotive equipped with
extended range DB, the braking force/effort remains high
until speed decreases to approximately 5-7 mph.
F7.6: The Dynamic Brake and the Independent Brake
DB and the independent brake must NOT be used at the
same time, except at very low speeds when stopping the
The retarding force separately developed by the DB or the
independent brake, given good rail conditions, does not
generally exceed available adhesion. However, when both
types of brakes are applied at the same time, the sum of the
two retarding forces will generally be greater than the avail-
able adhesion and the locomotive wheels will slide.
F7.7: The Dynamic Brake and the Automatic Brake
When the available DB retarding force is not sufficient to
control train speed, the automatic brake should be used to
an extent which allows DB to be reduced to a value flexible
enough ( to of maximum) to control the changes made
in speed due to the physical characteristics of the road.
The automatic brake can also be used in conjunction with
DB at locations where it is desirable to reduce head-end
buff forces. Although the DB interlocking feature pre-
vents the locomotive brakes from applying, prior to mak-
ing an automatic brake application the independent brake
must be bailed-off for a minimum of 6 seconds for each
locomotive in the consist after the brake pipe exhaust
has ceased. When applying DB in combination with the
automatic brake, depress the independent bail-off frequently
enough to ensure that locomotive brake pressure does not
develop. This has a twofold purpose:
* In the event a locomotives DB release interlock mal-
functions, the procedure will release an automatic ap-
plication of the locomotive brake on that locomotive.
* If there are locomotives in the consist without DB re-
lease interlock (on non DB-equipped locomotives), the
procedure will bail-off the automatic brake application
on such locomotive.
In normal conditions, a combined automatic brake and DB
release should be done as follows:
* With DB applied, release the train brakes. After train
brakes have released, continue to use DB as needed.
* If not needed, slowly release DB and return to a pre-
power position.
F7.8 Dynamic Brake Holding (DB)
Locomotives equipped with DB Holding will retain dynamic
braking during an emergency or penalty brake application.
Locomotives that have been modified can be identified by a
decal located on the control stand which states MODIFIED
will assist in preventing head end train run outs while using
dynamic braking and experiencing a UDE or train separation
by keeping the train in a bunched state. Provided the head
end locomotive has been modified for DB Holding it will
command trailing locomotives to retain this feature. If lead
locomotive has not been modified, this feature will not pro-
vide for DB Holding.
F8: Electronic Air Brakes
F8.1: Electronic Air Brakes (EAB) Overview
There are two electronic brake systems in use at CN:
* Wabtecs EPIC-II (Electro Pneumatic Integrated Control)
* EPIC-II with keypad
* EPIC-II with distributed power (DP)
* NYABs CCB-II (Computer Controlled Brake)
The way they work and the components they use are
similar, but the end result is the same: they allow a train to
stop safely, quickly, and efficiently.
F8.1.1: EAB System Characteristics
The EAB system interfaces with electrical and electronic
devices instead of mechanical ones. It operates in a similar
fashion to the 26-L system, but electrically instead of pneu-
* Response time is faster with fewer leaks
* More reliable and with lower maintenance costs.
* System is modular with less moving parts.
* Powered by locomotive batteries using dedicated cir-
cuit breaker.
* Uses two backup operation methods in case normal
operating method fails.
* If battery power is not available, it operates from the
trainline DC power supply (trainline wire 13T).
* If both battery and 13T are unavailable, or if locomotive
is handled dead-in-consist, it operates using a pneu-
matic device.
F8.2: EPIC-II With Keypad (IC Locomotives)
Locomotives equipped with this system use a keypad for
brake setup and operation. Controls and monitoring func-
tions are provided by a Cab Handle Unit (CHU) and a Cab
Display Unit (CDU).
F8.2.1: Cab Handle Unit (CHU)
* Cab Handle Unit (CHU):
* Provides conventional independent and automatic brake
control functions.
* Unit keypad has 16 function keys used for many opera-
tions formerly done with valves and relays in the brake
control system.
EPIC-II With Keypad (CHU)
Fig. F8 - 31
F8.2.2: Cab Display Unit (CDU)
* Cab Display Unit (CDU):
* Display located on upper left portion of control stand.
* Display shows brake function selections made from the
(1) EQ RES 90 (5) CONSIST
CDU Setup Screen
Fig. F8 - 32
Key Setup Screen Initial Settings
1 Enables changes in ER pressure. Use UP /
DOWN arrow keys or number keys to set pres-
2 Displays MU valve operating positions: LEAD or
TRAIL. Toggle key to change between values.
3 Selects BP charging valve positions. Toggle
key to change between values.
4 Selects Freight or Passenger position. Note: Pas-
senger option not available on some units.
5 Adjusts number of units in MU consist. Use num-
ber keys to enter number of units.
CLR Clears setup values without changing brake
system settings.
F8.3: EPIC-II With Locotrol (CN Locomotives)
Locomotives equipped with this system use an Operator
Interface Module (OIM), part of the Locotrol distributed
power (DP) system, for brake set-up and operation. It is
also used to control the Locotrol system.
For specific DP information, see Section H: Distributed
Power. The Cab Handle Unit (no keypad) provides conven-
tional Independent & Automatic brake control and together
with the OIM unit, brake control and monitoring functions.
Refer to Section H: Distributed Power for further informa-
tion on how to setup and operate the EPIC-II in DP mode.
EPIC-II CHU With Locking Pin
Fig F8 - 33
F8.3.1: OIM Display Unit
The OIM consists of two display screens, two sets of eight
illuminated function keys (located below each screen) and
two Up / Down arrow keys to control screen brightness.
* OIM ON / OFF power switch is located on back panel.
* OIM Unit is mounted under the right front cab window.
The OIM replaces the conventional air brake valves found
on locomotives equipped with the conventional 26-L air
brake system.
Operator Interface Module (OIM)
Fig F8 - 34
F8.3.2: EPIC-II Setup
To ensure EPIC-II is properly setup for operation, perform
the following actions:
* Close LEB breaker on electrical control panel (upper
* Ensure Air Brake Computer breaker on electrical control
panel (upper left) is ON.
* Upon Power Up, EPIC-II defaults to Penalty mode.
The following conditions must be met for EPIC-II to assume
brake control (verify status on OIM):
For lead/cut-in:
* No active penalties or emergencies.
* Automatic brake handle in Suppression for 8 seconds.
* Automatic brake handle then moved to Release.
For lead/cut-out:
* Brake pipe greater than 20 psi.
* Brake cylinder less than 4 psi.
For trail/cut-out:
* Brake pipe greater than 20 psi.
* Brake cylinder less than 4 psi.
F8.3.3: EPIC-II Operation
To set locomotive as lead locomotive:
* Ensure brake cylinder pressure greater than 25 psi.
* Press on EAB SETUP button from DP Initial Screen.
* Default OIM setting is LEAD, CUT IN. If correct, press
CANCEL. If incorrect, modify accordingly using OIM but-
To set locomotive as trail locomotive:
* Center reverser.
* Press CUTOUT button.
* Press TRAIL button.
* Press ACCEPT NEW button.
To change EQ pressure:
* Press EQ RES SETUP button.
* Press preset value button, DEC or INC buttons.
* Press EXIT button.
* Press ACCEPT NEW button.
F8.3.4: Air Brake Gauge
The air brake gauge display indicates:
* Automatic brake in release position:
* ER line charged to standard brake pipe pressure.
* BP line fully charged to within 2 psi of ER pressure.
* ER pressure marker shows current feed valve setting.
* BP pressure marker shows highest BP pressure at-
tained after automatic brake release.
Air Brake Gauge Display on OIM
Fig. F8 - 35
F8.4: CCB-II with Locotrol (BC Rail Locomotives)
Locomotives equipped with this system also interface with
the OIM on distributed power (DP) locomotives for control
and monitoring functions. Refer to Section H: Distributed
Power for further information on how to setup and operate
the CCB-II in DP mode.
F8.4.1: CCB-II Cab Control Unit
The CCB-II Cab Control Unit, provides conventional inde-
pendent and automatic brake control through an
electropneumatic interface similar to the EPIC-II system.
CCB-II Cab Control Unit
Fig. F8 - 36
Note: OIM units found on locomotives equipped with EPIC II
or CCB systems are identical. Proceed to setup brakes as
with the EPIC-II system.
F9: Changing Operating Ends, Towing and Multiple
Unit Operation
F9.1: Changing Operating Ends
When a locomotive consist includes two or more locomo-
tives with operating controls, perform the following proce-
dure when changing from one operating end to the other.
F9.1.1: On End Being Cutout (Lead to Trail)
1. Move the independent brake valve to the Full Application
2. Move the automatic brake valve to the Handle Off posi-
tion and wait until at least a 30 psi service reduction is
3. Move the brake pipe cut-off valve to the OUT position
4. Turn the MU-2A valve to the Trail position
5. Move the independent brake valve to the Release posi-
tion and ensure brakes stay applied.
F9.1.2: On End Being Cut-in (Trail to Lead)
1. Move the independent brake valve to the Full Application
2. Turn the MU-2A valve to the Lead or Dead position
3. Move the automatic brake valve to the Release position
4. Move the brake pipe cut-off valve to the FRT or PASS
position, depending on the type of train.
5. Perform the required shop track test.
F9.2: Towing a Locomotive in a Train (Dead Haul)
When a locomotive is to be towed in a train, set control and
air brake equipment as follows:
1. Cut out the air compressor if the engine is to be left
2. Drain main reservoirs and air brake equipment.
3. Move the automatic brake valve to the Handle Off posi-
4. Move the independent brake valve in the Release posi-
5. Move the brake pipe cut-off valve to the OUT position.
6. Turn the MU-2A valve to the Lead or Dead position.
7. Turn the dead engine feature to the Dead position (lo-
cated on air brake rack under cab floor, on locomotive
engineer side).
8. Couple the brake pipe of the towed (or dead) locomo-
tive to a live locomotive and allow main reservoirs to
9. Check main reservoir gauge on control stand and en-
sure gauge reaches 40 psi.
10.Make a brake test using the automatic brake valve on
the live locomotive.
F9.3: Multiple Unit Operation
The way to control the air brake system on trailing locomo-
tives is through the multiple unit air hoses. If these pipes are
not properly connected, malfunction and damage will oc-
cur. The following list identifies the name and function for
these 4 air hoses.
Brake Pipe
Controls locomotive and train brakes through the automatic
Main Reservoir Equalizing Pipe
Equalizes main reservoir pressures for all consist locomo-
Independent Equalizing Pipe
Transmits independent brake valve position from lead loco-
motive to other consist locomotives.
Actuating Pipe
Transmits independent brake bail-off application to all con-
sist locomotives and causes locomotive brakes to release
on trailing locomotives during an automatic brake applica-
F9.3.1: Brake Valve Positions for MU Operation
Brake valve positions for locomotive as lead locomotive:
* Independent brake valve: As required
* Automatic brake valve: Release
* Brake pipe cut-off valve: FRT or PASS
* MU-2A valve: Lead or Dead
Brake valve positions for locomotive as trailing locomotive:
* Independent brake valve: Release (handle removed if
* Automatic brake valve: Handle-off (handle removed if
* Brake pipe cut-off valve: OUT
* MU-2A valve: Trail
F9.3.2: 27-pin Jumper Cable
Ensure 27-pin cables are properly connected between lo-
comotives to ensure proper communications.
G1: Train Handling Policy
1. Locomotive engineers should have a thorough knowledge
of the physical characteristics of the territory over which
they will be operating and use this knowledge and good
judgment to ensure proper train handling techniques.
2. Locomotive engineers must utilize forward planning in
consideration of territory profiles, planned stops, required
speed adjustments and slack control, avoiding aggressive
use of the locomotive throttle and train braking systems.
3. To ensure avoidance of wheel slip and control in-train-
forces, the throttle must be increased gradually and incre-
4. Throttle manipulation must be utilized as the primary means
of controlling the train.
5. Dynamic brake must be fully utilized as the initial braking
6. Power braking is defined as the simultaneous use of the
throttle and automatic brake. Power braking must be avoided.
When unavoidable, the lowest throttle position must be used.
7. The independent brake is not to be used at speeds in ex-
cess of 15 mph.
8. Before the throttle is advanced following any release of the
automatic brake, the IDU must be used to determine that the
brakes have completely released at the rear of the train.
* Allow an additional 30 seconds after the pressure
starts to rise before advancing the throttle or de-
creasing any dynamic brake retarding force used to
bunch the train slack.
* A running release is defined as any automatic brake
release performed while the train is in motion.
* Trains in excess of 6,500 feet, a running release of
the train brakes IS NOT TO BE MADE below 15 MPH.
* Trains that are 9,000 feet or longer, a running release
of the train brakes IS NOT TO BE MADE below 20
9. The flowmeter and IDU must be closely monitored. An in-
crease of air flow may indicate an increase in brake pipe
leakage. Indications of air flow following an automatic brake
application may signify an unintentional release.
10. A positive brake pipe reduction is defined as an automatic
brake pipe reduction of at least 6 PSI, as indicated by the
IDU, on the last car of the train in response to each air brake
application. To ensure a positive freight car brake pipe
reduction and to avoid sticking brakes, the train brakes
must not be released until a reduction of at least 6 PSI, as
indicated by the IDU, has been made on the last car of the
When a running release of the train brakes is to be made
and operating conditions permit, the brake pipe must be
reduced to ensure a positive brake pipe reduction. When
operating conditions do not permit, a positive brake pipe
reduction must be achieved at the next appropriate oppor-
11. During winter conditions, the member of the operating crew
controlling the train must make periodic use of the air brakes
at sufficient intervals to keep the braking surfaces free of
ice and snow and the brake equipment conditioned for
12. The locomotive reverser must not be moved from forward
to reverse or reverse to forward while the locomotive is in
13. Stopping a Train Consistent with Good Train Handling
Practices - Throughout company instructions, the need
to bring a train to a stop consistent with good train
handling practices is identified. This can be required
when a Wayside Inspection System (WIS) alarm oc-
curs, when a signal drops and/or when instructed by
proper authority to bring the train to an immediate stop.
The need for an immediate stop does not necessarily
contemplate use of an emergency application of the
brakes. In some circumstances, when danger is immi-
nent or evident, an emergency application is the best
judgment call and is absolutely required. In other cases,
especially when sight lines are adequate or in a WIS
alarm circumstance the use of emergency should be
avoided, as it could create a more destructive result
than any perceived time lag present with a full service
application. To make an immediate stop in the context of
Company instructions, a Split Service Reduction should
be utilized to reduce the chance of severe in-train forces.
Good judgment and operating knowledge remain an ab-
solute requirement in the stopping of a train, but the
importance of the above noted factors must be a part of
the decision process.
G1.1: Locomotive Consist
The number of locomotives in the locomotive consist is a
very important factor to be considered before starting each
trip so that the method of operation can be adjusted accord-
ingly. As the number of locomotives increases, so does the
tractive effort, dynamic braking force, and weight; there-
fore, extra caution must be taken. The load meter reading
indicates the amount of electrical current in amperes being
applied to the traction motors on that locomotive only.
G1.2: Use of Independent Brake in Emergency
Bunched Train - If a train is in a bunched state and experi-
ences an emergency brake application , the independent
brake should be used with sufficient pressure to prevent
the locomotive consist from producing excessive in-train
Stretched Train - If a train is in a stretched state and expe-
riences an emergency brake application , the independent
brake should be bailed-off sufficiently to prevent the loco-
motive consist from producing excessive in-train forces.
G1.2.1: Jackknifing
Some locomotives are capable of developing extremely high
tractive effort in lower throttle positions. During pushing
movements, to eliminate or reduce the possibility of rail turn-
over or jackknifing of locomotives in a locomotive consist
and/or cars next to or near the locomotive:
a) use the lowest tractive effort possible.
b) ensure all car brakes are released before the move-
ment is attempted.
c) stretch the slack before the pushing movement is un-
d) reduce tractive effort when slowing down or stopping
the movement with the car brakes.
Extreme caution must be exercised when making bunched
stops or decreasing speed, giving due consideration to
grade, curvature, and weight distribution of train consist.
Care must be exercised when using the independent brake
or dynamic brake without the train brakes to effect a slow-
down or stop, particularly with three or more locomotives in
the consist.
These cautions are particularly important when:
* Locomotives not providing power are located either
between locomotives providing power or located next
to the cars to be pushed.
NOTE: Where considerable tractive effort may be re-
quired to make the movement, it is advisable to set off
the non-power locomotives.
* The locomotive consist, and/or cars located next to or
near the engine, are located on or will be moved to
curvature track.
* The cars next to or near the locomotive are empty cars
or a combination of short and long cars.
* The movement is to be made on an ascending grade
(pushing uphill).
G1.3: Temporary Slow Orders (TSO)
When a TGBO or a GBO indicates that a TSO is due to track
conditions, bridge conditions, or tie conditions, extreme trac-
tive effort (Throttle/DB) and automatic or independent brake
applications are to be avoided 500 feet prior to entering,
within and exiting the limits of same.
* Do not exceed 500 AMPS unless additional tractive ef-
fort is required due to grade or tonnage.
* Throttle or dynamic braking must be gradually and in-
crementally advanced to allow slack adjustment within
the train.
* Automatic brake applications should be fully released
prior to entering the TSO.
* If an automatic brake application is required, it must be
the lightest brake possible.
* If necessary, enter the TSO at a lower speed to avoid
automatic brake applications within the TSO.
G2: Train Information & Braking System (TIBS)
G2.1: Capabilities and Status Displays
The TIBS provides the engine crew with the following ca-
pabilities and status displays.
* Rear car brake pipe pressure;
* Telemetry and battery indication;
* SBU marker light status (on US bound trains only);
* Directional motion indication;
* Low pressure/no air alarms;
* Valve circuitry alarms;
* Loss of communication alarm;
* Manual/automatic communication test;
* Distance of train travel;
* Rear of train emergency brake application.
G2.2: TIBS Functional Test
G2.2.1: Pulse Trainlink II or Digitair 6653
The following steps provide a functional test of the TIBS
1. Select the correct ID number of the SBU on the IDU
thumbwheel switches.
2. Turn the SBU on by pressing the TEST button and ob-
serve the pressure message (0 psi without air) and the
telemetry battery status display on the SBU.
* Also observe the pressure message (0 psi without
air) and the telemetry battery status display on the
3. Press the COMM TEST button on the IDU and observe
the communication indicator + or COM OK appear
momentarily to indicate a successful test.
4. Verify TIBS Input Display Unit brake pipe pressure.
* It should read the actual brake pipe pressure (ap-
proximately 72 to 85 psi).
5. Operate the IDU Emergency toggle switch momentarily
to verify SBU emergency brake function works.
* Correct brake function is indicated by the momentary
display of LOW AIR 00, or LOW PRES, on the IDU
screen and five (5) audible beeps, which indicates 0
lb. air pressure.
* Within ten (10) seconds, the screen should return to
display air pressure 82 psi.
6. Pressing the self-test button on the isolation amplifier
will generate approximately 60 mph on the speedom-
When the speedometer reads 60 mph:
a) Press the distance counter button on the speedom-
eter TIBS display unit.
b) Allow ten (10) seconds to elapse and press the dis-
tance button again. The screen should now display a
reading between 700 and 1000.
c) Press the distance button again to reset the display
d) Following completion of the test, reset the SBU unit
code on the IDU to 11111.
e) Toggle the radio breaker to clear the screen.
* Wheel diameter cover should be sealed.
* Wheel size will be indicated on a sticker, which is
located close to the speedometer.
G2.2.2: US & S Digitair 6656 and 6696
Using the VIEW key:
* Press the VIEW key to select IDU main functions.
* Press the VIEW key to scroll through each IDU function.
NOTE: Once a main function has been selected, the SET key
will set specific parameters associated with that main func-
1. Reset the radio breaker (turn off, then on).
2. Set the SBU unit code selector on the IDU or shop desig-
nated ID code (05500) by pressing the SET key.
* Pressing the SET key enables the IDUs electronic
thumbwheel allowing the ID code to be stored.
3. Press the IDU COMM TEST button to verify two way com-
* Two way communication is verified when momen-
tary display REPLY PENDING disappears.
* Two way communication has not been established if
REPLY PENDING remains displayed.
4. Verify TIBS Input Display Unit brake pipe pressure.
* It should read the actual brake pipe pressure (ap-
proximately 72 to 85 psi).
5. Operate the IDU Emergency toggle switch momentarily to
verify SBU emergency brake function works.
* Correct brake function is indicated by the momentary
display of REPLY PENDING, the air pressure drop-
ping to 0 lb. and the low pressure alarm light going on.
* Incorrect brake function is indicated by REPLY PEND-
ING remaining on the display screen, and after 15
seconds, the F>R COM LED alarm is displayed.
6. Pressing the self-test button on the isolation amplifier will
generate approximately 60 mph on the speedometer. When
the speedometer reads 60 mph:
a) Press the ODOM button on the speedometer TIBS
display unit.
b) Allow ten (10) seconds to elapse and press the
ODOM button again. The screen should now dis-
play a reading between 700 and 1000.
c) Press the ODOM button again to reset the display
d) Following completion of the test, reset the SBU unit
code on the IDU to 11111.
e) Toggle the radio breaker to clear the screen.
NOTE: The IDU may be faulty when messages such as
pears on the alphanumeric display screen.
* Wheel diameter cover should be sealed.
* Wheel size will be indicated on a sticker which is
located close to the speedometer.
G3: Cycle Braking
1. Cycle braking, on other than long descending grades, must
be avoided and can be offset with good planning, throttle
manipulation and use of dynamic brake.
2. When cycle braking, subsequent brake applications must
be made at least 5 psi beyond the previous application to
avoid an inadequate brake application and unintentional re-
Note: If successive brake applications have reduced the
brake pipe to pressures approaching 50 psi, the train must
be brought to a complete stop to recharge the brake pipe.
* Set retainers or handbrakes as required.
* Below 40 psi, the ability of the car air brake system to
initiate an emergency brake application may be lost and
could result in a serious situation.
G4: Preventing Train Separation
The following method of train handling should be employed
to prevent undesired train separations:
* When controlling a train at low speeds (5-15 MPH) and
a STOP is required, gather the slack gently by use of the
control the speed of the movement. The AUTOMATIC
BRAKE VALVE should be used to perform the final STOP.
* In slowing for a stretched STOP, and it is evident that
the train will stop short, allow the train to come to a
complete stop, release the brakes, then pull up to the
desired stopping point slowly and stop using the most
practical method.
* In all cases of a running release, the IDU must be ob-
served to ensure the brakes have completely released
at the rear of the train before the throttle is advanced.
The exception to this requirement is when starting a
train from a bunched condition with the tail-end portion
of the train on a downward grade (See Section G5:
Train Rollback Protection).
G5: Train Rollback Protection
The rear portion of a train can roll back after the train brakes
are released.
* This can result in the inadvertent fouling of the track to
the rear of the train.
* Prior to releasing the AUTOMATIC BRAKE VALVE with
the train slack bunched, ensure you are aware of the
track grade and the location of the tail-end portion of
your train.
* This can be accomplished by use of the distance mea-
suring device on the IDU (Factor in an additional 3% of
train length).
* When a train is stopped with train slack bunched and
the rear car of the train is within 100 feet of a controlled
location, i.e. block signal or main track switch, and to
avoid an unintended rollback of the rear car, the follow-
ing procedure must be followed:
1) At a meet or overtake, communicate with the passing
train and verify the proximity of the rear car to the
signal or switch.
2) Do not release the train brakes until advised/assured
that the passing train is clear of the controlled loca-
tion, or that there are no other trains in the vicinity of
the controlled location; and
3) If a downgrade to the rear is present:
a) Release the train brakes.
b) As the train brakes commence releasing from the
head-end, advance the throttle.
c) Incrementally, and slowly stretch out the slack in
the train (paying close attention to the load meter).
d) Observe the IDU for indications of rear car move-
ment and brake release status.
not just the head-end and use good train han-
dling practices.
G6: Pusher / Helper Service
G6.1: Definition
Pusher/Helper is defined as assisting a disabled train by
adding one or more locomotives to the head-end, within the
train, or at the tail-end of a train requiring assistance.
G6.2: Operating Requirements
* The number of working axles on the Pusher/Helper consist
must not exceed the number of working axles on the train
being assisted. This can be accomplished by isolating un-
necessary locomotive units.
* Careful consideration must be given to throttle positions and
the Pusher/Helper locomotive consist taking into account
train make-up and terrain (sags and cresting hills) to pre-
vent jackknifing.
* The Pusher/Helper locomotive must not have any cars at-
tached to the locomotive consist.
* In the event of extreme cold weather, a locomotive may be
left attached to the assisted train with the automatic brake
valve and independent brake valve cut-in, a full service
brake application, hand brake applied, and the locomotive
properly secured to eliminate the need for tying on of hand
brakes on the train.
* Train line air hoses are to be coupled and cut in and the
automatic brake valve must be cut out on the Pusher/Helper
locomotive consist.
* The independent brake valve is to remain cut in to allow for
bailing off of any automatic brake application or to assist as
otherwise required.
* Pusher/Helper locomotive engineers will operate under the
direction of the locomotive engineer of the controlling loco-
motive in the direction of travel unless extenuating circum-
stances dictate otherwise.
* Both locomotive engineers must have a thorough under-
standing of the intended route, actions and procedures to
be followed.
* Radio communication must be maintained between the lead
or head-end locomotive engineer and the Pusher/Helper
locomotive engineer at all times.
* Prior to commencing any movement, a #3 Brake Test must
be performed and brakes are seen or known to be applied
on the last car or Pusher/Helper locomotive consist.
G7: Train Makeup
Train makeup can cause train handling difficulties espe-
cially on long trains with a string of empty cars situated
ahead of a number of loaded cars.
* The locomotive engineer must review the train makeup prior
to departure.
* Train handling difficulties can arise under the following con-
* one or more empty or light cars situated ahead of a high
trailing tonnage;
* use of heavy dynamic braking with such a train in curved
* when passing through undulating territory;
* pushing one or more empties or lightly loaded cars into a
string of heavy cars through curves or turnouts;
* the coupling of long, empty cars, especially if followed by a
heavy trailing tonnage.
* It should be realized that if the train is long, heavy buff and
draft forces may occur in the middle of the train and may not
be felt on the head end.
* Unless the locomotive engineer is aware of these condi-
tions within the train, action cannot be taken to avoid or
eliminate excessive forces.
It is important to know your train consist and prac-
tice good train handling techniques.
G8: Use of Dynamic Brake
G8.1: Train Speed Control With DB Only
This is particularly important when only DB is used to con-
trol train speed and when the train has both empties or light
loads on the head-end and heavy loads on the rear-end.
Under these conditions, a harsh bunching of slack or run-in
combined with track curvature can cause very high lateral
forces and/or cause derailment or damage to the track struc-
G8.2: Reduce DB Prior to Speed Restriction
When using DB, train speed must be reduced prior to reach-
ing a speed restriction. This will prevent development of
high compression forces on the head-end of the train when
entering the restriction. When possible, speed should be
reduced slightly below the maximum permissible speed prior
to the speed restriction. DB retarding force can then be
eased off while the train passes through the restricted
area to allow an increase in speed.
H1: DP Setup Guide
H1.1: Introduction to Distributed Power (DP)
Key characteristics of the DP system:
* Provides synchronous automatic and independent remote
control of locomotive consists from locomotive in lead posi-
tion and allows locomotives to be distributed throughout a
train to pull longer trains without separation from overpow-
* Provides control of remote locomotives by signals transmit-
ted over a radio link and allows several trains to operate on
the same radio frequency and within radio range of each
other without interface.
* Every locomotive consist in the train is controlled from a
lead locomotive.
* The designation Remote Locomotive applies to the con-
trolling locomotive in a remote locomotive consist.
* Locomotives connected through trainline for MU service on
the lead or remote consist are called trail locomotives.
* Lead and remote consists can still have trailing locomotives
connected in conventional trailing manner.
* Lead locomotives air brake controller commands all air brake,
throttle and dynamic brake functions on trailing locomotives.
H1.2: DP Components
The DP system is contained in five modules:
* Extended Integrated Processor Module (EIPM)
* Operator Interface Module (OIM)
* Trainline Interface Module (TIM)
* Traction Motor Current Module (TMCM)
* Radio Module (RM)
Of the above components, only the OIM is in the cab. It
replaces the conventional air brake gauges by a single
integrated display. The others are mounted in the hood and
are clearly labeled.
H1.3: DP Setup
The Electronic Air Brake (EAB) and Distributed Power (DP)
systems are initiated from the OIM. DP is always initiated
from the remote locomotive and shut off from the lead loco-
H1.3.1: Remote Locomotive Setup
1. Remote locomotives must be ready to operate in conven-
tional (non-DP) mode.
2. Prepare the following breakers, switches, and handles:
a) Set DP breakers (Radio Module, Trainline, and LEB) in
the ON position.
b) Set Air Brake Computer and Dynamic Brake breakers in
the ON position.
c) Set Gen. Field and Eng. Run breakers to OFF position.
d) Set Engine Control switch to RUN.
e) Center and remove reverser to designated area.
f ) Place throttle to Idle.
g) Place automatic brake to Handle Off position and lock in
place with locking pin.
h) Place independent brake to REL position.
3. Press on the EAB SETUP button at the OIM Initial Screen
4. At the EAB Setup Menu, verify standard operating pres-
sure settings is set, LEAD, CUTIN, FREIGHT. Adjust ac-
cordingly, if required.
Electronic Air Brake Setup Menu Keys
Key Function
CANCEL Cancels changes made. Changes
display to OIM Initial Screen.
EQ RES SETUP Allows changes to be made to
the ER pressure. Changes dis-
play to Eq Res Setup Screen.
LEAD TRAIL Toggles between Lead mode and
Trail mode.
CUTIN/ CUTOUT Toggles between BP Cut-In and
BP Cut-Out.
PASS/ FRGHT Toggles between Passenger and
ACCEPT NEW Enabled when changes are made
to EAB Setup. Saves changes.
5. Back at the OIM Initial Screen, press on the DIST POWER
button and then on REMOTE SETUP.
DP Main Menu Conventional
Key Function
LEAD SETUP Enabled whenever the DP sys-
tem is unlinked, the train is
stopped, and locomotive brakes
are applied. Changes screen to
Distributed Power Lead Setup.
REMOTE SETUP Enabled whenever the DP sys-
tem is unlinked, train is stopped,
and locomotive brakes are ap-
plied. Changes window to Dis-
tributed Power Remote Setup.
EXIT Closes Distributed Power Main
6. Enter the unit number of the lead locomotive that will control
this remote locomotive.
7. IMPORTANT!!! Set the direction as either SAME DIRN as lead
locomotive or OPPST DIRN to lead locomotive and press
Distributed Power Remote Setup
Key Function
COUNT UP Increments selected digit of link
locomotive number.
COUNT DOWN Decrements selected digit of link
locomotive number.
DIGIT LEFT Selects digit to the left.
DIGIT RIGHT Selects digit to the right.
OPPOS DIRN Configures this Remote locomo-
tive in opposite direction of Lead.
SAME DIRN Configures this Remote locomo-
tive in same direction as Lead.
DONE Accepts link number and direc-
tion setting, begins processing link
radio messages from Lead loco-
motives, and closes the window.
EXIT Closes the display window. If the
Remote Setup display window is
closed using the EXIT key, then
distributed power state (Conven-
tional/LEAD/REMOTE) does not
8. The OIM will show a penalty brake application which must
be cleared from the lead controlling locomotive. The system
essentially waits for a radio message before linking up to
the lead locomotive.
9. Close windows, lock the cab, release the hand brakes, if
appropriate, and go the lead locomotive.
Warning: When setting up the lead and remote locomotives
on the shop track for testing purposes, it is mandatory that
hand brakes be set and locomotives be coupled together
with brake pipe hoses connected and open. MU cable must
not be connected between the lead and remote consist.
H1.3.2: Lead Locomotive Setup
1. Lead locomotives must be ready to operate in conventional
(non-DP) mode.
2. Prepare the following breakers, switches, and handles:
a) Set DP breakers (Radio Module, Trainline, and LEB) in
the ON position.
b) Set Air Brake Computer and Dynamic Brake breakers in
the ON position.
c) Set Gen. Field and Eng. Run breakers to ON position.
d) Set Engine Control switch to RUN.
e) Center reverser.
f ) Place throttle to Idle.
g) Place automatic brake to RELEASE position.
h) Place independent brake to APPLY position.
3. Press on the EAB SETUP button at the OIM Initial Screen.
4. At the EAB Setup Menu, verify standard operating pres-
sure settings, LEAD, CUTIN, FREIGHT. Adjust accordingly,
if required.
5. Back at the OIM Initial Screen, press on the DIST POWER
button and then on LEAD SETUP.
6. Enter the unit number of the first remote locomotive that will
be controlled by this lead locomotive and press the LINK
button. If the link is successful, repeat this process for all
other remotes. If the link is unsuccessful, follow OIM screen
7. When all remotes have been entered and linked, press DONE.
The Left screen now displays the DP Operations Screen.
Lead Locomotive Setup Menu Keys
Key Function
COUNT UP Increments selected digit of link
locomotive number.
COUNT DOWN Decrements selected digit of link
locomotive number.
DIGIT LEFT Selects digit to the left.
DIGIT RIGHT Selects digit to the right.
LINK Begin radio transmission to link
selected remote.
DONE Enabled when remotes are linked.
Ends linking process.
UNLINK Enabled when at least one remote
is successfully linked/ locomotive
brakes are applied. Unlinks all Re-
mote locomotives.
EXIT Closes display window.
The data displayed in the Distributed Power Lead Setup
window includes the unit numbers of the locomotives that
are linked, the unit numbers of the locomotives to be linked,
and the link status. The link status can be UNLINKED, LINK
If the Distributed Power Lead Setup window is closed us-
ing the EXIT key, the DP system unlinks from all Remote
DP Main Menu Lead Locomotive Keys
Key Function
command is pending. Unlinks sys-
tem, changes the Lead locomo-
tive to Conventional mode, and
closes the display window.
command is pending. Automatic
cancel after 10 seconds.
SYSTEM Enabled when system is linked.
Changes window to Distributed
Power System Log.
ALARM LOG Enabled when system is linked.
Changes window to Distributed
Power Alarm Log.
EVENT LOG Enabled when brakes are applied.
Changes window to Distributed
Power Event Log.
END DP Enabled when train is stopped
and locomotive independent
brake cylinder pressure is above
25 psi. The EXECUTE key must
be pressed to end the DP mode.
EXIT Cancels pending command and
closes the display window. If the
Distributed Power Main Menu dis-
play window is closed using the
EXIT key, then DP operation re-
mains active.
8. Follow OIM instructions to clear the DP penalty application.
9. Once the penalty has been cleared, perform the brake pipe
a) Wait for BP to equalize with air flow less than 30 cfm.
b) Press on the BP TEST button and then on EXEC.
c) Precisely follow OIM instructions. Any handle move-
ment beyond a minimum service will cancel the test and
will have to be re-done.
d) Wait until OIM displays BP TEST OK.
10. At the DP Main Menu, press on the ALARM LOG button to
verify for any remaining alarms that may hinder train move-
ment. If no alarms are present, press on the MAIN MENU
11. Press the MODE button. Press the RUN and then the EXEC
button to bring the DP system on-line and active. All locomo-
tives will now respond as one.
H1.4: Ending Distributed Power
The DP system must always be unlinked from the lead loco-
1. Bring the train to a complete stop.
2. Place the automatic brake handle to the FULL position.
3. Place the independent brake handle to the APPLIED position.
4. On the OIM, from the DP Main Menu, press the END DP
button followed by EXEC (if button is not pressed within 10
seconds, process must be repeated).
5. Set DP breakers (Radio Module, Trainline, and LEB) in the
OFF position.
6. Configure the brake system to the required settings, Lead
or Trail.
H2: Other DP Settings
H2.1: Set-Out Mode
* Make a full service reduction and allow BP to equalize.
* Apply a full independent brake.
* On the Remote Menu (left screen) press the SET OUT
key and EXECUTE.
* Verify S/O (Set-Out) appears in the Remote Line, OUT
appears in the Flow Line.
* Separate the train and ensure the angle cock on the
standing part is open.
* Normal temperature: Leave the angle cock on the stand-
ing part open to initiate an emergency application at
* Extreme cold temperature: Close angle cock on the stand-
ing part, separate, slowly open angle cock to reduce BP
at service rate, leave angle cock open when BP pres-
sure is fully reduced.
* PCS indication should be flashing at top of Left screen.
* Verify on left OIM screen that Set-Out Remote stays
Idle/Brakes applied.
* After re-coupling and before opening angle cock, make
a full service reduction and allow BP to equalize.
* On the left screen press the NORMAL key and press
* Slowly open angle cock to avoid emergency on the
front part of train.
* When automatic brake is released, verify Remote BV
H2.2: Perform a Train Check
* Make a reduction of 10 or more psi and allow BP to equalize.
* On the SYSTEM screen press the TRAIN CHECK key and
* When train movement is imminent, release the automatic
* Message: TRAIN CHECK OK should be displayed in about
30 seconds.
* If TRAIN CHECK FAIL is displayed make another deeper BP
reduction, allow to equalize completely before releasing the
automatic brake.
* If TRAIN CHECK FAIL is displayed again, inspect the train for
a closed angle cock or BP line blockage.
* Consider performing a Manual Train Check: Remote BP
indication should rise after an automatic brake release.
H2.3: Normalize a Remote Consist, BV Cut-In
* On the left screen press the NORMAL key and EXECUTE.
* Verify NORMAL appears in the remote Line. Remote will
respond throttle and dynamic brake commands.
* If OUT is displayed on the flow line, BV Cut-in will be neces-
* BP pressure must be reduced then the automatic brake
* If the remote is in NORMAL mode, a release command fol-
lowed by a BP pressure rise will cut-in the remote brake
* Verify BV cut-in by a positive number in the remotes flow
* A communication break will prevent the remote from receiv-
ing a Normal (or a Release) command, repeat the command
and be sure to press EXECUTE.
H2.4: Assist Another Train With Power From a DP
* Unlink the lead locomotive from the remote.
* Secure standing portion of train and ensure angle cock is
* Uncouple lead consist and couple to rear of disabled train.
* Operate with standard helper instructions and rules.
* Re-couple the lead consist to the DP train, keep the angle
cock closed.
* Re-link lead and remote locomotives. Link penalty will re-
duce BP pressure to zero.
* Open angle cock, release and recharge the train then per-
form the required brake test.
H2.5: Change Display Language
* End DP operation and wait for EMV Test to complete.
* Open the LEB and AIR BRAKE breakers.
* Cycle OIM power switch OFF/ON and wait for re-boot.
* When the OIM Configuration Screen appears, press the
YES key.
* The Change screen will appear with the LANGUAGE high-
* Press the MODIFY key, ENGLISH/FRENCH will toggle.
* Select the desired language, then press the ACCEPT key
* Close the LEB and AIR BRAKE breakers.
* OIM, Distributed Power, and Air Brake will be in the selected

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