Erasmus Intensive Programme

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Marle Zaragoza, Annlka MuLke, SLl[n vos, nlcolae Svab, Lorelle uavles and Lucrezla volpl
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>?@ A;<B:CD4<A:;
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>?@ A;<B:CD4<A:;

1he Lrasmus lnLenslve rogramme has been runnlng for over 20 years and ls sadly ln lLs flnal year.
1hls year Lhe focus ls on a global lssue, soclal houslng. lL ls currenLly an urgenL need ln 8ologna and
Lhe currenL plannlng sysLem has noL yeL managed Lo Lackle Lhls problem. Cnly 20 of new
developmenLs provlded are soclal, Lhls LargeL ls noL enough Lo dellver Lhe number of homes needed,
whlch currenLly sLands aL 11,000. 1hls reporL wlll focus on a slLe named 'Caserma Maslnl', whlch ls
locaLed ln souLh easL of 8ologna clLy cenLre. lollowlng Lhe Lrlp Lo 1orlno we have sLudled currenL
soclal houslng developmenLs and declded Lo Lransform Lhe currenL derellcL slLe lnLo a mlx-used
communlLy wlLh provlslon of 70 soclal houses.

E?@ )8F;;A;G A; A<F8H

1he lLallan plannlng sysLem ls ln Lhe compeLence of 20 reglons, Lhese reglons are subdlvlded lnLo
rovlnces, and Lhese lnLo MunlclpallLles. Lach of Lhese lmplemenLs lLs own bulldlng regulaLlons buL
are based on reglonal guldellnes. CerLaln elemenLs are lnLegraLed from naLlonal laws, buL ln prlnclple
Lhere ls no naLlonal sysLem of bulldlng regulaLlons. 8ulldlng conLrol ls enshrlned ln 8eglonal sLrucLure
plans, and by each munlclpallLy ln a 'lano 8egolaLore Cenerale'. lor susLalnablllLy aspecLs, Lhe
reglons and munlclpallLles lnLroduced 'norme per l'edlllzla sosLenlblle' whlch was drlven by Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe L8u. ollcles for soclal houslng L8 and L8S. lnspecLors of Lhe munlclpallLy
carry ouL conLrol of Lhe regulaLlons aL Lhree sLages: deLalled plans, roof on and before renderlng and
plasLerlng, and on compleLlon. 1he approval of plans ls ofLen very Llme consumlng, slnce Lhe
commune refers Lhem ln Lurn Lo a serles of lndlvldual experLs for approval, each of whlch musL
approve Lhe plans and recelve paymenL before passlng Lo Lhe nexL experL. Slnce 1999, however, for
some bulldlngs archlLecLs are allowed Lo self-cerLlfy Lhelr plans.

I?@ %A<= F))BFA%F8

1o achleve successful deslgn, slLe analysls ls a musL and should be done carefully. A slLe analysls
lnvolves Laklng an lnvenLory of Lhe slLe elemenLs and analyslng Lhese facLors relevanL Lo Lhe
developmenLs needs and alms.

J?@ <-= %K:< F;F8H%A% <::8

A SWC1 analysls ls a useful Lechnlque used Lo ldenLlfy %LrengLhs, Keaknesses, :pporLunlLles and
<hreaLs of an area or relaLed pollcy as used ln Lhls case. Cnce Lhls ls compleLed, Lhe SWC1 analysls
deLermlnes whaL ls needed for compleLlon of Lhe ob[ecLlves and whaL obsLacles musL be overcome
or mlnlmlsed Lo achleve Lhe deslred resulLs.

J?> %K:< F;F8H%A% :! <-= %A<=

NBA=! =U)8F;F<A:;

We have noLed LhaL Lhere ls Lhe presence of asbesLos ln Lhe greenhouse, Lhe roof wlll need Lo be
safely removed and desLroyed and Lhen Lhe whole bulldlng renovaLed. uue Lo resLrlcLlons Lhe
bulldlng can be desLroyed buL wlll need Lo be bullL ln Lhe same area and shape.

As for Lhe opporLunlLles we LhoughL LhaL Lhe exlsLlng soclal acLlvlLy on Lhe slLe should be enhanced.
1here ls already a communlLy uslng Lhls slLe, and people LhaL wanL Lo be lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecLs
Lhere. 1hls ls a greaL opporLunlLy Lo lnvolve Lhe nelghbourhood when deslgnlng Lhe slLe Lo
lncorporaLe Lhelr ldeas and oplnlons.

n.l.M.8.?: eople ln Lhe surroundlng area may noL be happy wlLh Lhe pro[ecL because of Lhe sLlgma
of soclal houslng. AnoLher opponenL of Lhe pro[ecL could be Lhe 'La-8as' communlLy who could be
relucLanL Lo a change ln Lhelr area. llnally, Lhere are also lnfrasLrucLural LhreaLs ln Lhe area, Lhere
wlll be more pressure on local lnfrasLrucLure because of new lnhablLanLs Lo Lhe area. 1hey may be
commuLlng Lo work each day uslng publlc LransporL or wlll have Lhelr own vehlcles.

J?E %K:< F;F8H%A% :! <-= ):8A4H F;C 8:4F8 A;A<AF<AM=%

NBA=! =U)8F;F<A:;

ollcy: 1he several pollcles on houslng markeLs wlll be furLher explalned ln Lhe nexL chapLer of
crlLerla for effecLlve and susLalnable houslng pollcles.

Crey Area: 1he group of people who are ln a crlLlcal need for houslng due Lo dlfferenL personal
clrcumsLances llke dlvorced parenLs or wldows.

L?@ %)=4<BDP F))BFA%F8 X 4DBB=;< %A<=

A specLrum appralsal has been used Lo promoLe Lhe ob[ecLlves of susLalnable developmenL. 1he
specLrum appralsal ls Lhe assessmenL of Lhe soclal, economlcal and envlronmenLal aspecLs of a place.
lL beglns ln Lhe preparaLlon process Lo allow declslons Lo be made LhaL accord wlLh Lhe susLalnable
developmenL. 1he 'green colour' shows LhaL Lhls aspecL of Lhe slLe ls already susLalnable and no
lmprovemenLs need Lo be made. 1he 'yellow colour' slgnlfles LhaL Lhe slLe ls parLly susLalnable and
LhaL only mlnor changes need Lo be made. 1he 'red colour' hlghllghLs Lhe facL LhaL Lhls aspecL of Lhe
slLe ls noL susLalnable or healLhy and ma[or lmprovemenLs need Lo be made.

%'"+20 .Y " %&21'5/6 F&&5"(0"#
1. Looklng aL relevanL plans and pollcles
2. ldenLlfy key susLalnable lssues
3. uevelop crlLerla
4. Assess crlLerla on Lhe speclflc area

O?@ 4BA<=BAF !:B =!!=4<AM= F;C %D%<FA;FN8= -:D%A;G

1o develop a llsL of crlLerla for effecLlve and susLalnable houslng pollcles for our pro[ecL, flrsL Lhe
pollcles and local lnlLlaLlves on soclal houslng for Lhls area have Lo be menLloned. ln Lhe end,
sLraLegles and acLlons for susLalnable houslng pollcles wlll be deflned for Lhe plannlng area.

ln lLaly Lhere are dlfferenL houslng pollcles: Lhe =B) Z=,(#([(" B20(,2*[("#2 )/\\#(1"] ls a naLlonal
pollcy for publlc houslng and Lhe =B% Z=,(#([(" B20(,2*[("#2 %.1("#2] ls a pollcy for soclal houslng e.g.
for Lhe grey area" (l1_l_8ologna_2014_, 2014: p. 7). WlLhln Lhe L8S Lhe goal ls polnLed ouL Lo
achleve 20 of soclal houslng accommodaLlons (CuL8ZCnl, 2014: p. 24).

8elow Lhls level Lhere ls Lhe )%4 Z)("*. %'5/''/5"#2 4.6/*"#2], whlch ls a sLrucLural plan. lL
descrlbes Lhe developmenL of Lhe clLy on an absLracL level. 1he )DM Z)("*. ,( M"#.5([["[(.*2
D5\"*(0'(1"] ls anoLher urban Lool, whlch ls more deLalled Lhan Lhe SC. lurLhermore Lhe BD=

ZB2+.#"62*'. D5\"*(0'(1. =,(#([(.] ls an even more deLalled plan LhaL regulaLes Lhe deslgn of Lhe
bulldlngs ln Lhe area.
Concernlng Caserma Maslnl, Lhe )DM conLalns several regulaLlons: a car-park needs Lo be creaLed Lo
Lhe slze of 600 sqm wlLh a capaclLy of 40 parklng loLs. AnoLher compulsory requlremenL ls Lo bulld a
klndergarden wlLh a slze of 1000 sqm. uue Lo Lhe uv, new soclal houslng shall be creaLed and lL ls
also makes recommendaLlons for a markeL and hoLel Lo be bullL (CCMunL ul 8CLCCnA, 2010).

1he BD= polnLs ouL dlrecLlves for Lhe plannlng area: you flnd furLher bulldlng resLrlcLlons ln Lhe 8uL,
as some bulldlngs cannoL be removed because of Lhelr hlsLorlcal archlLecLural value. 1wo bulldlngs
can only be demollshed, lf lL ls necessary, because of Lhelr Lyplcal klnd of consLrucLlon for 8ologna.
1he green house could also only be demollshed lf necessary, buL Lhe roof deflnlLely needs Lo be
removed, as lL ls conLamlnaLed wlLh asbesLos (LvAnCLLlS1l, 2014: p. 36). 1here are some bulldlngs
LhaL can be demollshed, buL have Lo be replaced ln Lhe same volume and on Lhe same or nearly Lhe
same place.

G.., &5"1'(120 we have seen for example ln 1orlno ln uslng susLalnable maLerlals. 1here have been
solar panels for green energy and colours were used, whlch sLay cleaned. AnoLher polnL ls Lo lnvolve
Lhe people ln Lhe communlLy for example Lo keep Lhe area clean. Moreover, bulldlngs can be used
wlLh dlfferenL several funcLlons for a number of acLlvlLles. ln addlLlon, dlfferenL groups of people can
llve LogeLher, such as young couples, famllles or older people and furLhermore wlLh dlfferenL soclal
backgrounds, llke sLudenLs or manager. lL ls also a good pracLlce Lo have a mlxed-use area wlLh
dlfferenL funcLlons llke shops, flaLs, green areas Lo relax and resLauranLs and bars.

Accordlng Lo Lhese regulaLlons and Lhe analysls ln Lhe chapLers before 0'5"'2+(20 "*, "1'(.*0 Y.5
0/0'"(*"\#2 W./0(*+ &.#(1(20 can be deflned. 1he cosLs should be kepL as low as posslble, because of
Lhe flnanclal slLuaLlon of Lhe munlclpallLy. So bulldlngs should only be demollshed lf needed. 1here
needs Lo be an lncrease of green spaces Lo creaLe a balance Lo Lhe hlgh raLe of grey area".
lurLhermore, long-lasLlng maLerlals shall be used for a susLalnable and economlc way of bulldlng.
Also for Lhls reason solar panels should be lnsLalled. LasL buL noL leasL more access Lo Lhe area
should be creaLed for securlLy reasons.

Q?@ )B:):%F8

1he derellcL slLe wlll be Lransformed lnLo a vlbranL mlxed-use communlLy. ConslderaLlons have been
Laken ln Lo accounL Lo lnclude a mlxLure of soclal, sLudenL and prlvaLe houslng, as well as communlLy
areas, a klndergarden, publlc space, bars and shops, and a hosLel. 1hese are furLher explalned ln Lhls

Q?> 4:PPD;A<H A;M:8M=P=;<

CommunlLy lnvolvemenL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe plannlng process and beneflLs all parLles
lnvolved. CommunlLles have a rlghL Lo say abouL Lhe declslons LhaL wlll affecL Lhelr llves and Lhey
wanL Lo have an acLlve role. lollowlng lnLervlews wlLh members of Lhe 'La-8as' communlLy , lL ls

clear LhaL Lhey wanL Lhls area regeneraLed buL Lhey do noL wanL Lo lose Lhe lmporLanL parLs LhaL
make Lhls communlLy a unlque and lnsplrlng place Lo be.

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lL wlll be beneflclal Lo all parLles Lo engage wlLh Lhe communlLy Lo dellver a susLalnable and
affordable developmenL. 1here are many way of lnvolvlng Lhe local communlLy, such as: a voLlng
sysLem, meeLlngs or represenLaLlves. Powever, due Lhe lllegal acLlvlLy LhaL currenLly goes on ln Lhls
area, we have declded LhaL Lhe falresL way Lo lnclude Lhls communlLy ls by a conLracL sysLem. 1hls
means LhaL Lhe members of 'La-8as' are able Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe redevelopmenL of Lhe area lf Lhey
choose Lo, lf Lhey do noL wlsh Lo slgn Lhe conLracL Lhen Lhey musL leave Lhe area. 1hls encourages
Lhem Lo Lake an acLlve parL ln Lhe pro[ecL, whlch ln Lurn should reduce Lhe lllegal acLlvlLy currenLly
happenlng on slLe. A dedlcaLed area wlll also be avallable for Lhe 'La-8as' people who choose Lo slgn
Lhe conLracL, Lhls wlll allow Lhem Lo conLlnue Lhelr weekly meeLlngs and dlscuss fuLure communlLy

Q?E D%= :! <-= NDA8CA;G%

ln Lhls pro[ecL, Lo save money and Lo guard Lhe currenL aLmosphere of Lhe area, we declded Lo use
as many exlsLlng bulldlngs as posslble, also because Lhelr baslc quallLy ls good. Powever, all Lhe
bulldlngs have Lo be renovaLed (Lhermal lnsulaLlon and soundprooflng, new palnLlngs, new doors
and wlndows) and reshaped lndoors.

1. ln Lhls bulldlng Lhere wlll be a klndergarLen of 1,000 sqm (Lwo floors of 480 sqm + enLrance).
1hls place flLs well Lo Lhls funcLlon because Lhere are only Lwo floors and Lhere ls enough
space avallable. 1here wlll also be a playground ln fronL of Lhe enLrance unLll Lhe
greenhouse. 1hls area wlll have a dlfferenL ground maLerlal Lhan Lhe resL of Lhe courLyard Lo
prevenL Lhe chlldren from hurLlng Lhemselves whlle playlng.

2. 1he greenhouse has Lo be dramaLlcally renovaLed because lL conLalns asbesLos ln Lhe roof.
Powever, Lhe orlglnal sLrucLure and Lhe shape of Lhe bulldlng are lnLeresLlng so we declded
Lo renovaLe lL and use lL as an lnslde playground for Lhe chlldren, wlLh a LheaLre (or a llLLle
amphlLheaLre) lnslde lL. 1he roof wlll be glass Lo have a nlce vlew ouLslde.

3. 1hls 2-floors bulldlng wlll conLaln a hosLel wlLh common areas (klLchen, llvlng room) on Lhe
ground floor.

4. Cn Lhe ground floor of Lhls bulldlng Lhere wlll be some shops and a bar (a Lerrace could be
lnsLalled under Lhe porLlcos and ouLslde durlng sunny Llmes). Cn Lhe oLher floors Lhere wlll
be some prlvaLe houses (wlLh prlvaLe balconles), ln order Lo creaLe a soclal mlx ln Lhe area.

3. Cn Lhe ground floor small workshops and sLudlos for crafLsmen and palnLers wlll be lnsLalled
Lo provlde Lhem wlLh a small space Lo pracLlce. Cn Lhe oLher floors we LhoughL abouL
esLabllshlng soclal houslng for famllles and couples.

6. ln Lhls narrow bulldlng Lhere wlll be soclal Lemporary houslng avallable for people from Lhe
!"#$ &"#'. We could arrange aparLmenLs of 30 sqm for Lwo people wlLh shared faclllLles
(klLchen, baLhroom, llvlng room, eLc.) buL wlLh an aparL bedroom so Lhey sLlll have some

7. ln Lhe bulldlng faclng Lhe vla SanLo SLefano Lhere wlll be prlvaLe houslng as well.

8. 1hese bulldlngs wlll conLaln one floor soclal houslng wlLh a prlvaLe Lerrace and pergolas Lo
creaLe a llLLle prlvacy. AlLhough, Lhese Lerraces wlll be connecLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe common

9. 1he currenL klndergarLen wlll be demollshed Lo make Lhe soclal houses on Lhe sLreeL slde
Lurn Lowards Lhe courLyard so lL wlll be one open space (see polnL 8).

10. 1he ground floor of Lhls bulldlng wlll lnclude a communlLy cenLre, a cafeLerla/resLauranL and
a room for Lhe ()*+', communlLy Lo arrange meeLlngs. 1he oLher floors wlll be used for
sLudenL houslng.

11. 1hls small bulldlng wlll be demollshed Lo enlarge Lhe enLrance of Lhe area and lnvlLe Lhe
people Lo go lnslde. We also wanL Lo creaLe a vlsual connecLlon beLween Lhe MargarlLa
Cardens and Lhe courLyard be planLlng Lrees aL Lhe enLrance and creaLe a rank aLLached Lo

y bulldlng.

1he Lable below dlsplays Lhe amounL of people LhaL Lhls slLe wlll house.
^(*, .Y
"*, 0([2 Z0_6]
%/5Y"12 "52" .Y
'W2 \/(#,(*+
;/6\25 .Y
J 70 360 2 720 10 21
L 60 430 4 1720 29 37
O 23 30 4 200 8 8

Q?I F44=%%ANA8A<H

8ecause of Lhe bad accesslblllLy of Lhe area, we declded Lo creaLe and lmprove Lhe enLrances. 1he
maln enLrance aL Lhe vla Crfeo wlll be malnLalned and Lhe bulldlng aL Lhe rlghL wlll be demollshed Lo
creaLe a vlsual connecLlon wlLh Lhe MargherlLa Cardens (as already menLloned above). AL Lhe vla
SanLo SLefano Lhere wlll be a pedesLrlan enLrance. lL conslsLs ouL of a walkLhrough Lo Lhe small
courLyard and Lhe blg courLyard. 1hls way Lhere wlll be Lwo enLrances whlch wlll lncrease Lhe
accesslblllLy and Lhe securlLy. AL lasL Lhere wlll be an underground parklng for Lhe lnhablLanLs and
Lhe workers (crafLsmen, Leachers, eLc.) (When Lhere ls space lefL ln Lhe garage lL ls posslble for oLher
people Lo use Lhe parklng for a small fee.

Q?J )DN8A4 %)F4=%

1o us publlc spaces are really lmporLanL, especlally ln an area llke Lhls wlLh a blg courLyard. We
declded Lo lmprove a few publlc spaces ln Lhe area. llrsL of all Lhe vegeLable gardens whlch wlll be
enlarged. Secondly Lhe porLlcl. under Lhe porLlcl Lhere wlll be a Lerrace for people who are aLLendlng
Lhe bar whlch ls locaLed Lhere. AnoLher publlc space wlll be Lhe enLrance. 1here wlll be a green rank
on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe communlLy cenLre (S/L orlenLaLlon). 1hls because of Lhe earller menLloned
connecLlon wlLh Lhe MargherlLa Cardens. 1he lasL publlc space we wanL Lo lmprove are Lhe blcycle
sLorages. 1here wlll be one near Lhe vla SanLo SLefano and one aL Lhe maln enLrance

R?@ PF%<=B)8F;

Q 70 310 3 1330 22 44
R 30 380 1 380 12 23
>@ 18 330 2 660 37 37


S?@ )B:T=4< MAFNA8A<H

1o esLabllsh wheLher or noL Lhe redevelopmenL of Lhe slLe ls feaslble, lL ls necessary Lo dlscuss Lhe
overall vlablllLy of Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls lncludes how long lL wlll Lake unLll compleLlon, flnanclal aspecL
and also opposlLlon or delays LhaL could occur.

S?> CDBF<A:;

%<=) >
1he underground parklng ls a complex deslgn and wlll llkely Lake 6-8 monLhs Lo consLrucL Lhls alone.

%<=) E
uue Lo Lhe currenL bulldlngs condlLlons Lhese spaces are llkely Lo Lake a whlle Lo reconsLrucL some
parLs and Lo renovaLe Lhe resL. We esLlmaLe lL should Lake around 3-4 monLhs.

%<=) I
1he bulldlngs proposed for soclal houslng are currenLly already ln use, Lhls means LhaL Lhe currenL
condlLlon ls already qulLe good and wonL Lake Loo long Lo renovaLe. We esLlmaLe 2 monLh for Lhls
%<=) J
uue Lo Lhe asbesLos ln Lhe roof of Lhe glasshouse and Lhe currenL bulldlngs condlLlons of Lhe
proposed klndergarLen, lL ls llkely LhaL Lhls process wlll Lake 3 monLhs.

%<=) L
1he bulldlng for Lemporary houses, sLudenL accommodaLlon and Lhe hosLel are ln falrly good
condlLlon. We esLlmaLe 2 monLhs.
%<=) O
1he courLyard layouL ls Lhe flnal sLep and Lhe slmplesL, Lhls should on Lake 1 monLh maxlmum.

1aklng lnLo accounL Lhe plannlng appllcaLlon sLeps, posslble Llme delays and budgeL consLralnLs, Lhe
llkely Llme duraLlon of Lhe enLlre pro[ecL ls around Lwo years.

S?E !A;F;4AF8 F%)=4<

1he predlcLed value of Lhe slLe currenLly sLands aL t10 mllllon, Lhe foundaLlon 'Cassa deposlLl e
presLlLl' owns Lhe slLe. We belleve LhaL lL ls llkely LhaL Lhls foundaLlon wlll carry ouL Lhe
redevelopmenL of Lhe area and renLal lncomes wlll be relnvesLed back lnLo Lhe area, such as
malnLenance of publlc spaces and fundlng for communlLy evenLs.

As parL of Lhe communlLy lnvolvemenL process and lncluded ln Lhe conLracL, 'la-bas' members were
hlred Lo carry ouL parLs of Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe slLe and malnLenance ln exchange for Lemporary
accommodaLlon on durlng Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls ln Lurn, should keep labour cosLs down and lmprove Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween developer and communlLy.

1o keep cosLs aL a mlnlmum lL was declded LhaL Lhe bulldlngs should be renovaLed raLher Lhan
demollshed, Lhls aLLalns orlglnal feaLures whllsL lmprovlng Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe dllapldaLed bulldlngs.
1he maLerlals used have all been locally sourced and are long lasLlng Lo have an economlc and
susLalnable use. ln order for Lhe developmenL Lo be susLalnable (solar panels and recycllng faclllLles
eLc), large cosLs have occurred ln order Lo achleve Lhls. Powever, ln Lhe long Lerm Lhese sums can be
recovered and energy prlces reduced.

S?I ):%%AN8= NFBBA=B% <: AP)8=P=;<F<A:;

AlLhough we have accommodaLed Lo Lhe communlLles needs ln Lhls proposal, lL ls sLlll posslble LhaL
Lhls developmenLs wlll face opposlLlon from Lhe members or nelghbours (n.l.M.8.?.). 1hls could be
ln Lhe form of leLLers, peLlLlons or proLesLs, whlch could delay Lhe process. Powever, lL ls unllkely Lo
have a ma[or effecL on Lhe dellvery of Lhe pro[ecL.

ln Lhe posslble evenL LhaL some 'La-8as' members do noL wlsh Lo slgn Lhe conLracL or agree Lo leave,
delays could be endured unLll Lhese lssues are resolved or lL could cause slgnlflcanL problems wlLh
Lhe developmenL and lL may be halLed alLogeLher.

>@?@ 4:;48D%A:;

We belleve Lhls developmenL wlll be beneflclal Lo many people. We have lncorporaLed Lhe
communlLy aspecL lnLo many parLs of Lhe developmenL, such as a space for 'La-8as' communlLy,
markeL space, green garden and communlLy cenLre. 1he mlxed-use developmenL wlll provlde 70
soclal houslng, Lhls goes well above Lhe 20 LhaL currenL pollcy lndlcaLes. lL wlll also accommodaLe
famllles, sLudenLs, and oLher lndlvlduals.

8elow ls a specLrum appralsal lndlcaLlng Lhe predlcLed soclal, envlronmenLal and economlcal aspecLs
of Lhe slLe. When compared Lo Lhe prevlous specLrum appralsal lL ls a conslderable lmprovemenL. All
Lhe red lndlcaLors have been eradlcaLed and many yellow lndlcaLors have been changed Lo green.

>>?@ B=!=B=;4=%

8erLocchl (2014) L8ASMuS ln1LnSlvL 8CC8AMML: -.&/0&( .(&1101! &12 345-01! .4(0607-8
697&/01! 64::510/; (0<01! -.&67-= Commune dl 8ologna

LvanglllsLl, l. (2014) CCnSL8vA1lCn Anu 8LCLnL8A1lCn: 1he re-use of Lhe Maslnl barracks ln
8ologna's hlsLorlcal cenLer. Commune dl 8ologna, ulparLlmenLo rlquallflcazlone urbane.

Cabelllnl, . (2014) 8CLCCnA S18uC1u8AL LAnS. unlverslLa dl 8ologna.

Cuerzonl, M. (2014) PCuSlnC CLlClLS Anu SCClAL lSSuLS ln 8CLCCnA ML18CCLl1An A8LA.
rovlnce of 8ologna, lLaly.

lLallan l group (2014) SCClAL PCuSlnC Anu u88An 8LCLnL8A1lCn: An lLallan Case SLudy.
unlverslLa dl 8ologna

1ondelll, S (2014) 1PL l1ALlAn LAnnlnC S?S1LM Anu 1PL LAnnlnC S?S1LM Cl LMlLlA-
8CMACnA 8LClCn. unlverslLa dl 8ologna, ueparLmenL of ArchlLecLure

Comune dl 8ologna (2010) 8CC8AMMA unl1A8lC ul vALC8lZZAZlCnL ul lMMC8lLl u88LlCl (uv
- 8CLCCnA). Avallable from:
4b4bd0/0434ecb06a4ee203c123787f003d448e?CpenuocumenL [Accessed 14Lh March 2014]

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