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The NHS should not treat people with

obesity related illnesses

This quote states that if a person enters an NHS ran hospital or
clinic presenting an issue of health that links to their diet probles! they
should not be treated" There are a nuber of arguents supporting and
opposing this"
#ne such supporti$e arguent is that e$en though a patient is
obese! their probles ay include underlying factors which eant that
their health was coprised e$en without obesity" This would result in a
patient not being treated for an illness that is only worsened by obesity!
not created" Howe$er! obesity can ake coon otherwise rare illnesses
causing ore work for NHS eployees and lower funding rates" %eople
who are in desperate need of edical attention would lose such help due
to lack of a$ailable funds! equipent and staff"
Ne$ertheless! the obese proportion of society pays equal ta& and
such therefore should recei$e equal edical help" 'f patient ( and patient
) both ha$e type * diabetes yet one is obese! they should surely be
treated siilarly as they both contribute to society" (lthough the latter is
true! the obese patient was! in part! able to pre$ent his affliction whereas
the other patient was not" This eans that the NHS spend ore tie and
oney on a person who has been careless in diet"
'n conclusion! ' think that patients with obesity related illnesses
should only be allowed restricted free edical attention as there are ore
deser$ing patients but help should not be reo$ed entirely as they do still
ha$e an issue that can only be helped by edical attention"

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