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On Horsemanship

Translated by H. G. Dakyns
Text derived from The Works of Xenophon by H. G. Dakyns, Mamillan and !o., "#$7.
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On Horsemanship
!laimin0 to %ave attained some 'rofiieny in %orsemans%i'
o(rselves, as t%e res(lt of lon0 ex'eriene
in t%e field, o(r &is% is to ex'lain, for t%e benefit of o(r yo(n0er friends, &%at &e oneive to be t%e most
orret met%od of dealin0 &it% %orses.
T%ere is, it is tr(e, a treatise on %orsemans%i' &ritten by +imon, t%e same &%o dediated t%e bron6e %orse
near t%e 8le(sinion in At%ens
&it% a re'resentation of %is ex'loits en0raved in relief on t%e 'edestal.
B(t &e s%all not on t%at ao(nt ex'(n0e from o(r treatise any onl(sions in &%i% &e %a''en to a0ree
&it% t%at a(t%or4 on t%e ontrary &e s%all %and t%em on &it% still 0reater 'leas(re to o(r friends, in t%e
belief t%at &e s%all only 0ain in a(t%ority from t%e fat t%at so 0reat an ex'ert in %orsemans%i' %eld
similar vie&s to o(r o&n4 &%ilst &it% re0ard to matters omitted in %is treatise, &e s%all endeavo(r to
s(''ly t%em.
As o(r first to'i &e s%all deal &it% t%e :(estion, %o& a man may best avoid bein0 %eated in t%e
'(r%ase of a %orse.
Take t%e ase of a foal as yet (nbroken. it is 'lain t%at o(r sr(tiny m(st be0in &it% t%e body4 an animal
t%at %as never yet been mo(nted an b(t 'resent t%e va0(est indiations of s'irit. !onfinin0 o(rselves
t%erefore to t%e body, t%e first 'oint to examine, &e maintain, &ill be t%e feet. ;(st as a %o(se &o(ld be of
little (se, %o&ever bea(tif(l its (''er stories, if t%e (nderlyin0 fo(ndations &ere not &%at t%ey o(0%t to
be, so t%ere is little (se to be extrated from a %orse, and in 'arti(lar a &ar1%orse,
if (nso(nd in %is feet,
%o&ever exellent %is ot%er 'oints4 sine %e o(ld not t(rn a sin0le one of t%em to 0ood ao(nt.
=n testin0 t%e feet t%e first t%in0 to examine &ill be t%e %orny 'ortion of t%e %oof. 5or so(ndness of foot a
t%ik %orn is far better t%an a t%in. A0ain it is im'ortant to notie &%et%er t%e %oofs are %i0% bot% before
and be%ind, or flat to t%e 0ro(nd4 for a %i0% %oof kee's t%e >fro0,?
as it is alled, &ell off t%e 0ro(nd4
&%ereas a lo& %oof treads e:(ally &it% t%e sto(test and softest 'art of t%e foot alike, t%e 0ait resemblin0
t%at of a bandy1le00ed man.
>3o( may tell a 0ood foot learly by t%e rin0,? says +imon %a''ily4
for t%e
%ollo& %oof rin0s like a ymbal a0ainst t%e solid eart%.
And no& t%at &e %ave be0(n &it% t%e feet, let (s asend from t%is 'oint to t%e rest of t%e body. T%e
above t%e %oof and belo& t%e fetlok m(st not be too strai0%t, like t%ose of a 0oat4 t%ro(0% not
bein0 'ro'erly elasti,
le0s of t%is ty'e &ill Aar t%e rider, and are more liable to beome inflamed. Bn
t%e ot%er %and, t%ese bones m(st not be too lo&, or else t%e fetlok &ill be abraded or laerated &%en t%e
%orse is 0allo'ed over lods and stones.
T%e bones of t%e s%anks
o(0%t to be t%ik, bein0 as t%ey are t%e ol(mns on &%i% t%e body rests4 t%ik
in t%emselves, t%at is, not '(ffed o(t &it% veins or fles%4 or else in ridin0 over %ard 0ro(nd t%ey &ill
inevitably be s(r%ar0ed &it% blood, and variose onditions be set (',
t%e le0s beomin0 t%ik and
'(ffy, &%ilst t%e skin reedes4 and &it% t%is loosenin0 of t%e skin t%e bak sine&
is very a't to start and
render t%e %orse lame.
=f t%e yo(n0 %orse in &alkin0 bends %is knees flexibly, yo( may safely onAet(re t%at &%en %e omes to
be ridden %e &ill %ave flexible le0s, sine t%e :(ality of s(''leness invariably inreases &it% a0e.
+(''le knees are %i0%ly esteemed and &it% 0ood reason, renderin0 as t%ey do t%e %orse less liable to
st(mble or break do&n from fati0(e t%an t%ose of stiffer b(ild.
!omin0 to t%e t%i0%s belo& t%e s%o(lder1blades,
or arms, t%ese if t%ik and m(s(lar 'resent a stron0er
and %andsomer a''earane, A(st as in t%e ase of a %(man bein0. A0ain, a om'aratively broad %est is
better alike for stren0t% and bea(ty, and better ada'ted to arry t%e le0s &ell as(nder, so t%at t%ey &ill not
overla' and interfere &it% one anot%er. A0ain, t%e nek s%o(ld not be set on dro''in0 for&ard from t%e
%est, like a boarCs, b(t, like t%at of a 0ame1ok rat%er, it s%o(ld s%oot ('&ards to t%e rest, and be
alon0 t%e (rvat(re4 &%ilst t%e %ead s%o(ld be bony and t%e Aa&bone small. =n t%is &ay t%e nek
&ill be &ell in front of t%e rider, and t%e eye &ill ommand &%at lies before t%e %orseCs feet. A %orse,
moreover, of t%is b(ild, %o&ever s'irited, &ill be least a'able of overmasterin0 t%e rider,
sine it is not
by ar%in0 b(t by stret%in0 o(t %is nek and %ead t%at a %orse endeavo(rs to assert %is 'o&er.
=t is im'ortant also to observe &%et%er t%e Aa&s are soft or %ard on one or ot%er side, sine as a r(le a
%orse &it% (ne:(al Aa&s
is liable to beome %ard1mo(t%ed on one side.
A0ain, a 'rominent rat%er t%an a s(nken eye is s(00estive of alertness, and a %orse of t%is ty'e &ill %ave a
&ider ran0e of vision.
And so of t%e nostrils. a &ide1dilated nostril is at one better t%an a ontrated one for res'iration, and
0ives t%e animal a fierer as'et. Dote %o&, for instane, &%en one stallion is enra0ed a0ainst anot%er, or
&%en %is s'irit %afes in bein0 ridden,
t%e nostrils at one beome dilated.
A om'aratively lar0e rest and small ears 0ive a more ty'ial and %orse1like a''earane to t%e %ead,
&%ilst lofty &it%ers a0ain allo& t%e rider a s(rer seat and a stron0er ad%esion bet&een t%e s%o(lders and
t%e body.
A >do(ble s'ine,?
a0ain, is at one softer to sit on t%an a sin0le, and more 'leasin0 to t%e eye. +o, too, a
fairly dee' side some&%at ro(nded to&ards t%e belly
&ill render t%e animal at one easier to sit and
stron0er, and as a 0eneral r(le better able to di0est %is food.
T%e broader and s%orter t%e loins t%e more easily &ill t%e %orse raise %is fore:(arters and brin0 (' %is
%ind:(arters (nder %im. Given t%ese 'oints, moreover, t%e belly &ill a''ear as small as 'ossible, a 'ortion
of t%e body &%i% if lar0e is 'artly a disfi0(rement and 'artly tends to make t%e %orse less stron0 and
a'able of arryin0 &ei0%t.
T%e :(arters s%o(ld be broad and fles%y in orres'ondene &it% t%e sides and %est, and if t%ey are also
firm and solid t%ro(0%o(t t%ey &ill be all t%e li0%ter for t%e raeo(rse, and &ill render t%e %orse in every
&ay more fleet.
To ome to t%e t%i0%s -and b(ttoks2.
if t%e %orse %ave t%ese se'arated by a broad line of demaration
%e &ill be able to 'lant %is %ind1le0s (nder %im &it% a 0ood 0a' bet&een4
and in so doin0 &ill ass(me a
and a 0ait in ation at one 'ro(der and more firmly balaned, and in every &ay a''ear to t%e
best advanta0e.
T%e %(man s(bAet &o(ld seem to 'oint to t%is onl(sion. E%en a man &ants to lift anyt%in0 from off
t%e 0ro(nd %e essays to do so by brin0in0 t%e le0s a'art and not by brin0in0 t%em to0et%er.
A %orse o(0%t not to %ave lar0e testiles, t%o(0% t%at is not a 'oint to be determined in t%e olt.
And no&, as re0ards t%e lo&er 'arts, t%e %oks,
or s%anks and fetloks and %oofs, &e %ave only to
re'eat &%at %as been said already abo(t t%ose of t%e fore1le0s.
= &ill %ere note some indiations by &%i% one may foreast t%e 'robable si6e of t%e 0ro&n animal. T%e
olt &it% t%e lon0est s%anks at t%e moment of bein0 foaled &ill 0ro& into t%e bi00est %orse4 t%e fat bein0
Fand it %olds of all t%e domesti :(adr('eds
Ft%at &it% advane of time t%e le0s %ardly inrease at all,
&%ile t%e rest of t%e body 0ro&s (niformly (' to t%ese, (ntil it %as attained its 'ro'er symmetry.
+(% is t%e ty'e
of olt and s(% t%e tests to be a''lied, &it% every 'ros'et of 0ettin0 a so(nd1footed,
stron0, and fles%y animal fine of form and lar0e of stat(re. =f %an0es in some instanes develo' d(rin0
0ro&t%, t%at need not 'revent (s from a''lyin0 o(r tests in onfidene. =t far more often %a''ens t%at an
(0ly1lookin0 olt &ill t(rn o(t servieable,
t%an t%at a foal of t%e above desri'tion &ill t(rn o(t (0ly or
*it. >+ine, t%ro(0% t%e aident of %avin0 for a lon0 time GriddenC o(rselves, &e believe &e %ave
beome 'rofiients in %orsemans%i', &e &is% to s%o& to o(r yo(n0er friends %o&, as &e oneive t%e
matter, t%ey &ill 'roeed most orretly in dealin0 &it% %orses.? i''e(ein in t%e ase of Heno'%on I
serve as a i''e(s, &%et%er te%nially as an At%enian >kni0%t? or more 'arti(larly in referene to %is
or0anisation of a troo' of avalry d(rin0 >t%e retreat? ->Anab.? ===. iii. #J202, and, as is ommonly
believed, &%ile servin0 (nder A0esila(s ->Hell.? ===. iv. "<2 in Asia, 9$@, 9$, B.!.
*. Dind. Kin At%ensL. T%e 8le(sinion. 5or t%e 'osition of t%is sant(ary of Demeter and More see *eake,
>To'. of At%ens,? i. '. 2$@ foll. 5or +imon see +a(''e, vol. v. Nraef. to >de ). 8.? '. 2904 *. Dind. Nraef.
>Hen. B'(s.? '. xx.4 Dr. Morris H. Mor0an, >T%e Art of Horsemans%i' by Heno'%on,? '. ""$ foll. A
fra0ment of t%e &ork referred to, 'eri eido(s kai eklo0es i''on, exists. T%e M+. is in t%e library of
8mman(al !oll. !ant. =t so %a''ens t%at one of t%e %i''ar%s -O2 a''ealed to by Demost%enes in Arist.
>Mni0%ts,? 2<2,
andres i''es, 'ara0enest%e n(n o kairos, o +imon, o Nanaiti, o(k elate 'ros to dexion keras4
bears t%e name.
*it. >and arved on t%e 'edestal a re'resentation of %is o&n 'erformanes.?
Br, >and t%at a %ar0er, &e &ill s(''ose.? 5or t%e simile see >Mem.? ===. i. 7.
!f. Hor. >+at.? =. ii. #@.
re0ib(s %i mos est. (bi e:(os merant(r, o'ertos ins'ii(nt, ne, si faies, (t sae'e, deora molli f(lta
'ede est, em'torem ind(at %iantem, :(od '(l%rae l(nes, breve :(od a'(t, ard(a ervix.
and see Pir0. >Geor0.? iii. 72 foll.
*it. >t%e s&allo&.?
Al. >a knok1kneed 'erson.? +ee +tone%en0e, >T%e Horse? -ed. "#$22, ''. 9, $.
Br, >and %e is ri0%t.?
!f. Pir0. >Geor0.? iii. ##4 Hor. >8'od.? xvi. "2.
i.e. >t%e 'asterns -mesok(nia2 and t%e offin s%o(ld be Gslo'in0.C?
Br, >bein0 too inflexible.? *it. >0ivin0 blo& for blo&, over(% like anvil to %ammer.?
i.e. >t%e metaar'als and metatarsals.?
Br, >and beome variose, &it% t%e res(lt t%at t%e s%anks s&ell &%ilst t%e skin reedes from t%e bone.?
Br, >s(s'ensory li0ament?O Nossibly Heno'%onCs anatomy is &ron0, and %e mistook t%e bak sine&
for a bone like t%e fib(la. T%e 'art in :(estion mi0%t intelli0ibly eno(0%, if not te%nially, be termed
'erone, bein0 of t%e broo%1'in order.
*it. >all %orses bend t%eir le0s more flexibly as time advanes.?
*it. >t%e t%i0%s belo& t%e s%o(lder1blades? are distin0(is%ed from >t%e t%i0%s belo& t%e tail.? T%ey
orres'ond res'etively to o(r >arms? -i.e. forearms2 and >0askins,? and anatomially s'eakin0 I t%e
radi(s -os bra%ii2 and t%e tibia.
>+lak to&ards t%e flex(re? -+tone%en0e2.
Br, >of forin0 t%e riderCs %and and boltin0.?
Br, >to dis'lay violene or r(n a&ay.?
Br, >&%ose bars are not e:(ally sensitive.?
Br, >in t%e raeo(rse or on t%e exerisin010ro(nd %o& readily %e distends %is nostrils.?
Br if &it% *. D. Kkai to somatiL, transl. >ad%esion to t%e %orseCs s%o(lders.?
)eadin0 after !o(rier rak%is 0e men. +ee Pir0. >Geor0.? iii. #7, >at d('lex a0it(r 'er l(mbos s'ina.?
>=n a %orse t%at is in 0ood ase, t%e bak is broad, and t%e s'ine does not stik (' like a rid0e, b(t forms a
kind of f(rro& on t%e bak? -;o%n Martyn24 >a f(ll bak,? as &e say.
Br, >in 'ro'ortion to.? +ee !o(rier ->D( !ommandement de la !avalerie at de lC8:(itation?. de(x
livres de Heno'%on, trad(its 'ar (n offiier dCartillerie a %eval2, note ad lo. '. #9.
i.e. >and kee' in 0ood ondition.?
Al. >more feeble at one and 'ondero(s in %is 0ait.?
*it. >t%e t%i0%s beneat% t%e tail.?
)eadin0 'lateia to 0ramme diorismeno(s ek%e, s. t%e 'erine(m. Al. !o(rier -after A'syrt(s2, o'. it.
'. "<, 'lateis te kai me diestrammeno(s, >broad and not t(rned o(t&ards.?
Br, >%e &ill be s(re to s'read &ell be%ind,? et.
ton ('obasin, te%. of t%e ro(%in0 'ost(re ass(med by t%e %orse for mo(ntin0 or >in doin0 t%e demi1
'assade? -so Mor0an, o'. it. '. "2@2.
ton katot%en astra0elon, e knemon, lit. >t%e (nder -or %inderO2 kn(kle1bones -%oksO2 or s%ins?4 i.e.
anatomially s'eakin0, t%e os alis, astra0al(s, tarsals, and metatarsal lar0e and small.
!f. Aristot. >de Nart. Anim.? iv. "04 >H. A.? ii. "4 Nlin. >D. H.? xi. "0#.
*it. >by testin0 t%e s%a'e of t%e olt in t%is &ay it seems to (s t%e '(r%aser &ill 0et,? et.
5or t%e v(l0. e(k%roastoi, a do(btf(l &ord I >&ell olo(red,? i.e. >sleek and %ealt%y,? *. Q +. &o(ld
read e(k%rooi -f. >Nol. *a.? v. #2. *. Dind. onA. enrostoi, >rob(st?4 +%neid. e(k%restoi, >servieable.?
T%e ri0%t met%od of breakin0 a olt needs no desri'tion at o(r %ands.
As a matter of state
avalry d(ties (s(ally devolve ('on t%ose &%o are not stinted in means, and &%o %ave a
onsiderable s%are in t%e 0overnment4
and it seems far better for a yo(n0 man to 0ive %eed to %is o&n
%ealt% of body and to %orsemans%i', or, if %e already kno&s %o& to ride &it% skill, to 'ratisin0
mano(vres, t%an t%at %e s%o(ld set (' as a trainer of %orses.
T%e older man %as %is to&n 'ro'erty and
%is friends, and t%e %(ndred1and1one onerns of state or of &ar, on &%i% to em'loy %is time and
ener0ies rat%er t%an on %orsebreakin0. =t is 'lain t%en t%at any one %oldin0 my vie&s
on t%e s(bAet &ill
'(t a yo(n0 %orse o(t to be broken. B(t in so doin0 %e o(0%t to dra& (' artiles, A(st as a fat%er does
&%en %e a''renties %is son to some art or %andiraft, statin0 &%at sort of kno&led0e t%e yo(n0 reat(re
is to be sent bak 'ossessed of. T%ese &ill serve as indiations
to t%e trainer &%at 'oints %e m(st 'ay
s'eial %eed to if %e is to earn %is fee. At t%e same time 'ains s%o(ld be taken on t%e o&nerCs 'art to see
t%at t%e olt is 0entle, tratable, and affetionate,
&%en delivered to t%e 'rofessional trainer. T%at is a
ondition of t%in0s &%i% for t%e most 'art may be bro(0%t abo(t at %ome and by t%e 0roomFif %e
kno&s %o& to let t%e animal onnet
%(n0er and t%irst and t%e annoyane of flies &it% solit(de, &%ilst
assoiatin0 food and drink and esa'e from so(res of irritation &it% t%e 'resene of man. As t%e res(lt of
t%is treatment, neessarily t%e yo(n0 %orse &ill a:(ireFnot fondness merely, b(t an absol(te ravin0 for
%(man bein0s. A 0ood deal an be done by to(%in0, strokin0, 'attin0 t%ose 'arts of t%e body &%i% t%e
reat(re likes to %ave so %andled. T%ese are t%e %airiest 'arts, or &%ere, if t%ere is anyt%in0 annoyin0 %im,
t%e %orse an least of all a''ly relief %imself.
T%e 0room s%o(ld %ave standin0 orders to take %is %ar0e t%ro(0% ro&ds, and to make %im familiar &it%
all sorts of si0%ts and noises4 and if t%e olt s%o&s si0n of a''re%ension at t%em,
%e m(st tea% %imF
not by r(el, b(t by 0entle %andlin0Ft%at t%ey are not really formidable.
Bn t%is to'i, t%en, of trainin0,
t%e r(les %ere 0iven &ill, = t%ink, s(ffie for any 'rivate individ(al.
Br, >T%e trainin0 of t%e olt is a to'i &%i%, as it seems to (s, may fairly be omitted, sine t%ose
a''ointed for avalry servie in t%ese states are 'ersons &%o,? et. 5or readin0 see !o(rier, >Dotes,? '.
>Br0anisation in t%e several states.?
Br, >As a matter of fat it is t%e &ealt%iest members of t%e state, and t%ose &%o %ave t%e lar0est stake
in ivi life, t%at are a''ointed to avalry d(ties.? +ee >Hi'''ar%,? i. $.
!f. >8on.? iii. "0.
e0o. Hit%erto t%e a(t%or %as (sed t%e 'l(ral emin &it% &%i% %e started.
)eadin0 ('odei0mata, >fin0er1'ost si0ns,? as it &ere, or >draft in o(tline?4 al. ('omnemata I
>Gentle, and a(stomed to t%e %and, and fond of man.?
*it. >if %e kno&s %o& to 'rovide t%at %(n0er and t%irst, et., s%o(ld be felt by t%e olt in solit(de,
&%ilst food and drink, et., ome t%ro(0% %el' of man.?
Br, >is dis'osed to s%y.?
Br, >=n referene to %orsebreakin0, t%e above remarks &ill 'er%a's be fo(nd s(ffiient for t%e 'ratial
0(idane of an amate(r.?
To meet t%e ase in &%i% t%e obAet is to b(y a %orse already fit for ridin0, &e &ill set do&n ertain
&%i%, if a''lied intelli0ently, may save t%e '(r%aser from bein0 %eated.
5irst, t%en, let t%ere be no mistake abo(t t%e a0e. =f t%e %orse %as lost %is mark teet%,
not only &ill t%e
'(r%aserCs %o'es be bli0%ted, b(t %e may find %imself saddled for ever &it% a sorry bar0ain.
Given t%at t%e fat of yo(t% is &ell establis%ed, let t%ere be no mistake abo(t anot%er matter. %o& does %e
take t%e bit into %is mo(t% and t%e %eadstall
over %is earsO T%ere need be little ambi0(ity on t%is sore,
if t%e '(r%aser &ill see t%e bit inserted and a0ain removed, (nder %is eyes. Dext, let it be aref(lly noted
%o& t%e %orse stands bein0 mo(nted. Many %orses are extremely loat% to admit t%e a''roa% of anyt%in0
&%i%, if one ae'ted, learly means to t%em enfored exertion.
Anot%er 'oint to asertain is &%et%er t%e %orse, &%en mo(nted, an be ind(ed to leave ot%er %orses, or
&%en bein0 ridden 'ast a 0ro(' of %orses standin0, &ill not bolt off to Aoin t%e om'any. +ome %orses
a0ain, as t%e res(lt of bad trainin0, &ill r(n a&ay from t%e exerisin010ro(nd and make for t%e stable. A
%ard mo(t% may be deteted by t%e exerise alled t%e 'ede or volte,
and still more so by varyin0 t%e
diretion of t%e volte to ri0%t or left. Many %orses &ill not attem't to r(n a&ay exe't for t%e on(rrene
of a bad mo(t% alon0 &it% an aven(e of esa'e %ome.
Anot%er 'oint &%i% it is neessary to learn is, &%et%er &%en let 0o at f(ll s'eed t%e %orse an be '(lled
s%ar' and is &illin0 to &%eel ro(nd in obediene to t%e rein.
=t is also &ell to asertain by ex'eriene if t%e %orse yo( 'ro'ose to '(r%ase &ill s%o& e:(al doility in
res'onse to t%e &%i'. 8very one kno&s &%at a (seless t%in0 a servant is, or a body of troo's, t%at &ill not
obey. A disobedient %orse is not only (seless, b(t may easily 'lay t%e 'art of an arrant traitor.
And sine it is ass(med t%at t%e %orse to be '(r%ased is intended for &ar, &e m(st &iden o(r test to
inl(de everyt%in0 &%i% &ar itself an brin0 to t%e 'roof. s(% as lea'in0 dit%es, sramblin0 over &alls,
salin0 (' and s'rin0in0 off %i0% banks. Ee m(st test %is 'aes by 0allo'in0 %im (' and do&n stee'
'it%es and s%ar' inlines and alon0 a slant. 5or ea% and all of t%ese &ill serve as a to(%stone to 0a(0e
t%e end(rane of %is s'irit and t%e so(ndness of %is body.
= am far from sayin0, indeed, t%at bea(se an animal fails to 'erform all t%ese 'arts to 'erfetion, %e m(st
strai0%t&ay be reAeted4 sine many a %orse &ill fall s%ort at first, not from inability, b(t from &ant of
ex'eriene. Eit% tea%in0, 'ratie, and %abit, almost any %orse &ill ome to 'erform all t%ese feats
bea(tif(lly, 'rovided %e be so(nd and free from vie. Bnly yo( m(st be&are of a %orse t%at is nat(rally of
a nervo(s tem'erament. An over1timoro(s animal &ill not only 'revent t%e rider from (sin0 t%e vanta0e1
0ro(nd of its bak to strike an enemy, b(t is as likely as not to brin0 %im to eart% %imself and 'l(n0e %im
into t%e &orst of straits.
Ee m(st, also, find o(t of t%e %orse s%o&s any viio(sness to&ards ot%er %orses or to&ards %(man
bein0s4 also, &%et%er %e is skittis%4
s(% defets are a't to a(se %is o&ner tro(ble.
As to any rel(tane on t%e %orseCs 'art to bein0 bitted or mo(nted, danin0 and t&istin0 abo(t and t%e
yo( &ill 0et a more exat idea on t%is sore, if, &%en %e %as 0one t%ro(0% %is &ork, yo( &ill try
and re'eat t%e 'reise o'erations &%i% %e &ent t%ro(0% before yo( be0an yo(r ride. Any %orse t%at
%avin0 done %is &ork s%o&s a readiness to (nder0o it all a0ain, affords s(ffiient evidene t%ereby of
s'irit and end(rane.
To '(t t%e matter in a n(ts%ell. 0iven t%at t%e %orse is so(nd1footed, 0entle, moderately fast, &illin0 and
able to (nder0o toil, and above all t%in0s
obedientFs(% an animal, &e vent(re to 'redit, &ill 0ive t%e
least tro(ble and t%e 0reatest se(rity to %is rider in t%e ir(mstanes of &ar4 &%ile, onversely, a beast
&%o eit%er o(t of sl(00is%ness needs m(% drivin0, or from exess of mettle m(% oaxin0 and
mano(vrin0, &ill 0ive %is rider &ork eno(0% to o('y bot% %is %ands and a sinkin0 of t%e %eart &%en
dan0ers t%iken.
>E%i% t%e '(r%aser s%o(ld lay to %eart, if %e does not &is% to be %eated.?
Br, >t%e milk teet%,? i.e. is more t%an five years old. +ee Mor0an, '. "2@.
*it. >a %orse t%at %as lost %is milk teet% annot be said to 0ladden %is o&nerCs mind &it% %o'es, and is
not so easily dis'osed of.?
kor('%aia, 'art of t%e k%alinos 0ear.
+ee +t(r6, s.v.4 Noll(x, i. 2"$. Al. >t%e lon0e,? b(t t%e 'assa0e belo& -vii. "<2 is s(00estive rat%er of
t%e volte.
Al. >&ill only attem't to bolt &%ere t%e 'assa0e o(t to&ards %ome ombines, as it &ere, &it% a bad
mo(t%.? e . . . ek'%ora I >t%e exit from t%e mane0e or ridin0 s%ool.?
analambanetai, >ome to t%e 'oise? -Mor0an2. 5or a'ostre'%est%ai see ix.@4 te%. >araole.?
Br, >very tiklis%.?
)eadin0 talla dine(mata, lit. >and t%e rest of %is t&istin0s and t&irlin0s abo(t.?
Al. >t%oro(0%ly.?
Ee &ill no& s(''ose t%e '(r%aser %as fo(nd a %orse &%i% %e admires4
t%e '(r%ase is effeted, and
%e %as bro(0%t %im %omeF%o& is %e to be %o(sedO =t is best t%at t%e stable s%o(ld be 'laed in a :(arter
of t%e establis%ment &%ere t%e master &ill see t%e %orse as often as 'ossible.
=t is a 0ood t%in0 also to
%ave %is stall so arran0ed t%at t%ere &ill be as little risk of t%e %orseCs food bein0 stolen from t%e man0er,
as of t%e masterCs from %is larder or store1loset. To ne0let a detail of t%is kind is s(rely to ne0let
oneself4 sine in t%e %o(r of dan0er, it is ertain, t%e o&ner %as to onsi0n %imself, life and limb, to t%e
safe kee'in0 of %is %orse.
Dor is it only to avoid t%e risk of food bein0 stolen t%at a se(re %orse1box is desirable, b(t for t%e f(rt%er
reason t%at if t%e %orse takes to satterin0 %is food, t%e ation is at one deteted4 and any one &%o
observes t%at %a''enin0 may take it as a si0n and sym'tom eit%er of too m(% blood,
&%i% alls for
veterinary aid, or of over1fati0(e, for &%i% rest is t%e (re, or else t%at an attak of indi0estion
or some
ot%er malady is omin0 on. And A(st as &it% %(man bein0s, so &it% t%e %orse, all diseases are more
(rable at t%eir ommenement
t%an after t%ey %ave beome %roni, or been &ron0ly treated.
B(t if food and exerise &it% a vie& to stren0t%enin0 t%e %orseCs body are matters of 'rime onsideration,
no less im'ortant is it to 'ay attention to t%e feet. A stable &it% a dam' and smoot% floor &ill s'oil t%e
best %oof &%i% nat(re an 0ive.
To 'revent t%e floor bein0 dam', it s%o(ld be slo'ed &it% %annels4
and to avoid smoot%ness, 'aved &it% obble stones s(nk side by side in t%e 0ro(nd and similar in si6e to
t%e %orseCs %oofs.
A stable floor of t%is sort is al(lated to stren0t%en t%e %orseCs feet by t%e mere
'ress(re on t%e 'art in standin0. =n t%e next 'lae it &ill be t%e 0roomCs b(siness to lead o(t t%e %orse
some&%ere to omb and (rry %im4 and after %is mornin0Cs feed to (n%alter %im from t%e man0er,
t%at %e may ome to %is evenin0 meal &it% 0reater relis%. To se(re t%e best ty'e of stable1yard, and &it%
a vie& to stren0t%enin0 t%e %orseCs feet, = &o(ld s(00est to take and t%ro& do&n loosely
fo(r or five
&a00on loads of 'ebbles, ea% as lar0e as an be 0ras'ed in t%e %and, and abo(t a 'o(nd in &ei0%t4 t%e
&%ole to be fened ro(nd &it% a skirtin0 of iron to 'revent satterin0. T%e mere standin0 on t%ese &ill
ome to 'reisely t%e same t%in0 as if for a ertain 'ortion of t%e day t%e %orse &ere, off and on, ste''in0
alon0 a stony road4 &%ilst bein0 (rried or &%en fid0eted by flies %e &ill be fored to (se %is %oofs A(st as
m(% as if %e &ere &alkin0. Dor is it t%e %oofs merely, b(t a s(rfae so stre&n &it% stones &ill tend to
%arden t%e fro0 of t%e foot also.
B(t if are is needed to make t%e %oofs %ard, similar 'ains s%o(ld be taken to make t%e mo(t% and Aa&s
soft4 and t%e same means and a''lianes &%i% &ill render a manCs fles% and skin soft, &ill serve to
soften and s(''le a %orseCs mo(t%.
*it. >To 'roeed. &%en yo( %ave bo(0%t a %orse &%i% yo( admire and %ave bro(0%t %im %ome.?
i.e. >&%ere %e &ill be bro(0%t as fre:(ently as 'ossible (nder t%e masterCs eye.? !f. >8on.? xii. 20.
>A 'let%ori ondition of t%e blood.?
krit%iasis. *it. >barley s(rfeit?4 >(ne fo(rb(re.? +ee Aristot. >H. A.? viii. 2<. <.
i.e. >in t%e early a(te sta0es.?
Al. >and t%e mis%ief %as s'read.?
*it. >A dam' and smoot% floor may be t%e r(in of a nat(rally 0ood %oof.? =t &ill be (nderstood t%at t%e
Greeks did not s%oe t%eir %orses.
+ee !o(rier, '. ,<, for an interestin0 ex'eriment tried by %imself at Bari.
!f. >Hi''ar%,? i. "@.
Br, >s'read so as to form a s(rfae.?
Br, >may be (sed &it% like effet on a %orseCs mo(t%,? i.e. bat%in0, frition, oil. +ee Noll(x, i. 20".
=t is t%e d(ty of a %orseman, as &e t%ink, to %ave %is 0room trained t%oro(0%ly in all t%at onerns t%e
treatment of t%e %orse. =n t%e first 'lae, t%en, t%e 0room s%o(ld kno& t%at %e is never to knot t%e %alter
at t%e 'oint &%ere t%e %eadstall is atta%ed to t%e %orseCs %ead. By onstantly r(bbin0 %is %ead a0ainst t%e
man0er, if t%e %alter does not sit :(ite loose abo(t %is ears, t%e %orse &ill be onstantly inA(rin0 %imself4
and &it% sores so set (', it is inevitable t%at %e s%o(ld s%o& 'eevis%ness, &%ile bein0 bitted or r(bbed
=t is desirable t%at t%e 0room s%o(ld be ordered to arry o(t t%e d(n0 and litter of t%e %orse to some one
'lae ea% day. By so doin0, %e &ill dis%ar0e t%e d(ty &it% least tro(ble to %imself,
and at t%e same
time be doin0 t%e %orse a kindness.
T%e 0room s%o(ld also be instr(ted to atta% t%e m(66le to t%e %orseCs mo(t%, bot% &%en takin0 %im o(t
to be 0roomed and to t%e rollin010ro(nd.
=n fat %e s%o(ld al&ays m(66le %im &%enever %e takes %im
any&%ere &it%o(t t%e bit. T%e m(66le, &%ile it is no %indrane to res'iration, 'revents bitin04 and &%en
atta%ed it serves to rob t%e %orse of o''ort(nity for vie.
A0ain, are s%o(ld be taken to tie t%e %orse (' &it% t%e %alter above %is %ead. A %orseCs nat(ral instint,
in tryin0 to rid %imself of anyt%in0 t%at irritates t%e fae, is to toss (' %is %ead, and by t%is ('&ard
movement, if so tied, %e only slakens t%e %ain instead of sna''in0 it. =n r(bbin0 t%e %orse do&n, t%e
0room s%o(ld be0in &it% t%e %ead and mane4 as (ntil t%e (''er 'arts are lean, it is vain to leanse t%e
lo&er4 t%en, as re0ards t%e rest of t%e body, first br(s% (' t%e %air, by %el' of all t%e ordinary im'lements
for leansin0, and t%en beat o(t t%e d(st, follo&in0 t%e lie of t%e %air. T%e %air on t%e s'ine -and dorsal
re0ion2 o(0%t not to be to(%ed &it% any instr(ment &%atever4 t%e %and alone s%o(ld be (sed to r(b and
smoot% it, and in t%e diretion of its nat(ral 0ro&t%, so as to 'reserve from inA(ry t%at 'art of t%e %orseCs
bak on &%i% t%e rider sits.
T%e %ead s%o(ld be dren%ed &it% &ater sim'ly4 for, bein0 bony, if yo( try to leanse it &it% iron or
&ooden instr(ments inA(ry may be a(sed. +o, too, t%e forelok s%o(ld be merely &etted4 t%e lon0 %airs
of &%i% it is om'osed, &it%o(t %inderin0 t%e animalCs vision, serve to sare a&ay from t%e eyes
anyt%in0 t%at mi0%t tro(ble t%em. Nrovidene, &e m(st s(''ose,
besto&ed t%ese %airs ('on t%e %orse,
instead of t%e lar0e ears &%i% are 0iven to t%e ass and t%e m(le as a 'rotetion to t%e eyes.
T%e tail,
a0ain, and mane s%o(ld be &as%ed, t%e obAet bein0 to %el' t%e %airs to 0ro&Ft%ose in t%e tail so as to
allo& t%e reat(re t%e 0reatest rea% 'ossible in br(s%in0 a&ay molestin0 obAets,
and t%ose of t%e nek
in order t%at t%e rider may %ave as free a 0ri' as 'ossible.
Mane, forelok, and tail are tri'le 0ifts besto&ed by t%e 0ods ('on t%e %orse for t%e sake of 'ride and
and %ere is t%e 'roof. a brood mare, so lon0 as %er mane is lon0 and flo&in0, &ill not readily
s(ffer %erself to be overed by an ass4 %ene breeders of m(les take are to li' t%e mane of t%e mare &it%
a vie& to overin0.
Eas%in0 of t%e le0s &e are inlined to dis'ense &it%Fno 0ood is done b(t rat%er %arm to t%e %oofs by
t%is daily &as%in0. +o, too, exessive leanliness of t%e belly is to be diso(ra0ed4 t%e o'eration itself is
most annoyin0 to t%e %orse4 and t%e leaner t%ese 'arts are made, t%e t%iker t%e s&arm of tro(blesome
t%in0s &%i% ollet beneat% t%e belly. Besides &%i%, %o&ever elaborately yo( lean t%ese 'arts, t%e
%orse is no sooner led o(t t%an 'resently %e &ill be A(st as dirty as if %e %ad not been leaned. Bmit t%ese
abl(tions t%en, &e say4 and similarly for t%e le0s, r(bbin0 and (rryin0 by %and is :(ite s(ffiient.
*it. >by &%i% t%e %orse is tied to t%e man0er?4 >liol dCe(rie.?
Al. >in nine ases o(t of ten %e r(bs %is %ead . . . and ten to one &ill make a sore.?
Al. >0et rid of t%e ref(se in t%e easiest &ay.?
!f. >8on.? xi. "#4 Aristo'%. >!lo(ds,? 92.
Br, >'revents t%e %orse from arryin0 o(t viio(s desi0ns.?
*it. >T%e 0ods, &e m(st s(''ose, 0ave . . .?
*it. >as defenes or 'rotetive b(l&arks.?
=nsets, et.
a0laias eneka -a 'oeti &ord2. !f. >Bd.? xv. 7#4 xvii. 9"0.
5or t%is belief +%neid. f Aristot. >H. A.? vi. "#4 Nlin. viii. <24 Aelian, >H. A.? ii. "0, xi. "#, xii. "@, to
&%i% Dr. Mor0an a'tly adds +o'%. >5r.? ,#7 -Tyro2, a bea(tif(l 'assa0e, komes de 'ent%os la0k%ano
'olo( diken, k.t.l. -f. Nl(t. >Mor.? 7,< A2.
Ee &ill no& ex'lain %o& t%e o'eration of 0roomin0 may be 'erformed &it% least dan0er to oneself and
best advanta0e to t%e %orse. =f t%e 0room attem'ts to lean t%e %orse &it% %is fae t(rned t%e same &ay as
t%e %orse, %e r(ns t%e risk of 0ettin0 a knok in t%e fae from t%e animalCs knee or %oof. E%en leanin0
%im %e s%o(ld t(rn %is fae in t%e o''osite diretion to t%e %orse, and 'lantin0 %imself &ell o(t of t%e &ay
of %is le0, at an an0le to %is s%o(lder1blade, 'roeed to r(b %im do&n. He &ill t%en esa'e all mis%ief,
and %e &ill be able to lean t%e fro0 by foldin0 bak t%e %oof. *et %im lean t%e %ind1le0s in t%e same
T%e man &%o %as to do &it% t%e %orse s%o(ld kno&, &it% re0ard to t%is and all ot%er neessary
o'erations, t%at %e o(0%t to a''roa% as little as 'ossible from t%e %ead or t%e tail to 'erform t%em4 for if
t%e %orse attem't to s%o& vie %e is master of t%e man in front and rear. B(t by a''roa%in0 from t%e side
%e &ill 0et t%e 0reatest %old over t%e %orse &it% t%e least risk of inA(ry to %imself.
E%en t%e %orse %as to be led, &e do not a''rove of leadin0 %im from in front, for t%e sim'le reason t%at
t%e 'erson so leadin0 %im robs %imself of %is 'o&er of self1'rotetion, &%ilst %e leaves t%e %orse freedom
to do &%at %e likes. Bn t%e ot%er %and, &e take a like exe'tion to t%e 'lan of trainin0 t%e %orse to 0o
for&ard on a lon0 rein
and lead t%e &ay, and for t%is reason. it 0ives t%e %orse t%e o''ort(nity of
mis%ief, in &%i%ever diretion %e likes, on eit%er flank, and t%e 'o&er also to t(rn ri0%t abo(t and fae
%is driver. Ho& an a troo' of %orses be ke't free of one anot%er, if driven in t%is fas%ion from be%indOF
&%ereas a %orse a(stomed to be led from t%e side &ill %ave least 'o&er of mis%ief to %orse or man,
and at t%e same time be in t%e best 'osition to be mo(nted by t%e rider at a momentCs notie, &ere it
=n order to insert t%e bit orretly t%e 0room s%o(ld, in t%e first 'lae, a''roa% on t%e near
side of t%e
%orse, and t%en t%ro&in0 t%e reins over %is %ead, let t%em dro' loosely on t%e &it%ers4 raise t%e %eadstall
in %is ri0%t %and, and &it% %is left 'resent t%e bit. =f t%e %orse &ill take t%e bit, it is a sim'le b(siness to
adA(st t%e stra' of t%e %eadstall4 b(t if %e ref(ses to o'en %is mo(t%, t%e 0room m(st %old t%e bit a0ainst
t%e teet% and at t%e same time insert t%e t%(mb
of %is left %and inside t%e %orseCs Aa&s. Most %orses &ill
o'en t%eir mo(t%s to t%at o'eration. B(t if %e still ref(ses, t%en t%e 0room m(st 'ress t%e li' a0ainst t%e
4 very fe& %orses &ill ref(se t%e bit, &%en t%at is done to t%em.
T%e 0room an %ardly be too m(% alive to t%e follo&in0 'oints R R R if any &ork is to be done.
in fat,
so im'ortant is it t%at t%e %orse s%o(ld readily take %is bit, t%at, to '(t it tersely, a %orse t%at &ill not take
it is 0ood for not%in0. Do&, if t%e %orse be bitted not only &%en %e %as &ork to do, b(t also &%en %e is
bein0 taken to %is food and &%en %e is bein0 led %ome from a ride, it &o(ld be no 0reat marvel if %e
learnt to take t%e bit of %is o&n aord, &%en first 'resented to %im.
=t &o(ld be 0ood for t%e 0room to kno& %o& to 0ive a le0 (' in t%e Nersian fas%ion,
so t%at in ase of
illness or infirmity of a0e t%e master %imself may %ave a man to %el' %im on to %orsebak &it%o(t
tro(ble, or, if %e so &is%, be able to obli0e a friend &it% a man to mo(nt %im.
T%e one best 'ree'tFt%e 0olden r(leFin dealin0 &it% a %orse is never to a''roa% %im an0rily. An0er
is so devoid of foret%o(0%t t%at it &ill often drive a man to do t%in0s &%i% in a almer mood %e &ill
T%(s, &%en a %orse is s%y of any obAet and ref(ses to a''roa% it, yo( m(st tea% %im t%at t%ere
is not%in0 to be alarmed at, 'arti(larly if %e be a 'l(ky animal4
or, failin0 t%at, to(% t%e formidable
obAet yo(rself, and t%en 0ently lead t%e %orse (' to it. T%e o''osite 'lan of forin0 t%e fri0%tened
reat(re by blo&s only intensifies its fear, t%e %orse mentally assoiatin0 t%e 'ain %e s(ffers at s(% a
moment &it% t%e obAet of s(s'iion, &%i% %e nat(rally re0ards as its a(se.
=f, &%en t%e 0room brin0s (' t%e %orse to %is master to mo(nt, %e kno&s %o& to make %im lo&er %is
to failitate mo(ntin0, &e %ave no fa(lt to find. +till, &e onsider t%at t%e %orseman s%o(ld
'ratise and be able to mo(nt, even if t%e %orse does not so lend %imself4
sine on anot%er oasion
anot%er ty'e of %orse may fall to t%e riderCs lot,
nor an t%e same rider be al&ays served by t%e same
+ee a 'assa0e from +trattis, >!%rys.? 2 -Noll(x, x. ,,2, 'rosa0e ton 'olon atrema, 'roslabon ton a0o0ea
brak%(teron. o(k% oras oti abolos estin.
*it. >on t%e left1%and side.?
ton me0an dakt(lon, Hdt. iii. #.
i.e. >anine toot%.?
Br, >it is a very exe'tional %orse t%at &ill not o'en %is mo(t% (nder t%e ir(mstanes.?
)eadin0 &it% *. Dind. k%re de ton i''okomon kai ta oiade . . . 'arox(nt%ai, ei ti dei 'onein, or if as
+%neid., +a(''e, et., k%re de ton i''on me kata toiade, k.t.l., transl. >t%e %orse m(st not be irritated in
s(% o'erations as t%ese,? et.4 b(t toiade I >as follo&s,? if orret, s(00ests a la(na in eit%er ase at t%is
!f. >Anab.? =P. iv. <4 >Hi''ar%,? i. "74 >!yro'.? P==. i. 9#.
An anabole(s. !f. Nl(t. >!. Gra%.? 7.
!f. >Hell.? v. iii. 7 for t%is maxim.
Al. >if 'ossibly by %el' of anot%er and 'l(ky animal.?
('obiba6est%ai. +ee above, i. "<4 Noll(x, i. 2"94 Mor0an ad lo. >+tirr('s &ere (nkno&n till lon0 after
t%e !%ristian era be0an.?
Br, >a'art from t%ese 0ood 0raes on t%e animalCs 'art.?
As a member of t%e avalry.
)eadin0 allo. Al. readin0 allos &it% *. D., >and t%e same %orse &ill at one time %(mo(r yo( in one &ay
and a0ain in anot%er.? !f. viii. "9, x. "2, for ('eretein of t%e %orse.
T%e master, let (s s(''ose, %as reeived %is %orse and is ready to mo(nt.
Ee &ill no& 'resribe ertain
r(les to be observed in t%e interests not only of t%e %orseman b(t of t%e animal &%i% %e bestrides. 5irst,
t%en, %e s%o(ld take t%e leadin0 rein, &%i% %an0s from t%e %in1stra' or nose1band,
onveniently in %is
left %and, %eld slak so as not to Aerk t%e %orseCs mo(t%, &%et%er %e means to mo(nt by %oistin0 %imself
(', at%in0 %old of t%e mane be%ind t%e ears, or to va(lt on to %orsebak by %el' of %is s'ear. Eit% t%e
ri0%t %and %e s%o(ld 0ri' t%e reins alon0 &it% a t(ft of %air beside t%e s%o(lder1Aoint,
so t%at %e may not
in any &ay &ren% t%e %orseCs mo(t% &it% t%e bit &%ile mo(ntin0. =n t%e at of takin0 t%e s'rin0 off t%e
0ro(nd for mo(ntin0,
%e s%o(ld %oist %is body by %el' of t%e left %and, and &it% t%e ri0%t at f(ll stret%
assist t%e ('&ard movement
-a 'osition in mo(ntin0 &%i% &ill 'resent a 0raef(l s'etale also from
at t%e same time &it% t%e le0 &ell bent, and takin0 are not to 'lae %is knee on t%e %orseCs
bak, %e m(st 'ass %is le0 lean over to t%e off side4 and so %avin0 bro(0%t %is foot &ell ro(nd, 'lant
%imself firmly on %is seat.
To meet t%e ase in &%i% t%e %orseman may %ane to be leadin0 %is %orse &it% t%e left %and and
arryin0 %is s'ear in t%e ri0%t, it &o(ld be 0ood, &e t%ink, for every one to 'ratise va(ltin0 on to %is seat
from t%e ri0%t side also. =n fat, %e %as not%in0 else to learn exe't to do &it% %is ri0%t limbs &%at %e %as
'revio(sly done &it% t%e left, and vie versa. And t%e reason &e a''rove of t%is met%od of mo(ntin0 is
t%at it enables t%e soldier at one and t%e same instant to 0et astride of %is %orse and to find %imself
're'ared at all 'oints, s(''osin0 %e s%o(ld %ave to enter t%e lists of battle on a s(dden.
B(t no&, s(''osin0 t%e rider fairly seated, &%et%er barebak or on a saddle1lot%, a 0ood seat is not t%at
of a man seated on a %air, b(t rat%er t%e 'ose of a man standin0 ('ri0%t &it% %is le0s a'art. =n t%is &ay
%e &ill be able to %old on to t%e %orse more firmly by %is t%i0%s4 and t%is eret attit(de &ill enable %im to
%(rl a Aavelin or to strike a blo& from %orsebak, if oasion alls, &it% more vi0oro(s effet. T%e le0 and
foot s%o(ld %an0 loosely from t%e knee4 by kee'in0 t%e le0 stiff, t%e rider is a't to %ave it broken in
ollision &it% some obstale4 &%ereas a flexible le0
&ill yield to t%e im'at, and at t%e same time not
s%ift t%e t%i0% from its 'osition. T%e rider s%o(ld also a(stom t%e &%ole of %is body above t%e %i's to
be as s(''le as 'ossible4 for t%(s %e &ill enlar0e %is so'e of ation, and in ase of a t(0 or s%ove be less
liable to be (nseated. Dext, &%en t%e rider is seated, %e m(st, in t%e first 'lae, tea% %is %orse to stand
:(iet, (ntil %e %as dra&n %is skirts from (nder %im, if need be,
and 0ot t%e reins an e:(al len0t% and
0ras'ed %is s'ear in t%e %andiest fas%ion4 and, in t%e next 'lae, %e s%o(ld kee' %is left arm lose to %is
side. T%is 'osition &ill 0ive t%e rider absol(te ease and freedom,
and %is %and t%e firmest %old.
As to reins, &e reommend t%ose &%i% are &ell balaned, &it%o(t bein0 &eak or sli''ery or t%ik, so
t%at &%en neessary, t%e %and &%i% %olds t%em an also 0ras' a s'ear.
As soon as t%e rider 0ives t%e si0nal to t%e %orse to start,
%e s%o(ld be0in at a &alkin0 'ae, &%i% &ill
tend to allay %is exitement. =f t%e %orse is inlined to droo' %is %ead, t%e reins s%o(ld be %eld 'retty %i0%4
or some&%at lo&, if %e is dis'osed to arry %is %ead %i0%. T%is &ill set off t%e %orseCs bearin0 to t%e best
advanta0e. Nresently, as %e falls into a nat(ral trot,
%e &ill 0rad(ally relax %is limbs &it%o(t t%e
sli0%test s(fferin0, and so ome more a0reeably to t%e 0allo'.
+ine, too, t%e 'referene is 0iven to
startin0 on t%e left foot, it &ill best ond(e to t%at lead if, &%ile t%e %orse is still trottin0, t%e si0nal to
0allo' s%o(ld be 0iven at t%e instant of makin0 a ste' &it% %is ri0%t foot.
As %e is on t%e 'oint of liftin0
%is left foot %e &ill start ('on it, and &%ile t(rnin0 left &ill sim(ltaneo(sly make t%e first bo(nd of t%e
sine, as a matter of instint, a %orse, on bein0 t(rned to t%e ri0%t, leads off &it% %is ri0%t limbs,
and to t%e left &it% %is left.
As an exerise, &e reommend &%at is alled t%e volte,
sine it %abit(ates t%e animal to t(rn to eit%er
%and4 &%ile a variation in t%e order of t%e t(rn is 0ood as involvin0 an e:(alisation of bot% sides of t%e
mo(t%, in first one, and t%en t%e ot%er %alf of t%e exerise.
B(t of t%e t&o &e ommend t%e oval form
of t%e volte rat%er t%an t%e ir(lar4 for t%e %orse, bein0 already sated &it% t%e strai0%t o(rse, &ill be all
t%e more ready to t(rn, and &ill be 'ratised at one in t%e strai0%t o(rse and in &%eelin0. At t%e (rve,
%e s%o(ld be %eld (',
bea(se it is neit%er easy nor indeed safe &%en t%e %orse is at f(ll s'eed to t(rn
s%ar', es'eially if t%e 0ro(nd is broken
or sli''ery.
B(t in olletin0 %im, t%e rider s%o(ld as little as 'ossible s&ay t%e %orse obli:(ely &it% t%e bit, and as
little as 'ossible inline %is o&n body4 or, %e may rest ass(red, a trifle &ill s(ffie to stret% %im and %is
%orse f(ll len0t% ('on t%e 0ro(nd. T%e moment t%e %orse %as %is eyes fixed on t%e strai0%t o(rse after
makin0 a t(rn, is t%e time to (r0e %im to f(ll s'eed. =n battle, obvio(sly, t%ese t(rns and &%eelin0s are
&it% a vie& to %ar0in0 or retirin04 onse:(ently, to 'ratise :(ikenin0 t%e 'ae after &%eelin0 is
desirable. E%en t%e %orse seems to %ave %ad eno(0% of t%e mane0e, it &o(ld be 0ood to 0ive %im a sli0%t
'a(se, and t%en s(ddenly to '(t %im to %is :(ikest, a&ay from %is fello&s first,
and no& to&ards
t%em4 and t%en a0ain to :(iet %im do&n in mid1areer as s%ort as 'ossible4
and from %alt one more to
t(rn %im ri0%t1abo(t and off a0ain f(ll %ar0e. =t is easy to 'redit t%at t%e day &ill ome &%en t%ere &ill
be need of ea% of t%ese mano(vres.
E%en t%e moment to dismo(nt %as ome, yo( s%o(ld never do so amon0 ot%er %orses, nor near a 0ro(' of
nor o(tside t%e exerisin010ro(nd4 b(t on t%e 'reise s'ot &%i% is t%e sene of %is om'(lsory
exertion t%ere let t%e %orse find also relaxation.
)eadin0 otan . . . 'aradexetai . . . os anabesomenos. Br, readin0 otan 'aradexetai ton i''ea -s. o.
i''os2 &s anabesomenon, transl. >t%e %orse %as been bro(0%t ro(nd ready for mo(ntin0.?
+o !o(rier, >la m(serolle.? =t mi0%t be merely a stit%ed leat%er stra' or made of a %ain in 'art, &%i%
rattled4 as k%r(sok%alinon 'ata0on 'salion -Aristo'%. >Neae,? ",,2 im'lies. >!(rb? &o(ld be misleadin0.
>Dear t%e &it%ers.?
Br, >as soon as %e %as 0ot t%e s'rin0in0 'oise 'reliminary to mo(ntin0.?
>Give %imself sim(ltaneo(sly a lift.? )eadin0 ekteinon, or if enteinon, >kee'in0 %is ri0%t arm stiff.?
Br, >a style of mo(ntin0 &%i% &ill obviate an (n0ainly attit(de be%ind.?
*it. >lo&er %is b(ttoks on to t%e %orseCs bak.?
*it. >Bne reason for t%e 'raise &%i% &e besto& on t%is met%od of mo(ntin0 is t%at at t%e very instant
of 0ainin0 %is seat t%e soldier finds %imself f(lly 're'ared to en0a0e t%e enemy on a s(dden, if oasion
i.e. >belo& t%e knee?4 >s%in and alf.?
*it. >'(lled ('? -and arran0ed t%e folds of %is mantle2.
e(stalestatos, >t%e most b(siness1like de'ortment.?
Br, >t%e tr(e trot.?
e'irrabdo'%orein, >a fast 'ae in res'onse to a &ave of t%e &%i'.?
+ee Beren0er, i. '. 2<$4 also t%e >!avalry Drill Book,? Nart =. 8:(itation, +. 22, >T%e !anter.?
tes e'iskeliseos, >%e &ill make t%e for&ard stride of t%e 0allo' in t%e at of t(rnin0 to t%e left.? +ee
Mor0an ad lo.
'ede, fi0(re of ei0%t.
Br, >on first one and t%en t%e ot%er %alf of t%e mane0e.?
('olambanein. +ee >Hi''ar%,? iii. "<4 >H(ntin0,? iii. "04 vi. 22, of a do0.
a'okroton, al. e'ikroton, >beaten, %ard1trodden 0ro(nd.?
mentoi, >of o(rse.?
Br, >&it%in t%e narro&est om'ass?4 >as finely as 'ossible.?
Br, >a knot of bystanders?4 f. T%(. ii. 2".
Br, as &e say, >be aressed, and dismissed.?
As t%ere &ill, do(btless, be times &%en t%e %orse &ill need to rae do&n%ill and ('%ill and on slo'in0
0ro(nd4 times, also, &%en %e &ill need to lea' aross an obstale4 or, take a flyin0 lea' from off a
or, A(m' do&n from a %ei0%t, t%e rider m(st tea% and train %imself and %is %orse to meet all
emer0enies. =n t%is &ay t%e t&o &ill %ave a %ane of savin0 ea% t%e ot%er, and may be ex'eted to
inrease t%eir (sef(lness.
And %ere, if any reader s%o(ld a(se (s of re'eatin0 o(rselves, on t%e 0ro(nd t%at &e are only statin0
no& &%at &e said before on t%e same to'is,
&e say t%at t%is is not mere re'etition. =n t%e former ase,
&e onfined o(rselves to advisin0 t%e '(r%aser before %e onl(ded %is bar0ain to test &%et%er t%e %orse
o(ld do t%ose 'arti(lar t%in0s4
&%at &e are no& maintainin0 is t%at t%e o&ner o(0%t to tea% %is o&n
%orse, and &e &ill ex'lain %o& t%is tea%in0 is to be done.
Eit% a %orse entirely i0norant of lea'in0, t%e best &ay is to take %im by t%e leadin0 rein, &%i% %an0s
loose, and to 0et aross t%e tren% yo(rself first, and t%en to '(ll ti0%t on t%e leadin01rein, to ind(e %im
to lea' aross. =f %e ref(ses, some one &it% a &%i' or s&it% s%o(ld a''ly it smartly. T%e res(lt &ill be
t%at t%e %orse &ill lear at a bo(nd, not t%e distane merely, b(t a far lar0er s'ae t%an re:(isite4 and for
t%e f(t(re t%ere &ill be no need for an at(al blo&, t%e mere si0%t of some one omin0 (' be%ind &ill
s(ffie to make %im lea'. As soon as %e is a(stomed to lea' in t%is &ay yo( may mo(nt %im and '(t
%im first at smaller and t%en at lar0er tren%es. At t%e moment of t%e s'rin0 be ready to a''ly t%e s'(r4
and so too, &%en trainin0 %im to lea' (' and lea' do&n, yo( s%o(ld to(% %im &it% t%e s'(r at t%e ritial
instant. =n t%e effort to 'erform any of t%ese ations &it% t%e &%ole body, t%e %orse &ill ertainly 'erform
t%em &it% more safety to %imself and to %is rider t%an %e &ill, if %is %ind1:(arters la0, in takin0 a dit% or
fene, or in makin0 an ('&ard s'rin0 or do&n&ard A(m'.
To fae a stee' inline, yo( m(st first tea% %im on soft 0ro(nd, and finally, &%en %e is a(stomed to
t%at, %e &ill m(% 'refer t%e do&n&ard to t%e ('&ard slo'e for a fast 'ae. And as to t%e a''re%ension,
&%i% some 'eo'le entertain, t%at a %orse may disloate t%e s%o(lder in 0allo'in0 do&n an inline, it
s%o(ld eno(ra0e t%em to learn t%at t%e Nersians and Bdrysians all r(n raes do&n 'rei'ito(s slo'es4
and t%eir %orses are every bit as so(nd as o(r o&n.
Dor m(st &e omit anot%er to'i. %o& t%e rider is to aomodate %imself to t%ese several movements.
T%(s, &%en t%e %orse breaks off into a 0allo', t%e rider o(0%t to bend for&ard, sine t%e %orse &ill be less
likely to sli' from (nder4 and so to 'it% %is rider off. +o a0ain in '(llin0 %im (' s%ort
t%e rider s%o(ld
lean bak4 and t%(s esa'e a s%ok. =n lea'in0 a dit% or tearin0 (' a stee' inline, it is no bad 'lan to let
0o t%e reins and take %old of t%e mane, so t%at t%e animal may not feel t%e b(rt%en of t%e bit in addition to
t%at of t%e 0ro(nd. =n 0oin0 do&n a stee' inline t%e rider m(st t%ro& %imself ri0%t bak and %old in t%e
%orse &it% t%e bit, to 'revent %imself bein0 %(rled %eadforemost do&n t%e slo'e %imself if not %is %orse.
=t is a orret 'rini'le to vary t%ese exerises, &%i% s%o(ld be 0one t%ro(0% sometimes in one 'lae and
sometimes in anot%er, and s%o(ld sometimes be s%orter and sometimes lon0er in d(ration. T%e %orse &ill
take m(% more kindly to t%em if yo( do not onfine %im to one 'lae and one ro(tine.
+ine it is a matter of 'rime neessity t%at t%e rider s%o(ld kee' %is seat, &%ile 0allo'in0 f(ll s'eed on
every sort of 0ro(nd, and at t%e same time be able to (se %is &ea'ons &it% effet on %orsebak, not%in0
o(ld be better, &%ere t%e o(ntry s(its and t%ere are &ild animals, t%an to 'ratise %orsemans%i' in
ombination &it% t%e %ase. B(t &%en t%ese reso(res fail, a 0ood exerise may be s(''lied in t%e
ombined efforts of t&o %orsemen.
Bne of t%em &ill 'lay t%e 'art of f(0itive, retreatin0 %elter1skelter
over every sort of 0ro(nd, &it% lane reversed and 'lyin0 t%e b(tt end. T%e ot%er '(rs(es, &it% b(ttons on
%is Aavelins and %is lane similarly %andled.
E%enever %e omes &it%in Aavelin ran0e %e lets fly at t%e
retreatin0 foeman &it% %is bl(nted missiles4 or &%enever &it%in s'ear t%r(st %e deals t%e overtaken
ombatant a blo&. =n omin0 to lose :(arters, it is a 0ood 'lan first to dra0 t%e foeman to&ards oneself,
and t%en on a s(dden to t%r(st %im off4 t%at is a devie to brin0 %im to t%e 0ro(nd.
T%e orret 'lan for
t%e man so dra00ed is to 'ress %is %orse for&ard. by &%i% ation t%e man &%o is bein0 dra00ed is more
likely to (n%orse %is assailant t%an to be bro(0%t to t%e 0ro(nd %imself.
=f it ever %a''ens t%at yo( %ave an enemyCs am' in front, and avalry skirmis%in0 is t%e order of t%e day
-at one time %ar0in0 t%e enemy ri0%t (' to t%e %ostile battle1line, and a0ain beatin0 a retreat2, (nder t%ese
ir(mstanes it is &ell to bear in mind t%at so lon0 as t%e skirmis%er is lose to %is o&n 'arty,
and disretion alike ditate to &%eel and %ar0e in t%e van0(ard mi0%t and main4 b(t &%en %e finds
%imself in lose 'roximity to t%e foe, %e m(st kee' %is %orse &ell in %and. T%is, in all 'robability, &ill
enable %im to do t%e 0reatest mis%ief to t%e enemy, and to reeive least dama0e at %is %ands.
T%e 0ods %ave besto&ed on man, indeed, t%e 0ift of tea%in0 man %is d(ty by means of s'ee% and
reasonin0, b(t t%e %orse, it is obvio(s, is not o'en to instr(tion by s'ee% and reasonin0. =f yo( &o(ld
%ave a %orse learn to 'erform %is d(ty, yo(r best 'lan &ill be, &%enever %e does as yo( &is%, to s%o& %im
some kindness in ret(rn, and &%en %e is disobedient to %astise %im. T%is 'rini'le, t%o(0% a'able of
bein0 stated in a fe& &ords, is one &%i% %olds 0ood t%ro(0%o(t t%e &%ole of %orsemans%i'. As, for
instane, a %orse &ill more readily take t%e bit, if ea% time %e ae'ts it some 0ood befalls %im4 or, a0ain,
%e &ill lea' dit%es and s'rin0 (' embankments and 'erform all t%e ot%er feats in(mbent on %im, if %e
be led to assoiate obediene to t%e &ord of ommand &it% relaxation.
ek'edan I exsilire in alt(m -+t(r6, and so Beren0er24 >to lea' over dit%es, and ('on %i0% 'laes and
do&n from t%em.?
Br, >treatin0 of a to'i already %andled.?
i.e. 'ossessed a ertain ability at t%e date of '(r%ase.
*it. >in makin0 t%ese A(m's, s'rin0s, and lea's aross or (' or do&n.?
!f. >Anab.? =P. viii. 2#4 and so t%e Geor0ians to t%is day -!%ardin a'. !o(rier, o'. it. '. 70, n. "2.
*it. >as are t%ose of t%e Hellenes.?
Br, >to ea% set of o(rrenes.?
Al. >&%en t%e %orse is bein0 bro(0%t to a 'oise? -Mor0an24 and see Hermann a'. +%neid.,
analambanein I retinere e:((m, an%alten, 'ariren. i.e. >rein in? of t%e >Narade.?
i''ota. A 'oeti &ord4 >avaliers.?
Br, >mani'(lated.?
Br, >t%at may be s'oken off as t%e G'(rl trikC?4 >it &ill (n%orse %im if anyt%in0.?
+ee >Hi''ar%,? viii. 29.
*it. >if every time %e 'erforms t%e &ord of ommand %e is led to ex'et some relaxation.?
T%e to'is %it%erto onsidered %ave been. firstly, %o& to red(e t%e %ane of bein0 %eated in t%e
'(r%ase of a olt or f(ll10ro&n %orse4 seondly, %o& to esa'e as m(% as 'ossible t%e risk of inA(rin0
yo(r '(r%ase by mis%andlin04 and lastly, %o& to s(eed in t(rnin0 o(t a %orse 'ossessed of all t%e
:(alities demanded by t%e avalry soldier for t%e '(r'oses of &ar.
T%e time %as ome 'er%a's to add a fe& s(00estions, in ase t%e rider s%o(ld be alled ('on to deal &it%
an animal eit%er (nd(ly s'irited or a0ain (nd(ly sl(00is% in dis'osition. T%e first 'oint to reo0nise is,
t%at tem'er of s'irit in a %orse takes t%e 'lae of 'assion or an0er in a man4 and A(st as yo( may best
esa'e exitin0 a manCs ill1tem'er by avoidin0 %ars%ness of s'ee% and at, so yo( &ill best avoid
enra0in0 a s'irited %orse by not annoyin0 %im. T%(s, from t%e first instant, in t%e at of mo(ntin0 %im,
yo( s%o(ld take 'ains to minimise t%e annoyane4 and one on %is bak yo( s%o(ld sit :(iet for lon0er
t%an t%e ordinary time, and so (r0e %im for&ard by t%e 0entlest si0ns 'ossible4 next, be0innin0 at t%e
slo&est 'ae, 0rad(ally &ork %im into a :(iker ste', b(t so 0rad(ally t%at %e &ill find %imself at f(ll
s'eed &it%o(t notiin0 it.
Any s(dden si0nal &ill be&ilder a s'irited %orse, A(st as a man is be&ildered
by any s(dden si0%t or so(nd or ot%er ex'eriene. K= say one s%o(ld be a&are t%at any (nex'eted s%ok
&ill 'rod(e dist(rbane in a %orse.L
+o if yo( &is% to '(ll (' a s'irited %orse &%en breakin0 off into a :(iker 'ae t%an re:(isite, yo( m(st
not s(ddenly &ren% %im, b(t :(ietly and 0ently brin0 t%e bit to bear ('on %im, oaxin0 %im rat%er t%an
om'ellin0 %im to alm do&n. =t is t%e lon0 steady o(rse rat%er t%an t%e fre:(ent t(rn &%i% tends to
alm a %orse.
A :(iet 'ae s(stained for a lon0 time %as a aressin0,
soot%in0 effet, t%e reverse of
exitin0. =f any one 'ro'oses by a series of fast and oft1re'eated 0allo's to 'rod(e a sense of &eariness
in t%e %orse, and so to tame %im, %is ex'etation &ill not be A(stified by t%e res(lt4 for (nder s(%
ir(mstanes a s'irited %orse &ill do %is best to arry t%e day by main fore,
and &it% a s%o& of
tem'er, like a 'assionate man, may ontrive to brin0 on %imself and %is rider irre'arable mis%ief.
A s'irited %orse s%o(ld be ke't in %ek, so t%at %e does not das% off at f(ll s'eed4 and on t%e same
'rini'le, yo( s%o(ld absol(tely abstain from settin0 %im to rae a0ainst anot%er4 as a 0eneral r(le, yo(r
fiery1s'irited %orse is only too fond of ontention.
+moot% bits are better and more servieable t%an ro(0%4 if a ro(0% bit be inserted at all, it m(st be made
to resemble a smoot% one as m(% as 'ossible by li0%tness of %and.
=t is a 0ood t%in0 also for t%e rider to a(stom %imself to kee' a :(iet seat, es'eially &%en mo(nted on a
s'irited %orse4 and also to to(% %im as little as 'ossible &it% anyt%in0 exe't t%at 'art of t%e body
neessary to se(re a firm seat.
A0ain, it s%o(ld be kno&n t%at t%e onventional >%irr('?
to :(iet and >l(k? to ro(se a %orse are a
sort of 'ree't of t%e trainin0 s%ool4 and s(''osin0 any one from t%e be0innin0 %ose to assoiate soft
soot%in0 ations &it% t%e >l(k? so(nd, and %ars% ro(sin0 ations &it% t%e >%irr(',? t%e %orse o(ld be
ta(0%t to ro(se %imself at t%e >%irr('? and to alm %imself at t%e >l(k? so(nd. Bn t%is 'rini'le, at t%e
so(nd of t%e tr(m'et or t%e s%o(t of battle t%e rider s%o(ld avoid omin0 (' to %is %ar0er in a state of
exitement, or, indeed, brin0in0 any dist(rbin0 infl(ene to bear on t%e animal. As far as 'ossible, at s(%
a risis %e s%o(ld %alt and rest %im4 and, if ir(mstanes 'ermit, 0ive %im %is mornin0 or %is evenin0
meal. B(t t%e best advie of all is not to 0et an over1s'irited %orse for t%e '(r'oses of &ar.
As to t%e sl(00is% ty'e of animal, = need only s(00est to do everyt%in0 t%e o''osite to &%at &e advise as
a''ro'riate in dealin0 &it% an animal of %i0% s'irit.
Br, >so t%at t%e %orse may insensibly fall into a 0allo'.?
*. Dindorf and ot%ers braket, as s'(rio(s.
Br, >lon0 stret%es rat%er t%an a s(ession of t(rns and o(nter t(rns,? a'ostro'%ai.
)eadin0 kata'sosi &it% *. Dind.
a0ein bia, vi a0ere, vi (ti, +t(r64 al. >0o %is o&n 0ait by s%eer fore.?
)eadin0 sk%edon 0ar kai '%il oi t%(m, or if . . . oi t%il kai t%. transl. >t%e more ea0er and ambitio(s a
%orse is, t%e more mettlesome %e &ill tend to beome.?
Al. >&%istlin0,? and see Beren0er, ii. @#. 'o''(smos, a so(nd from t%e li's4 klo0mos, from t%e %eek.
B(t 'ossibly yo( are not ontent &it% a %orse servieable for &ar. 3o( &ant to find %im %im a s%o&y,
attrative animal, &it% a ertain 0rande(r of bearin0. =f so, yo( m(st abstain from '(llin0 at %is mo(t%
&it% t%e bit, or a''lyin0 t%e s'(r and &%i'Fmet%ods ommonly ado'ted by 'eo'le &it% a vie& to a fine
effet, t%o(0%, as a matter of fat, t%ey t%ereby a%ieve t%e very o''osite of &%at t%ey are aimin0 at. T%at
is to say, by dra00in0 t%e mo(t% (' t%ey render t%e %orse blind instead of alive to &%at is in front of %im4
and &%at &it% s'(rrin0 and &%i''in0 t%ey distrat t%e reat(re to t%e 'oint of absol(te be&ilderment and
5eats indeedSFt%e feats of %orses &it% a stron0 dislike to bein0 riddenF(' to all sorts of (0ly
and (n0ainly triks. Bn t%e ontrary, let t%e %orse be ta(0%t to be ridden on a loose bridle, and to %old %is
%ead %i0% and ar% %is nek, and yo( &ill 'ratially be makin0 %im 'erform t%e very ats &%i% %e
%imself deli0%ts or rat%er ex(lts in4 and t%e best 'roof of t%e 'leas(re &%i% %e takes is, t%at &%en %e is let
loose &it% ot%er %orses, and more 'arti(larly &it% mares, yo( &ill see %im rear %is %ead aloft to t%e f(ll
%ei0%t, and ar% %is nek &it% nervo(s vi0o(r,
'a&in0 t%e air &it% 'liant le0s
and &avin0 %is tail on
%i0%. By trainin0 %im to ado't t%e very airs and 0raes &%i% %e nat(rally ass(mes &%en s%o&in0 off to
best advanta0e, yo( %ave 0ot &%at yo( are aimin0 atFa %orse t%at deli0%ts in bein0 ridden, a s'lendid
and s%o&y animal, t%e Aoy of all be%olders.
Ho& t%ese desirable res(lts are, in o(r o'inion, to be 'rod(ed, &e &ill no& endeavo(r to ex'lain. =n t%e
first 'lae, t%en, yo( o(0%t to %ave at least t&o bits. Bne of t%ese s%o(ld be smoot%, &it% diss of a 0ood
si6e4 t%e ot%er s%o(ld %ave %eavy and flat diss
st(dded &it% s%ar' s'ikes, so t%at &%en t%e %orse
sei6es it and dislikes t%e ro(0%ness %e &ill dro' it4 t%en &%en t%e smoot% is 0iven %im instead, %e is
deli0%ted &it% its smoot%ness, and &%atever %e %as learnt before ('on t%e ro(0%, %e &ill 'erform &it%
0reater relis% on t%e smoot%. He may ertainly, o(t of ontem't for its very smoot%ness, 'er'et(ally try to
0et a '(r%ase on it, and t%at is &%y &e atta% lar0e diss to t%e smoot% bit, t%e effet of &%i% is to make
%im o'en %is mo(t%, and dro' t%e mo(t%'iee. =t is 'ossible to make t%e ro(0% bit of every de0ree of
ro(0%ness by kee'in0 it slak or ta(t.
B(t, &%atever t%e ty'e of bit may be, let it in any ase be flexible. =f it be stiff, at &%atever 'oint t%e %orse
sei6es it %e m(st take it (' bodily a0ainst %is Aa&s4 A(st as it does not matter at &%at 'oint a man takes
%old of a bar of iron,
%e lifts it as a &%ole. T%e ot%er flexibly onstr(ted ty'e ats like a %ain -only
t%e sin0le 'oint at &%i% yo( %old it remains stiff, t%e rest %an0s loose24 and &%ile 'er'et(ally %(ntin0 for
t%e 'ortion &%i% esa'es %im, %e lets t%e mo(t%'iee 0o from %is bars.
5or t%is reason t%e rin0s are
%(n0 in t%e middle from t%e t&o axles,
so t%at &%ile feelin0 for t%em &it% %is ton0(e and teet% %e may
ne0let to take t%e bit (' a0ainst %is Aa&s.
To ex'lain &%at is meant by flexible and stiff as a''lied to a bit, &e &ill desribe t%e matter. A flexible
bit is one in &%i% t%e axles %ave t%eir 'oints of A(ntion broad and smoot%,
so as to bend easily4 and
&%ere t%e several 'arts fittin0 ro(nd t%e axles, bein0 lar0e of a'ert(re and not too losely 'aked, %ave
0reater flexibility4 &%ereas, if t%e several 'arts do not slide to and fro &it% ease, and 'lay into ea% ot%er,
t%at is &%at &e all a stiff bit. E%atever t%e kind of bit may be, t%e rider m(st arry o(t 'reisely t%e
same r(les in (sin0 it, as follo&s, if %e &is%es to t(rn o(t a %orse &it% t%e :(alities desribed. T%e %orseCs
mo(t% is not to be '(lled bak too %ars%ly so as to make %im toss %is %ead aside, nor yet so 0ently t%at %e
&ill not feel t%e 'ress(re. B(t t%e instant %e raises %is nek in ans&er to t%e '(ll, 0ive %im t%e bit at one4
and so t%ro(0%o(t, as &e never ease re'eatin0, at every res'onse to yo(r &is%es, &%enever and &%erever
t%e animal 'erforms %is servie &ell,
re&ard and %(mo(r %im. T%(s, &%en t%e rider 'ereives t%at t%e
%orse takes a 'leas(re in t%e %i0% ar%in0 and s(''le 'lay of %is nek, let %im sei6e t%e instant not to
im'ose severe exertion on %im, like a taskmaster, b(t rat%er to aress and oax %im, as if anxio(s to 0ive
%im a rest. =n t%is &ay t%e %orse &ill be eno(ra0ed and fall into a ra'id 'ae.
T%at a %orse takes 'leas(re in s&ift movement, may be s%o&n onl(sively. As soon as %e %as 0ot %is
liberty, %e sets off at a trot or 0allo', never at a &alkin0 'ae4 so nat(ral and instintive a 'leas(re does
t%is ation afford %im, if %e is not fored to 'erform it to exess4 sine it is tr(e of %orse and man alike
t%at not%in0 is 'leasant if arried to exess.
B(t no& s(''ose %e %as attained to t%e 0rand style &%en riddenF&e %ave a(stomed %im of o(rse in
%is first exerise to &%eel and fall into a anter sim(ltaneo(sly4 ass(min0 t%en, %e %as 0ot t%at lesson &ell
by %eart, if t%e rider '(lls %im (' &it% t%e bit &%ile sim(ltaneo(sly 0ivin0 %im one of t%e si0nals to be
off, t%e %orse, 0alled on t%e one %and by t%e bit, and on t%e ot%er olletin0 %imself in obediene to t%e
si0nal >off,? &ill t%ro& for&ard %is %est and raise %is le0s aloft &it% fiery s'irit4 t%o(0% not indeed &it%
s(''leness, for t%e s(''le 'lay of t%e limbs eases as soon as t%e %orse feels annoyane. B(t no&,
s(''osin0 &%en %is fire is t%(s enkindled
yo( 0ive %im t%e rein, t%e effet is instantaneo(s. 7nder t%e
'leas(rable sense of freedom, t%anks to t%e relaxation of t%e bit, &it% stately bearin0 and le0s 'liantly
movin0 %e das%es for&ard in %is 'ride, in every res'et imitatin0 t%e airs and 0raes of a %orse
a''roa%in0 ot%er %orses. *isten to t%e e'it%ets &it% &%i% s'etators &ill desribe t%e ty'e of %orse. t%e
noble animalS and &%at &illin0ness to &ork, &%at 'aes,
&%at a s'irit and &%at mettle4 %o& 'ro(dly
%e bears %imself
Fa Aoy at one, and yet a terror to be%old.
T%(s far on t%is to'i4 t%ese notes may serve 'er%a's to meet a s'eial need.
Al. >t%e animals are so sared t%at, t%e %anes are, t%ey are t%ro&n into disorder.?
0or0o(menos, &it% 'ride and s'irit, b(t &it% a s(00estion of >fiereness and ra0e,? as of ;obCs &ar1
>Mollia r(ra re'onit,? Pir0. >Geor0.? iii. 7@4 Hom. >Hymn. ad Mer.?
+ee Mor0an, o'. it. '. "<< foll.
Br, >'oker,? as &e mi0%t say4 lit. >s'it.?
+%neid. f. 8(r. >Hi''ol.? "229.
+ee Mor0an, note ad lo. Beren0er -i. 2@"2 notes. >Ee %ave a small %ain in t%e ('set or %ollo& 'art
of o(r bits, alled a GNlayer,C &it% &%i% t%e %orse 'layin0 &it% %is ton0(e, and rollin0 it abo(t, kee's %is
mo(t% moist and fres%4 and, as Heno'%on %ints, it may serve like&ise to fix %is attention and 'revent %im
from &rit%in0 %is mo(t% abo(t, or as t%e 5ren% all it, Gfaire ses fores.C?
i.e. >t%e ends of t%e axles -at t%e 'oint of A(ntion2 &%i% &ork into ea% ot%er are broad and smoot%,
so as to 'lay freely at t%e Aoin.?
>Be%aves om'liantly.?
*. Dind. f. 8(r. >Med.? "2#, ta deC ('erballont o(dena kairon.
!f. >Hell.? P. iv. <@, >kindled into ne& life.?
i''osten, >a tr(e soldierCs %orse.?
sobaron, >&%at a '(s% and s&a00er?4 kai ama ed(n te kai 0or0on idein, >a la fois do(x et terrible a
voir,? see Pitor !%erb(lie6, >7n !%eval de N%idias,? '. "<#.
=f, %o&ever, t%e &is% is to se(re a %orse ada'ted to 'arade and state 'roessions, a %i0% ste''er and a
animal, t%ese are :(alities not to be fo(nd ombined in every %orse, b(t to be0in &it%, t%e
animal m(st %ave %i0% s'irit and a stal&art body. Dot t%at, as some t%ink, a %orse &it% flexible le0s &ill
neessarily be able to rear %is body. E%at &e &ant is a %orse &it% s(''le loins, and not s(''le only b(t
s%ort and stron0 -= do not mean t%e loins to&ards t%e tail, b(t by t%e belly t%e re0ion bet&een t%e ribs and
t%i0%s2. T%at is t%e %orse &%o &ill be able to 'lant %is %ind1le0s &ell (nder t%e forearm. =f &%ile %e is so
'lantin0 %is %ind1:(arters, %e is '(lled (' &it% t%e bit, %e lo&ers %is %ind1le0s on %is %oks
and raises
t%e fore'art of %is body, so t%at any one in front of %im &ill see t%e &%ole len0t% of %is belly to t%e
At t%e moment t%e %orse does t%is, t%e rider s%o(ld 0ive %im t%e rein, so t%at %e may dis'lay
t%e noblest feats &%i% a %orse an 'erform of %is o&n free &ill, to t%e satisfation of t%e s'etators.
T%ere are, indeed, ot%er met%ods of tea%in0 t%ese arts.
+ome do so by to(%in0 t%e %orse &it% a
s&it% (nder t%e %oks, ot%ers em'loy an attendant to r(n alon0side and strike t%e %orse &it% a stik
(nder t%e 0askins. 5or o(rselves, %o&ever, far t%e best met%od of instr(tion,
as &e kee' re'eatin0, is
to let t%e %orse feel t%at &%atever %e does in obediene to t%e riderCs &is%es &ill be follo&ed by some rest
and relaxation.
To :(ote a dit(m of +imon, &%at a %orse does (nder om'(lsion %e does blindly, and %is 'erformane is
no more bea(tif(l t%an &o(ld be t%at of a ballet1daner ta(0%t by &%i' and 0oad. T%e 'erformanes of
%orse or man so treated &o(ld seem to be dis'lays of l(msy 0est(res rat%er t%an of 0rae and bea(ty.
E%at &e need is t%at t%e %orse s%o(ld of %is o&n aord ex%ibit %is finest airs and 'aes at set si0nals.
+(''osin0, &%en %e is in t%e ridin01field,
yo( '(s% %im to a 0allo' (ntil %e is bat%ed in s&eat, and
&%en %e be0ins to 'rane and s%o& %is airs to fine effet, yo( 'rom'tly dismo(nt and take off t%e bit, yo(
may rely ('on it %e &ill of %is o&n aord anot%er time break into t%e same 'ranin0 ation. +(% are t%e
%orses on &%i% 0ods and %eroes ride, as re'resented by t%e artist. T%e maAesty of men t%emselves is best
disovered in t%e 0raef(l %andlin0 of s(% animals.
A %orse so 'ranin0 is indeed a t%in0 of bea(ty, a
&onder and a marvel4 rivetin0 t%e 0a6e of all &%o see %im, yo(n0 alike and 0raybeards. T%ey &ill never
t(rn t%eir baks, = vent(re to 'redit, or &eary of t%eir 0a6in0 so lon0 as %e ontin(es to dis'lay %is
s'lendid ation.
=f t%e 'ossessor of so rare a reat(re s%o(ld find %imself by %ane in t%e 'osition of a s:(adron leader or
a 0eneral of avalry, %e m(st not onfine %is 6eal to t%e develo'ment of %is 'ersonal s'lendo(r, b(t
s%o(ld st(dy all t%e more to make t%e troo' or re0iment a s'lendid s'etale. +(''osin0 -in aordane
&it% t%e %i0% 'raise besto&ed ('on t%e ty'e of animal2
t%e leader is mo(nted on a %orse &%i% &it%
%is %i0% airs and fre:(ent 'ranin0 makes b(t t%e sli0%test movement for&ardFobvio(sly t%e rest of t%e
troo' m(st follo& at a &alkin0 'ae, and one may fairly ask &%ere is t%e element of s'lendo(r in t%e
s'etaleO B(t no& s(''ose t%at yo(, sir, bein0 at t%e %ead of t%e 'roession, ro(se yo(r %orse and take
t%e lead at a 'ae neit%er too fast nor yet too slo&, b(t in a &ay to brin0 o(t t%e best :(alities in all t%e
animals, t%eir s'irit, fire, 0rae of mien and bearin0 ri'e for ationF= say, if yo( take t%e lead of t%em in
t%is style, t%e olletive t%(d, t%e 0eneral nei0%in0 and t%e snortin0 of t%e %orses &ill ombine to render
not only yo( at t%e %ead, b(t yo(r &%ole om'any
do&n to t%e last man a t%rillin0 s'etale.
Bne &ord more. +(''osin0 a man %as s%o&n some skill in '(r%asin0 %is %orses, and an rear t%em into
stron0 and servieable animals, s(''osin0 f(rt%er %e an %andle t%em in t%e ri0%t &ay, not only in t%e
trainin0 for &ar, b(t in exerises &it% a vie& to dis'lay, or lastly, in t%e stress of at(al battle, &%at is
t%ere to 'revent s(% a man from makin0 every %orse %e o&ns of far more val(e in t%e end t%an &%en %e
bo(0%t it, &it% t%e f(rt%er o(tlook t%at, (nless some 'o&er %i0%er t%an %(man inter'ose,
%e &ill
beome t%e o&ner of a elebrated stable, and %imself as elebrated for %is skill in %orsemans%i'.
lam'ros. !f. =sae. xi. <" ->Bn t%e estate of Ha0nias?2, *ys. xix. @9 ->de Bon. Arist.?2.
+ee Beren0er, ii. @#.
*it. >testiles.?
*it. >Neo'le, it m(st be admitted, laim to tea% t%ese arts in varo(s &aysFsome by . . . ot%ers by
biddin0 . . .?
)eadin0 didaskalion, al. didaskalion, >systems.? +%neid. f. Herod. v. ,#.
Br, >by aids and si0ns,? as &e say.
Br, >exerisin010ro(nd.?
Br, >and t%e man &%o kno&s %o& to mana0e s(% a reat(re 0raef(lly %imself at one a''ears
)eadin0 as v(l0. os malista e'aino(si to(s toio(to(s i''o(s, os. *. Dind. omits t%e &ords as a 0loss.
)eadin0 oi -for osoi2 s(m'are'omenoi. +ee Hartmann, >An. Hen. Dov.? xiv. '. 9<9.
Br, >t%ere is not%in0, %(manly s'eakin0, to 'revent s(% a man.? 5or t%e '%rase see >Mem.? =. iii. ,4
f. >!yro'.? =. vi. "#4 and for t%e advie, >8on.? iii. $, "0.
Ee &ill no& desribe t%e manner in &%i% a troo'er destined to r(n t%e risks of battle ('on %orsebak
s%o(ld be armed. =n t%e first 'lae, t%en, &e &o(ld insist, t%e orselet m(st be made to fit t%e 'erson4
sine, if it fits &ell, its &ei0%t &ill be distrib(ted over t%e &%ole body4 &%ereas, if too loose, t%e s%o(lders
&ill %ave all t%e &ei0%t to bear, &%ile, if too ti0%t, t%e orselet is no lon0er a defensive arm, b(t a >strait
A0ain, t%e nek, as bein0 a vital 'art,
o(0%t to %ave, as &e maintain, a overin0, a''ended
to t%e orselet and lose1fittin0. T%is &ill serve as an ornament, and if made as it o(0%t to be, &ill oneal
t%e riderCs faeFif so %e %oosesF(' to t%e nose.
As to t%e %elmet, t%e best kind, in o(r o'inion, is one of t%e Boeotian 'attern,
on t%e 'rini'le a0ain,
t%at it overs all t%e 'arts ex'osed above t%e breast'late &it%o(t %inderin0 vision. Anot%er 'oint. t%e
orselet s%o(ld be so onstr(ted t%at it does not 'revent its &earer sittin0 do&n or stoo'in0. Abo(t t%e
abdomen and t%e 0enitals and 'arts s(rro(ndin0
fla's s%o(ld be atta%ed in text(re and in t%ikness
s(ffiient to 'rotet
t%at re0ion.
A0ain, as an inA(ry to t%e left %and may disable t%e %orseman, &e &o(ld reommend t%e ne&ly1invented
'iee of armo(r alled t%e 0a(ntlet, &%i% 'rotets t%e s%o(lder, arm, and elbo&, &it% t%e %and en0a0ed
in %oldin0 t%e reins, bein0 so onstr(ted as to extend and ontrat4 in addition to &%i% it overs t%e 0a'
left by t%e orselet (nder t%e arm'it. T%e ase is different &it% t%e ri0%t %and, &%i% t%e %orseman m(st
needs raise to dis%ar0e a Aavelin or strike a blo&. Here, aordin0ly, any 'art of t%e orselet &%i% &o(ld
%inder ation o(t to be removed4 in 'lae of &%i% t%e orselet o(0%t to %ave some extra fla's
at t%e
Aoints, &%i% as t%e o(tstret%ed arm is raised (nfold, and as t%e arm desends lose ti0%t a0ain. T%e arm
it seems to (s, &ill better be 'roteted by a 'iee like a 0reave stret%ed over it t%an bo(nd ('
&it% t%e orselet. A0ain, t%e 'art ex'osed &%en t%e ri0%t %and is raised s%o(ld be overed lose to t%e
orselet eit%er &it% alfskin or &it% metal4 or else t%ere &ill be a &ant of 'rotetion A(st at t%e most vital
Moreover, as any dama0e done to t%e %orse &ill involve %is rider in extreme 'eril, t%e %orse also s%o(ld
be lad in armo(rFfrontlet, breast'late, and t%i0%1'iees4
&%i% latter may at t%e same time serve as
(isses for t%e mo(nted man. Beyond all else, t%e %orseCs belly, bein0 t%e most vital and defeneless 'art,
s%o(ld be 'roteted. =t is 'ossible to 'rotet it &it% t%e saddle1lot%. T%e saddle itself s%o(ld be of s(%
sort and so stit%ed as to 0ive t%e rider a firm seat, and yet not 0all t%e %orseCs bak.
As re0ards t%e limbs in 0eneral, bot% %orse and rider may be looked ('on as f(lly armed. T%e only 'arts
remainin0 are t%e s%ins and feet, &%i% of o(rse 'rotr(de beyond t%e (isses, b(t t%ese also may be
armed by t%e addition of 0aiters made of leat%er like t%at (sed for makin0 sandals. And t%(s yo( &ill %ave
at one defensive armo(r for t%e s%ins and stokin0s for t%e feet.
T%e above, &it% t%e blessin0 of %eaven, &ill serve for armo(r of defene. To ome to &ea'ons of offene,
&e reommend t%e sabre rat%er t%an t%e strai0%t s&ord,
sine from t%e vanta0e10ro(nd of t%e %orseCs
'osition t%e (rved blade &ill desend &it% 0reater fore t%an t%e ordinary &ea'on.
A0ain, in 'lae of t%e lon0 reed s'ear, &%i% is a't to be &eak and a&k&ard to arry, &e &o(ld s(bstit(te
t&o darts of ornel1&ood4
t%e one of &%i% t%e skilf(l %orseman an let fly, and still 'ly t%e one
reserved in all diretions, for&ards, bak&ards,
and obli:(ely4 add to t%at, t%ese smaller &ea'ons are
not only stron0er t%an t%e s'ear b(t far more mana0eable.
As re0ards ran0e of dis%ar0e in s%ootin0 &e are in favo(r of t%e lon0est 'ossible, as 0ivin0 more time to
and transfer t%e seond Aavelin to t%e ri0%t %and. And %ere &e &ill state s%ortly t%e most effetive
met%od of %(rlin0 t%e Aavelin. T%e %orseman s%o(ld t%ro& for&ard %is left side, &%ile dra&in0 bak %is
ri0%t4 t%en risin0 bodily from t%e t%i0%s, %e s%o(ld let fly t%e missile &it% t%e 'oint sli0%tly ('&ards. T%e
dart so dis%ar0ed &ill arry &it% t%e 0reatest fore and to t%e fart%est distane4 &e may add, too, &it% t%e
tr(est aim, if at t%e moment of dis%ar0e t%e lane be direted steadily on t%e obAet aimed at.
T%is treatise, onsistin0 of notes and s(00estions, lessons and exerises s(ited to a 'rivate individ(al,
m(st ome to a onl(sion4 t%e t%eory and 'ratie of t%e matter s(ited to a avalry ommander &ill be
fo(nd develo'ed in t%e om'anion treatise.
!f. >Mem.? ===. x.
*. Dind. f. Hom. >=l.? viii. 92@.
. . . ot%i kleis a'oer0ei a(k%ena te stet%os te, malista de kairion estin.
>E%ere t%e ollar1bone fenet% off nek and breast, and &%ere is t%e most deadly s'ot? -E. *eaf2.
+%neider f. Aelian, >P. H.? iii. 2<4 Noll(x, i. "<$.
+%neider f. >Anab.? =P. vii. ",, and for kai ta k(klo, onA. k(klo, >t%e abdomen and middle s%o(ld
be enirled by a skirt.?
*it. >let t%ere be &in0s of s(% sort, si6e, and n(mber as to 'rotet t%e limbs.?
'rost%etai, >moveable,? >false.? 5or 0i00l(mois *. Q +. f. Hi''. <"". "24 Aristot. >de An.? iii. "0. $
I >ball1and1soket Aoints.?
i.e. >forearm.?
!f. >!yro'.? P=. iv. "4 P==. i. 2.
T%e mak%aira -or ko'is2, Nersian fas%ion, rat%er t%an t%e xe'%os. >!yro'.? =. ii. "9.
5or t%ese reforms, t%e res(lt of t%e a(t%orCs Asiati ex'erienes 'er%a's, f. >Hell.? ===. iv. "<4
>Anab.? =. viii. 94 >!yro'.? =. ii. $.
)eadin0 eis to('ist%en after *eonl.
Al. >to t(rn ri0%t1abo(t.?
>=f t%e lane is steadily eyein0 t%e mark at t%e instant of dis%ar0e.?
=n referene to >T%e !avalry General?, or >Hi''ar%.?
T%is &eb edition '(blis%ed by.
T%e 7niversity of Adelaide *ibrary
7niversity of Adelaide
+o(t% A(stralia ,00,

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