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I, _Naina____________, theSingh the undersigned, in the context of my possible

employment/employment with Citigroup or its subsidiaries or affiliates (shortly referred
as 'Citi entity' in India, hereby confirm that I ha!e not"
(a Suspended/defaulted in ma#ing repayments towards any credit facilities a!ailed
of by me$
(b been ad%udicated insol!ent, or compounded with any creditor(s
(c been con!icted by a criminal court of an offence in!ol!ing moral turpitude$
I further understand that"
(a the Credit Information &ureau (India 'imited and any other agency so authori(ed
may use, process the said information and data disclosed by the City )ntity in the
manner as deemed fit by them* and,
(b the Credit Information &ureau (India 'imited and any other agency so authori(ed
may furnish for consideration the processed information and data or products
thereof prepared by them, to ban#s/financial institutions and other credit grantors
or registered users, as may be specified by the +eser!e &an# of India in this
,ours faithfully,
-ate"" .///0/1/.2
3lace" 3une

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