U Tsikbalil Juan T'u'ul/The Story of Juan Rabbit

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Tumen Naiiano Bonilla Caamal.

In k'at ka'aj a t'an ti' teen u tsikbal }uan T'u'ul

Na'alob, nin ka'ajen in tsikblatech u tsikbalil }uan
t'u'ul yete ma chiich leti'e' je'elo' nika'ajen in
tsikbaltech yo'olal le ma' chiicho'.

}unten yaakile' le ma chiicho' bin u pak' bu'ul, tu
pak'aj le bu'ulo' ka'aj jo'op' u jooya'tik yetel u ja'il
jaltun.Ku jooya'tik le bu'ulo'.

}a'alibe' jump'el k'iin ti' le je'elo' ma' chiicho' ka'aj
binij te' tu paach u pak'al bu'ul, le ka'aj k'uche' ka
jo'o'p' u man u xiimbalt u pak'al, u paach u pa'k'al
bu'ul ka'aj jtu yilike' le bu'ulo' ts'o'ok u laj
jook'la'aja', ba'ale' tu jaanta'al tumeen }uan t'u'ul , tu
jaanta'al le bu'ulo' tumen le }uano'.

Ka'aj jo'op' u tukultik ma chiich, ka'aj jo'op' u ya'alik
ma chiiche':

Bix ken in beetij. Le bu'ula' in pak'maje' tia'al in

Ka'aj jo'op'u tsikbaltike' tu jaanta'al u pak'al bu'ul.

Ka'aj ts'a'ab tun antaj ti' wa consejo tumen ulak
mako'ob ba'ax unaj u beetik le ma chiicho'. }a'alibe',
le ma chiicho' ts'o'ok u tso'olol ti' tumeen le
jala'acho'obo' ba'ax unaj u u beetik, ka'aj a'alab ti'e':

Ka'aj u beete' juntul mak, peio ue lokok.

}untul mak ue lokok wa ue kib.
Ka'aj tu kaxtaj kib, lokok. Tu xa'ak'taj beya', Ka'aj
jo'op' u patik, u patik juntul mak, tu beetaj u k'ab,
tu beetaj pool, yich, u yook tulakl juntul mak.
Ka'aj bine', ka'aj tu wa'alkuntal le mak beya' tu
beel tu'ux ku taal le }uan t'u'ulo', ka'aj tu ts'aji' tu
wa'alkunsaj le mak beyo'.

}a'alibe' }uane', }uan t'u'ule' ka'aj jo'op' u taal tu
yak'abtale ka'aj jo'op' u taal janal, ook janal bu'ul, le
ka'aj k'uche' ku yilike' wa'akbal juntul maaki',
By Naiiano Bonilla Caamal

I want you to tell me the stoiy of }uan iabbit.

0K, I'm going to tell you the stoiy of }uan Rabbit
anu 0lu uianumothei. I'll tell you the stoiy of 0lu

0ne uay gianumothei went to plant beans, she
planteu them anu wateieu them with watei fiom
a cistein, with that watei.

So one uay 0lu uianumothei went to see the
beans she hau planteu. When she got theie she
went aiounu hei gaiuen anu iealizeu that the
beans that hau spiouteu but they hau been eaten
by }uan Rabbit. Bei beans hau been eaten by

0lu uianumothei was woiiieu, she saiu:

What am I going to uo. The beans I planteu aie
foi me to eat.

So she began to talk about hei beans being eaten.

She ieceiveu help, auvice fiom othei people
about what she shoulu uo. The oluei people tolu
hei what she shoulu uo. They tolu hei:

Nake a peison out of wax, a man out of wax.

So she began to look foi the beeswax. She mixeu
it like this anu began to shape him, she began to
shape a man, she maue his heau, his face, his feet,
eveiu pait of the man. When she was uone she
put him like this in the path wheie }uan came in,
that's wheie she put him, she put him theie like

So }uan, when night came, }uan Rabbit came to
eat. Be came to eat the beans. When he aiiiveu he
saw that theie was a man stanuing on the path.
leti'e' ma' tu k'ajooltaj le }uan tu'ulo' wa le mako'
ue kib, ka'aj jo'op' u ya'alik ti'e' mako':

Tselabaj tin beel, tumeen tene' nin ka'aj in kaxt in
kuxtal. Wey yaan u muul in ta'e' wey yaan u muul in
wiixe'- ku ya'alik }uan tu'ul.

}a'alibe' ma' tu nukaj ti' tumeen le mako', pues
tumeen el mako' ue kib. Ku ya'alik ti' le mako':

Tselabaj tin beel, tumen wa ma' ta luk'ul tin
beele' kin koocha'tikech - ku ya'alik le }uan tu'ulo'.

Le mako' ma' tan u nukik, ka'aj tu koojchajtaj
ka'aj koochabta'abe' ti' taak' yook }uan tu'uli', como
tatak'kil le ki'bo', taak'ij.

Ts'o'ok u taak'al beyo' ku ya'alike':

Cha' in wook tumeen wa ma'e' kin koocha'tikech
yetel junlak' u ts'iit in wooka'.

Tu koocha'taj beya' yetel ulak' junts'iit u yook, ti'
taak'i'. ku ya'alike':

Cha'a'e' tumeen wa ma'e' kin lajikech.

Ka'aj tu lajaj le mako' ti' taak u k'aabi' tumeen ue

Cha'aeni' ka'aj xi'iken janal, tumeen tene' nin
ka'aj in kaxt in kuxtal.

Chen tu t'aan }uan.

Wa ma' ta cha'ikene' kin lajikech.

Ka'aj tu lajaje' ka'aj taak' }uan t'u'ul, bey yanila'. Ku
ya'alik }uan t'u'ule':

Cha'aeni', wa ma'e' kin t'esnak'tikech.

Ka'aj tu t'esnak'tal beya', ka'aj taak' u nak' ti le
kibo'. Chu'uk tumen bey le ki'bo' ma' patchaj u
bini', ti' taak' le }uano'.
Be uiun't know him because it was the wax man,
so he began to say to him:

uet out of my way, I'm heie to get something
to eat. I was boin heie anu I giew up heie, that's
what he saiu.

But the man uiun't ieply to him because he's
maue of wax! So }uan tolu him:

uet out of my way. If not I'm going to kick you,
saiu }uan Rabbit.

The man uiun't answei him, so }uan kickeu him.
When he kickeu him his foot became stuck,
because the wax was sticky it got stuck.

Aftei he got stuck he saiu:

Let go of my foot! If not, I'll kick you with my
othei foot.

Be kickeu him like this with his othei foot anu he
got stick, so he saiu,

Let go of me! If not I'm going to slap you.

So then he slappeu him, anu his hanu became
stuck in the wax.

Let go of me so I can go eat, I came to finu

}uan was just talking.

If you uon't let go of me I'll slap you again.

Be slappeu him again anu }uan was stuck, stuck
like this. So }uan Rabbit saiu:

Let go of me oi I'll hit you with my belly!

Anu he hit him with his belly like this, anu his
belly was stuck in the wax. That's how he became
tiappeu in the wax. Be coulun't leave, }uan was

Ts'o'ok u sastale' ka'aj bin ma chiich u xiimbalt u
pach u pak'al bu'ul. Le ka'aj k'uch te' tu paach u
pak'al bu'ulo', ka'aj bin yilaj le }uane', lubij. Le
}uano taak'al ti' le kibo':

- Teech }uan lubech, in puuts'ulileche' }uan lubech
- ku ya'alik.

}a'alibe' ma' chiich, ma'alob ts'o'ok a chukiken,
ma'alob - ku ya'alik.

Ka'aj ensa'ab }uan te' kibo', ka'aj bisa'abij:

Ba'ale' ma' chiich - ku ya'alik. Pues ts'o'ok in
lubul. Yaan a jaantiken.

Yaan in jaantikech oonsikil }uan kin in beetej. 0
oonsikil t'u'ul ken in beetej, oonsikilil }uan, taaj ki',
uch in jaantej.

Na'alob ma chiich, ma'alob- ku ya'alik.

}a'alibe' ka'aj k'ala'ab so'oy, k'a'al tu so'oy }uan
beyo', laj oiai ku bin cha'antbil tumen la
abiltsilo'obo'. Ti' yaan }uani' ti' ku sutikjunbaj
}uani',k'ala'an so'oy, ku ya'alaj ti'e':

Yaan tun in jantikech }uan, buka'aj ki'il a
woosikilil wale'.

Aaa ma'alob ma chiich- ku ya'alik- ma'alob yaan a
jantiken- ku ya'alik. Peio ts'aten u ts'ook u pajtalil
wa opoituniuau antes a jaantiken.

Na'alob, ma'alob }uan - ku ya'alik. Ba'axtun u
ts'ook a opoituniuau.

Eske tene' jats'uts in wook'ot. Wa ka'aj a wila'aj
in wook'ote' ma chiich, jum, yaan u ki'imaktal a wool
ts'o'kole' ka jaantiken.

So uawn came anu 0lu uianumothei went to the
beans she hau planteu in hei gaiuen. When went
to see }uan he was tiappeu, }uan hau gotten stuck
in the wax.

You, }uan, you fell foi it. You coulu have
escapeu but you fell foi it, she saiu.

Yeah, 0lu uianumothei, you got me, he

So she took }uan out of the wax anu caiiieu him

Well 0lu uianumothei, you caught me. Aie
you going to eat me.

I am going to eat you, I'll eat you with pipian
sauce. I'm going to make pipian iabbit, pipian
}uan, it'll be gieat, it's been a while since I've hau

0K, 0lu uianumothei, 0K, he ieplieu.

Well she lockeu him in the chicken coop, that's
wheie he was helu. Bei gianuchiluien came to
look at him. That's wheie }uan was, pacing,
lockeu up in the chicken coop, anu she saiu to

Well I'm going to eat you, }uan. Bow goou
you'll be in pipian sauce!

0K, gianumothei, he saiu, you'ie gong to eat
me. But give me one last thing, a chance befoie
you eat me.

0K, 0K }uan she ieplieu. Anu what's youi final

Well, I ieally uance well. If you saw how I
uanceu, 0lu uianumothei, you'u ieally like it.
Then you coulu eat me.

}e'elo' ma'alob }uan.

Tu chiimbal le k'iin walkila' ka'aj a'alab ti' }uane'
ka'aj jook'ok:

Na' ta puts'ul }uan'.

Na' tin puts'ul, ma' tin puutsul - ku ya'alik.
Ts'o'okole' ka jaantiken. Si ti' kin ook'ot te'ela'.

Na' ta puts'ul }uan.

Na' tin puuts'ul chiich, ma' tan.

}e'elo' ma'alob.

ka'aj je'eb le so'oyo', ka'aj taal le paalalo'obo', }uane'
ka'aj jo'op' u yook'ot, tu yook'ot le }uan t'u'ulo'. Tu
yook'ot beya', tu yook'ot }uan, tu p'iit le }uano', tu
yook'ot. Le ma chiicho' tu che'ej:

}ajaja', jajaja', jajajaj', jajaja' tu che'ej.

Basta tu wixikubaj ma chiich, tu wixikubaj ma
chiich, ikil u cha'antik o yook'ot }uan. Ku bin
paachnaj beya' ku ka'aj suut, ku bin paachnaj beya'
ku ka'aj suut, tu siit' }uan. Na' chiiche' tu papaxk'ab
ki'imak yool, tu cha'antik u yook'ot }uan t'u'ul.

Le ka'aj bin paach naj beya' ma' ka'aj suunaji',
puts'ij, puts''ij. Le ka'aj bin }uan le ka'aj jo'op' u
man kaxtbile'mina'an, binij.

Ka'aj jo'op' u yok'ol ma Chiich:

Tu tusajen le }uana', tu tusajen, tu ya'alaj tene'
ma' tu puts'ul. Bix tun ken beetej paalale'ex.

Pues p'uuts'ij, ma' tu suut.

Ka'aj jo'op' u yo'k'ol ma chiich, tu yok'ol ma chiich.
}a'alibe' }uane' binij, najchaji.

0K, }uan.

It was getting late, anout now when they tolu
}uan he coulu come out:

You won't escape, }uan.

I won't iun away, I won't iun away, he ieplieu.
Then you can eat me. I'll uance iight heie.

You won't escape, }uan.

I won't iun away, gianumothei, I won't iun

When they openeu chicken coop, they chiluien
saw him anu he began to uance. }uan Rabbit was
uancing. Be uanceu like this, that's how he
uanceu, he shook his butt. }uan jumpeu aiounu
anu uanceu. Anu 0lu uianumothei laugheu:

}ajaja', jajaja', jajajaj', jajaja'.

She laugheu so much she peeu heiself, she peeu
heislf with laughtei fiom seeing }uan. Be went
this way anu came back, he jumpeu aiounu. 0lu
uianumothei clappeu, she loveu seeing }uan

Then he went anu uiun't come back. Be escapeu,
he escapeu! When }uan left they lookeu foi him
but they uiun't finu him, he'u gone.

So 0lu uianumothei began to ciy:

}uan tiickeu me, he tiickeu me, he saiu he
woulun't escape. Well, what uo we uo now,

Well he's gone, he's not coming back.

0lu uianumothei began to ciy again, she ciieu. So
}uan left, he ian fai away.

Peio }uane' u amigo juntul koj, u amigo juntul koj,
ku ya'allik ti' le kojo'.

Yaan jump'el chan baxal in kaxtmaj.

Ba'ax baxalil.

Ko'ox ka in we'estech.

Ka'aj binej }uano' yetel u amigo koj, te' so'oy tu'ux
k'alab le }uano', ti' ook yetel le kojo'. Ka'aj ook
yetel le kojo' ku ya'alik ti'e'.

Na' tun a wojeli', jats'uts le chan baxal je'el in

Bix a wa'alik.

}ats'uts, ja'alibe'.


Esk lela' yaan a wa'alik ti' le so'oyaj, ka wa'alik
ti'e': k'alajbaj so'oy, je'abaj so'oy, k'alajbaj so'oy,
je'abaj so'oy, bix a wilik. Tene' beey in beetiko', tene'
kin wokoli' kin jook'oli'. 0okeni'.

Ba'ale' komo ts'aaba'an le ja' look tun ti'al u
joychokoltalo', tia'al u jaanta'al le }uan ka'aj
puts'o', pues le ja'o' p'aatal tu look.

}a'allibe' le kojo' ka'aj jo'op' u ya'alik beyo:

K'alabaj so'oy, je'abaj so'oy.

Bix a wilik. }ats'uts le baxalo' masa'.

}ats'uts }uan.

Be'elo' beoia kin jan suuta' - ku ya'alik.

Ka'aj tu ptaj le kojo'. Ka'aj bin leti'.

Beoia kin suuta' - ku ya'alik.

Well }uan hau a fiienu, a puma, he was with the
puma anu he saiu to him:

I've got a game that I've founu.

What kinu of game.

Let's go anu I'll show you.

}uan anu his fiienu the puma went to the chicken
coop wheie }uan was lockeu up, he went in with
the puma. When he went in he saiu:

You uon't know what a gieat game I've founu.


It's gieat, you'ie going to see.

Well, how uoes it go.

Well, you have to tell the uooi to the
chickencoop: close uooi, open uooi, close uooi,
open uooi, what uo you think. That's what I uo, I
go in anu out. uo in.

Since they'u put hot watei on to boil }uan, but
he'u then escapeu, theie was watei waiming ovei
the fiie.

So the puma began to say:

0pen the uooi, close the uooi.

What uo you think. It's a gieat game, no.

It is gieat, }uan.

Well, I'l be iight back, }uan saiu.

Be left the puma anu ian away.

I'll be iight back, he saiu.

Ka'aj binij, le kojo' ku yokol tu jook'ol:

K'alajbaj so'oy, je'abaj so'oy.

Na ka'aj tu'ubti' le kojo' ku ya'alike':

K'alabaj so'oy, k'alabaj so'oy, k'alajbaj so'oy.

Ka'aj k'aal le so'oy tu jaajilo'.

Le ka'aj man le paalalo'ob u yabil le x-Chiicho', le
chan x-Chiicho', ku ya'aliko'obe':

Chiich, le }uane', ts'o'ok u suut, ti' yaan ti' le
so'oyo', ko'oten a wilej, jach beey }uane'.

Ka'aj bin ma chiich, ku ya'alike':

Paalale'ex ma' }uani', juntul, juntul ba'aba'al -
ku ya'alik - juntul ba'aba'al yaani', ma' }uani.
Taase'ex le chokoj ja'o' ka'ak jooychokoj ja'ate'ex -
ku ya'alik.

}e'el tun ku ch'uuya'al le ja' tu look tia'al u
jooychokoj ja'ata'al }uano'. Ka'aj lala'ab yook'ol koj,
jook' yaalkab koj tu kachal tak le so'oyo' ka'aj
puts'ij. }oots'ol yook koj, tu bin yalkab:

Yaan in chukik le chan }uana kin jaantik - ku
ya'alik - tumen tu tusajen - ku ya'alik- tu tusajen,
je'ela' ts'o'ok in jooichokolja'ata'al ka'aj bini'.

}a'alibe' ka'aj jo'op' u man kaxtbil, tu man
kaxantbil }uan, ma' tu kaxta'al. Ka'aj ilabil, ka'aj
ilabe' ku ya'alik ti'e'.

}uan, yaan in jantikech.

Ba'axten ka jaantiken, ma' amigo'oni'. A wojel k-
et bisbai, jach ma'alob k-et bisikbaj, ma' unaj a

So he left, anu the puma went in anu out.

0pen the uooi, close the uooi.

Eventually the puma foigot:

Close the uooi, close the uooi, close the uooi.

Anu the uooi closeu shut.

When 0lu uianumothei's chiluien went by, they

uianumothei, }uan's back! Be's in the
chickencoop, let's go see, he looks like }uan.

So she went to see him anu saiu:

Chiluien, that's not }uan, it's a monstei! It's
something else, it's not }uan. Biing the hot watei
to thiow on it.

So they went to get the watei that was on the fiie
to thiow it on the animal. They pouieu it on his
back anu he left iunning, he bioke the chicken
coop, he escapeu. Be ian out of theeie with his
back buineu.

I am going to catch that }uan anu eat him, he
saiu, he tiickeu me, he tiickeu me, it's his fault
they thiew hot watei uown my back. Anu so he

Be begins to go look foi him, he goes looking foi
}uan, but he uoesn't finu him. But then he sees
him, he sees him anu tells him:

I'm going to eat you, }uan.

Why aie you going to eat me if we'ie fiienus.
We'ie pals, we get along, you shoulun't eat me.

0naj in jaantikech tumen teche' jach ya'ab ta
tusilen, ta wa'alaj ten le so'oy, je'abaj so'oy, k'alabaj
so'oy. Tene' ka'aj tin wa'alaj k'alaba'e' ka'aj k'aaleni'.
Ka'aj taal ma chiiche' ka'aj tu jooi chokolja'aten,
je'elo' ilej joots'olen. Yaan in jaantikech.

}um, wa ka'aj a wil jump'el chan baxal ts'o'ok
in kaxtike', jats'uts, yaanal sajkab, yaanal sajkabe'
bix a wilik. weye' le jats'uts le sajkaba' . 0oken a

0 machmaj le sajkab }uan beya':

0oken a wilej, ooken a wilej, lela' leti'e' ka'ana' in
lat'maj le ka'an beya'. Wa ka cha'aik le sajkaba' ku
jutul le ka'ana'.

Bix a wa'alik.

Beyo'. Ts'o'okole' yaan jump'el chan baxal xan
te'ela' - ku ya'alik }ump'el chan baaxal.

Te' ichil le sajkabtuno' yaan leti'e', yaan le
xuuxo'ob ch'uyen ch'uuyo'ob sajkab, te' ichil le
sajkabo' yaan le xuuxo'ob beya', peio yaan yik'el
tun. Ku ya'alike':

Lela' jump'el chan baxal xan.

Bix a wa'alik }uan.

Leti', wa ka wilik tin xantal ma' tin suute' ka
k'olik le chan baxal beey jump'el chan campanae'
- ku ya'alik.

Na'alob - ku ya'alik.

Peio ma' tin xantal beoia ts'o'ok in suuta'.

Na' ka'aj tu cha'ak'abtal, ka'aj p'at le kojo' u lat' le'
sajkabo', ka'aj puuts' }uan. Bin }uan u ta'akubaj tu
ka'aten. Yaake' ku y'ubik le kojo' ts'o'ok u ka'anal
nuka'aj jutul le sajkabo', ka'aj tu ya'alaje' :

I shoulu eat you because you ieally tiickeu me.
You tolu me to tell the uooi to the chicken coop:
open uooi, close uooi. Whe I saiu, "close uooi" it
woulun't open back up. Then 0lu uianumothei
came anu thiew hot watei on me, look at what
happeneu to me. I'm going to eat you.

Bmmm, but if you'u come see the game I've
founu.it's gieat, uown in that cave. What uo you
think. The cave is nice. Come on in so you can

}uan helu up the cave like this.

Come in so you can see, come in so you can
see. I'm holuing up the sky. If you let it go it'll fall.
Bo you think so.

It looks that way.

Theie's also a little toy ovei heie, he saiu, a
little toy.

Theie insiue the cave weie vaiious waspnests,
theie in the cave theie weie waspnests full of
wasps. So he saiu:

This is a game.

Aie you suie, }uan.

It is. If it takes me a while anu I uon't come
back hit this little toy, it's like a bell, he saiu.

0K, he ieplieu.

But I won't be long, I'll be iight back.

Be let go of the cieling so the puma coulu holu it
up anu he escapeu. }uan ian away to hiue again.
When the puma got tiieu anu the cave was about
to fall, he saiu to himself:

Pa'atik in peksik le chan campana'.

Na' chan campanai' juntul xuux. Ka'aj tu peksaj le
xuux beya', ka'aj chi'ichiba'ab le kojo'. }ook' yalkab,
ka'aj juut sajakabe' je'el tun ku bino' kojo':

Yaan in jaantik }uan, ts'o'ok u tusiken, ts'o'ok u
ka'a tusiken le }uana'.

Ka'aj tu ka'a yilaj:

Ba'ax ka beetik }uan.

Nin ka'aj in bis su'uk - ku ya'alik - nin ka'aj in bis

Ba'ax ti'a'altech su'uk.

Tia'al in beetik in wotoch. }an kuchej.

Na', yaan in jaantikech.

Na', ma' jan kuchej su'ukaj.

Na' ka'aj tu k'axaj junkuch su'uk tu pu'uch le kojo'
ka'aj jo'op' u bino'ob.

Ts'o'ok in ka'anal, anteni' - ku ya'alik.

Ka'aj tu k'axaj tu pu'uch le kojo', ka'aj jo'op' u
bino'ob, yetel tu bino'obe' ka'aj tu t'abaj. T'aba'ab
le su'uk ti le kojo', ka'aj chu'uj le koj tu ka'ateno'.
Ka'aj, alkabnaj }uane' ma' jaanta'abi'.

0ujchaj bey tu man kaxtbilo', tak ka'aj kaxta'abi',
ku ya'alal ti'e':

Bejlae' yaan tun in jantikech }uan.

Na' jaantiken.

Ba'ax ma' in jaantikech. Ts'o'ok a seen tusiken.

I'm going to hit that bell, he saiu.

But it wasn't a bell, it was a waspnest. When he
moveu the waspnest they came out anu stung the
puma. Be took off iunning anu the cave fell in.
The puma ian away.

I'm going to eat }uan. Be tiickeu me again, that
}uan lieu to me again.

Then he saw }uan again:

What aie you uoing, }uan.

I'm caiiying hay, he ieplieu, I'm caiiying hay.

What aie you uoing with the hay.

I'm going to builu my house. Belp me caiiy it.

No, I'm going to eat you.

No, caiiy this loau of hay foi me.

So then he tieu a loau of hay to the puma's back.

I'm alieauy tiieu, help me, he saiu.

Aftei he tieu the hay on the puma's back they
began to walk. While they walkeu }uan lit fiie to
it. Be lit fiie to the hay on the puma's back anu
the puma got buineu again. }uan took off iunning
anu uiun't get caught.

Time passeu anu he eventually founu him again.
When the puma founu him he saiu:

Touay I'm ieally going to eat you, }uan.

You'ie not going to eat me.

Why not if you'u lieu to me like you have.
Na'. Yaan jump'el chan baxal ts'o'ok in kaxtik.

Ba'ax baxalil.

Na je'ela', ko'oten a wilej.

}ump'el maata xa'an tun beya' ka'anal le xa'ano':

Ilawilej, ilawil bix kin in beetik - ku ya'alik
Tene' weey kin baxal sansmale', walkila kin
na'akal te baxalo'. Ilawila'ilej.

Ku na'akal te k'ab le xa'an beya', ku na'akali', ku
ka'antale' ku ka'a emel, ku na'akale' ku ka'a emel.

Letie' wa tun le baxalo'.

}uum, jats'uts ba'al, beoia kan a wila'.

Na'alob - ku ya'alik.

Ku na'akal tun beya', ku ya'alik ti'e':

Sats'ajbaj xa'an, sats'ajbaj xa'an.

Ku sats'ikubaj le xa'an beya', ku sats'ikubaj le

Sats'abaj xa'an.

Ku sats'ikubaj xa'an.

Nots'ajbaj xa'an.

Ku ka'amotsikubaj le xa'ano'.

Sats'abaj xa'an.

Ku ka'asats'ikubaj.

Nots'abaj xa'an.

Ku na'akal tu yemel le xa'an beya'.

Bix a wilik. Nasa' jats'uts, kuxtun ka'aj
No, I founu a game.

What kinu of game.

It's ovei heie, come see.

It's a palm tiee, a tall palm tiee.

Come see, look how I uo it, he saiu. I play heie
eveiy uay, Aiounu now I go up to play, look.

Be went up the tiee like this, he went up anu up
anu came back uown, he went up anu uown.

This is the new game.

Bmmm, it's gieat, you'll see.

0K, he saiu.

Be went up anu he saiu to the tiee:

Stietch, tiee, stietch, tiee.

The tiee stietcheu like this, the tiee stietcheu

Stietch, tiee.

The tiee stietcheu out.

Shiink, tiee.

The tiee shiank.

Stietch, tiee.

The tiee stietcheu.

Shiink, tiee.

The tiee went up anu uown.

What uo you think. It's gieat, iight. Why uon't
na'akakechi'. Na'akeni'.

}e'el wa in kanike'.

}e'ele', na'akeni'.

Le ka'aj na'ak }uan, le ka'aj na'ak }uane' ka'aj jo'op' u
ya'alik xan, osea ka'aj jo'op' u ya'alik koj beyo':

Sats'abaj xa'an, motsajbaj xa'an.

Nientias tu ya'alik beyo', ka'aj leti', ka'aj jo'op'u
sats'ikubaj le xa'ano', tu sats'ikubaj le xa'ano', beoia
bix tun. Tu'ub ti' koje' bix ken un ya'alike' ka'aj u
mots'ubaj le xa'ano'. Xanxij ka'aj k'a'aj ti'. Ka'aj tu
ya'alaj ti'e':

Notsabaj xa'an, motsajbaj xa'an.

}ujump'iitile' ka'aj jo'op' u bin u motsikubaj, tu
motsikubai', hasta ka'aj tu motsajubai le xa'ano'
ka'aj tu pulajubaj koj. Ku ya'alike':

Yaan in jaantik le }uan kin in kaxtej.

Basta ka'aj kaxta'ab tun le }uano', ka'aj jaanta'ab
tumen koj. Beeytun ts'o'okik ti' le kojo', ma' chiich
yetel }uan. }aanta'ab tumen koj. Tik k-iliktune'
ka'aj ts'o'ok le, le ma chiich yetel le juano'.

Seen uts, yuum bo'otik uon Naiiano.

you come up. uo up!

Bo you think I can leain it.

Yeah, go on up!

Anu he climbeu up. As he climbeu }uan began to
say, that is the puma began to say:

Stietch, tiee, shiink, tiee.

While he saiu this, the tiee began to stietch, the
tiee stietcheu out. Anu now what. The puma
foigot what to say to make the tiee skiink. It took
him a long while to iemembei. So he finally saiu:

Shiink, tiee, shiink, tiee.

Little by little the tiee began to shiink, it shiank,
until it shiank anu the puma coulu jump uown.
Anu he saiu:

When I finu }uan I'm going to eat him.

So one uay }uan was founu by the puma anu
eaten, the puma ate him. So that's how the stoiy
of 0lu uianumothei, }uan, anu the puma enus.
The puma ate }uan. That's how it enus foi 0lu
uianumothei anu }uan.

uieat! Thanks, Bon Naiiano.

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