Brainstem Syndromes

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Syndrome Arteries affected Affected

Weber Syndrome Para-median branches of

posterior cerebral artery
CST = contralateral hemiplegia
CBT = contralateral lower facial and tongue
Occulomotor nerve palsy = psilateral
ptosis, dilated pupils and lateral
strabismus (eye look down and out)
Substantia nigra = contralateral
Lateral Pontine
Anterior inferior cerebellar
Lateral STT = loss of pain and temperature
from trunk and extremities
VII n VII nucleus = ipsilateral Facial nerve
or LMN lesions
V nucleus and tract =
Vestibular nuclei and intraaxial nerve fiber
= nystagmus, nausea, vomiitng, vertigo
Cochlear nuclei and intraaxial nerve fiber =
hearing central deafness
Middle and inferior cerebellar peduncle =
ipsilateral limb and gait ataxia
Decensending sympathetic tract = Horner
syndrome (ptosis, miosis and anhydrosis
Medical Pontine
Paramedian branches of
basilar atery
CST contralateral spastic hemiparesis
DC-MLS contralateral loss of touch,
vibration and propioception
Abducen nerve- strabismus ipislateral
lateral rectus muscle paralysis eye look
down and in towards the nose
Lateral medullary
Posterior inferior cerebellar
Lateral STT = loss of pain and temperature
from trunk and extremities
V nucleus and tract = loss of pain and
temperature damage on ispilateral face,
trigimenothalmic tract damage
Vestibular nuclei and intraaxial nerve fiber
= nystagmus, nausea, vomiitng, vertigo
Cochlear nuclei and intraaxial nerve fiber =
hearing central deafness
Inferior cerebellar peduncle = ipsilateral
limb and gait ataxia
Decensending sympathetic tract = Horner
syndrome (ptosis, miosis and anhydrosis
Nucleus ambigus, vagus nerve and IX =
hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, loss of
gag reflex
Medial Medullary
Anterior Spinal artey
CST contralateral spastic hemiparesis
DC-MLS contralateral loss of touch,
vibration and propioception
Hypoglossal nerve tongue deviate
towards the side of the lesion

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