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Internship Final Report Format

The internship final report should be a formal document written in prose that summarizes the internship
experience. First-person (e.g., I observed fluoroscopy! style of writing is preferred over the third-person
(Fluoroscopy was observed! because the first-person voice is generally more succinct, has gained
acceptance in scientific writing, and is generally more interesting for the reader. "verall document length is
not as important as the content of the document. #ou may consult $ short %uide to &riting $bout 'iology
ed .) by *.$. +echeni, ($ddison-&esley--ongman +ublishers! for guideline on writing reports. .eports
should be your own wor, and not plagiarized (consult the abovementioned guide for examples of
plagiarism!. I list general guidelines below so you can set the parameters of your word processor and fast-
forward right past the mechanics (margins, number of pages, font size, etc.! of the report to the meaty
content that you are anxious to get on paper.
Font style and size/ Times 0ew .oman or $rial, 12-13 pt
Margins/ 1 inch on all margins
Page limit/ none, 12-32 pages is a recommendation.
Headings/ bold face font
Line spacing/ double spaced
Figures/ all pictures, graphs, or line art are consecutively numbered and given a descriptive figure legend
'4-"& the figure. +ictures from sources other than our own wor, must have citations for
Tables/ all tables summarizing information or numbers are consecutively numbered and given a
descriptive table legend $'"54 the table. Information from sources other than your own wor, must
have citations for source.
ppendices/ supplementary materials (e.g., handouts, procedures, safety guidelines, etc.! referenced
in the text of a report is included consecutively numbered appendices. $ppendix numbers may be
typed or neatly handwritten directly at the top of each supplement.
6pecific headings to include in the report are/
1! 7aily .outine of a 8edical Imager 9 describe a typical day in the life of a professional. &hat
are their hours: &hat normal activities are to be expected on a daily basis: &hat maintenance activities
must they perform: &hat other professionals do they interact with:
3! .eview of Imaging Techni;ues "bserved 9 describe the techni;ues observed during the internship.
Include pictures or illustrations as figures where possible. #ou may use internet sources for
illustrations if citations are provided.
<! Interaction 'etween the 8edical Imager and "ther =ealthcare +ersonnel 9 describe the role of a
medical imager in healthcare and how these professionals interact with supervisors, radiologists,
nurses, and other professionals.
(! =ow 7id the Internship Increase >nowledge of the +rofession:
?! .elate @ourse &or, at 'A to the Internship 4xperience
B! =ow did the Internship 6timulate +ersonal %rowth:
C! 6uggestions for Future Interns 9 +lease suggest ways in which we (8r. .oszel or myself! can ma,e
the internship a more valuable experience.
.emember that good writing is not accomplished by perfecting a first draft but careful editing of numerous
drafts. 8ore directly, get words on paper in a first complete draft then revise the document to ma,e the
meaning more clear and the language more succinct. @ontact me if you need assistance or want me to
proof a draft.

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