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Dear Powerupmontco Supporters;

Some of the questions I received from Powerupmontco supporters asked about utility contributions to state races. Below is
a breakdown of the money donated by Pepco, PI, B!" and "#elon to !eneral $ssembly and %ont&omery 'ounty
candidates and political committees at the state senator, state representative and county level.
(he campai&n finance information provided is )ust a small snapshot of a much lar&er financial picture. *e&ulated monopoly
utilities in %aryland are free to spend virtually unlimited resources to fund the candidates that oversee their companies.
%ost other states in the nation have outri&ht prohibitions or severe restrictions on re&ulated monopoly utility contributions.
(his is not the case in %aryland.
Durin& the +,-. !eneral $ssembly Session, Dele&ate /ui0 Simmons worked with Powerupmontco to draft le&islation
restrictin& the financial influence of re&ulated monopolies in campai&ns. 1e hope to continue that work with him in the
years to come.
In addition to donations from the utility companies, I have indicated the candidates who attended the
Powerupmontco2$$*P seminar where 'atherine Pickar addressed the issue of not acceptin& utility contributions from
Pepco or other utilities.
Powerupmontco, at the request of some candidates, met individually with those candidates and
requested that they refuse or return utility contributions to their campaigns. If no contribution
amount is shown after a candidates name, then no contribution was registered for the candidate
by the utility in the Maryland Campaign Reporting Information ystem data base.
Please remember to vote. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. ! County Council
candidate analysis will follow this email shortly.
$bbe %ilstein
Peter 8ranchot

--2-.2+,,9 %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8ranchot, Peter 8riends ;f +,,9 Presidential Post7
-262+,-- %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8ranchot, Peter 8riends ;f +,-- $nnual "lectoral
-2<2+,-< %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8ranchot, Peter 8riends ;f +,-< $nnual "lectoral
62+92+,-- Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, 8ranchot, Peter 8riends ;f +,-+ $nnual
"illiam #. Campbell
$n)ali *eed Phukan
Attorney General
$isha Braveboy
62+<2+,-, %$*=/$>D P"P'; P$' -,, Braveboy, $isha 8riends ;f +,-, !ubernatorial Pre7Primary-
-2?2+,,? %$*=/$>D P"P'; -,, Braveboy, $isha 8riends ;f +,,? $nnual
.2+.2+,,6 %$*=/$>D P"P'; P$' -,, Braveboy, $isha 8riends ;f +,,6 !ubernatorial Pre7Primary
@on 'ardin
92++2+,-< P"P'; P$' :,, 'ardin, A@onB "lect +,-. $nnual
-2+2+,-. Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, 'ardin, A@onB "lect +,-. $nnual
C2<-2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, 'ardin, A@onB "lect +,-. $nnual
C2+C2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, 'ardin, A@onB "lect +,-< $nnual
D%et individually with Powerupmontco.
Brian 8rosh
D%et individually with Powerupmontco.
@effrey Prit0ker
/eo 1ayne Dymowski
A!eneral "lection ;nlyB
Montgomery County State Senate
District 14
$aren . Montgomery
8ranklin E8rankE Delano oward @r.
District 15
Brian @. 8eldman
:2+92+,-, %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,-, !ubernatorial Pre7Primary-
6292+,,6 %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,,6 !ubernatorial Pre7Primary
62--2+,,9 %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,,? $nnual
C2<-2+,,C %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,,9 $nnual
?2<,2+,,? %aryland Pepco P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,-, $nnual
?2+-2+,,: %aryland Pepco P$' +:, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or +,,6 $nnual
:2+62+,-- Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or
62.2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or
62.2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or
-,2+?2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, 8eldman, Brian 'iti0ens 8or
Robin %ic&er
District 16
'(amie )rayton
#ugh #ill
usan C. *ee
+!ttended part of Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar and returned Pepco contributions
Meyer Mar&s
District 17
Cheryl C. $agan
*ui- immons
+Met individually with Powerupmontco and introduced a bill during the ./01 legislative session directed at prohibiting utility contributions to
teve 2ellers
District 18
)ana 3eyer
+Met individually with Powerupmontco.
Richard Madaleno
District 19
Roger Manno
?2+C2+,-- %aryland P"P'; P$' +,, %anno, *o&er 8riends ;f +,-+ $nnual
--2+.2+,,9 %aryland P"P'; P$' +:, %anno, *o&er 8riends ;f +,,? $nnual
-,2+:2+,,C %aryland P"P'; +:, %anno, *o&er 8riends ;f +,,9 $nnual
?2<,2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, %anno, *o&er 8riends ;f +,-. $nnual
%eli5 6d 7on-ale- II
District 20
'aime Ras&in
8ardly 6. t. Preu5
District 39
4ancy '. $ing
:2+92+,-, %aryland Pepco P$' +:, Fin&, >ancy 8riends of +,-, !ubernatorial Pre7Primary-
C2-2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Fin&, >ancy 8riends of +,-. $nnual
?2-,2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Fin&, >ancy 8riends of +,-. $nnual
?2+62+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, Fin&, >ancy 8riends of +,-< $nnual
Montgomery County State House of Delegates
District 14
Anne R !"iser
-+2-+2+,-< %D Pepco P$' :,, Faiser, A$nneB 8or Dele&ate
62<2+,-- %D Pepco P$' +:, Faiser, A$nneB 8or Dele&ate
62+-2+,-+ %aryland Pepco P$' -,, Faiser, A$nneB 8or Dele&ate
-2<2+,-< %D Pepco P$' :,, Faiser, A$nneB 8or Dele&ate
Eric L#e$t%e
--2C2+,-+ P"P'; P$' -+: /uedtke, "ric 8riends ;f
-,2+.2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, /uedtke, "ric 8riends ;f
92-<2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, /uedtke, "ric 8riends ;f
&"'erie A Ni" ()e''
Cr"i* +#c%er
C2<2+,-+ Baltimore !as G "lectric -:, Hucker, 'rai& 8riends ;f
C2-2+,-< Baltimore !as G "lectric +:, Hucker, 'rai& 8riends ;f
()"r,n Tre-'er .e*,s)
/"trici" 0en"ti
1ic)"e' A Ostr,22
District 13
!"t)'een D#4"is
-+2<-2+,-+ %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: Dumais, Fathleen %. 8riends ;f
92+92+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: Dumais, Fathleen %. 8riends ;f
62-92+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Dumais, Fathleen %. 8riends ;f
D"5i$ 0r"ser67i$"'*,
-+2-62+,-< %aryland Pepco P$' <,, 8raser7idal&o, ADavidB 8or -:
Ar#n" 1i''er
.ennett R#s)%,22
E$ E$4#n$s,n
0'8nn 0ic%er
C)ristine T)r,n
District 16
9,r$"n C,,:er
;!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar and pledged not to accept utility contributions.
/eter Dennis
.i'' 0ric%
alb&ewachs, *onna AB!"B +: 8rick, Bill 8riends of
7r"nt 9"4*,c)i"n
+!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar and pledged not to accept utility contributions.
Ari"n" !e''8
--2-+2+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' +:, Felly, $riana 8riends of
1"rc !,r4"n
;!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar.
!"ren !#%er6!i)'
G"ret) E 1#rr"8
+!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar pledged not to accept utility contributions.
9,)n An$re<s
L8n$" $e' C"sti'',
R,se 1"ri" Li
+Met individually with Powerupmontco
District 17
!#4"r / ."r5e
:2+,2+,-. %aryland Pepco P$' +:, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
-2.2+,-< P"P'; P$' +:, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
-2.2+,-< P"P'; P$' +:, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
-2<2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
-2<2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
:2+,2+,-. Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, Barve, AFumarB for %aryland
9i4 Gi'c)rist
(#s"n 7,224"n
An$re< /'"tt
L"#rie6Anne ("8'es
Ge,r*e +"4#r"
District 18
A' C"rr
+!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP eminar
N"t"'i 0"ni6G,n="'e=
An" (,' G#tierre=
Ric% !ess'er
E'i=">et) 1"t,r8
E4i'8 ()ett8
9e22 ?"'$streic)er
-+2-?2+,-- %aryland Pepco P$' -,, 1aldstreicher, @eff 8riends ;f
District 19
/"#' ."r$"c%
;Met individually with Powerupmontco and when he reali-ed he had accepted a campaign contribution from the husband of Maryland Public
ervice Commissioner !nne 6. #os&ins, immediately called his campaign and returned his contribution.
1e',$8e A .err8
C)"r',tte Cr#tc)2ie'$
.,nnie C#''is,n
.en !r"4er
-+2.2+,-+ P"P'; P$' +:, Framer, Ben 8riends ;f
-+2?2+,-< P"P'; P$' +:, Framer, Ben 8riends ;f
--2+62+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Framer, Ben 8riends ;f
--2+62+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Framer, Ben 8riends ;f
1"rice I 1,r"'es

1"rt)" (c)"err
District 20
9#stin ? C)"::e''
+!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar
()ei'" E 7i-s,n
%D Pepco P$' +:, i#son, Sheila 8riends of Dele&ate
C2?2+,-- Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, i#son, Sheila 8riends of Dele&ate
92-C2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, i#son, Sheila 8riends of Dele&ate
-+2-:2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' :,, i#son, Sheila 8riends of Dele&ate
D@9#"n 7,:e<e''
?i'' 9"<"n$,
D"5i$ 1,,n
9,n"t)"n ()#r>er*
?i'' (4it)
D"ri"n An*er
Ge,r*e +,%'e
+!ttended Powerupmontco,!!RP seminar
Green /"rt8
D"nie' ( R,>ins,n
(Gener"' E'ecti,n On'8)
District 39
C)"r'es ."r%'e8
-+2:2+,-- %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
-,2+<2+,,9 %aryland Pepco P$' :, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
:2+,2+,,: %aryland Pepco P$' +:, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
:2+62+,,? %aryland P"P'; P$' -,, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
62--2+,-+ %aryland P"P'; P$' +:, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
--2-?2+,-+ %aryland P"P'; P$' +:, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
62C2+,-, %aryland Pepco P$' +:, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
62-+2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
-+2?2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
:2+C2+,-. Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
-+2.2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, Barkley, 'harles 8or Dele&ate 'ommittee
!iri'' Re=ni%
C2-92+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: *e0nik, Firill 8riends ;f
--2-+2+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: *e0nik, Firill 8riends ;f
62.2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,, *e0nik, Firill 8riends ;f
--2+62+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -+: *e0nik, Firill 8riends ;f
C2-2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +:, *e0nik, Firill 8riends ;f
()"ne R,>ins,n
C2+.2+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: *obinson, Shane 8riends of
-,2-62+,-< %aryland P"P'; P$' -+: *obinson, Shane 8riends of
G',ri" C)"n*
Bi"n*2ei C)en*
A' /)i''i:s
Important Committee Chairs
Residents of Montgomery County are unable to vote for or against the candidates who hold these very powerful positions in !nnapolis. 9he
information is being provided for educational purposes.
9homas 8. Mi&e Miller 'r.
President of the enate
*egislative Policy Committee
62<2+,-, %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
62+C2+,,C %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
C2-<2+,,6 %aryland P"P'; P$' +,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
62-92+,,9 %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
-,2:2+,,? %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
-+262+,-- P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
?2+-2+,,: %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
-+2.2+,-+ P"P'; P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
-+2-62+,-- Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' +,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
--2+62+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, %iller, %ike %arylanders 8or
Michael 6. 3usch
pea&er of the #ouse
*egislative Policy Committee
-262+,-. P"P'; P$' :,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
-292+,-< P"P'; P$' -,,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
-2-.2+,,? %$*=/$>D P"P'; P$' -,,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
--2-62+,,: %$*=/$>D P"P'; P$' :,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
-2--2+,-+ %$*=/$>D P"P'; P$' :,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
+2.2+,-- Baltimore !as and "lectric 'o. :-C.6< Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
C2:2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
-292+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Busch, %ike 8riends ;f
)ere& )avis
Chair, #ouse 6conomic Matters Committee
62+2+,,9 %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
62.2+,-, %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
62+.2+,,: %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
6262+,,C %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
C2+,2+,,6 %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
62-.2+,,? %aryland P"P'; P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
:2-C2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
62.2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
--2+62+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric P$' -,,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
-,2:2+,,? "I"/;>P$' <,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
62-,2+,-- "I"/;>P$' :,, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
-2C2+,-, "I"/;>P$' +:, Davis, Dereck 8riends ;f
State Political Parties
tate political parties can, and often do, assist candidates affiliated with their party. 9he amount of money regulated utilities contribute to
state parties is staggering.
)emocratic tate Central Committee of Maryland
:2-+2+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. :,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2:2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s, Inc. :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-,2<-2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-2-+2+,-, Pepco oldin& Inc :,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2+62+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. +,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
62+62+,,9 Pepco oldin& Inc -,,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2+<2+,-. Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany -:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2+<2+,-. Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
62+?2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s, Inc. -:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
62+?2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s, Inc. -:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
62-+2+,,? Pepco oldin& Inc :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-+2+,2+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. :,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-+2+-2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-+2+-2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany +:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
+2+92+,-. Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany +:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2<,2+,-, Pepco oldin&s, Inc. :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-,2<-2+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. +:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-2+-2+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. :,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-+2+,2+,-- Pepco oldin&s, Inc. +,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
62+?2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s, Inc. -:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-,2+?2+,,9 Pepco oldin& Inc :,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
C2-C2+,-< Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany +:,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
92?2+,-< Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany :,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-+2-?2+,-< Pepco oldin&s Inc Service 'ompany <,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
+2+:2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric +:,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
.2+:2+,-. Baltimore !as and "lectric +:,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f %aryland
-,2-+2+,-+ "#elon 'heck +:,,, Democratic State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
Republican tate Central Committee
92+?2+,-+ Pepco oldin&s Inc :,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
.2--2+,-< Pepco oldin&s Inc :,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
+2+.2+,-. Pepco oldin&s Inc :,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
C2-,2+,,9 Pepco -,,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
-+2+,2+,,: "#elon 'orp. 'heck +,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
62--2+,-< Baltimore !as and "lectric :,,, *epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f
?2-C2+,-+ Baltimore !as and "lectric +:,,
*epublican State 'entral 'ommittee ;f

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