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100 Truths

Fill out these questions. You may skip some if you feel uncomfortable answering them.
1. Real name: Kimberly Ann G. Vitangcor
2. Nickname(s): Kim/K-Ann
3. ersonal !"aracteristics: #oo$y% Kin$% !"eer&'l% res(onsible
). #ale or *emale: &emale
+. re-,c"ool: Ranso"an -lementary ,c"ool
.. -lementary ,c"ool: Ranso"an -lementary ,c"ool
/. 0ig" ,c"ool: 1N0,
2. !ollege :
3. 0air !olor: 4lack
15. 6all or ,"ort: 6all
11. *ree-s(irite$ or conser7ati7e: !onser7ati7e
12. "one or !amera: "one
13. 0ealt" *reak:
1). 8range or A((le: A((le
1+. 9o yo' "a7e a cr's" on someone: :es
1.. -at or 9rink: -at
1/. iercings:
12. e(si or !oke: !oke
13. 4est &rien$(s): Ro;anne 0. ,amonte
25. <o$iac ,ign: !ancer
0AV- :8= -V-R>
21. 4een in an air(lane: No
22. 4een in a relations"i(: :es
23. 4een in a car acci$ent: No
2). 4een in a &ist &ig"t: :es
:8=R *?R,6,@
2+. *irst lo7e:
2.. *irst cr's":
2/. *irst Aor$: #ama
22. *irst aAar$: *irst 0onor
:8=R BA,6,@
23. Bast (erson yo' te;te$: starlig"t
35. Bast (erson yo' talke$ to ("one: starlig"t
31. Bast (erson yo' Aatc"e$ a mo7ie Ait":
32. Bast &oo$ yo' ate:
33. Bast mo7ie yo' Aatc"e$:
3). Bast song yo' listene$: All 8r Not"ing
3+. Bast t"ing yo' bo'g"t: -arings
:8=R *AV-,@
3/. *oo$: !ake
32. 9rink : !oke
33. ,inger/4an$: -'rika
)5. *loAer: Rose
)1. Animal:
)2. !olor/s: 4l'e
)3. #o7ie: 9iary ng (anget
)). ,'bCect: ,cience

0AV- :8= -V-R:
)+. &allen in lo7e Ait" someone> :es
).. celebrate$ 0alloAeen> No
)/. "a$ yo'r "eart broken> yes
)2. Aent o7er t"e min'tes/te;ts on yo'r cell ("one> Yes
)3. "a$ someone like yo'> :es
+1. taken illegal $r'gs> No
+2. attem(te$ a s'ici$e> No
+3. $i$ somet"ing yo' regret> :es
+). broken a (romise> :es
++. "i$$en a secret> :es
+.. (reten$e$ to be "a((y> :es
+/. met someone A"o c"ange$ yo'r li&e> :es
+2. (reten$e$ to be sick> No
+3. le&t t"e co'ntry> No
.5. trie$ somet"ing yo' normally Ao'l$nDt try an$ like$ it> yes
.1 crie$ o7er t"e silliest t"ing> :es
.2. ran a mile> :es
.3. Aent to t"e beac" Ait" yo'r best &rien$> :es
.). got into an arg'ment Ait" yo'r &rien$s.> yes
.+. $islike$ someone> yes
... staye$ single &or 2 years> No

./. -ating: esto(a$o
.2. 9rinking: inea((le C'ice
.3. Bistening: #'sic
/5. ,itting/Baying: ,itting
/1. lans &or to$ay:
/2. Eaiting &or: ,omeone A"o Aill not lea7e me

:8=R *=6=R-:
/3. Eant ki$s: yes
/). Eant to get marrie$: yes
/+. !areer: A teac"er
/.. Bi(s or eyes:
//. ,"orter or 6aller: 6aller
/2. Romantic or s(ontaneo's: Romantic
21. 0ook-'( or relations"i(: Relations"i(
22. Books or (ersonality: ersonality

0AV- :8= -V-R:
23. Bost glasses/contacts>
2). ,n'ck o't o& a "o'se>
2+. 0el$ a g'n/kni&e &or sel& $e&ense>
2.. Kille$ somebo$y> No
2/. 4roken someoneDs "eart> No
22. 4een in lo7e> :es
23. !rie$ A"en someone $ie$> :es

98 :8= 4-B?-V- ?N:
35. :o'rsel&: :es
31. #iracles: :es
32. Bo7e at &irst sig"t: :es
33. 0ea7en: :es
3). ,anta !la's: No
3+. Aliens: No
3.. G"osts: :es

3/. 9o yo' knoA yo'r strengt"s an$ Aeaknesses: No
32. 9o yo' t"ink st'$ying Aill "el( yo' ac"ie7e yo'r goals: :es
155. Are yo' &l'ent in -nglis": No

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