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Course Syllabus July 19, 2012

BSHS 331
Course Syllabus
College of Social Sciences
BSHS 331 - July 19- August 16, 2012
6:00 ! to 10:00 !
!ic"ael #ra$, !A, %!&'
rofessional (t"ics an) %egal *ssues in
Hu$an Ser+ices
Co,yrig"t - 2011,2009, 200., 2002 by #ni+ersity of "oeni/0 All rig"ts reser+e)0
Course Description
(t"ical ,rinci,les an) ,ractices of "u$an ser+ice 1or2ers are e/a$ine) in accor)ance 1it" The Community
Support Skill Standards for Human Service Workers an) t"e Ethical Standards of Human Service
Professionals0 !a3or legal issues in t"e )eli+ery of "u$an ser+ices are e/a$ine)0 '"e roles, functions, an)
legal an) et"ical res,onsibilities of t"e "u$an ser+ice 1or2er are in+estigate)0
&aculty an) stu)ents4learners 1ill be "el) res,onsible for un)erstan)ing an) a)"ering to all ,olicies containe)
1it"in t"e follo1ing t1o )ocu$ents:
#ni+ersity ,olicies: 5ou $ust be logge) into t"e stu)ent 1ebsite to +ie1 t"is )ocu$ent0
*nstructor ,olicies: '"is )ocu$ent is ,oste) in t"e Course Materials foru$0
#ni+ersity ,olicies are sub3ect to c"ange0 Be sure to rea) t"e ,olicies at t"e beginning of eac" class0 olicies
$ay be slig"tly )ifferent )e,en)ing on t"e $o)ality in 1"ic" you atten) class0 *f you "a+e recently c"ange)
$o)alities, rea) t"e ,olicies go+erning your current class $o)ality0
Course Materials
&ree$an, S0 6200070 Ethics: An introduction to philosophy and practice 61st e)070 Bel$ont, CA: '"o$son0
All electronic $aterials are a+ailable on t"e stu)ent 1ebsite0
8ee2 1 - July 19, 2012
8ee2 2 - July 26, 2012
8ee2 3 - August 2, 2012
8ee2 . - August 9, 2012
8ee2 9 - August 16, 2012
Week One: Ethical Issues: Principles and Practices
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 *)entify t"e obstacles concerning et"ics in "el,ing ,rofessions0
1.2 #n)erstan) t"e role of et"ics in t"e "u$an ser+ices ,rofession0
1.3 (/,lore t"e i$,act of so$e of t"e $a3or $oral t"eories an) t"eir
1.4 :ebate t"e use of a )ecision-$a2ing $o)el to resol+e et"ical
1.5 A,,ly reasoning fro$ t"e ,rofessional stan)ar)s to $a2e et"ical
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
Readings Read C"0 1, 2, ; 3 of Ethics: An Introduction to Philosophy and
Practice te/t, an) <(t"ical Stan)ar)s of Hu$an Ser+ice
rofessionals= 6see t"e 1ebsite a))ress at t"e beginning of t"is
Review t"e gra)ing criteria for oral ,resentations as outline) in your
rogra$ Han)boo2
Read t"is 1ee2=s (lectronic >eser+e >ea)ings0
artici!ation artici!ate in class )iscussion0 ?419412 1
Res!ond to 1ee2ly )iscussion @uestions0 ?419412 1
%ctivities and
Read t"e follo1ing ite$s, a+ailable at "tt,:44eca$,us0,"oeni/0e)u:
<%earning 'ea$ C"arterA
<:irections for Co$,leting %earning 'ea$ %ogA
<%earning 'ea$ %ogA
<:irections for Co$,leting t"e %earning Su$$aryA
<%earning Su$$aryA
Select %earning 'ea$ $e$bers 1"o 1ill 1or2 toget"er t"roug"out
t"e course0
&ocate t"e follo1ing state la1s an) ,olicies ,ertaining to t"e
)eli+ery of "u$an ser+ices in your state:
C"il)ren=s statutory co)e
olicies fro$ t"e Hu$an Ser+ices )i+ision of your state
!ental "ealt" co)es for a)ults an) c"il)ren
!e)icai) rules
'"is infor$ation can be obtaine) by +isiting your state=s 8eb site or
by contacting your State Attorney Beneral=s office0 &a$iliariCe
yourself 1it" t"is infor$ation an) be ,re,are) to )iscuss it in class0
5ou $ay also 1ant to ,reser+e it in your >esource &iles0
%ctivities and
Agency Disit
Researc' your local "u$an ser+ices agencies0
Ma(e contact 1it" local "u$an ser+ices agencies at 1"ic" you $ay
1ant to co$,lete your fiel) ,lace$ent )uring your ne/t course
6BSHS 3.1, &iel) (/,erience4art *70
&or )etails of your +isit an) t"e associate) assign$ent, see t"e #E
!aterial <Agency DisitA at t"e en) of t"is syllabus0
A su$$ary an) ,resentation on your agency +isit is )ue in 8ee2
&earning )ea*
Review t"e ob3ecti+es fro$ 8ee2 Ene an) )iscuss a))itional
insig"ts an) @uestions t"at $ay "a+e arisen0
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
Create t"e %earning 'ea$ C"arter foun) on
re!are t"e %earning 'ea$ %og0
+denti,- your ne/t %earning 'ea$ $eeting location0
Re'earse your %earning 'ea$ ,resentation0 *t $ust be 19-20
$inutes in lengt" an) inclu)e all %earning 'ea$ $e$bers0
Read t"e c"a,ter in t"e te/t t"at reflects t"e et"ical t"eory for your
%earning 'ea$ ,resentation, )ue in 8ee2 '1o, 1"ic" t"e faculty
$e$ber assigne) you )uring 8ee2 Ene 6eit"er c"a,ter ., 9, 6, ?, F
or 10 of t"e te/t70
#sing your et"ical t"eory, ,re,are a 20-$inute ,resentation t"at
'"e $a3or ele$ents of t"e t"eory
Ho1 t"e t"eory is use) in $a2ing et"ical 3u)g$ents, inclu)ing
t"e )ecision-$a2ing ,rocess0
re!are a one-,age su$$ary for ot"er stu)ents an) t"e instructor
of infor$ation fro$ 617 an) 627 abo+e0
#sing t"e sa$e et"ical t"eory, ,re,are a t1o-to-t"ree-,age 6390
1or)s ,er ,age7 ,ersonal reaction ,a,er on t"at sa$e et"ical
t"eory0 '"is ,a,er, 1ritten in AA-style 1it" at least t1o references,
s"oul) a))ress:
'"e essential ,oints of t"e t"eory, as you un)erstan) t"e$
Ho1 t"is t"eory intersects 1it" your ,ersonal +alues
Be ,re,are) to ans1er @uestions relate) to your et"ical t"eory0
Week Two: Ethical Issues: Principles and Practices
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 %ist lan)$ar2 legal )ecisions affecting "u$an ser+ices0
2.2 :istinguis" "o1 ,ersonal +alues interact 1it" an et"ical t"eory0
2.3 (/,lain t"e )ifference bet1een )ecisions base) on la1 an)
)ecisions base) on et"ics0
2.4 %ist an) e/,lain lan)$ar2 legal )ecisions affecting "u$an
2.5 *ntegrate t"e $a3or et"ical t"eories an) t"eir a,,lications into
real life $o)els0
Readings Read C"0 9 ; 11 of Ethics: An Introduction to Philosophy and
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
Read t"is 1ee2=s (lectronic >eser+e >ea)ings0
artici!ation artici!ate in class )iscussion0 ?426412 1
Res!ond to 1ee2ly )iscussion @uestions0 ?426412 1
%ctivities and
.ee! 1or2ing on your agency +isit0 A ,resentation on your +isit is
)ue in 8ee2 &i+e0
Sub*it t"e a,,ro,riate co$,lete) sections of t"e %earning 'ea$
logs an) t"e %earning 'ea$ C"arter0
Suggest an a,,ro,riate %earning 'ea$ $eeting location0
'"ese assign$ents are )ue in 8ee2 '1o0
&earning )ea*
Review t"e ob3ecti+es fro$ 8ee2 '1o an) )iscuss a))itional
insig"ts an) @uestions t"at $ay "a+e arisen0
re!are t"e %earning 'ea$ %og0
+denti,- your ne/t %earning 'ea$ $eeting location0
8ebsite >egulatory (/ercise
/isit your state=s 1eb ,age an) searc" for "u$an ser+ices
)e,art$ent ,olicies an) t"e state statutory co)e relate) to c"il)ren
an) a)ult "ealt" an) "u$an ser+ices0
01!lore t"e +arious ,olicies relate) to )eli+ery of "u$an ser+ices in
your state0
01a*ine t"e statutory co)e relate) to t"e ,rotection of t"e "ealt" of
c"il)ren an) a)ults for your state0 *nclu)e a )isco+ery of t"e
,roce)ures for re,orting c"il) an) el)er abuse0
Researc' la1s go+erning confi)entiality, ,ri+ilege) co$$unication,
an) t"e rig"t to ,ri+acy0
Sub*it a one-,age list of i$,ortant ite$s for eac" of t"e t"ree
areas you "a+e e/a$ine)0 Be ,re,are) to )iscuss your fin)ings in
"isse*inate t"e a))resses of t"e "o$e,age6s7 of t"e site6s7 you
+isite) to fello1 class $e$bers an) t"e faculty $e$ber0
*nfor$e) Consent >e,ort
Obtain t1o or $ore infor$e) consent )ocu$ents fro$ any "u$an
ser+ices agencies in your co$$unity0 65ou $ay bring one fro$ your
,lace of e$,loy$ent or +olunteer site07
As a tea$, criti@ue eac" )ocu$ent for content an) t"oroug"ness0
'"e criti@ues s"oul) inclu)e co$$ents regar)ing "o1 1ell t"e
)ocu$ent $eets t"e ele$ents of infor$e) consent foun) in t"e te/t0
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
Sub*it co,ies of t"e infor$e) consent )ocu$ents along 1it" a
su$$ary of your criti@ues, inclu)ing t"e goals of t"e organiCation
an) t"e four ele$ents of infor$e) consent )escribe) in C"a,ter 12
of your te/t0
Be ,re,are) to infor$ally re,ort on t"ese in class0
a,er on a
8or2,lace (t"ical
Sub*it a t"ree-to-fi+e-,age ,a,er 6390 1or)s ,er ,age7 )ealing
1it" a 1or2,lace et"ical )ile$$a t"at you "a+e eit"er e/,erience)
,ersonally, or t"at you are ot"er1ise fa$iliar 1it"0 '"is ,a,er,
1ritten in AA-style 1it" at least t1o references, s"oul) a))ress:
'"e essential ,oints of t"e )ile$$a, as you un)erstan) t"e$
Ho1 t"is )ile$$a intersects 1it" your ,ersonal +alues
Ho1 you )i)41oul) sol+e t"e )ile$$a an) 1"y
?426412 19
&earning )ea*
resentation of a
!a3or (t"ical '"eory
Sub*it your resentation of a !a3or (t"ical '"eory assign$ent0 ?426412 10
Week Three: Legal Issues: Concepts, Precedents, and Compliance
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 :e$onstrate an un)erstan)ing of state statutes an) ,olicies
go+erning )eli+ery of "u$an ser+ices0
3.2 :efine infor$e) consent in t"e ,ractice of "u$an ser+ices0
3.3 (/,lore la1s go+erning confi)entiality, ,ri+ilege)
co$$unication, an) t"e rig"t to ,ri+acy as t"ey i$,act t"e
)eli+ery of "u$an ser+ices0
Readings Read C"0 12 ; 13 of Ethics: An Introduction to Philosophy and
Read t"is 1ee2=s (lectronic >eser+e >ea)ings0
artici!ation artici!ate in class )iscussion0 F42412 1
Res!ond to 1ee2ly )iscussion @uestions0 F42412 1
%ctivities and
.ee! 1or2ing on your agency +isit0 A ,resentation on your +isit is
)ue in 8ee2 &i+e0
Sub*it t"e a,,ro,riate co$,lete) sections of t"e %earning 'ea$
&earning )ea*
Review t"e ob3ecti+es fro$ 8ee2 '"ree an) )iscuss a))itional
insig"ts an) @uestions t"at $ay "a+e arisen0
re!are t"e %earning 'ea$ %og0
+denti,- your ne/t %earning 'ea$ $eeting location0
"iscuss t"e la1s go+erning clients 1"o ,ose a t"reat to t"e$sel+es
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
or ot"ers0
roduce a list of ten 1ays to $anage t"ese ty,es of situations0
a,er on Abuse >e,orting
Su!!l- your state=s c"il)4el)er4s,ouse abuse re,orting la1s for t"is
$eeting0 :iscuss t"ese la1s in relation to your t"oug"ts on
confi)entiality an) t"e )uty to ,rotect ot"ers fro$ "ar$0 >efer to t"e
(t"ical Stan)ar)s of Hu$an Ser+ices rofessionals an) any ot"er
co)e of et"ics fro$ your te/t t"at is of interest to you0
Sub*it a 2-3-,age ,a,er 6390 1or)s ,er ,age7 su$$ariCing your
tea$=s t"oug"ts on t"e issues t"at 1ere raise)0 *f tea$ $e$bers
li+e in )ifferent states, be sure to co$,are an) contrast any
)ifferences in state la1s0
a,er on :yna$ics
of (t"ics
Researc' a current et"ical issue t"at )eals 1it" a c"ange in
$i)strea$ of e/,ectations or groun) rules0 (/a$,les:
'"e *nco$e Su,,ort :i+ision of a local HS: office "as
)eter$ine) t"at t"ey "a+e s,ent $ost of t"eir bu)get by t"e en)
of t"e t"ir) @uarter, so t"ey c"ange t"e groun) rules in ter$s of
t"e lengt" of ti$e bet1een e,iso)es of eligibility for ai)0 '"is
c"ange 1oul) )ecrease t"e $oney being ,ai) out, but is it
Sc"ools $ust $eet ne1 fe)eral re@uire$ents but "a+e not been
fun)e) to ,ro+i)e t"e training or e@ui,$ent to $eet t"e$0 8"at
are t"e legal an) et"ical issuesG '"eir fun)ing, ina)e@uate
t"oug" it $ay be, is at ris20
&or $any $ont"s, you "a+e been case $anager for a $an 1"o
"as a long "istory of $arrying 1o$en an) not bot"ering 1it"
)i+orce0 >ecently, it ca$e to your attention t"at "e is )ating your
sister, alt"oug" neit"er is a1are of your relations"i, 1it" t"e
ot"er0 8"at are t"e et"ical issues in+ol+e) "ereG
5ou $ay )ra1 fro$ t"e business, ,olitical, social, $e)ical,
e)ucational, or any ot"er arena0
Sub*it a 3-9-,age ,osition ,a,er 6390 1or)s ,er ,age7 t"at
'"e ,re+ious situation
'"e c"anges t"at are ta2ing ,lace
8"y t"e c"anges are ta2ing ,lace
:esire) outco$es4future situation
5our o,inion about t"e issue
F42412 19
&earning )ea*
8ebsite >egulatory
Sub*it your 8ebsite >egulatory (/ercise assign$ent0 F42412 ?
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
&earning )ea*
*nfor$e) Consent
Sub*it your *nfor$e) Consent >e,ort assign$ent0 F42412 3
Week our: Legal Issues: Concepts, Precedents, and Compliance
Pro!essional Issues: Integration o! "alues, #tandards, and
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 (/a$ine t"e ,rofessional=s )uty to 1arn ,otential +icti$s0
4.2 (/a$ine t"e ,rofessional=s )uty to ,rotect suici)al clients0
4.3 (/a$ine t"e ,rofessional=s )uty to re,ort abuse of c"il)ren an)
t"e el)erly0
4.4 A,,ly legal conce,ts to "u$an ser+ices situations0
4.5 :efine t"e relations"i, bet1een la1, et"ical co)es, an)
,rofessional ,ractice0
4.2 :e$onstrate an un)erstan)ing of t"e conce,t of )ual
relations"i,s in t"e ,ro+ision of "u$an ser+ices0
4.3 A,,ly "u$an ser+ices et"ical co)es0
Readings Read C"0 1. of Ethics: An Introduction to Philosophy and Practice0
Read t"e Co)es of (t"ics of all of t"e ,rofessional organiCations
liste) at t"e beginning of t"is Syllabus 6see t"e 1ebsite a))resses at
t"e beginning of t"is Syllabus70
Read t"is 1ee2=s (lectronic >eser+e >ea)ings0
artici!ation artici!ate in class )iscussion0 F49412 1
Res!ond to 1ee2ly )iscussion @uestions0 F49412 1
%ctivities and
.ee! 1or2ing on your agency +isit0 A ,resentation on your +isit is
)ue in 8ee2 &i+e0
Sub*it t"e a,,ro,riate co$,lete) sections of t"e %earning 'ea$
Suggest an a,,ro,riate %earning 'ea$ $eeting location0
&earning )ea*
'"e %earning 'ea$s 1ill be gra)e) on t"e sco,e an) )e,t" of
researc", t"e @uality of analysis, an) reco$$en)ations0 >efer to t"e
$aterials, <Stan)ar)s for 8ritten 8or2,A an) <Stan)ar)s for
resentations,A foun) in t"e rogra$ Han)boo20
Review t"e ob3ecti+es fro$ 8ee2 &our an) )iscuss a))itional
insig"ts an) @uestions t"at $ay "a+e arisen0
re!are t"e %earning 'ea$ %og0
%earning Su$$ary
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
As a tea$, re+ie1 t"e <:irections for Co$,leting t"e %earning
Su$$aryA an) <%earning Su$$ary0A '"ese $aterials can be
)o1nloa)e) fro$ "tt,:44eca$,us0,"oeni/0e)u0
As a tea$, co$,lete t"e %earning 'ea$ 'able section of t"e
%earning Su$$ary0 Be sure to )iscuss t"e %earning 'ea$
c"arter goals an) results, t"en ,ro+i)e reflecti+e co$$entary0
*n)i+i)ually, co$,lete t"e *n)i+i)ual Huestions for >eflection0
Sub$it an) )iscuss t"e %earning Su$$ary in 8ee2 &i+e0
Sub$it one co,y to your faculty $e$ber an) retain one co,y to
"el, 1rite your %earning 'ea$ C"arter in t"e ne/t course0
eruse t"e 1ebsites liste) for 8ee2 &our on t"e Selecte) >ea)ings
age for t"is course an) )iscuss 1"at you "a+e learne)0 5ou $ay
1ant to ,reser+e so$e of t"e infor$ation you "a+e obtaine) in your
,ersonal >esource &iles for t"is ,rogra$0
:iscussion a,er on (t"ical Stan)ar)s &or Hu$an >esearc"
Review C"a,ter 1. in t"e te/t ,rior to t"e %earning 'ea$ $eeting0
:uring t"e $eeting, e/,lore t"e issues t"at are ,resente) 1"en
)oing researc" in+ol+ing "u$an sub3ects0
'oget"er, ans1er Huestions 1, 2, an) . at t"e en) of C"a,ter 1. of
t"e te/t an) sub$it a t1o-to-t"ree-,age su$$ary 6bullet ,oints7 of
your )iscussion0 *f t"ere are irreconcilable )ifferences of o,inion
a$ong %earning 'ea$ $e$bers, be sure to note all ,oints of +ie1 in
your su$$ary0
a,er on ersonal
Dalues an) (t"ical
re!are a fi+e-to-se+en-,age ,a,er 6390 1or)s ,er ,age7 on t"e
)e+elo,$ent of your ,ersonal +alues, groun) rules, an) et"ics0
&ocus on t"e )e+elo,$ental as,ect rat"er t"an on a ,articular
,osition on any issue0 :o t"is by )efining 1"at your +alues are, t"e
sources 6,eo,le, institutions, e+ents, etc07 t"at "el,e) s"a,e your
+alues, an) t"e criteria an) )ecision-$a2ing factors you use to)ay to
re+ise t"e$ as necessary0
"iscuss t"e i$,lications of your +alues for your 1or2 as "u$an
ser+ices ,rofessional0
Ie/t, )iscuss a s,ecific et"ical )ile$$a in relation to t"e (t"ical
Stan)ar)s of Hu$an Ser+ice rofessionals in 1"ic" you 1ill
e/,erience little )ifficulty )ue to a concor)ance bet1een et"ical
,ractice an) your ,ersonal belief syste$0
*n a))ition, a))ress a s,ecific et"ical )ile$$a in relation to t"e
(t"ical Stan)ar)s of Hu$an Ser+ice rofessionals in 1"ic" you
eit"er antici,ate )ifficulty, or "a+e e/,erience) )ifficulty, in et"ical
,ractice )ue to a conflict or )iscor)ance bet1een et"ical ,ractice
F49412 19
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
an) your ,ersonal +alues0
Briefly )iscuss eac" of t"e (t"ical Stan)ar)s an) t"e follo1ing
Beneral rinci,les: '"e use of ,syc"ological tests in t"e courtroo$J
t"e lie )etectorJ boun)aries of co$,etenceJ integrityJ se/ual
"arass$entJ "u$an )ifferencesJ an) t"e legal )efinition of insanity0
&earning )ea*
a,er on Abuse
Sub*it your a,er on Abuse >e,orting assign$ent0 F49412 9
Week i$e: Pro!essional Issues: Integration o! "alues, #tandards, and
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 :escribe t"e issues relate) to t"e use of "u$an sub3ects in
5.2 :escribe recor)s $aintenance re@uire$ents in "u$an ser+ices0
5.3 (/,lore current legal an) et"ical issues in ,rofessional ,ractice0
5.4 :escribe t"e res,onsibility of t"e "u$an ser+ices ,rofessional to
t"e ,rofession0
5.5 *)entify et"ical +iolations in "u$an ser+ices situations0
Readings Read t"e A$erican !e)ical Association ,rinci,les of !e)ical (t"ics
6see t"e 1ebsite a))ress at t"e beginning of t"is Syllabus70
Read t"is 1ee2=s (lectronic >eser+e >ea)ings0
artici!ation artici!ate in class )iscussion0 F416412 1
Res!ond to 1ee2ly )iscussion @uestions0 F416412 1
%ctivities and
Sub*it t"e a,,ro,riate co$,lete) sections of t"e %earning 'ea$
Sub*it t"e %earning Su$$ary0 (ac" tea$ $e$ber s"oul) sub$it
one co,y to t"e instructor an) retain one co,y to "el, 1rite "is4"er
%earning 'ea$ C"arter in t"e ne/t course0
resentation an)
Su$$ary of 5our
Agency Disit
re!are a ,resentation an) a su$$ary of your agency +isit0 &or
)etails, see t"e #ni+ersity of "oeni/ !aterial <Agency Disit
Assign$entA at t"e en) of t"is Syllabus0
F416412 19
&earning )ea*
:iscussion a,er on
(t"ical Stan)ar)s
for >esearc"
Sub*it your :iscussion a,er on (t"ical Stan)ar)s for >esearc"
F416412 9
Optional Discussion %uestions
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
4ee( One "iscussion #uestions
8"at is t"e relations"i, bet1een et"ics an) +alue syste$sG 8"ic" ,rece)es t"e ot"erG 8"yG
8"y is un)erstan)ing, acce,tance, an) a,,lication of et"ics i$,ortant to in)i+i)uals an) grou,sG
8"at are e/a$,les of classical t"eories of et"ics being a,,lie) to t"e ,rofessional ,ractice of counselorsG
Are et"ics relati+e or absoluteG 8"yG
Can t"ere be legiti$ate )isagree$ent about 1"at is et"icalG
Are ,rofessional et"ics concerne) 1it" actions, or t"e result of actions, or bot"G 8"yG
4ee( )wo "iscussion #uestions
8"o41"at influence) your $oral4et"ical )e+elo,$entG Ho1G
Are your et"ics situationalG 8"y or 1"y notG
Ho1 )oes 1"at you see )e,en) on 1"ere you stan)G Ho1 )oes 1"ere you stan) )e,en) on 1"at you
Ho1 $ig"t critical legal )ecisions affect t"e ,ractice of "u$an ser+ice ,rofessionals to)ayG
:iscuss situations in 1"ic" you "a) to c"oose bet1een la1 an) et"ics in $a2ing )ecisions0 8"ic" )i) you
c"oose an) 1"yG 8"at 1ere t"e conse@uencesG 8oul) you )o it t"e sa$e 1ay againG 8"y or 1"y notG
:o you fin) t"e stu)y of et"ical t"eories 1ort"1"ileG 8"y or 1"y notG
8"at "a+e you learne) fro$ t"e t"eory you e/,lore)G &ro$ ot"ersG
Are you ,lanning to c"ange any be"a+iors base) on 1"at you "a+e learne) so farG 8"y or 1"y notG
Can you obey t"e la1 an) still co$$it an et"ical +iolationG 8"yG
Can you be et"ical an) still brea2 t"e la1G 8"yG
8"ic" oug"t to be subser+ient to t"e ot"er, la1 or et"icsG 8"yG
4ee( )'ree "iscussion #uestions
8"en it co$es to infor$e) consent, can a client "a+e too $uc" infor$ationG 8"y or 1"y notG
!ost "u$an ser+ices 1or2ers )o not "a+e a ,ri+ilege) co$$unication e/e$,tion0 8"y notG :o you agreeG
8"o )eci)es 1"at is in t"e client=s best interestG
Ho1 1ill you "an)le confi)entiality, ,ri+ilege) co$$unication, an) t"e rig"t to ,ri+acy in your fiel)
,lace$ent an) in your ,ractice as "u$an ser+ices ,rofessionalsG 8"yG
8"at )o you )o 1"en you belie+e t"at your su,er+isor is not co$,etentG
8"at is your ,lan for 2ee,ing current about c"anges in t"e la1s t"at affect your ,racticeG
Course Syllabus July 19, 2012
BSHS 331
4ee( 5our "iscussion #uestions
*n a situation 1"ere you t"oug"t t"e la1 an) et"ical be"a+ior 1ere in conflict, 1"ic" )i) you c"ooseG 8"yG
8"at 1ere t"e conse@uences of your actionG
8oul) you )o it t"e sa$e 1ay againG 8"y or 1"y notG
Ha+e you been a researc" sub3ect in t"e ,astG *f so, )escribe your e/,erience0
8"at is t"e relations"i, bet1een la1, et"ics, an) ,rofessional ,racticeG
8"at are t"e a)+antages of ,rofessional co)es of et"ics, if anyG 8"at are t"e )isa)+antages, if anyG
4ee( 5ive "iscussion #uestions
8"at c"anges "as t"e Bus" a)$inistration $a)e to H*AG :o you agree or )isagreeG 8"yG
8"at recourse )o consu$ers "a+e against ,ri+acy +iolationsG
8"at attracte) you to t"is ,articular agencyG
*f you )o your fiel) e/,erience at t"is agency, 1"at )o you "o,e to get out of itG
8"at concerns )o you "a+e about a ,ossible fiel) e/,erience at t"is agencyG
8"at c"anges "as t"e Bus" a)$inistration $a)e to H*AG :o you agree or )isagreeG 8"yG
8"at recourse )o consu$ers "a+e against ,ri+acy +iolationsG
:o you feel confi)ent about your 2no1le)ge regar)ing your ,rofessional res,onsibilitiesG 8"y or 1"y notG
:o you feel confi)ent about your 2no1le)ge regar)ing your legal res,onsibilitiesG 8"y or 1"y notG
Ho1 1ill you )efen) your ,rofessional 3u)g$ent an) )ecisions to so$eone 1"ose 3u)g$ent an) )ecisions
)iffer fro$ yoursG
:o you belie+e t"at you "a+e for$e) an infor$e) et"ical conscience at t"is ,oint in your ,rofessional
careerG 8"y or 1"y notG
#ni+ersity of "oeni/K is a registere) tra)e$ar2 of A,ollo Brou,, *nc0 in t"e #nite) States an)4or ot"er countries0
!icrosoftK, 8in)o1sK, an) 8in)o1s I'K are registere) tra)e$ar2s of !icrosoft Cor,oration in t"e #nite) States an)4or ot"er countries0
All ot"er co$,any an) ,ro)uct na$es are tra)e$ar2s or registere) tra)e$ar2s of t"eir res,ecti+e co$,anies0 #se of t"ese $ar2s is not
inten)e) to i$,ly en)orse$ent, s,onsors"i,, or affiliation0
()ite) in accor)ance 1it" #ni+ersity of "oeni/K e)itorial stan)ar)s an) ,ractices0

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