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Course Design Guide

BSHS/351 Version 5
Course Design Guide
College of Social Sciences
BSHS/351, Ontario Campus
Technolog in Human Ser!ices
Dr" Christine Curtis, #$1%&5''(%)*1
Copright - ).11, ).1., )..*, )..5, )..% / 0ni!ersit of 1hoeni," 2ll rights reser!ed"
Course Description
This course is a sur!e of the use of communications technolog in human ser!ices" 3t e,amines ho4
technolog affects the deli!er of human ser!ices and ho4 technolog is used in deli!ering the ser!ice"
Students 4ill learn the application and /enefits of technolog in an agenc en!ironment as 4ell as the
ad!antages for human ser!ices 4or5ers and clients"
6acult and students/learners 4ill /e held responsi/le for understanding and adhering to all policies contained
4ithin the follo4ing t4o documents7
0ni!ersit policies7 8ou must /e logged into the student 4e/site to !ie4 this document"
3nstructor policies7 This document is posted in the Course Materials forum"
0ni!ersit policies are su/9ect to change" Be sure to read the policies at the /eginning of each class" 1olicies
ma /e slightl different depending on the modalit in 4hich ou attend class" 3f ou ha!e recentl changed
modalities, read the policies go!erning our current class modalit"
Course Materials
Technolog Guide for :onprofit ;eaders7 Health and Human Ser!ices
2ll electronic materials are a!aila/le on the student 4e/site"
Week One: Technology Resources in Human Services
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 Discuss the role of electronic communications in the deli!er of
ser!ices to clients"
1.2 <,plain ho4 the 3nternet can /e used to conduct human ser!ices
related research to support program management and client
ser!ices deli!er"
1.3 3dentif ma9or 3nternet resources a!aila/le for human ser!ices
4or5ers including those that can assist in agenc funding,
program de!elopment and case management"
1.4 Descri/e ho4 the 3nternet resources are applica/le to the
management and deli!er of human ser!ices"
Readins Read the =ee5 One >ead ?e 6irst"
Read this 4ee5@s <lectronic >eser!e >eadings"
Read p" 1(15 of Technolog Guide for :onprofit ;eaders7 Health
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
and Human Ser!ices located at
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion" 11/1 3
Res"ond to 4ee5l discussion Auestions" 11/1
%earnin &ea'
Create the ;earning Team Charter"
Collaborate on the 3nformal Oral 1resentation on =e/(Based
Soft4are for Human Ser!ices 2ssignment due in =ee5 T4o"
Revie) the =ee5 One o/9ecti!es and discuss insights and
Auestions ou ma ha!e"
1aper and
1resentation on
2nalBing a =e/
Researc* ho4 to properl analBe a 4e/ page"
Searc* the 3nternet to identif a =e/ site intended as a resource for
human ser!ices and analBe the site" Do a 4e/ search using
Cevaluation criteria of websitesC, a 4ealth of information 4ill appear,
/e sure to read the information to come to our conclusion a/out
+rite a $..(1.5. 4ord paper in 4hich ou discuss our findings"
3nclude a discussion on the !alue and rele!ance of this site to clients
or human ser!ices agencies" >emem/er to correctl site all sources,
including the 4e/ pages ou are !isiting" 2lso, prepare a 5($
1o4erpoint slide presentation going o!er our =e/page analsis"
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines"
11/1 1.
Week Two: Human Service Organiation Management with Technology: We!"
!ase# So$tware an# Social %etworking
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 3dentif ma9or functional areas of human ser!ices that reAuire 3T
support as a means of accomplishing dail tas5s"
2.2 Disco!er the 4e/(/ased soft4are a!aila/le to support human
ser!ices program deli!er"
2.3 <,amine the role of social capital in human ser!ices
2.4 Discuss ho4 utiliBing social capital through online social
net4or5ing sites can increase" the num/er of Aualit resources
a!aila/le to /oth the client and the human ser!ice 4or5er"
Readins Read the =ee5 T4o >ead ?e 6irst"
Read p" 1'()$ of Technolog Guide for :onprofit ;eaders7 Health
and Human Ser!ices located at
Revie) the process of choosing an automated case management
sstem in these pages.
Read this 4ee5@s <lectronic >eser!e >eadings"
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion" 11/D 3
Res"ond to 4ee5l discussion Auestions" 11/D
0tiliBing Online
Social :et4or5ing
Sites 1aper
%ocate and create our o4n ;in5ed3n
1rofessional Business 1rofile
#creating the site is optional, ho4e!er, ou 4ill still need to research
the site and 4rite a/out it&" Go to7 444";in5ed3n"com
%ocate three professional /usiness groups that are reputa/le in our
chosen field" State 4hether or not the ha!e monthl or earl
pu/lic meetings to net4or5 4ith other professionals in our field"
#iscuss 4hether or not these groups pro!ide continuing education
opportunities, or continuing education credits for licensed
-valuate 4hether or not these groups offer Aualified referrals or
suggest communit /ased programs 4hich ma /enefit our client
+rite a 1,.5.(1,%.. 4ord paper analBing the follo4ing7
Ho4 can sites such as ;in5ed3n
help ou to sta connected
4ith our professional communit, and possi/l further /usiness
opportunities in our chosen fieldF
<,plain ho4 ou could use a site such as ;in5ed3n
in our
communit to sta connected 4ith other human ser!ices
Ho4 can /eing tied in to the professional communit
#/usiness groups 4ith an online presence& help ou to offer
more support ser!ices, or Aualit referrals to our clientsF
Ho4 can attending appro!ed trainings #pro!ided / these
groups& 5eep ou up to date and competiti!e in our fieldF
=hat are some other technological tools that ha!e /een
de!eloped to help the indi!idual manage their professional
/usiness contacts and/or sta connectedF #6or e,ample, tpes
of phones / applications, etc"&"
<,plain ho4 ou could use a site such as ;in5ed3n
in our
communit to sta connected 4ith other human ser!ices
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines" Be sure to list all
sources, including online sources used in our paper"
11/D 15
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
%earnin &ea'
1aper and
1resentation on
Soft4are for Human
-."lain 4hat are some of the functional areas of a human ser!ices
organiBation" 8ou can disco!er 4hat these areas are / researching
them on the internet or in the uni!ersit li/rar"
<,amples of functional areas include7
o Client ser!ices
o Operations
o 6inance
o Human >esources
o ?ar5eting
o 2dministration and 3T Support
-."lore 4e/(/ased soft4are for one of the functional areas ou
Revie) t4o to three 4e/(/ased programs that address the
functional area ou ha!e chosen"
#escribe the soft4are ou chose to appl 4ithin the functional area"
Su''ari/e in 1,.5. ( 1,%.. 4ords the follo4ing7 2dditionall,
prepare a 5($ 1o4erpoint presentation re!ie4ing the 4e/(/ased
programs ou analBed"
<,plain ho4 the soft4are could enhance a functional area
4ithin a human ser!ice organiBation"
Ho4 4ould ou utiliBe the soft4are 4ithin the functional area
ou choseF
Descri/e the ad!antages/disad!antages #if an& of using the
<,plain if the siBe of the organiBation helps determine the
soft4are pac5age chosen" =h or 4h notF
1ro!ide )(3 other issues related to choosing human ser!ices
soft4are pac5ages and e,plain ho4 the affect our choice of
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines"
11/D $"5
Week Three: Supporting Client &mpowerment through Technology
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 3dentif ho4 to de!elop human ser!ices programs and/or
pro!ide client ser!ices 4ith the support of technolog"
3.2 3dentif ho4 to use technolog to support a human ser!ices
organiBation@s goals"
3.3 Determine methods of supporting client empo4erment through
Readins Read the =ee5 Three >ead ?e 6irst"
Read this 4ee5@s <lectronic >eser!e >eadings"
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion" 11/15 3
Res"ond to 4ee5l discussion Auestions" 11/15
%earnin &ea'
(nstructions 0or
Create a 1)(15 page 1o4er1oint
presentation using a real or
hpothetical human ser!ice organiBation and sho4/descri/e our
agencGs 4e/site that ou plan to pu/lish on the 4e/" 0se site
/uilding soft4are a!aila/le for free / 4e/ hosting pro!iders, such
as 8ahooH
" Di!ide the 4or5 up eAuall /et4een the team mem/ers"
!lease note t*is is due in +ee1 4.
<ach presentation should ha!e at the minimum the follo4ing
O!erall Aualit laout or good use of template
o One #real or hpothetical& internal lin5
o One #real or hpothetical& e,ternal lin5
o Graphics #photo or icon&
o <,planation of the ser!ices the agenc offers
o Description of ho4 clients can o/tain the ser!ices
o 2t least 1() slides that descri/e a/out the
de!elopment process #site tools used, interesting features
and ho4 to ma5e them 4or5, hosting info, special
challenges or accomplishments
The presentation should include information a/out the
de!elopment process #site tools used, interesting features and
ho4 to ma5e them 4or5, hosting info, special challenges or
accomplishments" 3nclude spea5ers notes as 4ell"
On(ground students7 Be prepared to present our
in class" 1resentation 4ill include an o!erall
presentation of the organiBation@s 4e/site to the class as if our
team 4as the staff from the organiBation /eing
presented" Online students7 include spea5er notes in our
to e,plain each of the slides"
<!aluating Tools for
Clients7 ?edicare
<ligi/ilit Test
Note. This is not an official application processI rather, it is a 4a to
practice e!aluating our eligi/ilit for a program"
2aviate to 444"medicare"go!" 0nder Search Tools, clic5 on the
lin5 ,ind out i0 3ou are eliible 0or Medicare and )*en 3ou can
Co'"lete the ?edicare <ligi/ilit Tool" 2ns4er the Auestions in a
manner that relates to an indi!idual 4ho ma /e eligi/le for
!rint out the >esults page and /ring it to class"
Online students7 post our results in the 2ssignments section of the
11/15 5
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
%earnin &ea'
?eeting Human
Ser!ices Challenges
4ith Technolog
Read the :po4er JTechnolog Guide for :onprofit ;eaders7 Health
and Human Ser!icesK for e,amples of challenges facing human
ser!ices organiBations toda and the potential strategies and tools
that can /e implemented to manage each challenge"
Researc* 3(% challenges using the 0ni!ersit ;i/rar and/or the
internet to disco!er other challenges, issues or pro/lems facing the
human ser!ices field" StrategiBe possi/le strategies to addresses the
issue and determine 4hat technolog could /e used to resol!e the
2s a team, 4rite a 1.5.(1%.. 4ord paper e!aluating one of the
issues or pro/lem"
(nclude the follo4ing in our paper7
State the challenge#s&, issue#s& or pro/lem#s& ou
Discuss ho4 ou sol!ed the pro/lem and determined
possi/le solution#s&"
Descri/e the technological tools that ou decided 4ould
assist in resol!ing the issue#s&"
<,plain ho4 our solution could /e used in an organiBation
in our communit and the possi/le impact the solution 4ould
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines"
11/15 $"5
Week 'our: Community Outreach an# Communications (sing Technology
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 Descri/e ho4 human ser!ices organiBations use technolog to
communicate 4ith the communit"
4.2 Compare and contrast communit outreach through electronic
communication 4ithin a large cit and rural areas"
4.3 <,plain ho4 ou 4ould identif !arious communit issues using
the 3nternet"
4.4 3dentif effecti!e 4as of reaching out to and gaining support
from a !ariet of communities using technolog"
Readins Read the =ee5 6our >ead ?e 6irst"
Read the Technolog Guide for :onprofit ;eaders7 Communit
De!elopment located at http7//444"npo4er"org/resources/guides(
Read this 4ee5@s <lectronic >eser!e >eadings"
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion" 11/)* 3
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
Res"ond to 4ee5l discussion Auestions" 11/)*
%earnin &ea'
Collaborate on the 1o4er1oint
presentation and >ole(1la on a
:e4 Sstem due in =ee5 6i!e"
Revie) the =ee5 6our o/9ecti!es and discuss insights and
Auestions ou ma ha!e"
Solutions for Human
Ser!ices 1aper
+rite a 1,.5.( to 1,%..(4ord paper in 4hich ou identif three
/arriers to ser!ices, planning, funding, or empo4erment in a
selected aspect of human ser!ices" Ho4 does communit
de!elopment help address these /arriersF
#iscuss ho4 applications of technolog could /e utiliBed as a
means to o!ercome each of these /arriers"
(nclude at a minimum the applications that utiliBe 4ord processing,
presentation, spreadsheet, data/ase, and report generating
applications" 8ou ma also include communications soft4are, media
such as !ideo, and other tpes of technolog in our discussions"
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines"
11/)* 1.
%earnin &ea'
&urn in our =e/site De!elopment assignment. 11/)* $"5
Week 'ive: )egal an# &thical *ssues Relate# to *n$ormation Technology an#
Human Services
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 3dentif and discuss legal and ethical issues pertaining to human
ser!ices in an online en!ironment, specific to concerns a/out
pri!ac and securit of personal information and records"
5.2 3dentif and discuss legal and ethical issues in!ol!ed 4ith the
accurac, authenticit, and Aualit of information found on the
3nternet and applied to human ser!ices programs and ser!ices"
5.3 <,amine issues of identit theft, fraud, and misrepresentation as
the relate to client ser!ices, program management, and human
ser!ices program de!elopment"
5.4 3dentif issues related to maintaining pri!ac of client records in
an online en!ironment"
Readins Read the =ee5 6i!e >ead ?e 6irst"
Read this 4ee5@s <lectronic >eser!e >eadings"
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion" 1)/' 3
Res"ond to 4ee5l discussion Auestions" 1)/'
%earnin &ea' Sub'it the ;earning Team <!aluation" <ach team mem/er must 1)/'
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
(nstructions su/mit a separate cop to the facult mem/er"
Revie) the =ee5 6i!e o/9ecti!es and discuss insights and
Auestions ou ma ha!e"
Online Therap
Conduct an 3nternet search for at least three online therap sites"
+rite a 1,.5.( to 1,$5.(4ord paper in 4hich ou discuss the content
in each site, the professionals in!ol!ed, and ho4 the actual online
interaction occurs"
4ddress ho4 professional associations and state regulator /oards
!ie4 online therap"
#iscuss related securit issues and ethical issues, such as informed
consent and confidentialit" 3nclude our opinion of the ad!antages
and disad!antages of online therap ser!ices"
,or'at our paper consistent 4ith 212 guidelines" This includes
citing all of our sources, including our online sources"
1)/' 15
%earnin &ea'
1resentation and
>ole(1la on a :e4
Resources5 JLe Muestions =hen 1lanning a Computer SstemK
located in the =ee5 Three <lectronic >eser!e >eadings, and the
technolog guide lin5 located in the =ee5 Three <lectronic >eser!e
Create a ?icrosoft
presentation to recommend a ne4
information technolog #3T& sstem for a human ser!ices
(denti03 and address the human ser!ices data that 3T sstems
analsts and programmers 4ould need for the de!elopment of our
!re"are a role(pla to illustrate ho4 the staff of a human ser!ices
organiBation 4ould ma5e decisions on purchasing a ne4 computer
sstem" 0tiliBe a real organiBation or a fictional one"
#escribe the human ser!ices our organiBation offers and role(pla
a meeting among the 5e decision ma5ers of our organiBation on
purchasing this sstem"
(nclude the follo4ing plaers7
1rogram manager
De!elopment or fundraising manager
Director of operations or controller
3T consultant
1)/' $"5
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
Optional Discussion +uestions
+ee1 One #iscussion $uestions
=hat 5inds of electronic communications are utiliBed in our o4n organiBationF Consider an
organiBation 4e/ page, internal e(mail for staff communication, e(mail communication 4ith clients or
customers, and !oicemail"
Ho4 is this technolog user(friendl or not user(friendlF
Ho4 is the technolog utiliBed effecti!el or ineffecti!elF =hat are some /arriers to more effecti!e
usage, and 4hat are some recommendations ou 4ould ma5e to o!ercome these /arriersF
=hat are the intended results of our electronic communications, such as more efficient
communication, accessi/le information, access to 4or5ers or caregi!ers, timel sharing of information, and
are the /eing achie!edF
=hat are some specific features, techniAues, or /arriers to /e a4are of 4hen using electronic
communications to deli!er ser!ices to clientsF =hat suggestions 4ould ou ma5e to address or o!ercome
these /arriersF
Ho4 is our organiBation@s professionalism con!eed through electronic communications, such as e(
3n our organiBation, are clients or consumers e,pected to ha!e access to computers or technolog in
an 4a to full utiliBe our ser!icesF 3f so, ho4F
Ho4 does technolog help organiBations in the nonprofit human ser!ices sector pro!ide direct ser!ices
to clientsF =hat other 4as does technolog support human ser!ice organiBations in /eing effecti!eF
+ee1 &)o #iscussion $uestions
Ho4 do ou e!aluate the Aualit of information on the 3nternetF =hat factors do ou ta5e into accountF
=hat are clues to authenticit or lac5 of authenticit of information on the 3nternetF
Ho4 did the Seattle 6ood Ban5 utiliBe technolog to impro!e ser!ice deli!er and data reportingF
=hich organiBations ha!e utiliBed technolog to streamline treatment planningF
Ha!e our organiBations utiliBed these tpes of applicationsF
=hat off(the(shelf applications are specific to the human ser!ices profession, such as case management
soft4areF =hich ha!e ou utiliBedF =hat are their useful characteristicsF =hat characteristics 4ould ou
=hat 4e/(/ased soft4are applications are ou familiar 4ithF =hat are their ad!antages and
+ee1 &*ree #iscussion $uestions
=hat are important features in 4e/sites in order for them to /e 4ell utiliBed and /enefit /oth the
organiBation and potential clientsF
+ee1 ,our #iscussion $uestions
Ha!e ou 5no4n people that ha!e utiliBed pirated soft4areF 3s there a 9ustification for doing soF <,plain
our ans4er"
=hat are the ethical implications of using unpurchased soft4areF
3n 4hat 4as are our electronic files secure from unauthoriBed accessF 2t homeF 2t the officeF On a
Ho4 do ou protect ourself from inad!ertentl using inaccurate information from the =e/F
=hat is our opinion a/out the !alue of online therapF Has our opinion changed since ou ha!e
researched the topicF 2fter our research, 4ould ou consider using online therapF =h or 4h notF
Course Design Guide
BSHS/351 Version 5
3n our e,perience, 4hat are the /est 4as for technolog users to recei!e the technical help that the
need to utiliBe the soft4are or hard4are effecti!elF Ho4 is this pro!ided in our 4or5 settingF
=hat tpes of fiscal management are ena/led / the use of technolog in our field or agencF
=hat tpes of information do ou thin5 a programmer or sstems analst should 5no4 a/out ho4 ou
4ould li5e to utiliBe, access, or retrie!e information in our 9o/F
=hat recommendations 4ould ou ma5e so that human ser!ices 4or5ers and the information
technolog department or consultants are in alignment 4ith goals, implementation, and training 4hen
planning for change regarding technologF
+ee1 ,ive #iscussion $uestions
Gi!en the man protections that credit card companies are ta5ing regarding identit theft, do ou thin5 there
are similar haBards to client or agenc information in human ser!ices that need similar attentionF 3f so, 4hat
recommendations 4ould ou ma5e for 4hat 5inds of protections, and 4ho or 4hat entit do ou feel should
/e responsi/le for these protectionsF
There are data/ases that e,ist toda regarding licensure, including suspended licenses or sanctions,
fingerprinting, malpractice cases and claims, and other information regarding past performance of human
ser!ices 4or5ers" Do ou feel that the pu/lic should ha!e access to these records regarding their o4n
therapists or counselorsF =h or 4h notF
=hat protections are pro!ided / H3122F =hat is consent and authorizationF =hen and 4hat 5inds of
information are protected and 4hen or 4hat is not protectedF
0ni!ersit of 1hoeni,E is a registered trademar5 of 2pollo Group, 3nc" in the 0nited States and/or other countries"
?icrosoftE, =indo4sE, and =indo4s :TE are registered trademar5s of ?icrosoft Corporation in the 0nited States and/or other countries"
2ll other compan and product names are trademar5s or registered trademar5s of their respecti!e companies" 0se of these mar5s is not
intended to impl endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation"
<dited in accordance 4ith 0ni!ersit of 1hoeni,E editorial standards and practices"

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