Bshs 471

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Course Design Guide

BSHS 471 Version 2.5

Course Design Guide
College of Social Sciences
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Mental Health and Crisis Interentions
!hursda"# $#%% & 1%#%%
'ntario Ca()us
Mar %$* 2%14
Mar 1+* 2%14
Mar 2%* 2%14
Mar 27* 2%14
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Course Description
Students 3ill learn a/out the histor" and current status of the hu(an serices delier" s"ste( and the (ental
health serices s"ste(. ,))ro)riate )rotocols for assessing strategies 3ill /e e2a(ined and e2)lored. Students
3ill e2)lore the s4ills* techni5ues* and uses of crisis interention.
6acult" and students7learners 3ill /e held res)onsi/le for understanding and adhering to all )olicies contained
3ithin the follo3ing t3o docu(ents#
0niersit" )olicies# 8ou (ust /e logged into the student 3e/site to ie3 this docu(ent.
Instructor )olicies# !his docu(ent is )osted in the Course Materials foru(.
0niersit" )olicies are su/9ect to change. Be sure to read the )olicies at the /eginning of each class. 1olicies
(a" /e slightl" different de)ending on the (odalit" in 3hich "ou attend class. If "ou hae recentl" changed
(odalities* read the )olicies goerning "our current class (odalit".
Course Materials
Scile))i* :. ,.* !eed* ;. <.* = !orres* >. D. ?2%%%@ Community psychology: A common sense approach to
mental health. 0))er Saddle >ier* A:# 1earson71rentice Hall
Banel* B. ?2%%+@ A guide to crisis intervention ?2nd ed.@. 1acific Groe* C,# Broo4s7Cole.
,ll electronic (aterials are aaila/le on the student 3e/site.
Week One: The Human Services Delivery System Within the Context of a
General Systems Theory
The Mental Health Services System
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 ;2)lore the )osition of hu(an serice delier" 3ithin ,(erican
1.2 ;2a(ine the current status of the hu(an serices delier"
s"ste( using general s"ste( theor".
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
1.3 Descri/e the historical reolutions 3ithin the (ental health
serices delier" s"ste(.
1.4 Inestigate the co((unit" (ental health (oe(ent.
Readins Read Ch. 1 = 2 of Community Psychology: A Common Sense
Approach to Mental Health.
Read the 0'1 (aterial* C1a)er on S4ills and Characteristics of
Mental Health Hu(an Serices Dor4ers.C
Read the 0'1 (aterial* CInternet Search of ,rticle and Dritten
>e)ort on the Design* Delier"* or ;aluation of a Hu(an Serice
Read 0'1 (aterial* C1a)er on a 6uture !rend of Crisis Interention
in the Hu(an Serices Delier" S"ste(.C
Read the follo3ing 0'1 Materials#
C<earning !ea( 1resentation on a SelfEHel) Su))ort
C<earning !ea( 1resentation on a Crisis Interention
Read this 3ee4Fs ;lectronic >esere >eadings.
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion. 2
Res"ond to 3ee4l" discussion 5uestions. 1
%earnin &ea'
Read the follo3ing ite(s* aaila/le at htt)#77eca()us.)
)aviate to the tool /ar located on the right hand side of "our
student 3e/site. 'nce there* clic4 on <earning !ea( !ool4it. 8ou
3ill find all the docu(ents "ou need /" clic4ing on !ool4it ;ssentials.
G<earning !ea( CharterH
GDirections for Co()leting <earning !ea( <ogH
G<earning !ea( <ogH
GDirections for Co()leting the <earning Su((ar"H
G<earning Su((ar"H
Select <earning !ea( (e(/ers 3ho 3ill 3or4 together throughout
the course.
,fter Dee4 'ne* <earning !ea(s 3ill (eet for 5 hours to co()lete
the follo3ing actiities and assign(ents.
Create the <earning !ea( Charter found on
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Discussion of characteristics and s4ills /rought to the (ental
health hu(an serices arena
,s )art of the deelo)(ent of "our indiidual )a)ers* <earning !ea(
(e(/ers 3ill discuss arious characteristics and s4ills 3hich "ou
feel )eo)le /ring to a career in hu(an serices. !o)ics for the
discussion should include#
Dhich )ersonal characteristics do "ou consider essential for
a successful career in hu(an sericesI Dhich characteristics
should /e considered detri(entalI
,re there s)ecific s4ills 3hich indiiduals need to hae or
deelo) /efore e()lo"(ent in the hu(an serices fieldI If so*
3hich onesI
Dhere and ho3 can s4ills /e deelo)ed to hel) in the
for(ation of a successful hu(an serices 3or4erI
Is there such a thing as a Cnatural /orn hel)erCI
Descri/e so(eone in "our life "ou /eliee 3ould /e an
e2e()lar" hu(an serices 3or4er. Dhat characteristics and
s4ills does he or she )ossess
<earning !ea( (e(/ers 3ill /egin online searches for infor(ation
on s)ecific )rogra(s 3ithin the hu(an serices field. !he" (a"
choose a )rogra( in either the )riate or )u/lic sector. ,dditionall"*
the" (a" choose to focus on ho3 the )rogra( 3as designed*
(ethodologies of the )rogra(Js serice delier"* or ho3 the )rogra(
is ealuated.
Re*er to 0'1 Material* CInternet Search of ,rticle and Su/se5uent
Dritten >e)ort on the Design* the Delier"* or the ;aluation of a
S)ecific Hu(an Serice 1rogra(.C
Week To: The Concept of !Self Help! Supports as Part of Mental Health
Coor"ination of Mental Health Services
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 0nderstand the role of self hel) and (utual hel) grou)s in the
delier" of (ental health serices.
2.2 ;2a(ine the rationale for the integration and coordination of
2.3 ,nal"Ke the s"ste(s for the coordination of (ental health
serice delier".
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Readins Read Ch. +* 4* = 5 of Community Psychology: A Common Sense
Approach to Mental Health.
Read the 0'1 (aterial* G1a)er on S4ills and Characteristics of
Mental Health Hu(an Serices Dor4ers.H
Read this 3ee4Fs ;lectronic >esere >eadings.
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion. 2
Res"ond to 3ee4l" discussion 5uestions. 1
%earnin &ea'
<earning !ea( )artici)ants 3ill co()lete their online searches
regarding the design* delier"* or ealuation of a s)ecific hu(an
serice )rogra(.
!he <earning !ea( Meeting )artici)ants 3ill discuss the s)ecific
crisis interention situations of )osttrau(atic stress disorder* suicide*
se2ual assault* and 3o(an /attering. !he discussion 3ill /e a
)reface to their )resentation during Dee4 6our or 6ie. ,lthough the
<earning !ea(s 3ill )resent onl" one situation as assigned* the"
should reie3 all the situations. !o)ics for discussion should include#
Dhat are the /ac4ground and (a9or d"na(ics of the
Dhat are so(e of the effectie strategies for interening in
this situationI
,re there an" co()onents of )reention that (a" /e a))lied
to this situationI
Dhat s)ecific role?s@ (ight a hu(an serices 3or4er )la" in
this situationI
Ho3 (ight this situation /e i()acted in the future /"
adancing technologiesI
!hese to)ics 3ill for( the sections of the <earning !ea(Js
)resentation. !he )resentation should /e +% (inutes in length and
3ill /e )resented in either Dee4 6our or 6ie de)ending on rando(
assign(ent. !he )resentation 3ill /e graded on co()leteness of the
infor(ation )roided* ho3 3ell the <earning !ea( 3or4ed together*
and the insights deelo)ed /" the grou).
Week Three: Mental Health Service Desi#n$ Delivery$ an" %valuation
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 >eie3 the ele(ents of co((unit" needs assess(ents.
3.2 ;2a(ine the strategies of (ental health serices delier".
3.3 ,))raise the co()onents of the ealuation of serices.
Readins Read Ch. $* 7* 1%* = 11 of Community Psychology: A Common
Sense Approach to Mental Health.
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Read this 3ee4Fs ;lectronic >esere >eadings.
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion. 2
Res"ond to 3ee4l" discussion 5uestions. 1
%earnin &ea'
Hae a general discussion of the future trends for crisis interention.
!o)ics of discussion should include#
Ho3 has crisis interention eoled into a hu(an serices
Dhat roles do olunteers and trained )rofessional
consultants )la" in )roision of crisis interention sericesI
Dhat are the C)roactieE)reentie (odels of crisis
interentionC and ho3 could the" /e e()lo"ed in the futureI
Ho3 (ight the (anaged care s"ste( i()act the )roision of
crisis interention sericesI
Dh" is the idea of net3or4ing and colla/oration 3ith other
agencies /eco(ing so i()ortant in the crisis interention fieldI
Dhat are so(e of the future trends in crisis interention and
ho3 (ight the" i()act the hu(an serices 3or4erI
Ho3 (ight co((unities in the future /eco(e inoled in the
for(ation of )reention strategies in crisis interentionI
!his discussion 3ill for( the /asis of the indiidual C1a)er on a
6uture !rend of Crisis Interention in the Hu(an Serices Delier"
S"ste(C to /e handed in during Dee4 6ie.
<earning !ea( 1resentation on a SelfEhel) Su))ort S"ste(#
Be )re)ared to )resent the infor(ation gathered as a result
of the research done in <earning !ea( Meeting !3o.
S4ills and
Characteristics of
Mental Health
Hu(an Serices
Dor4ers 1a)er
Co'"lete the 0niersit" of 1hoeni2 Material# 1a)er on S4ills and
Characteristics of Mental Health Hu(an Serices Dor4ers located
on the student 3e/site.
%earnin &ea'
<earning !ea(
1resentation on a
SelfEhel) Su))ort
,s a result of the lecture* discussion* and )resentation on selfEhel)
and (utual hel) grou)s during Dee4 !3o* the <earning !ea(
)artici)ants 3ill choose a selfEhel) su))ort s"ste( to research and
(a4e a 15E2%E(inute )resentation during Dee4 !hree. !he
)artici)ants can either reie3 infor(ation online and7or interie3 a
coordinator of a local s"ste(. 1artici)ants 3ill diide the research
and )resentation into the follo3ing areas#
!he )hiloso)h" of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(.
!he target )o)ulation?s@ sered.
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
!he functions of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(.
Ho3 the s"ste( interfaces 3ith other )rogra(s or agencies.
!he role ?if an"@ of hu(an serices 3or4ers at the su))ort
Ho3 and /" 3ho( the serices of the su))ort s"ste( are
Dhat the recent outco(es are* /oth )ositie and negatie*
of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(Js serices.
Ho3 the serices of the su))ort serice could /e i()roed.
!he <earning !ea( )resentation 3ill /e )roided during Dee4
Week &our: The Crisis 'ntervention Process
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 ;2)lore the definition* characteristics* theories* and (odels of
crisis interention.
4.2 ,nal"Ke the /asic s4ills of effectie crisis interention.
4.3 Stud" s)ecific crisis interention situations.
Readins Read Ch. 1* 2* +* = 4 of A Guide to Crisis Intervention.
Read this 3ee4Fs ;lectronic >esere >eadings.
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion. 2
Res"ond to 3ee4l" discussion 5uestions. 1
+ctivities and
1a)er on 6uture
!rend of Crisis
Interention in the
Hu(an Serices
Delier" S"ste(
Continue to indiiduall" )re)are "our )a)ers on a future trend of
crisis interention in the hu(an serices delier" s"ste( to /e
handed in during Dee4 6ie.
%earnin &ea'
!re"are the <earning !ea( <og.
<earning Su((ar"
,s a tea(* reie3 the GDirections for Co()leting the
<earning Su((ar"H and G<earning Su((ar".H !hese (aterials
can /e do3nloaded fro( htt)#77eca()us.)
,s a tea(* co()lete the <earning !ea( !a/le section of the
<earning Su((ar". Be sure to discuss the <earning !ea(
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
charter goals and results* then )roide reflectie co((entar".
Indiiduall"* co()lete the Indiidual Luestions for
Su/(it and discuss the <earning Su((ar" in Dee4 6ie.
Su/(it one co)" to "our facult" (e(/er and retain one co)" to
hel) 3rite "our <earning !ea( Charter in the ne2t course.
Internet Search for
,rticle and Dritten
>e)ort on the
Design* Delier"* or
;aluation of a
Hu(an Serices
Co'"lete the 0niersit" of 1hoeni2 Material# Internet Search for
,rticle and Dritten >e)ort on the Design* Delier"* or ;aluation of a
Hu(an Serices 1rogra( located on the student 3e/site.
%earnin &ea'
1resentation on a
Crisis Interention
Co'"lete the follo3ing assign(ent )rior to <earning !ea( Meeting
6our. Half of the <earning !ea(s 3ill gie their )resentations on a
s)ecific crisis interention situation this 3ee4.
!he <earning !ea( Meeting )artici)ants 3ill discuss the follo3ing
s)ecific crisis interention situations#
che(ical de)endenc"
)ersonal loss
iolent /ehaior in institutions
hostage crises
hu(an serice 3or4erJs /urnout
,lthough the <earning !ea(s 3ill )resent onl" )resent one situation
as assigned* the" should reie3 all the situations. !o)ics for
discussion should include#
Dhat are the d"na(ics and /ac4ground of the situationI
Dhat are so(e of the effectie strategies for interening in
this situationI
,re there an" co()onents of )reention that (a" /e a))lied
to this situationI
Dhat s)ecific role?s@ (ight a hu(an serice 3or4er )la" in
this situationI
Ho3 (ight this situation /e i()acted in the future /"
adancing technologiesI
!hese to)ics 3ill for( the sections of the <earning !ea(Js
Week &ive: The Crisis 'ntervention Process
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 ;2)lore the definition* characteristics* theories* and (odels of
crisis interention.
5.2 ;2a(ine techni5ues of crisis interention case (anage(ent.
5.3 Stud" s)ecific crisis interention situations.
5.4 Discuss future trends in the field of crisis interention.
Readins Read Ch. 5* $* 7* M* = 1% of A Guide to Crisis Intervention.
Read this 3ee4Fs ;lectronic >esere >eadings.
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class discussion. 2
Res"ond to 3ee4l" discussion 5uestions. 1
%earnin &ea'
!he other half of the <earning !ea(s 3ill gie their )resentations on
a s)ecific crisis situation.
Sub'it the a))ro)riate co()leted sections of the <earning !ea(
Sub'it the <earning Su((ar". ;ach tea( (e(/er should su/(it
one co)" to the instructor and retain one co)" to hel) 3rite his7her
<earning !ea( Charter in the ne2t course.
Co'"lete the <earning !ea( ;aluation and su/(it it to the
1a)er on 6uture
!rend of Crisis
Interention in the
Hu(an Serices
Delier" S"ste(
Co'"lete the 0niersit" of 1hoeni2 Material# 1a)er on 6uture !rend
of Crisis Interention in the Hu(an Serices Delier" S"ste(
located on the student 3e/site.
Optional Discussion (uestions
,ee- One #iscussion $uestions
Descri/e the role of the hu(an serices 3or4er in facilitating (ental health care.
Descri/e ho3 the Dohren3end Model differs fro( the traditional a))roach to interention. 0se an
Descri/e the ;cological Model of co((unit" )s"cholog" and the contri/utions of the i()ortant theorists
to the a))roach. 0sing an agenc" "ou are fa(iliar 3ith as an e2a()le* descri/e ho3 a case (anager (ight
use this (odel to increase )artici)ation in one of its )rogra(s.
Dhich )ersonal characteristics do "ou consider essential for a successful career in hu(an sericesI
Dhich characteristics should /e considered detri(entalI
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
,re there s)ecific s4ills 3hich indiiduals need to hae or deelo) /efore e()lo"(ent in the hu(an
serices fieldI If so* 3hich onesI
Dhere and ho3 can s4ills /e deelo)ed to hel) in the for(ation of a successful hu(an serices
Descri/e so(eone in "our life "ou /eliee 3ould /e an e2e()lar" hu(an serices 3or4er. Dhat
characteristics and s4ills does he or she )ossessI
,ee- &.o #iscussion $uestions
Dh" is )ri(ar" )reention )refera/le to secondar" )reentionI
Descri/e the ethical issues in )ri(ar" )reention and ho3 a hu(an serices 3or4er in an agenc" can
aoid co((itting ethical errors.
Descri/e a selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(. >eie3 infor(ation online and7or interie3 a coordinator of a local
s"ste( in order to address the re(aining 5uestions#
o Dhat is the )hiloso)h" of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(I
o Dhat is the target )o)ulation?s@ seredI
o Dhat are the functions of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(I
o Ho3 does the s"ste( interface 3ith other )rogra(s or agenciesI
o Dhat is the role ?if an"@ of hu(an serices 3or4ers at the su))ort s"ste(I
o Ho3 and /" 3ho( are the serices of the su))ort s"ste( ealuatedI
o Dhat are the recent outco(es* /oth )ositie and negatie* of the selfEhel) su))ort s"ste(Js
o Ho3 (ight the serices of the su))ort serice /e i()roedI
,ee- &/ree #iscussion $uestions
Ho3 (ight a hu(an serices case (anager use consultatie sericesI
Dhat is a co((unit" needs assess(entI Dhat is its )ur)oseI
Descri/e ho3 a co((unit" needs assess(ent (ight /e )erfor(ed /" an agenc".
Ho3 is the (ethod of serice delier" deter(ined /" the agenc" after a needs assess(ent has /een
Ho3 is the delier" of serices ealuated for effectieness /" an agenc"I ?!hat is* ho3 does the
agenc" ascertain 3hether the chosen a))roach is 3or4ingI@ .
Descri/e the delier" of (ental health serices at a local agenc". Contact so(eone at the agenc" that
can tell "ou 3hat serices are offered* ho3 the agenc" deter(ined the need for those serices in the
co((unit"* and the )rocess the" are using to assess the effectieness of their (ental health serices.
,ee- 0our #iscussion $uestions
Ho3 has crisis interention eoled into a hu(an serices su/s)ecialt"I
Course Design Guide
BSHS 471 Version 2.5
Dhat roles do olunteers and trained )rofessional consultants )la" in )roision of crisis interention
Dhat are the C)roactieE)reentie (odels of crisis interentionC and ho3 could the" /e e()lo"ed in
the futureI
Ho3 (ight the (anaged care s"ste( i()act the )roision of crisis interention sericesI
Dh" is the idea of net3or4ing and colla/oration 3ith other agencies /eco(ing so i()ortant in the crisis
interention fieldI
Dhat are so(e of the future trends in crisis interention and ho3 (ight the" i()act the hu(an serices
Ho3 (ight co((unities in the future /eco(e inoled in the for(ation of )reention strategies in crisis
!hese 5uestions 3ill for( the /asis of the indiidual C1a)er on a 6uture !rend of Crisis Interention in
the Hu(an Serices Delier" S"ste(C to /e handed in during Dee4 6ie.
,ee- 0ive #iscussion $uestions
Discuss the follo3ing s)ecific crisis interention situations /" e2)loring the )oints listed /elo3#
o Che(ical de)endenc"
o 1ersonal loss
o Violent /ehaior in institutions
o S)ousal a/use
;2)lore the follo3ing )oints for each of the a/oe situations#
o 0sing the ,BC (ethod* ho3 (ight "ou )roceed in this situationI
o ,re there an" co()onents of )reention that (a" /e a))lied to this situationI
o Dhat s)ecific role?s@ (ight a hu(an serice 3or4er )la" in this situationI
o Ho3 (ight this situation /e i()acted in the future /" adancing technologiesI
0niersit" of 1hoeni2N is a registered trade(ar4 of ,)ollo Grou)* Inc. in the 0nited States and7or other countries.
MicrosoftN* Dindo3sN* and Dindo3s A!N are registered trade(ar4s of Microsoft Cor)oration in the 0nited States and7or other countries.
,ll other co()an" and )roduct na(es are trade(ar4s or registered trade(ar4s of their res)ectie co()anies. 0se of these (ar4s is not
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