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Kasur Grammar High School Roosa

Paper: General Knowledge

Class: Three Time: 2 Hours First term
Name______________________________ Total ar!s 2"
#$% Fill in the &lan!s%
'i( There are twel)e ra!aat in _________ Pra*er%
'ii( The name o+ the +irst Gha,wa is ________________%
'iii( The +astest means o+ tra)elling is an _________________%
'i)( -ater is used &* a +armer +or __________________%
')( .npleasant tal! a&out some&od* who is not present is called____________%
#2% Tic! the correct options%
'i( The #ueen o+ Surahs is Called
'a( Surah /l0rehman '&( Surah 1aseen 'c( Surah /l +ateha
'ii( The great Sahara desert is in
'a( 2urope '&( /+rica
'iii( ________ is the &iggest island in the world
'a( Greenland '&( Holland 'c( 3reland
'i)( _______ has no railwa*
'a( Pa!istan '&( /+ghanistan 'c( 3ran
')( -hich o+ the +ollowing lad* is called !hatoon0e04annat%
'a( Ha,rat Kulsoom '&( Ha,rat Khadi4a 'c( Ha,rat Fatima
#5% atch the column%
/ 6
Pa!istan Swit,erland
Richest countr* Teaching
Rising sun Pa!istanis
Pro+essions Nepalese
Nepal 7apan
#8% /nswer these +ollowing 9uestion 'an* +i)e(
'i( -hat is meant &* Sadi9:
'ii( -hat is the purpose o+ our pra*er:
'iii( -hat is the name o+ midwi+e o+ Ha,rat uhammad:
'i)( Name 5 Kharee+ crops%
')( -hich games are pla*ed in the cities o+ Pun4a&:

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