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Craig Pinto (3253)

Sahil Sheth (3276)

Siddharth Kundu (3278)
Yusuf Hakim (3288)
Politically, China is a combination of a socialistic political
Tensions between richer and poorer in China, secondly
pension system is on the verge of a collapse and thirdly
international disputes with Taiwan on political belonging
Stole the primary growth engine title from United Stated
back in 2003, with a growth rate more than 8% annually
since 2005.
Chinese people are quite different culturally from the rest
of the world in many aspects like values, beliefs and their
way of functioning.
Since the time of globalization, China has become better connected
to the world
The technological development gives rise to advancements in
agriculture, medicine, genetics etc.
High consumption of beef, potato and chicken since it is the biggest
fast food chain in the world.

Different laws impact McDonalds differently in every part of the
Important factors to be taken into consideration are tax obligation,
employment standards, quality requirements etc.

Threat of Entry
High profitability level
Low Capital requirements
Low barriers to entry
Minimal relation by incumbents
MEDIUM threat of substitutes
Low switching cost
High buyer propensity substitute
HIGH bargaining power of consumers
More Buyer than sellers
Highly price-sensitive buyers
High availability of substitutes

WEAK bargaining power of suppliers
Low degree of differentiation inputs
Supplier switching cost relative to firm switching
GREAT intensity of competitive rivalry
Great number of players
Medium diversity of rivals

Strong brand name;
recognizable characters
Largest target group
Almost certain success of
new stores
Ability to adapt when
faced with criticism
Play area for children
Many other similar

Not considered healthy

Negative image due to
growing obesity

Charity and
humanity awareness
Changing the image
Standardization with
Green energies and
green packaging
Fierce competition
aiming at the same
consumer group

Growing criticism
due to obesity and
other health issues

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