Quiz in Social Anthropology 103

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Social Anthropology 103
Come up a development plan in the affected areas (Rio ondo! "ari#i!
Sta$ %ar&ara! 'alon('alon and "ampang) of the *am&oanga City Crisis$
+evelopment ,lanning is the preparation of the +evelopment ,lan
and other supporting policies! information or studies -hich form the
&asis for ma#ing decisions on planning applications$ 'he +evelopment
,lan sets out a vision of ho- the region should develop in a sustaina&le
-ay! it is used &y us for ma#ing decisions on development proposals and
should &e used &y you &efore you ma#e or comment on a planning
It has &ecome an accepted practice among the governments of the
countries to pu&lish their 2development plans$3 'hese are medium(term
plans! usually for a five(year period$ 'he aim is to select a period long
enough to include pro4ects spanning a num&er of &udget years &ut not so
long as to delay periodic assessment of the development effort stretching
over a series of plans$
5or the &arangays of Rio ondo! "ari#i! Sta %ar&ara! 'alon('alon
and "ampang since the "675 occupied this &arangays lots of resources
has &een destroyed including the houses! stores for their living and some
&oarding houses$ It has &een causes lots of pro&lems to the *am&oanga
City 8overnment &ecause the residence of some affected areas has no
houses anymore so they evacuated to the evacuation center$
In my opinion I thin# it can help a lot of having a 2Outreach
Programs li#e seminar to those people -ho has &een affected a lot in
the crisis! for them to have #no-ledge of -hat -ill they do -hen that
&ad events happen again! -e can help them -ho to call immediately$
Also -e can teach them in that seminar to &e more cooperative to the
government &ecause -hen the government told them to evacuate right
a-ay they must follo- it to help the ,6, and ,"A not to &e afraid of
attac#ing the intruders -ithout -orrying that there might &e innocent
citizen &een trap and also to finish their 4o& fast$ It also help to inflict
less damaged to it &ecause it shorten the days of -ar$
2'he &est start to a &etter place is to come up a greater plan$3

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