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Shay 1

Quinn Shay
Mrs. Mary Ellen Muesing
ENGL 2116 001
June 12
, 2014
Annotated i!liogra"hy #ro$e%t
&idden, #aul. 'Solar &oad(ays )nstalls Energy *ar+esting #ar,ing Lot.' Solar Roadways Installs
Energy Harvesting Parking Lot., 24 A"r. 2014. /e!. 11 June 2014.
#aul &idden0s 1Solar &oad(ays )nstalls Energy *ar+esting #ar,ing Lot2 is an arti%le
dis%ussing a "ro$e%t ran !y S%ott and Julie rusa(. )n the arti%le, &idden !egins !y gi+ing a high
le+el history o3 the "ro$e%t. )n this history, he e4"lains that the rusa(s originally !egan
%onsidering the idea o3 re"la%ing as"halt on roads (ith solar "anels a!out eight years ago. *e
then dis%usses the idea turning into a "ro$e%t 3eaturing solar "anels (ith !uilt in LE5s and other
additions su%h as heating ele.ents to .elt sno( and i%e.
6he author then %ontinues on to dis%uss the early +ersions o3 this "ro$e%t. )n August o3
2007, S%ott and Julie rusa( (ere a!le to utili-e 8100,000 in 3unding 3ro. the 9S 5e"t. o3
6rans"ortation in order to !uild the 3irst 12 4 12 3t. "roo3 o3 %on%e"t road seg.ent. A3ter this,
the %ou"le %ontinued to tell others a!out the "ro$e%t and raise a(areness. 6he arti%le des%ri!es
so.e o3 the in3or.ation that the %ou"le dis%ussed in the .any inter+ie(s and tal,s that they
ga+e. :ollo(ing this, the author %ontinues on to dis%uss the %urrent status o3 the "ro$e%t. )n this
Shay 2
seg.ent, &idden e4"lains the lo3ty target o3 81 .illion that the %ou"le is trying to raise in order
to go into "rodu%tion (ith their "rodu%t.
6his arti%le is a%%urate and relia!le. 6he 3irst ti" o33 to the arti%le0s a%%ura%y is the site on
(hi%h it is "u!lished. is a (e!site that has !een around 3or a (hile and has gained a
generous a.ount o3 res"e%t a.ongst the online te%hni%al %o..unity. Arti%les on ha+e
had a history o3 !eing 3eatured or resour%ed !y e+en larger online "u!li%ations su%h as Engadget
and Gi-.odo. )t %an also !e seen in the o"en %o..ents se%tion that the %on+ersation 3ro. the
general "u!li% is a!out the ideas "resented in the "u!li%ation, not the a%%ura%y o3 the "u!li%ation
(hi%h o3ten ha""ens (hen the data "ut 3orth is not a%%urate.
&eading this arti%le, ) 3ound the su!$e%t .atter +ery interesting. ) li,e the idea o3 !eing
a!le to use the nation0s road(ays to generate ele%tri%ity. ) also li,e the idea o3 ha+ing road(ays
that (ill handle their o(n i%e and sho(. ) 3ound it +ery e33e%ti+e, the (ay that the author utili-ed
an o+erall %hronologi%al a""roa%h to guide the reader through the gro(th o3 this "ro$e%t. ) ha+e
read se+eral arti%les on this to"i%, and 3ound this one to !e one o3 the .ost thorough. 6he lin,ed
+ideo at the end o3 the arti%le not only ga+e the arti%le .ore %redi!ility !ut also gi+es the reader a
"la%e to get e+en .ore in3or.ation on the to"i% a3ter !eing enthralled !y the arti%le.
As so.e!ody (ho (or,s in the %o."uter s%ien%e 3ield, the su!$e%t .atter o3 this arti%le
relates ;uite a !it. 6he "ro$e%t dis%ussed in this arti%le is an e4a."le o3 one o3 the .any ne(
areas to .y 3ield that are ! /hile engineers and !usiness.en (ill !e "i+otal to the
gro(th and disse.ination o3 these solar road(ays, the "rogra..ers (ill !e ,ey. )n this arti%le,
it dis%usses the rusa(s0 ne4t ste"s (hi%h (ill re;uire .ore )6 "ro3essionals. 6his is a %all to
a%tion, ho"e3ully dra(ing the attention o3 indi+iduals (ho (ould !e interested in (or,ing on
su%h a "ro$e%t.
Shay <
arry, =eith. '6his #ar,ing Lot )s #a+ed /ith Solar #anels > Auto"ia > /)&E5.'
?onde Nast 5igital, 06 May 0014. /e!. 11 June 2014.
6his is a short arti%le dis%ussing S%ott and Julie rusa(0s "ro$e%t to turn our nation0s
road(ays and "ar,ing lots into energy generators. 6he arti%le o"ens u" (ith e4"laining that the
%ou"le has already %o.e u" (ith an inno+ati+e design (hi%h they are ho"ing to 3und through an
)ndiegogo %a."aign. 6he arti%le then goes into so.e history, e4"laining ho( the %ou"le
originally started trying to re"la%e traditional as"halt and %on%rete (ith i."a%t@resistant solar
"anels !a%, in 2010.
:ro. this "oint, the arti%le .o+es 3or(ard to dis%uss (hat the ne(er "rototy"e "anels are
li,e. 6hese he4agonal "anels (ere designed 3or !etter %o+erage on %ur+es and hills. 6hey also
ha+e ne( 3eatures su%h as LE5s and a heating syste. to .elt sno( and i%e. )t is also e4"lained
that the ne( "rototy"es ha+e !een tested 3or tra%tion and i."a%t resistan%e.
A3ter dis%ussing the ne( "anels, the arti%le !rings u" in3or.ation on ho( the "ro$e%t (as
"re+iously 3unded and ho( the %ou"le is %urrently running an )ndiegogo %a."aign to raise 81
.illion 3or o3 their "rototy"es. 6he arti%le then %loses (ith so.e,s on
the "ossi!ilities o3 the "rodu%t and so.e %o..ents on +alue 3or. S%ott rusa(.
6his arti%le does not %ontain any %ited sour%es or e+iden%e o3 (here the in3or.ation (as
gathered 3ro.. &egardless o3 this, the arti%le %an reasona!ly !e %onsidered as relia!le. 5es"ite
=eith arry0s la%, o3 %iting his sour%es, the (e!site on (hi%h the arti%le is "u!lished is enough
to gi+e the arti%le solid %redi!ility. /ired.%o. is one o3 the largest and .ost res"e%ted online
te%hni%al ne(s (e!sites. )ts arti%les are regularly re3eren%ed !y other te%hni%al ne(s (e!sites
su%h as #o"ularS%ien%e.%o. and Li3e*a%,er.
Shay 4
) 3ound the arti%le to !e en$oya!le. /hile there are .any arti%les "u!lished on
this to"i%, not .any deli+er the sa.e straight 3or(ard and e33e%ti+e a""roa%h that this arti%le
does. 6his arti%le gets to the "oint and has +irtually no 3iller. /hile the straight 3or(ard
a""roa%h (or,s (ell 3or this arti%le, it %ould !e e4tended in order to %ontain e+en .ore e33e%ti+e
and relati+e in3or.ation. Another "ossi!le addition 3or this arti%le (ould !e the lin,ing to or
in%lusion o3 one o3 the "ro.otional +ideos "ut out a!out solar road(ays !y the rusa(s.
6here are so.e arti%les on the sa.e to"i% that do dis%uss the %urrent need 3or )6
"ro3essionals and (hat they .ay !e a!le to do in order to 3urther the "ro$e%t, !ut this one does
not do so. )nstead, this arti%le !ears rele+an%e in a di33erent (ay. 6his is an e33e%ti+e arti%le in
s"reading in3or.ation regarding the "ro$e%t and su""orting its gro(th. 6his su""ort o3 the
"ro$e%t (ill strengthen it and .ay also si.ultaneously !ring the attention o3 %o."uter s%ientists
to the to"i%. &egardless o3 the dire%t in%or"oration o3 te%hni%al in3or.ation, it is an e33e%ti+e
arti%le in s"reading in3or.ation and introdu%ing one to the to"i%.

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