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TORO Wins CII Award for High Efficiency

Climate Appropriate Hybrid Air Conditioner

Pune based Toro Cooling ystems !TC" has won the Most Innovative Energy Saving Product Award for the High
Efficiency Climate Appropriate Hybrid Air Conditioner at the ational Award for E!cellence in Energy Management held
at Hyderabad" India on the #$th August #$%&'
(he annual event is organi)ed by the Confederation of Indian Industry *CII+ to encourage" support and recogni)e the efforts
of the Indian industry for their significant and innovative contributions to energy efficiency'
(he Innovative Energy Saving Product and ,est Energy Saving -nit competition was open to all industries offering energy
saving products'
(oro Cooling Systems was one among the four selected companies from nearly ./ nominations who participated in the
product presentation detailing evidence of energy savings' Evaluation was conducted by the participating delegates and a
panel of industry e!perts'
(he Climate Appropriate Hybrid Air Conditioners" fitted with En& Air (o Air heat e!changers for sensible cooling and
Scroll compressors for dehumidification" offer a host of benefits as compared to the current refrigerative cooling
technologies in commercial and industrial applications'
Among these include /$0 or higher savings in energy consumption" uninterrupted cooling performance" lowest
environmental noise pollution and lowest life cycle costs by design' (his is the second ma1or award won by the (CS team'
Early this year in March " the company earned the most prestigious international Climate Solvers2 award from 334
International for using En& Air (o Air heat e!changers in all the products manufactured by (CS for saving energy" in air
conditioning applications'
53e are honoured to receive the prestigious CII ational Award for our uni6ue product5 said Sham7ant Mirashi " (oro
Cooling Systems Managing 8irectory' 5(oro is committed to innovation in sustainable air conditioning and believes in
innovative and energy efficient design' (his is demonstrated through the introduction of increasingly more efficient products
for sustainable air9conditioning solutions' CII awards contribute a great deal in spreading the energy efficiency message5" he
Toro Cooling ystems #$t% &td%
:H ;$" <a7e Paradise
=pp C:P4 > H ;
(alegaon 8abhade > 8ist Pune
Maharashtra ;%$ /$.
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