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Summary of GMA's SONA 2001

July 23, 2001

Trabaho, edukasyon, sariling tahanan, pagkain sa bawat mesa
Started and ended with the stories of the three children from Payatas and their
wishes: trabaho, edukasyon, tahanan
Key points:
National unity, particularly in politics
Four-point strategy to fight poverty:
1 Free enterprise with a social conscience
! "oderni#ation of the agricultural sector
$ Social bias toward the disadvantaged
% &aising the moral standards of govt and society
'e(tbooks on priority sub)ects to all public school students, gr 1-%, 1
yr +S
P1, - to hire more teachers . increase their pay
For agri moderni#ation: P/- for irrigation, P!- post harvest facilities, P!-
infrastructure, P!- loans, P!- &.0
!11 thousand public land for land reform every year
P,11 " from 2P34 fund for community pro)ects in rural "indanao 56ug !111 to
7uly !11!8
1,1 thousand families every year will have the right to buy the land they9ve been
1,111 rolling stores: P1%: kilo of rice
;ower prices of medicine< reduce to half the prices of commonly purchased drugs
=nclude half a million urban poor in the national health insurance program
P!1 - allotted for >tahanan ng masa? :111,111 houses every year for workers .
,1,111 houses for the urban poor
!1 thousand out-of-work 2S@ will be given temporary )obs every year
$11 thousand poor women every year to benefit from microfinance
A, B of brgys to have electricity in a year
P1- to moderni#e and professionali#e the police
Several billions of pesos for the 6FP moderni#ation program
3nd 6bu Sayyaf

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