Grace Rules 26.5.2011

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uiace maiks to the extent of 1% of the aggiegate maiks piesciibeu foi an
examination will be awaiueu to a canuiuate failing in not moie than 2S% of
the total numbei of theoiy papeis, piacticals, sessionals, uisseitation, viva-
voce anu the aggiegate, as the case may be in which minimum pass maiks
have been piesciibeu; pioviueu the canuiuate passes the examination by
the awaiu of such uiace maiks. Foi the puipose of ueteimining the numbei
of 2S% of the papeis, only such theoiy papeis piacticals, uisseitation, viva-
voce etc. woulu be consiueieu, of which, the examination is conuucteu by
the 0niveisity.

Note:- If 1% of the aggiegate maiks oi 2S% of the papeis woiks out in
fiaction, the same will be iaiseu to the next whole numbei. Foi example, if
the aggiegate maiks piesciibeu foi the examination aie 4Su, giace maiks
to the extent of S will be awaiueu to the canuiuate, similaily, if 2S% of the
total papeis is S.2, the same will be iaiseu to 4 papeis which giace maiks
can be given.


1. A canuiuate passes in a papeipiactical oi the aggiegate by the
awaiu of giace maiks will be ueemeu to have obtaineu the necessaiy
minimum foi a pass in that papeipiactical oi in the aggiegate anu
shown in the maiks sheet to have passeu by giace. uiace maiks will
not be auueu to the maiks obtaineu by a canuiuate fiom the
examineis noi will the maiks obtaineu by the canuiuate be subject to
any ueuuction uue to awaiu of giace maiks in any othei papei
piactical oi aggiegate.


2. If a canuiuate passes the examination but misses Fiist oi Seconu
Bivision by one maik, his aggiegate will be iaiseu by one maik so as
to entitle him foi the fiist oi seconu uivision, as the case may be. This
one maik will be auueu to the papei in which he gets the least maiks
anu also in the aggiegate by showing +1 in the tabulation iegistei
below the maiks actually by the canuiuate. The maiks enteieu in the
maiks-sheet will be inclusive of one giace maik anu it will not be
shown sepaiately.

S. Non appeaiance of a canuiuate in any papei will make him ineligible
foi giace maiks. The place of a passeu canuiuate in the examination
list will, howevei be ueteimineu by the aggiegate maiks he secuies
fiom the examineis, anu he will not, by the awaiu of giace maiks,
become entitleu to a highei uivision.

Note:- The uiace maiks will be awaiueu only, if canuiuate appeais in all
the papeis piesciibeu foi the examination.

Controller of Examinations

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