Easily Confused Adverbs of Manner Worksheet

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A. Complete thesentences with the correct adverb : hard/hardly, deep/deeply,
late/lately, near/nearly, close/closely, high/highly
1. I'd like to sit ___________ a window, please.
. In !act we've concentrated really __________ on making them really good, in that sense.
". #e don't want to get too __________involved with these people.
$. %ere are $ e&amples that have proven ___________ e!!ective !or any b'siness.
(. )he sort o! thing that 'sed to happen only in !iction can _______ compare to what's in the
news today.
*. +on't get too ___________ to that dog, ,osie.
-. .o''ll have to hit the ball /'ite __________ to get it over that net.
0. I've __________ !inished that book yo' lent me.
1. #e talked _________ into the night.
12. %e thr'st his hands __________in3to4 his pockets.
11. I haven't been !eeling so well ___________.
1. 5oth politicians have been ___________ associated with the movement !or some time.
5. 6se the !ollowing adverbs in sentences o! yo'r own : closely, late, deeply, !reely, nearly.

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