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The following firewall settings will be modified

Automation License Manager Service

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Siemens\sws\almsrv\almsrvx.exe
Network access range: Subnet
The following file system rights will be set
!n"erit #rom $arent t"e $ermission entries t"at a$$l% to c"il& ob'ects. !nclu&e t"ese wit" entries ex$licitl%
&e#ine& "ere.
( )e$lace $ermission entries on all c"il& ob'ects wit" entries s"own "ere t"at a$$l% to c"il& ob'ects.
)ig"ts #or t"is #ol&er* sub#ol&ers an& #iles will be a&'uste&
"Users" Allow Deny
Full access ( (
+rowse #ol&ers , execute #ile (
List #ol&er contents , rea& &ata (
)ea& attributes (
)ea& exten&e& attributes (
Create #iles , write &ata (
Create #ol&ers (
-rite attributes (
-rite exten&e& attributes (
Delete sub#ol&ers an& #iles (
Delete (
)ea& $ermissions (
C"ange $ermissions ( (
.ake owners"i$ ( (

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