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Constantin Isabelle

Anul I, Istorie
Formal letter
14th June, 2014
Isabelle Constantin
Sunflower street, no. 3
Mindy Crawford
Manager of project
Astra street, no. 54
Dear Mrs. Crawford,
I am writing this letter because I want to apply for the volunteering job in the children
camp that you have advertised in our local newspaper.
My name is Isabelle Constantin, I am a 19 years old History student and I have a
passion for teaching children. I also study pedagogy because I want to embrace the teaching
job in my future, as I see teaching the best way to become a better person.
The qualities that recommend me for this job are my great social skills, my ability to
relate with children and give them empathy so that they start feeling a part of a group. Also, I
volunteered for 3 years at the local Special School where I developed different activities with
children that had various social and health problems, so I know how to talk and act with a
child, no matter his background.
Thank you for taking from your time to read my letter and I hope that my application
will become a success in my volunteering career.
Yours sincerely,
Isabelle Constantin.
Informal letter
14th of June, 2014
Isabelle Constantin
Sunflower street, no. 3
Tiana Alexe
1st of December street, no. 63
Dear Tiana,
I was so happy when I finally got a new letter from you! I thought you were dead, you
haven't give me a life sign lately. I am so happy for the news in your life!
My life is pretty much a bore at the moment. Because I have all the exams coming up I
don't really have time to go out that much and I barely see my friends anymore. I really don't
know how will I be able to manage stress again. I hope it won't be as bad as last year.
On a brighter side, I have some news that I need to share with you immediately!
Remember my classmate Cristina that you met the last time you came in our city and went out
with us? She just got a scholarship in Australia and she's going to leave in about 2 weeks and
she wants you to come at her goodbye party next Friday.
I can't wait to get your answer as soon as possible! I am really looking forward to see
you again!
With love,

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