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Ideal pH levels are:

5.8-6.0 for hydro (includes coco coir)

6.2-6.5 for soil
EC readings:
If you ever need to fertilise it is essential to mix the correct dosage using an E meter.
!o "#$ %lindly follo& instructions 'rinted on the fertiliser 'roduct or a conventional
(feeding schedule( from the manufacturer.
$he &ord )E* stands for electrical conductivity. +ure distilled &ater conducts no
electrical current. ,ut once you add mineral salts to it this changes. $a' &ater- rain&ater
and &ell &ater &ill also contain traces of minerals and this &ill sho& on an E meter.
$he first ste' is to al&ays measure the E of your &ater source so that you .no& ho&
'ure it is or if it is contaminated &ith a lot of minerals. If the E is over 0.6 m/0cm you
should consider using cleaner &ater.
"utrient salt concentrations are measured %y their a%ility to conduct electricity through a
solution. If you do not .no& ho& concentrated the nutrient solution is that you intend to
give to your 'lants you are gam%ling in a life and death situation. #ne fatal mista.e can
seriously damage or .ill your 'lants. $herefore you must .no& three things %efore you
even consider fertilising1
2. 3hat the E is of the &ater (this is called the )starting E*).
2. 3hat E your 'lants can easily tolerate.
4. 3hat the E is &hen you add a measured amount of fertiliser to it and if this is &ithin
the range of tolerance (this is called the E of the )nutrient solution*).
Essential 5no&ledge 6%out "utrient !osage1
7et8s start &ith the small 'rint on the %ottles &hich your &ould generally use as
orientation for mixing your nutrient solution.
3hat many do not .no&1 the recommended E value is al&ays %ased on osmosis &ater
&ith an E of 0.0 m/0cm9
Exam'le1 Ionic recommends an E of 2.0 m/0cm for flo&ering in hydro'onics. :rom this
value the cultivator must deduct the E of the ta' &ater in order to calculate the actual
recommended dosage.
7et8s say your &ater has an E of 0.6 m/0cm. $hen you calculate 2.0 ; 0.6 < 2.=
$he recommended maximum dosage is therefore 2.= m/0cm.
Best EC ranges for hydro (including coco coir):
If &ater has an E of 0 then recommended "utrient E range is .5 or .6 to 2.2 or 2.2
(lo&er scale for veg and higher scale for flo&er).
$he com%ined total of the &ater E and nutrient E should not violate these ranges.
Best EC for soil:
0.6 - 0.8

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