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Assessment 2: Practicum Portfolio PART B: Three Learning Plans

Malanie Allison 5849209

Swinburne University of Technology

EDU10001 Intro to Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Learning Plan: Routine

Melinda Carlyle

Word Count 1101

Monday 26
May, 2014 (Week 11)

Learning Plan (Bachelor of Education Early childhood)
Topic: Germ Safe! Date: 05
May, 2014 Age group: 4 5 years
Title of experience: Stop the spread of germs.
Links to the Early Years
Learning Framework:
EYLF Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected
with and contribute to their world.
EYLF Learning Outcome 3: Children have a strong
sense of wellbeing.
EYLF: Outcome 4: Children are confident and
involved leaners.

Content/ concepts
being explored:
Health & Hygiene: Awareness, responsibly and
Counteracting techniques.
Rationale: Why did you choose this particular experience? (Community event, child/teacher/family interest, identified as missing from curriculum etc)
Coming into the colder weather, I thought it would be a good experience to educate children on what germs are and to teach children how we catch and
spread germs. This will raise awareness about the importance of correct hygiene and tissue use in counteracting the spread of germs and viruses. I am sure
all parents and educators would like for their children to be more mindful and identify the causes of common colds and flues.

Child/Childrens Background Knowledge: What is your starting point what does the child/children already know, what have they done before, how does
this experience connect to or build on their existing knowledge/ interests?
Children are aware that they are required to wash their hands after using the toilet and before and after eating, but sometimes get sidetracked in doing this
task. I would start with a rhyme for the children:

Five little germs, sitting in a row
The first one said, "On hands, I like to grow."
The second one said, "I like to fly in the air."
The third one said, "I don't care."
The fourth one said, "I travel on a sneeze."
The fifth one said, "Wash your hands? Oh, please!"
Swish goes the water
Bubble goes the soap
And the five little germs
down the drain they float.

Learning Objectives: What will the child/children learn?
Children will learn how easily germs are transferred through the air and by touch by stimulating the spread of a sneeze and a cough. This will be done
through a fun interactive activity.

Children will learn what germs are for example: Germs are very small invaders of our body that can make our bodies sick like a cold, how they are spread
and how we are going to prevent the spread of germs.

Children will learn about the importance of correct hygiene and tissue use in counteracting the spread of germs and viruses, which will be fun and interactive,
giving the children practical and visual examples.

Teacher Focus/ Intentionality: What areas will you concentrate on eg; teaching strategies, EYLF practice principles, interests, equity?
EYLF (2009), Learning Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical

Intentional teaching through fun and interactive activities and rhymes for correct personal hygiene which is inclusive for all. This activity is linked to Jean
Piagets theories of preoperational stage comprising of magical thinking and concrete operational stage to represent how children think logically, but with
practical aids (Piaget, 1982).

Environment and Resources: What resources and materials will you need to have collected? Where will the experience take place? Considerations for
time, space and teacher support? How will the environment be prepared?
Resources and materials that will be used in this experience are: a spray bottle, water, blue food dye and tissues. This experience will take place outside to
avoid spillage on the floor and allow for the children to move around.

The outside environment is large and has adequate space to conduct this experience without moving anything around.

Assessment Strategies: How will you identify what the child/children have learnt and how will you record this?
Documentation is recorded in a learning journal and evidence of the childs progression will be presented in an individual learning journey / progression
portfolio from throughout the year. We collate this documentation through observation, questions, discussions, and the childs art work and display it
throughout the room. The children will be observed and then their ideas are then supported by educators through planned experiences which will support,
encourage and extend their learning through play.

Plan for all stages
of the experience
Time (full
Specific time?
Eg 12-1pm)
Pre-Service Teachers Actions
What will you do during this time? What prompting
questions might you need to prepare? How might you
assess and record learning? How will you cater for
individual differences?
Child Actions /Tasks
What will the children be doing during this time?

Stage 1
How will you
introduce the
and engage the
interest of the

Group Time
As I will have the childrens attention at group time, I
will start with the rhyme and repeat once again for
the children.
Children will be grouped together on the floor for group time,
listening and participating in the rhyme pointing to their fingers.

Stage 2
Main Body
Describe the
experience; what will
children be doing?
How will concepts/
issues be explored?
List at least three
focus questions
relating your learning
objectives to be
asked of the children.

Time, just
lunch is
Children will be asked what they think germs are and
how do they think we stop the spread of germs?

I will explain to the children that germs are tiny living
things all around us and that they are so small we
cant see them but they are in the air and on our
hands. I will explain that people who are sick spread
germs when they sneeze and cough, but we can
stop the spread of germs by using tissues and
washing our hands.

I will explain how we are going to learn how we can
all help one another to stop catching colds.

I will now give each of the children a piece of paper
towel each and demonstrate how easily germs are
spread if the incorrect hygiene practices are not
used. I will be spraying the blue water dye into their
tissues, and then asking the children to put the
tissue in the bin and wash their hands.
Children will be interacting, asking questions and answering

Children will participate in the spread of germs activity if they
desire or continue with indoor / outdoor play.

Stage 3:
How will you conclude
the experience?
Reflect on learning
with children? How
will you encourage a
smooth transition to
the next experience

Lunch Time
Children will now have a better understanding of
what germs are, that germs can make us feel sick,
germs can be passed through the air or by coming in
contact with sick people and finally methods of

As we conclude the activity and learning experience,
the children will have washed their hands and sitting
down ready for lunch.
Children will wash their hands if they have not already done so,
and sit down, in preparation for lunch.

Evaluation and Self Reflection: Did your experience meet your learning objectives? Why/ why not? What aspects of the experience worked most
effectively? What aspects could be improved and how could they be improved? E.g. flow, resources, teaching strategies, environment, assessment of
learning etc
I thoroughly enjoyed this learning experience, demonstrating how easily germs are spread. The children became aware of the importance of washing their
hands and also using a tissue.

The rhyme and interactive activity where the most effective aspects of the experience, as the children engaged concentrated and participated whole

The flow, resources and environment where all perfect, which impacted positively on the learning experience.

Follow-up: Are there any areas that you would like to follow up on? Emerging interests/concepts to explore further?
I would like to ensure that all children are refreshed frequently with personal hygiene skills and possibly create their own hygiene posters to be displayed in
there bathroom and around the tissue boxes.

I believe it would be worthwhile to further explore the spread of germs through more learning experiences and activities, so the children retain the message of
correct tissue use as well as the importance of washing their hands regularly.
Mentor Teacher Comments:
Mal has a consistently used an approved curriculum to guide her in
developing play experiences and transitions. She understands what is
appropriate developmentally for children in a kindergarten setting. Mal has
provided her own resources to allow the children to actively learn.
Pre-service Teacher final reflection:
I believe I conducted myself in a fantastic way, intriguing the kids with the tone
of my voice and my mannerisms. I made eye contact with all the children,
holding their attention and I loved that they were all so intrigued by my
stimulation of the spread of germs.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
2/Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
3/Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
4/Children are confident and involved learners
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Jean Piaget. Retrieved May 07, 2014, from

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