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Easy hint to improve your speech:

When you follow this model, it will keep you talking for longer than you think! You can use it for any
topic, really! Give it a try! Example:
1. What shall I say? I like going to the cinema. (What)
2. My favourite cinema is the Prague Imax. It is in the town centre. (Where)
3. I usually go there about three times a month. The film normally starts at 7 oclock. (When)
4. I go there with my boyfriend. His name is Blah.... 2 minutes talking about him. (Who with)
5. Why do I love this cinema a lot? Because it is in my town, the seats are comfortable, they sell
my favourite popcorn there, blah blah blah... (Why)
6. I really enjoy it very much. We laugh a lot there. (How)
7. It does not cost much, which is fantastic! I am rich anyway... (How much)
8. The cinema is often full of people. Two thousand people fit there! Only joking. (How many)
9. What do I do after cinema? I cannot tell you! (What all over again)
10. Well, I stay in Prague, that is for sure. (Where all over again)
11. All over again until everyone has enough and gives your jabber a stop signal!

Well, how long did you speak for?
Did anyone notice that you follow this Easy hint diagram?

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