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Worksheet: Repetition and Patterns

Words that are repeated can provide significant information about character and situation.
Its also important to notice when and if repetition is altered.
Instructions: For this example (Time !eals "ver#thing$% from Mack & Mabel&$
#ou will need to stud# the music and l#rics together. The l#rics are given below$ with
repeated words noted. What does the repetition tell us about this characters state of
mind' What is the significance of the repetition of the line time heals ever#thing% at the
end' What happens when the repetition is interrupted'
(#ric )epeated Words
Time heals ever#thing
Tuesda#$ Thursda#
Time heals ever#thing time heals ever#thing
*pril$ *ugust
If I+m patient the brea, will mend
*nd one fine morning the hurt will end will
So ma,e the moments fl#
*utumn$ Winter
I+ll forget #ou b#
Next #ear$ some #ear #ear
Tho+ it+s hell that I+m going through
Some Tuesda#$ Thursda#$ Tuesda#$ Thursda#
*pril$ *ugust$ *pril$ *ugust
*utumn$ Winter$ autumn$ winter
Next #ear$ Some #ear$ next #ear$ some #ear
Time heals ever#thing time heals ever#thing
Time heals ever#thing time heals ever#thing
but loving #ou. ()epetition stops&
Following this two-column format$ ta,e note of repeated words in #our song. If there
arent an#$ tr# to see if there are an# other patterns (in music or l#rics& that are
established$ and then bro,en.

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