Division Chunking

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Division by Chunking
Remember, division and multiplication are inverse operations, so
if your times-tables, division is not that hard.
7 ! " means ho# many lots of " are there in 7. $ou can find the
ans#er by chunking, along a number line:
% "% &% &" && &' 7
(%)" (%)" " " " "
*ll together, it took + lots of " to get to 7 so 7 ! " ,+
No# see if you can do these, in your books.
(- .+ ! + - +/ ! " "- 7. ! " +- '. !7
/- (/ ! . &- (%. ! ' 7- '& ! & .- (& ! '
0e careful, some of these ne)t problems have remainders.
'- (/ ! & (%- (& ! " ((- ('+ ! 7 (- (7 ! '
("- /" ! / (+- .' ! " (/- .' ! & (&- (. ! .
(7- 1here are &%+ children in 2udlo# 3unior 4chool and %
classes. 5o# many children in each class6
(.- 1he kitchen buys (% fish fingers and each child gets " for
their lunch. 5o# many children can have fish fingers6
('- 1he library had 7(%7 to spend on books. 8ach book cost 7+.
5o# many books could they buy6
%- 9rs Carr has ' colouring pencils and #ants to divide
them e:ually bet#een her / tables. 5o# many pencils #ill
each table get6

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