Common Medical Abbreviations - Fall 2011

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Here are a few more abbreviations that are accepted by most practicing clinicians (however, please note,

only those on the NBOME website are officially accepted on the COMLE Boards!"

H#N $ Hypertension (High blood press%re!

M& $ Myocardial &nfarction (Heart attac'!
C() $ Cerebral (asc%lar )ccident (*tro'e!
+M $ +iabetes
M,M $ maternal grandmother
M,- $ maternal grandfather
.,M $ paternal grandmother
.,- $ paternal grandfather
B. $ Blood press%re
*OB $ *hortness of breath
/c/ with a line above it $ with
/s/ with a line above it $ witho%t
0+0N $ well developed, well no%rished
NC)# $ normocephalic, atra%matic
.E11L) $ p%pils e2%al, ro%nd, reactive to light and accommodation
#M $ tympanic membrane
) 3 O 45 $ alert and oriented 45
6B7L8 or 6B8 with a circle aro%nd it $ bilateral
9E $ %pper e4tremity
LE $ lower e4tremity

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