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The Human Race

The Human Race Page 1

A tribute to
Michael Jackson
(The play begins with MJ coming on the stage with Julians group behind him. On the
wall of the stage we can see a presentation with nice pics of MJ. The other two groups
will join later)
I WI !" T#"$"
Hold Me
Like The River Jordan
And I Will Then Say To Thee
You Are My Friend
Carry Me
Like You Are My Brother
Love Me Like A Mother
Will You Be There
(%ow the &armens and
Tessas groups join in)
Tell Me Will You Hold Me
When Wron!" Will You S#old Me
When Lo$t Will You Find Me
But They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faith%ul
And Walk When &ot A'le
And Fi!ht Till The (nd
But I)* +nly Hu*an
(veryone)$ Takin! Control +% Me
See*$ That The World)$
,ot A Role For Me
I)* So Con%u$ed
Will You Sho- To Me
You)ll Be There For Me
And Care (nou!h To Bear Me
(Hold Me.
(Lay Your Head Lo-ly.
(So%tly Then Boldly.
(Carry Me There.
(Lead Me.
(Love Me And Feed Me.
(/i$$ Me And Free Me.
(I Will Feel Ble$$ed.
(Carry Me Boldly.
(Li%t Me 01 Slo-ly.
(Carry Me There.
(Save Me.
(Heal Me And Bathe Me.
(So%tly You Say To Me.
(I Will Be There.
(Li%t Me.
(Li%t Me 01 Slo-ly.
(Carry Me Boldly.
(Sho- Me You Care.
(Hold Me.
(Lay Your Head Lo-ly.
(So%tly Then Boldly.
(Carry Me There.
(&eed Me.
(Love Me And Feed Me.
(/i$$ Me And Free Me.
(I Will Feel Ble$$ed.
('ll children lea(e the stage and MJ stays)
The Human Race Page 2
MJ: Hi (veryone3 4o you kno- -ho I a* (Waits for an answer from the audience.3
Yeah" you5re ri!ht3 I5* Mi#hael Ja#k$on" the kin! o% 1o13 &i#e" i$n5t it I !ot to $ee the
-hole -orld6 I *et the *o$t %a*ou$ 1eo1le you have ever heard a'out7 The 4alai
La*a" 8ueen (li9a'eth II" &el$on Mandela and $o on: That5$ the 'e$t 1art o% 'ein!
But do you kno- $o*ethin! It5$ al$o a !reat re$1on$i'ility" a 'urden in %a#t3 (veryone
e;1e#t$ the 'e$t %ro* you7 The 'e$t<$ellin! re#ord$" the *o$t in#redi'le video$" the
*o$t a*a9in! dan#e routine$" the *o$t 'reathtakin! live a#t$:3 It5$ all very $tre$$in!3
&o- I a* on the 'rink o% *akin! *y ne- al'u*3 I -ant to title it TH( H0MA& RAC(
'ut I ran out o% idea$ %or it3 So" I de#ided thi$ ti*e to #all in 1eo1le to hel1 *e #hoo$e
ni#e to1i#$ %or *y $on!$3 =eo1le -ho are doin! !ood thin!$ %or thi$ -orld3
My $e#retary ha$ >u$t told *e that they are -aitin! %or *e out$ide *y o%%i#e3 I #an5t
-ait : I a* $ure that it5$ !oin! to 'e *y 'e$t al'u* -ith the hel1 o% the$e 1eo1le:
()pea*ing to his micro. Sheryl" -ill you 1lea$e let the %ir$t !rou1 #o*e in
(+octors without borders, )olidarity.
(Julians first group comes in. They are dressed with white coats and stethoscopes)
MJ: Wel#o*e to *y ho*e3 So" you are:
Doctor 1: We are %ro* do#tor$ -ithout 'order$
Doctor 2: It5$ a !reat honour to 'e here Mr3 Ja#k$on
Doctor 3: We are really e;#ited a'out 'ein! here
MJ: The 1lea$ure i$ all *ine3 My $e#retary ha$ already told you the rea$on -hy you
are here3
Doctor 4: Ye$" and I think -e #an 'e o% !reat hel1 to you
Doctor 5: We en#oura!e value$ $u#h a$ $olidarity
Doctor 6: A$ -ell a$ !enero$ity" #are and $y*1athy
Doctor 7: We have hel1ed a lot o% 1eo1le $in#e our #reation
MJ: That $ound$ very !ood3 Tell *e *ore:
Doctor 1: You $ee Mr3 Ja#k$on6 -e #reated +octor without borders in 1?@1
The Human Race Page A
Doctor 2: More than AB year$ a!o
Doctor 3: We 'elieve that everyone ha$ the ri!ht to *edi#al #are
Doctor 4: Re!ardle$$ o% ra#e" reli!ion or 1oliti#al a%%inity
Doctor 5: We are #o**on 1eo1le -ith %a*ily" -ive$ and #hildren
Doctor 6: We de#ided to !o 'eyond that
Doctor 7: and !o to very 1oor 1la#e$ to hel1 1eo1le
Doctor 1: We are in A%ri#a" hel1in! tho$e -ithout %ood
Doctor 2: We are in -ar$" #urin! the -ounded
Doctor 3: We are in 1la#e$ that have 'een deva$tated 'y natural di$a$ter$
Doctor 4: We are in A$ia too
Doctor 5: It5$ a ni#e e;1erien#e 'e#au$e you learn to !ive
Doctor 6: Waitin! nothin! in return
Doctor 7: So*eti*e$" -e even %a#e dan!er
MJ: Ho-5$ that
Doctor 1: We $o*eti*e$ !et in>ured in -ar$
Doctor 2: or 'e#o*e ill in an e1ide*i#
Doctor 3: I -a$ -ounded in *y ar* la$t -eek (shows a bandage on one of his-her
Doctor 4: I -a$ kidna11ed 'y $o*e $oldier$3
Doctor 5: That ha11ened to a %riend o% *ine too
Doctor 6: He $1ent t-o year$ in a #ell:
Doctor 7: Ye$" it i$ not ea$y 'ein! a do#tor -ithout 'order$3
MJ: Wo-3 I didn5t kno- that
Doctor 1: &o" it i$n5t3
Doctor 2: But -e -ouldn5t #han!e it %or the -orld
Doctor 3: We love -hat -e do
Doctor 4: (ven -hen -e are %ar a-ay %ro* the 1eo1le -e love
Doctor 5: (ven at Chri$t*a$ or holiday$
Doctor 6: +r don5t !et a $alary like other do#tor$
The Human Race Page C
Doctor 7: We don5t *ind3 It *ake$ u$ %eel !ood3
MJ: Thank you %or -hat you are doin! %or the -orld3
Doctor 1: 4on5t *ention itDDD
Doctor 2: So" do you like our $tory
Doctor 3: It -ould en#oura!e other 1eo1le to >oin u$:3 (With e.citement.
Doctor 4: We #an $in! very -ell
Doctor 5: And -e #an dan#e a$ -ell
Doctor 6: 4o#tor$ -ithout 'order$ are al-ay$ there %or any'ody -ho need$ our hel1
Doctor 7: And no- to $in! and dan#e too:
MJ: +k" I think that I have the %ir$t $on! %or *y ne- al'u*: Li$ten
'%OT#"$ /'$T O0 M"
We5re Takin5 +ver
We Have The Truth
Thi$ I$ The Mi$$ion
To See It Throu!h
4on5t =oint Your Fin!er
&ot 4an!erou$
Thi$ I$ +ur =lanet
You5re +ne +% 0$
We5re Sendin5 +ut
A Ma>or Love
And Thi$ I$ +ur
Me$$a!e To You
(Me$$a!e To You.
The =lanet$ Are Linin5 01
We5re Brin!in5 Bri!hter 4ay$
They5re All In Line
Waitin5 For You
Can5t You See 3 3 3
You5re Ju$t Another =art +% Me3 3
Another =art +% Me 3 3
We5re Takin5 +ver
Thi$ I$ The Truth" Ba'y
Another 1art o% *e
Doctor 1: I love it
Doctor 2: Wo-" it5$ a*a9in!
Doctor 3: My #hildren are not !oin! to 'elieve it
Doctor 4: Can -e a$k you $o*ethin!
The Human Race Page E
Doctor 5: Could you 'uy $o*e *edi#ine$ -ith 1art o% the *oney you *ake -ith thi$
Doctor 6: You #ould hel1 u$ a lot $avin! live$
Doctor 7: We -ould 'e very !rate%ul
MJ: Ye$" o% #our$e: Thank$ $o *u#h %or #o*in!:
(all children lea(e the stage.
(%elson Mandela 1 'nti 'partheid.
('s the children lea(e the stage.
MJ: That -a$ a-e$o*e: I %eel very ener!eti# no-: Let5$ $ee the $e#ond !rou1
(tal*ing to the micro.3 =lea$e Cheryl" let the other !rou1 #o*e in
(&armens first group comes in.
Hello" -ho are you
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: We are re1re$entative$ o% &el$on Mandela
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: He5$ very $orry he #ouldn5t *ake it
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: But he $end$ you all hi$ love
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: He5$ $till in Johanne$'ur! %i!htin! %or hu*an ri!ht$
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: We $till are havin! $o*e 1ro'le*$ -ith ra#i$*
MJ: +h -hat a 1ityD I -ould have loved to *eet hi* a!ain3 My $e#retary ha$ already
told you a'out the rea$on -hy you are here3
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: Ye$" and -e think that you $hould -rite a $on! a'out &el$on
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: He i$ a !reat *an
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: He ha$ done a lot o% !ood thin!$ %or the -orld
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: He ha$ %ou!ht a!ain$t 1overty and ineFuality
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: And it -a$n5t ea$y
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: +ur #ountry" South A%ri#a" -a$ a very di%%i#ult 1la#e to live in
The Human Race Page G
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: Many 'la#k 1eo1le #ouldn5t !o to the #ine*a or to 1u'li# 1la#e$
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: They -ere only %or -hite 1eo1le
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: They had to do the harde$t >o'$ in *ine$" %ar*in!" et#3
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: And they #ouldn5t vote
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: It -a$ the A1artheid3 A very tou!h la-
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: I% you didn5t %ollo- the rule$" the #on$eFuen#e$ -ere $evere
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: You #ould 'e arre$ted and 1ut into 1ri$on
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: +r evi#ted %ro* South A%ri#a
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: Many o% our nei!h'our$ had to !o to other #ountrie$ to look %or
a 'etter li%e3
MJ: I $ee3 So" -hat did he do to hel1 you then
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: When he -a$ very youn!" he -a$ a *ine !uard
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: and he $a- ho- un%air it -a$ to 'e -orkin! all day
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: !ettin! ridi#ulou$ $alarie$" no holiday$ and lon! -orkin! hour$
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: >u$t 'e#au$e 'ein! a 'la#k 1er$on3
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: So" he de#ided he had to do $o*ethin! to hel1 all that 1eo1le3
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: He 'e#a*e a 1oliti#ian
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: And $tarted talkin! to 1eo1le tellin! the* that A1artheid -a$
not ri!ht
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: That they #ouldn5t live like that
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: That in other #ountrie$ 'la#k and -hite 1eo1le -ere eFual$
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: With the $a*e ri!ht$" even -hen it #a*e to vote3
MJ: That5$ !ood
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: Indeed3 But it -a$n5t ea$y %or hi*
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: He -a$ 1er$e#uted 'y the A1artheid
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: And he -a$ 1ut into 1ri$on
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: He -a$ i*1ri$oned %or li%e
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: And he $1ent 2@ year$ in 1ri$on
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: He -a$ in one o% the -or$t 1ri$on$ in South A%ri#a
The Human Race Page @
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: It -a$ very di%%i#ult %or hi*
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: He #ould have one vi$it every $i; *onth$
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: And he #ould -rite only t-o letter$ a year
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: But he didn5t $to1 or %alter
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: He -a$ al-ay$ -ritin! to hi$ 1eo1le
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: Makin! the* $ee that they #ould have a 'etter li%e
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: The re$t o% the #ountrie$ in the -orld a$ked %or hi$ relea$e
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: Sin!er$" -riter$" arti$t$ too
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: Then" in 1??B" they had to relea$e hi*
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: It -a$ a vi#tory %or u$ all
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: and the 'e!innin! o% the end o% A1artheid
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: He even -on the &o'el =ri9e
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: And then he 'e#a*e the 1re$ident o% South A%ri#a
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: In the %ir$t %ree ele#tion$3
MJ: What an intere$tin! $tory
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: A$ a 1re$ident" he a'oli$hed A1artheid
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: It -a$n5t ea$y to do
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: Too *any year$ o% A1artheid #annot 'e era$ed ea$ily
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: But -e *ana!ed to live in 1ea#e and har*ony
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: All the ra#e$" a$ 'rother$ and $i$ter$3
MJ: +k" I think that I *i!ht have the $e#ond $on! o% *y ne- al'u*: Li$ten
!'&2 O$ W#IT"
I Took My Ba'y
+n A Saturday Ban!
Boy I$ That ,irl With You
Ye$ We)re +ne And The Sa*e
&o- I Believe In Mira#le$
And A Mira#le
Ha$ Ha11ened Toni!ht
But" I%
You)re Thinkin)
A'out My Ba'y
It 4on)t Matter I% You)re
Bla#k +r White
I A* Tired +% Thi$ 4evil
I A* Tired +% Thi$ Stu%%
I A* Tired +% Thi$ Bu$ine$$
So When The
,oin! ,et$ Rou!h
The Human Race Page H
I Ain)t S#ared +%
Your Brother
I Ain)t S#ared +% &o Sheet$
I Ain)t S#are +% &o'ody
,irl When The
,oin) ,et$ Mean
I)* &ot ,oin! To S1end
My Li%e Bein! A Colour
4on)t Tell Me You A!ree With Me
When I Sa- You /i#kin! 4irt In My (ye
But" I%
You)re Thinkin) A'out My Ba'y
It 4on)t Matter I% You)re Bla#k +r White
I Said I%
You)re Thinkin) +%
Bein! My Ba'y
It 4on)t Matter I% You)re Bla#k +r White
I Said I%
You)re Thinkin) +%
Bein! My Brother
It 4on)t Matter I% You)re
Bla#k +r White
+oh" +oh
It)$ Bla#k" It)$ White
It)$ Tou!h For You
To ,et By
It)$ Bla#k " It)$ White" Whoo
It)$ Bla#k" It)$ White
It)$ Tou!h For You
To ,et By
It)$ Bla#k " It)$ White" Whoo
Nelsons Ass!stant 1: Thank you3 That -a$ a-e$o*e
Nelsons Ass!stant 2: I a* $ure that &el$on i$ !oin! to love it3
Nelsons Ass!stant 3: &o *ore $e!re!ation
Nelsons Ass!stant 4: That5$ our *e$$a!e3 (veryone i$ eFual re!ardle$$ o% their ra#e
Nelsons Ass!stant 5: We are all the $a*e
MJ: That5$ it3 Thank$ $o *u#h %or #o*in!:
(&hildren lea(e the stage.
()ports 1 /erse(erance 3 "ffort.
The Human Race Page ?
MJ: : And don5t %or!et to !ive *y re!ard$ to &el$on: Wo-" !reat !uy thi$ &el$on:
(oo*ing at his watch.: +h *y ,odDD Look at the ti*eD I $till have $o *u#h to do: (To
his microphone. Cheryl" 1lea$e let the ne;t one$ in
(The first part of the group of Tessa comes in. They are all dressed with sport clothes.
They are elite sportsmen and women.
Hello" -ho are you
"#ort 1: Hello3 We are $1ort$*en and -o*en3
"#ort 2: We have dedi#ated our li%e to $1ort
"#ort 3: S1ort i$ the *o$t i*1ortant thin! %or u$
"#ort 4: Be#au$e it *ake$ u$ %eel !ood
MJ7 That5$ ni#e" 'ut I don5t $ee ho- $1ort #an 'e related to *y ne- al'u*
"#ort 1: +% #our$e" it #an
"#ort 2: To 'e a !ood $1ort$*an or -o*an you have to -ork a lot
"#ort 3: You *u$t 'e 1er$everin!
"#ort 4: You have to $a#ri%i#e *any thin!$
"#ort 1: So*eti*e$ you need to 1ra#ti#e a%ter $#hool
"#ort 2: And you #annot eat $-eet$ or %at
"#ort 3: You #annot *eet %riend$ 'e#au$e you have a *at#h or a #o*1etition
"#ort 4: And you need to 'e a-ay %ro* your %a*ily in #o*1etition$
MJ: That doe$n5t $ound like too *u#h %un
"#ort 1: +n the #ontrary" S1ort$ are %un
"#ort 2: You !et to kno- your 'ody *u#h 'etter
"#ort 3: You have a healthy li%e
"#ort 4: It *ake$ you %eel really !ood -ith your$el%
"#ort 1: It tea#he$ you ho- to %i!ht %or the thin!$ you -ant
"#ort 2: It !ive$ you di$#i1line and $ho-$ you 1er$everan#e
"#ort 3: You !et to kno- a lot o% 1eo1le
"#ort 4: You #an al$o *ake *oney3 But that5$ not the *o$t i*1ortant thin!
"#ort 1: Bein! 1roud o% your$el% i$:
The Human Race Page 1B
"#ort 2: Bein! healthy i$:
"#ort 3: Bein! di$#i1lined i$:
"#ort 4: Bein! 1er$everin! i$:
MJ: That5$ true3 It $ound$ *u#h 'etter no-
"#ort 1: Can you i*a!ine a -orld -ithout $1ort$
"#ort 2: =eo1le -ould 'e very $tre$$ed
"#ort 3: They -ouldn5t learn to *ake %riend$ throu!h !a*e$
"#ort 4: +r $harin! #o**on a#tivitie$
"#ort 1: They -ouldn5t $1end *u#h ti*e outdoor$
"#ort 2: and they -ouldn5t 'e %it
"#ort 3: They -ould %eel *i$era'le at ti*e$
"#ort 4: And they -ouldn5t kno- that to !et the 'e$t thin!$ in li%e you have to -ork
"#ort 1: Co*e on" Mr3 Ja#k$on" think a'out it
"#ort 2: ,ive u$ the #han#e to $ho- ho- i*1ortant $1ort$ are
"#ort 3: Let u$ hel1 you -ith your ne- al'u*
"#ort 4: That5$ -hy -e are here3
MJ: +k3 You don5t need to $ay anythin! el$e3 You have #onvin#ed *e3 I think I *i!ht
have a $on! %or you:
+O%T )TO/ 4TI 5O6 7"T "%O67#
89st :erse;
Lovely I$ The Feelin) &o-
Fever" Te*1erature$ Ri$in) &o-
=o-er (Ah =o-er. I$ The For#e The Io-
That Make$ It Ha11en It A$k$ &o 8ue$tion$ Why (+oh.
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
The Human Race Page 11
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
8Instrumental part;
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
/ee1 +n With The For#e 4on)t Sto1
4on)t Sto1 )Til You ,et (nou!h
8'd<ib To 0ade;
"#ort 1: Wo-: That -a$ !reatDDD
"#ort 2: What a $hot o% adrenaline
"#ort 3: Thank$ Mr3 Ja#k$on3 We are very !rate%ul
"#ort 4: I a* $ure your al'u* i$ !oin! to 'e a hu!e $u##e$$
MJ: Thank$ to you" !uy$3 It ha$ 'een *y 1lea$ure3
(They lea(e the stage= e.cept Michael Jac*son" running.
((arth Son! J &ature and (#olo!y.
MJ: Well" I don5t kno- i% thi$ al'u* i$ !oin! to 'e a hu!e $u##e$$ 'ut I kno- that it -ill
'e *y %avourite3 ()pea*ing to the micro.3 Cheryl" let the ne;t !rou1 #o*e in3
(The second group of &armen )u>re? comes in. They are the 7reenpeace
representati(es3 They all wear T<)hirts with 7reenpeace logo on it.
MJ: Hello3 Thank$ %or #o*in!3 Who are you
%colo&!st 1: We are ,reen1ea#e a#tivi$t$
The Human Race Page 12
%colo&!st 2: You *i!ht have heard o% u$ in the ne-$
%colo&!st 3: We love nature
%colo&!st 4: +ur environ*ent i$ all %or u$
%colo&!st 5: And -e take #are o% our 1lanet
MJ: That5$ ni#e3 But ho- #an you hel1 *e -ith *y ne- al'u*
%colo&!st 1: Mr3 Ja#k$on" hu*an 'ein!$ have 'een 1ollutin! thi$ 1lanet
%colo&!st 2: Leavin! !ar'a!e every-here
%colo&!st 3: /illin! ani*al$ %or %un
%colo&!st 4: 0$in! nu#lear ener!y
%colo&!st 5: And di$re$1e#tin! nature
%colo&!st 1: That5$ -hy -e de#ided in 1?@B that it had to $to1
%colo&!st 2: That #o**on 1eo1le had to do $o*ethin! a'out it
%colo&!st 3: So -e !athered and -e #reated ,reen1ea#e
%colo&!st 4: We don5t a##e1t *oney %ro* !overn*ent$
%colo&!st 5: We all -ork voluntarily
%colo&!st 1: We value -ork tea*
%colo&!st 2: We love our 1lanet
%colo&!st 3: We love -ildli%e
%colo&!st 4: We 'elieve that hu*an 'ein!$ need to e;i$t in har*ony
%colo&!st 5: In har*ony -ith other ani*al$ and 1lant$
MJ: That $ound$ intere$tin!
%colo&!st 1: We %i!ht a!ain$t !lo'al -ar*in!
%colo&!st 2: A!ain$t de%ore$tation
%colo&!st 3: A!ain$t over%i$hin!
%colo&!st 4: A!ain$t #o**er#ial<-halin!
%colo&!st 5: And nu#lear -a$te3
%colo&!st 1: Many 'i! #o*1anie$ don5t like u$
%colo&!st 2: Be#au$e -e don5t -ant the* to !et *oney %ro* ani*al5$ $u%%erin!
The Human Race Page 1A
%colo&!st 3: Many #ountrie$ don5t like u$ either
%colo&!st 4: Be#au$e -e don5t let the* do -hat they -ant
%colo&!st 5: But *any 1eo1le like u$ around the -orld
%colo&!st 1: Be#au$e -e are their voi#e
%colo&!st 2: We are their ho1e %or #han!e
%colo&!st 3: That ani*al$ and nature #an 'e $aved
%colo&!st 4: That ener!y ha$ to 'e #lean
%colo&!st 5: And that our 1lanet (arth #an 'e $aved
MJ: I$ it di%%i#ult I$ it dan!erou$
%colo&!st 1: So*eti*e$" it i$ di%%i#ult and dan!erou$
%colo&!st 2: But -e don5t *ind
%colo&!st 3: We love -hat -e do
%colo&!st 4: And -e 'elieve in -hat -e do
%colo&!st 5: It i$ very i*1ortant that -e #han!e the -ay o% li%e
%colo&!st 1: So*eti*e$ they don5t let u$ $1eak
%colo&!st 2: And they 1ut u$ in 1ri$on
%colo&!st 3: We !et $hot or kidna11ed
%colo&!st 4: We $1end *any *onth$ a-ay %ro* our %a*ilie$
%colo&!st 5: But all thi$ i$ no $a#ri%i#e %or u$
MJ: Wo-D Thank$ $o *u#h %or all you5re doin!3 I *i!ht al$o have a $on! %or you in *y
ne- al'u*3 Let *e $ho- youDD
"'$T# )O%7
What a'out $unri$e
What a'out rain
What a'out all the thin!$
That you $aid -e -ere to !ain333
What a'out killin! %ield$
I$ there a ti*e
What a'out all the thin!$
That you $aid -a$ your$ and *ine333
4id you ever $to1 to noti#e
All the 'lood -e)ve $hed 'e%ore
4id you ever $to1 to noti#e
The #ryin! (arth the -ee1in! $hore$
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
The Human Race Page 1C
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
I u$ed to drea*
I u$ed to !lan#e 'eyond the $tar$
&o- I don)t kno- -here -e are
Althou!h I kno- -e)ve dri%ted %ar
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
Hey" -hat a'out ye$terday
(What a'out u$.
What a'out the $ea$
(What a'out u$.
The heaven$ are %allin! do-n
(What a'out u$.
I #an)t even 'reathe
(What a'out u$.
What a'out the #ryin! *an
(What a'out u$.
What a'out A'raha*
(What a'out u$.
What a'out death a!ain
(ooo" ooo.
4o -e !ive a da*n
Aaaaaaaaah +ooooooooh
%colo&!st 1: Thank$ $o *u#h" Mr3 Ja#k$on
%colo&!st 2: Thi$ $on! -ill hel1 u$ !et the *e$$a!e throu!h
%colo&!st 3: and *any *ore 1eo1le -ill 'e 1art o% our voi#e
%colo&!st 4: For a 'etter -orld
%colo&!st 5: For a 'etter li%e
MJ: Thank$ to you3 I -ill dedi#ate all the *oney I !et -ith thi$ $on! to hel1 you in your
#au$e3 Thank$ %or #o*in!3
(The children lea(e the stage.
(,andhi J &o violen#eKSa#ri%i#e.
MJ: Thi$ i$ !ettin! 'etter and 'etter: A #ou1le *ore $on!$ and I -ill have *y ne-
al'u*: and a 'etter -orldDDD3 (To the microphone. &e;t one$" 1lea$e
(The second group of Julian comes in.They come in dressed as #indi.
MJ: Hi3 Thank$ %or #o*in!3 Who are you
The Human Race Page 1E
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: ,reetin!$ Mr3 Ja#k$on -e #o*e %ro* India
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: We are relative$ o% Mahat*a ,andhi
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: May'e you kno- hi*
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: He -a$ a very i*1ortant *an in our #ountry
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: He uni%ied our #ountry
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: And tau!ht u$ *any thin!$
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: He -a$ the %ather o% our nation
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: (very 1er$on %ro* our #ountry love$ hi* *u#h
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: He %ou!ht %or u$
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: He 'elieved in u$
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: He loved u$
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: and he died %or u$
MJ: I think I5ve heard o% hi*3 Tell *e *ore a'out hi*
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: India -a$ 1art o% the Briti$h (*1ire *any year$ a!o
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: The Briti$h did !ood thin!$ %or our #ountry
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: But they didn5t -ant u$ to 'e inde1endent
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: We -anted to have our o-n #ountry
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: And not de1end on Britain
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: So -e $tarted %i!htin! the*
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: But ,andhi tau!ht u$ a !ood le$$on
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: Iiolen#e i$ not the -ay to $olve thin!$
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: With 1ea#e and non<violen#e you a#hieve everythin!
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: He al$o tau!ht u$ a'out re$1e#t
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: 4on5t %or!et toleran#e
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: So" he %ou!ht -ithout -ea1on$
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: He %ou!ht -ith hi$ -ord$
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: He didn5t even eat %or *any *any day$
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: To 1rote$t a!ain$t the Briti$h
The Human Race Page 1G
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: And the 'ad 1eo1le in *y #ountry
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: Who -anted to 'e#o*e ri#h
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: and -ho didn5t -ant to hel1 1oor 1eo1le
MJ: 8uite an intere$tin! %ello-3
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: We 'e#a*e inde1endent %ro* Britain -ith no violen#e
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: But it -a$ very di%%i#ult a%ter that
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: In India" there are *any reli!ion$
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: And *any 1oor 1eo1le
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: He -anted everyone to love ea#h other
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: and re$1e#t ea#h other
'an(h!s )am!l* 1: Mu$li*$" Hindi" Catholi#$
'an(h!s )am!l* 2: Buddhi$t$: -e are all a 'i! %a*ily
'an(h!s )am!l* 3: For Mahat*a ,andhi
'an(h!s )am!l* 4: But $o*e 'ad 1eo1le killed hi*
'an(h!s )am!l* 5: Be#au$e they didn5t -ant to learn thi$
'an(h!s )am!l* 6: (sad. and -e #ried a lot
MJ: +h" I5* $o $orry %or you: Your $tory ha$ *oved *e: You kno- I think I have a
very !ood $on! %or you a'out Mahat*a ,andhi
M'% I% T#" MI$$O$
I+M ',NNA MA-% A CHAN'%.
),R ,NC% IN M/ 0I)%
IT+" ',NNA )%%0 R%A0 ',,D.
',NNA MA-% A DI))%R%NC%
',NNA MA-% IT RI'HT 1 1 1
A" I. T2RN 23 TH% C,00AR ,N
THI" 4IND I" 50,4IN+ M/ MIND
I "%% TH% -ID" IN TH% "TR%%T.
4ITH N,T %N,2'H T, %AT
4H, AM I. T, 5% 50IND6
3R%T%NDIN' N,T T, "%%
A "2MM%R+" DI"R%'ARD.
A 5R,-%N 5,TT0% T,3
AND A ,N% MAN+" ",20
TH%/ ),00,4 %ACH ,TH%R
TH% 4IND /A+ -N,4
+CA2"% TH%/ ',T N,4H%R%
T, ',
THAT+" 4H/ I 4ANT /,2 T,
HI" 4A/"
The Human Race Page 1@
AND N, M%""A'% C,20D
5%%N AN/ C0%AR%R
I) /,2 4ANNA MA-% TH%
A 5%TT%R 30AC%
7I) /,2 4ANNA MA-% TH%
4,R0D A 5%TT%R 30AC%8
TA-% A 0,,- AT /,2R"%0).
7TA-% A 0,,- AT /,2R"%0).
HI" 4A/"
75%TT%R CHAN'%:8
N, M%""A'% C,20D HA$%
5%%N AN/ C0%AR%R
7I) /,2 4ANNA MA-% TH%
4,R0D A 5%TT%R 30AC%8
7TA-% A 0,,- AT /,2R"%0)
7/,2 ',TTA '%T IT RI'HT.
/,2 ',T TH% TIM%8
7+CA2"% 4H%N /,2 C0,"%
/,2 CAN+T C0,"% /,2R 1 1
7TH%N /,2 C0,"% /,2R 1 1 1
HI" 4A/"
75%TT%R CHAN'%:8
/,2 -N,4 1 1 1THAT MAN
N, M%""A'% C,20D HA$%
5%%N AN/ C0%AR%R
I) /,2 4ANNA MA-% TH%
A 5%TT%R 30AC%
7I) /,2 4ANNA MA-% TH%
4,R0D A 5%TT%R 30AC%8
TA-% A 0,,- AT /,2R"%0)
7TA-% A 0,,- AT /,2R"%0)
H,,: H,,: H,,: H,,: H,,:
7,H /%AH:8
',NNA )%%0 R%A0 ',,D
/%AH /%AH: /%AH /%AH:
/%AH /%AH:
7,,,,H 1 1 18
,H N,. N, N, 1 1 1
'an(h! )am!l* 1: That i$ a very ni#e $on!
'an(h! )am!l* 2: I a* $ure that ,andhi *u$t 'e li$tenin! to it
'an(h! )am!l* 3: And he *u$t 'e very ha11y
'an(h! )am!l* 4: But -e $till have a lot -ork to do
'an(h! )am!l* 5: And 'rin! 1ea#e not only to India
The Human Race Page 1H
'an(h! )am!l* 6: But al$o to the -hole -orld
MJ: Thank$ %or #o*in!3 I love your $tory a'out Mahat*a ,andhi3
(The children lea(e the stage bowing.
(Clo-n$ J Sen$e o% hu*our.
MJ: +k thi$ $hould 'e *y la$t $on!: (Tal*ing to the microphone. Cheryl" 1lea$e let
the la$t !rou1 in3
(%ow the second group of Tessa comes in. They are all dressed up li*e clowns.
MJ: W+W" -hat i$ thi$ Who let the #ir#u$ in I love #lo-n$
Clo;n 1: We love you too" Mr3 Ja#k$on
Clo;n 2: We love $in!in! your $on!$
Clo;n 3: 4an#in! your routine$
Clo;n 4: And -at#hin! your video$
MJ: Thank$3 So" tell *e : Ho- #an you #ontri'ute to *y ne- al'u*" The Hu*an
Clo;n 1: We are #lo-n$3
Clo;n 2: We love to *akin! 1eo1le ha11y
Clo;n 3: Lau!hter i$ very i*1ortant
Clo;n 4: 4o you kno- ho- *any *u$#le$ do you e;er#i$e -hen you do it
Clo;n 1: More than one hundred
Clo;n 2: It5$ very healthy
Clo;n 3: It redu#e$ the $tre$$
Clo;n 4: And in#rea$e$ 'ody de%en$e$3
MJ: That5$ very intere$tin!3 I didn5t kno- that
Clo;n 1: To 'e a #lo-n you need to have $en$e o% hu*our
Clo;n 2: You have to learn ho- to *ake 1eo1le %eel ha11y
The Human Race Page 1?
Clo;n 3: &ot to %eel e*'arra$$ed
Clo;n 4: And you need to 'e very intelli!ent
Clo;n 1: Ye$" *akin! 1eo1le lau!h i$ not ea$y
Clo;n 2: But on#e you do it :
Clo;n 3: It5$ the 'e$t $en$ation you #an e;1erien#e
Clo;n 4: It *ake$ you %eel a 'etter 1er$on
Clo;n 1: Thi$ -orld ha$ *any 1ro'le*$
Clo;n 2: The e#ono*y i$ not -ell
Clo;n 3: =eo1le are very 1oor and $tre$$ed
Clo;n 4: They need a !ood lau!h
MJ: I a!ree
Clo;n 1: So" -on5t you $in! %or u$
Clo;n 2: +r $in! -ith u$
Clo;n 3: We -ant to 'rin! >oy to thi$ -orld
Clo;n 4: We -ant to *ake everyone %eel ha11y today
Clo;n 1: We -ant to *ake the* %or!et their -orrie$
Clo;n 2: We -ant the* to en>oy li%e
Clo;n 3: We -ant the* to think that li%e i$ %un
Clo;n 4: And there i$ a 'etter %uture %or everyone
MJ: I totally a!ree:3 You kno- -hat I think I have the 1er%e#t $on! %or you3
S*ile" thou!h your heart i$ a#hin!
S*ile" even thou!h it)$ 'reakin!
When there are #loud$ in the $ky
You)ll !et 'y
I% you $*ile
The Human Race Page 2B
With your %ear and $orro-
S*ile and *ay'e to*orro-
You)ll %ind that li%e i$ $till -orth-hile
I% you >u$t
Li!ht u1 your %a#e -ith !ladne$$
Hide every tra#e o% $adne$$
Althou!h a tear *ay 'e ever $o near
That)$ the ti*e you *u$t kee1 on tryin!
S*ile" -hat)$ the u$e o% #ryin!
You)ll %ind that li%e i$ $till -orth-hile
I% you >u$t
S*ile" thou!h your heart i$ a#hin!
S*ile" even thou!h it)$ 'reakin!
When there are #loud$ in the $ky
You)ll !et 'y
I% you $*ile
Throu!h your %ear and $orro-
"m!le an( ma*<e tomorro;
You)ll %ind that li%e i$ $till -orth-hile
I% you >u$t $*ile
That)$ the ti*e you *u$t kee1 on tryin!
S*ile" -hat)$ the u$e o% #ryin!
You)ll %ind that li%e i$ $till -orth-hile
I% you >u$t $*ile
Clo;n 1: Thank$" Mr3 Ja#k$on
Clo;n 2: We love the $on!
Clo;n 3: We al-ay$ have you in our heart$
Clo;n 4: And re*e*'er you a$ another #lo-n -ho -anted to *ake 1eo1le ha11y3
MJ: Thank$ to you !uy$ %or #o*in!3 You have 'een o% !reat hel1 to *e:
(The clowns lea(e the stage.
(The Hu*an Ra#e (1ilo!ue.
The Human Race Page 21
MJ: It ha$ 'een $u#h a !reat dayDDD I have all *y $on!$ and *y al'u* -ill 'e ready in
the 'link o% an eye:3 (Tal*ing to the microphone) Cheryl" -ill you 1lea$e #o*e in -ith
8uin#y" *y 1rodu#er and Sony5$ Board 4ire#tor Thank$3
4on5t you a!ree the$e $on!$ are very ni#e
(%ow &heryl= @uincy and the +irector come on stage 1 &armen ).s students of A

Hi ,uy$DDD
Cher*l: Hi Mi#hael: It ha$ 'een a 'u$y *ornin!
=u!nc*: 4id you !et -hat you -anted
D!rector: When -ill the al'u* 'e ready
Cher*l: =lea$e (addressing the director. 4o not $tre$$ hi*DDDHe5$ 'een really 'u$y
=u!nc*: I kno- Mi#hael3 It5ll 'e ready on ti*e
MJ: Ye$" it -ill3 I have *y $on!$ ready
Cher*l: So" $hall I #all the *u$i#ian$
=u!nc*: Shall I 1re1are the re#ordin! $tudio
D!rector: Shall I #all the *edia
Cher*l: (loo*ing important. It5$ too early3 We $hould re#ord the al'u* %ir$t
=u!nc*: And !et the #over de$i!ned
D!rector: +k +k3 Let5$ not -a$te ti*e
MJ: 4on5t -orry !uy$3 All in !ood ti*e
Cher*l: I a* $o e;#ited Mi#hael: I -ant to hear $o*ethin!
=u!nc*: What -ill it $ound like
D!rector: Ra1" Te#hno" Soul:LL
Cher*l: Whatever i$ the -ay it $ound$ :3 I a* $ure it5$ !oin! to 'e a 'la$t
=u!nc*: I a* $ure that it -ill 'e !reat: I don5t re*e*'er $eein! you $o e;#ited a'out
an al'u*" Mi#hael
D!rector: Well" that $ound$ like *oney to *e
MJ: It5$ not a'out the *oney: I -ill 'e !ivin! *o$t o% the *oney -e !et -ith the al'u*
$ale$ to #harity
Cher*l: That5$ %anta$ti#
The Human Race Page 22
=u!nc*: Brilliant idea
D!rector: (resigned. +hDDDD (With one hand on the forehead loo*ing down) O* O*
Cher*l: What -a$ your %avourite !rou1 thi$ *ornin! Mi#hael
=u!nc*: Ye$" tell u$ all a'out itDDD
D!rector: Co*e on3 We -ant to kno-
MJ: Well" I liked all the $torie$ and I think they -ere all eFually i*1ortant %or the al'u*3
Cher*l: ,reatDD I -a$ -orried
=u!nc*: Ye$" $he -a$ 'rin!in! #o%%ee to the !ue$t$ all *ornin!
D!rector: And to *e tooDDD
Cher*l: It -a$ *y 1lea$ure
=u!nc*: She i$ a really !ood 1er$on
D!rector: And her #o%%ee i$ the 'e$t in to-n
MJ: It i$ indeed
Cher*l: Let5$ !et 'a#k to -ork3
=u!nc*: That5$ ri!ht3 We have a lot to 1re1are
D!rector: 4on5t %or!et *y #o%%ee" CherylDDD
(They start going away= but before lea(ing the stage= Michael calls them bac*.
MJ: Hey !uy$3 Wait
Cher*l: Ye$ Mike:3 I$ there anythin! el$e -e #an do %or you
MJ: In %a#t" there i$
=u!nc*: What i$ it
MJ: Stay a little 'it lon!er
D!rector: Why Mi#hael
MJ: I have a little $ur1ri$e %or you
MI&#'" J'&2)O% M"+"5
The Human Race Page 2A
(Tessas group.
4on)t 'la*e it on the $un$hine
4on)t 'la*e it on the *oonli!ht
4on)t 'la*e it on !ood ti*e$
Bla*e it on the 'oo!ie
,ood ti*e$
You >u$t !ot to : Feel itDDD
(Son! #han!e < Juliens group.
Can you %eel it" #an you %eel it" #an you %eel it
Can you %eel it" #an you %eel it" #an you %eel it
(Son! #han!e < &armen ).s group : Midday only.
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel.
You Really Turn Me +n
(You Really Turn Me +n.
You /no#k Me +%% +% My Feet
&o- Ba'y<HeeD
(You /no#k Me +%% +%
My Feet.
My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one
(My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one.
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel.
You Really Turn Me +n
(You Really Turn Me +n.
You /no#k Me +%% +% My Feet
&o- Ba'y<HeeD
(You /no#k Me +%% +%
My Feet.
My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one
(My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one.
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$"
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$
(The Way You Make Me Feel.
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$"
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$ But
Mine And My Ba'y
(You Really Turn Me +n.
Hee HeeD
The Human Race Page 2C
(You /no#k Me +%% +%
My Feet.
Hee HeeD +ohD
(My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one.
,ive It To Me<,ive Me
So*e Ti*e
(The Way You Make Me Feel.
Co*e +n Be My ,irl<I Wanna
Be With Mine
(You Really Turn Me +n.
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$<
(You /no#k Me +%% +%
My Feet.
Ain)t &o'ody)$ Bu$ine$$ But
Mine And My Ba'y)$
,o +n ,irlD Aao-D
(My Lonely 4ay$ Are ,one.
()ong change < 'll groups including A
Beat it" 'eat it" 'eat it" 'eat it
&o one -ant$ to 'e de%eated
Sho-in) ho- %unky and $tron! i$ your %i!ht
It doe$n)t *atter -ho)$ -ron! or -ho)$ ri!ht
Ju$t 'eat it" 'eat it" 'eat it" 'eat it
&o one -ant$ to 'e de%eated
Sho-in) ho- %unky and $tron! i$ your %i!ht
It doe$n)t *atter -ho)$ -ron! or ri!ht
Ju$t 'eat it
Beat it
Beat it
()ong &hange.
4o You Re*e*'er The Ti*e
When We Fell In Love
4o You Re*e*'er The Ti*e
When We Fir$t Met
4o You Re*e*'er The Ti*e
When We Fell In Love
4o You Re*e*'er The Ti*e
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
4o You Re*e*'er ,irl
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
The Human Race Page 2E
+n The =hone You And Me
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
Till 4a-n" T-o +r Three
What A'out 0$ ,irl
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
4o You3 4o You" 4o You" 4o You" 4o You
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
In The =ark" +n The Bea#h
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
You And Me In S1ain
Re*e*'er The Ti*e$
What A'out" What A'out333
The Human Race Page 2G

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