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Reina Karen M. Celestino

Cristine Jean L. Castilla

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

College of Education
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City

March 2008


(S.Y 2007 – 2008)


An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Presented to the faculty of the

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

College of Education

MSU – Iligan Institute of Technology

Iligan City


In partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Physics


Reina Karen M. Celestino

Cristine Jean L. Castilla

March 2008

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of

Secondary Education major in Physics, this undergraduate thesis entitled
MOTION” prepared and submitted by Reina Karen M. Celestino and Cristine
Jean L. Castilla is hereby recommended for approval.



Approved in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Physics by the panel members with a
grade of _____________.

__________________________ __________________________
Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Physics.


Chairman Dean
Department of Science and College of Education
Mathematics Education

Castilla, Cristine Jean L. and Reina Karen M. Celestino, Bachelor of

Secondary Education major in Physics, College of Education, MSU – Iligan
Institute of Technology, Iligan City, March 2008. “TRICKS AND GAMES TO
Antonieto Semorlan.

The researchers would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude and

appreciation to:

The faculties of Department of Science and Mathematics Education,

especially to their adviser for helping them accomplish and finish their study,

upon checking the write – ups to a more accurate one…

Their EdSci 198 instructor – Prof. May A. Cañedo for correcting the

chapters 1-3 of their thesis and for the suggestions she give to make this study


The members of their panel, for giving criticisms and advice to improve

their work…

Their classmates and friends for the encouragements and unconditional

support in making this study successful…

Their dearest parents – Mr. and Mrs. Atwel A. Castilla, Mrs. Carmelita R.

Celestino for always supporting them, especially the financial support…

And above all, to the Almighty Father for guiding them throughout the

study and for all the wisdom He gives to them to make their study possible.

Karen and Cristine






Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms



Subject of the Study
Research Design
Methods Used
Instruments Used
Statistical Tools Used






Table Page

Appendix Page

A Letter to the Principal

B Letter to the Respondents

C Table of Specification

D Perception Test/ Questionnaire

E Curriculum Vitae



Physics encompasses the large and the small, the old and the new. From

the atom to galaxies, from electrical circuitry to aerodynamics, physics is very

much a part of the world around us. It is one of the most fundamental of the

sciences (Young and Freedman, 1996).

The study of physics is also an adventure. You will find it challenging,

sometimes frustrating, occasionally painful and often richly rewarding and

satisfying. It will appeal to your sense of beauty as well as rational intelligence

(Young and Freedman, 1996).

However, the 2005 findings of the two personal reviews of the European

Physics Education Conference in Bonn, Germany showed that physics became a

misunderstood area of science in schools. Butcher (2005) stated that students,

when asked about physics, would tell that it is difficult, confusing and irrelevant to

their lives. She further explained that this is so because of the training involved in

physics thinking, the problem-solving abilities and mathematics. According to her,

many people do not want to spend hours on mathematical functions, which is not

essential to enjoying physics.

The same is also true among Filipino students. Ask them and they

will certainly conclude that is one of the toughest subjects in high school. This

alarming situation is truly a big challenge among secondary physics teachers in

strategically abandoning this idea in the minds of students.

Often students entering their first course in physics anticipate having a

“hard time”. Much of what they have heard from friends and relatives about

physics courses leads them to believe that physics can not be learned well by

average person. This is simply not true. The secret to success in a physics

course is to learn the material or concepts day by day. Trying to “cram” physics

the night before an exam is what leads to the “hard time” in the course. Physics

is a subject which requires time for the concepts to be absorbed and understood.

Physics is not learned by memorizing equations and then trying to find the right

numbers to plug into them. Physics is learned by using it day after day to solve

problems and by thinking about the concepts and relating them to everyday

experience (Mckenzie and Pica). But the question is “in what way?”

So, this research study is primarily designed to investigate whether tricks

and games can be effective forms of strategy in teaching physics in high school

particularly in Newton’s Laws of Motion. Backing up Edgar Dale’s Cone of

Experience and Tabal and Birad’s research study on tricks, one can consider

tricks and games as ideal strategies in making fun and enjoyable while students

are learning.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the characteristics of the respondents?

a.) grade in physics b.) grade in math c.) ambition

2. What are the performances of the respondents when exposed to:

a.) Tricks and Games

b.) Lecture

3. What is the attitude of the respondents towards Physics?

4. Is there a significant difference in the respondent’s performance when

exposed to tricks and games?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the characteristics of the

respondents and their performance?

Null hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant difference in the respondent’s performance when

exposed to tricks and games.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the characteristics of the

respondents and their performance.

Significance of the Study

The prime target of this study is to determine the effectiveness of tricks

and games in the teaching-learning process in physics particularly in Newton’s

Laws of Motion. This study also will find out if tricks and games affect the

performance of the respondents in teaching Newton’s three laws.

This study likewise answers the needs of secondary physics teachers who

are looking for ways how to make the learning experiences of their students

enjoyable, fun and exciting. At the same time, the recommended tricks and

games are not costly but can be made of materials usually available in every

home, and the games can be performed inside and outside the classrooms. This

way, the teacher is not burdened financially and can teach conveniently.

Furthermore, this study will provide the basis whether the performance of

students in physics is related to their grades in mathematics and on their

ambition and attitude towards this subject.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is limited only for the 4th year high school students in Iligan City

East High School – Hinaplanon Annex. The topic to be discussed is only about

the concept of Newton’s laws of motion with the use of different tricks and


Moreover, the researchers intended to proceed on the proper

demonstration through tricks and games during the third grading period of school

year 2007-2008.
Operational Definition of Terms

Ambition – the respondent’s plan of what they want to become or the

respondent’s preferred course to pursue in college

Attitudes – beliefs and concepts the students have in mind as products of

knowledge and experiences possessed

Characteristics of the Respondents - refer to the fourth year students’

interests and learning achievements in terms of grades

Games – indoor and outdoor activities that involve the physical abilities and

body coordination of students who are motivated to win, thus

enhancing teamwork and application of Newton’s Laws of Motion


Grade in Math– average grade in mathematics of the respondents during the

first and second grading

Grade in Physics –average grade of the respondents during the first and

second grading in physics

Lecture – usual class discussion

Performance – different responses of the respondents when the teacher uses

tricks and games in discussing Newton’s Laws of Motion

Tricks – are demonstrations use in discussing the concept on Newton’s Laws

of Motion


Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws which provide

relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body,

first compiled by Sir Isaac Newton. Newton's laws were first published together in

his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687). The laws form the

basis for classical mechanics. Newton used them to explain many results

concerning the motion of physical objects.

Newton has three laws of motion. The first law or the Law of Inertia states

that “An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external and

unbalanced force. An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by

an external and unbalanced force”. The net force on an object is the vector sum

of all the forces acting on the object. Newton's first law says that if this sum is

zero, the state of motion of the object does not change. Essentially, it makes the

following two points: An object that is not moving will not move until a net force

acts upon it and an object that is in motion will not change its velocity

(accelerate) until a net force acts upon it.

The second law or the Law of Acceleration states that “The rate of change

of momentum of a body is proportional to the resultant force acting on the body

and is in the same direction”. If mass of an object in question is known to be

constant, this differential equation can be rewritten (using the definition of

acceleration) as: .
This is the most powerful of Newton's three Laws, because it allows

quantitative calculations of dynamics: how do velocities change when forces are

applied. Notice the fundamental difference between Newton's 2nd Law and the

dynamics of Aristotle: according to Newton, a force causes only a change in

velocity (an acceleration); it does not maintain the velocity as Aristotle held


And the third law or the Law of Action-Reaction states that “All forces

occur in pairs, and these two forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in

direction”. (Marion and Thornton, 1995).

Whenever a particle A exerts a force on another particle B, B

simultaneously exerts a force on A with the same magnitude in the opposite
direction. The strong form of the law further postulates that these two forces act
along the same line ('s_laws_of_motion).

Many people have known Newton's first law since eighth grade (or earlier).

And if prompted with the first few words, most people could probably recite the

law word for word. And what is so terribly difficult about remembering that F =

ma? It seems to be a simple algebraic statement for solving story problems. The

big deal however is not the ability to recite the first law nor to use the second law

to solve problems; but rather the ability to understand their meaning and to

believe their implications. While most people know what Newton's laws say,

many people do not know what they mean (or simply do not believe what they mean)

There are many applications of Newton's first law of motion. Consider

some of your experiences in an automobile. Have you ever observed the

behavior of coffee in a coffee cup filled to the rim while starting a car from rest or

while bringing a car to rest from a state of motion? Coffee tends to "keep on

doing what it is doing." When you accelerate a car from rest, the road provides

an unbalanced force on the spinning wheels to push the car forward; yet the

coffee (which was at rest) wants to stay at rest. While the car accelerates

forward, the coffee remains in the same position; subsequently, the car

accelerates out from under the coffee and the coffee spills in your lap. On the

other hand, when braking from a state of motion the coffee continues forward

with the same speed and in the same direction, ultimately hitting the windshield

or the dash. Coffee in motion tends to stay in motion


Learning and Concepts

Learning has been defined by psychologists in various ways. Learning

may be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior potentiality that

occurs due to experience and reinforced practice (Bustos and Espiritu, 1996).

Another type of learning is cognitive learning which is concerned with the

development of ideas and concepts. It covers much of what academic learning

demands. It includes everything from associations between stimuli and

responses to the development of problem-solving skills, Bustos and Espiritu

(1996) added.

And the third type is affective learning which involves experiences within

which emotions and affect take precedence. It involves assimilation of values,

mental understanding, emotional reactions, the sense of pleasure and

satisfaction, Bustos and Espiritu (1996) likewise said.

Bustos and Espiritu (1996) underscored that a basic factor in motor

learning is accuracy of perception which is based on the learner’s prior

experiences. Some activities that are primarily learned through this modality are

physical education courses and vocational courses. Other activities in school

which call for sensory-motor learning include techniques as direction, imitation,

demonstration and drill.

Furthermore,in teaching, it is recognized that a different technique is

needed to educate appreciation from that used to teach skills and knowledge.

The most important of these factors is the teacher. Unless the teacher is fully

able to appreciate what is being taught, students cannot be expected to develop

appreciation well, Bustos and Espiritu (1996) said.

“Yes, children have to be educated, but they also have to educate

themselves”, quoted by Ernest Dimnet, an American author in the twentieth

century. Students have to help themselves how to understand the concepts and
the teacher will facilitate hoe students will learn. But what are concepts, by the


Concepts are categories used to group objects, events and characteristics

on the basis of common properties. Concepts are elements of cognition that help

to simplify and summarize information (Medin, 2000). Concepts also aid the

process of remembering, making it more efficient. When students group objects

to form a concept, they can remember the concept, and then retrieve the

concept’s characteristics. Students form concepts through direct experiences

with events and object in their world.


In their research paper, Tabal and Birad (2003) investigated if physics

tricks can aid for better understanding of the concept of magnetism among senior

students of ICNHS ( Iligan City National High School). Based on the results they

gathered and analyzed, they found out that a great number of respondents who

were exposed to physics tricks had scores significantly higher than that of the

respondents who were exposed on mere lecture. Thus, they concluded that the

use of physics tricks had helped the respondents in understanding the concept of

magnetism. They also stressed out that teachers as well as practice teachers

should not rely on pure lecture in discussing a lesson, but also on the use of

demonstration method, most especially the use of physics tricks so as to

stimulate curiosity on their students. Moreover, by using the terms’ physics

tricks’, Tabal and Birad referred to this as the actual demonstration in the study

through laboratory to demonstrate the process and concepts.

It was the greatest physicist Albert Einstein who once quoted that “In the

matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is

experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more

valuable than twenty formulae extracted from our minds”.

Einstein is right and his claim holds true in real classroom situation

wherein it is critical to motivate students to actively participate in the lectures

(Sprott, 1996). Professor Oseroff (2005) in his website on Physics: A Magic

Experience found the challenge and merits of the demonstrations bring

excitement where students do participate. He, who has been involved for a long

time in developing new approaches to present physics to his students,

encouraged students to ask questions and to explain what they learned from

each demonstration. The families of these students, according to Oseroff, were

also involved since the students discussed what they learned at school with their

parents at home. He considered demonstrations as interesting avenues to take

advantage of the students’ fantasy and innate curiosity and to enlighten them on

the joys of scientific inquiry.

A wise saying runs like this, ”The man who can make hard things easy is a

real teacher”. To become one, the teachers must be aware of the fact that the

two essential teaching skills are the ability to demonstrate and the ability to

explain (Rivera and Sembrano, 1992).

Also, the use of demonstrations makes the learning of physics much more

enjoyable. This is what Sprott pointed out in his sourcebook for teachers of

physics, Physics Demonstrations wherein he highlighted how essential the use of

demonstrations in enhancing the teaching of physics. His book as a compilation

of many demonstrations has been used at University of Wisconsin-Madison in

the teaching of elementary physics over the years. His selected demonstrations

are especially dramatic and provocative, presented in unusual ways. This is

because he felt that it is necessary to get the attention of the students and to

convince them that physics is interesting before any learning can occur. He

mentioned also that there seems to be little help available for the teacher who

wants to improve the quality of his or her presentation. To answer this need, he is

encouraging the physics teachers to find better ways to present old

demonstrations. He stressed out that the apparatus to be used in presentation is

important but the effectiveness on the students’ learning relies heavily on the

techniques employed by a teacher for bringing the apparatus or instruments into


Research in physics classrooms indicates that students acquire

significantly greater understanding of course material when traditional lectures

are combined with interactive lecture demonstrations Interactive demonstrations

enable students to become more actively engaged in a lecture and provide

unique opportunities for critical thinking and student reflection

According to Brasell, 1987, demonstrations are especially effective if they

have a surprise effect, challenge an assumption or misconception, or illustrate an

otherwise abstract concept or process. Some research indicates that students

are better able to self-correct their misconceptions after observing a demonstration

real-time (

In addition, demonstrations employ physical models which are smaller and

simpler in scope than the real system they mimic. This allows instructor and

students to focus in on key aspects of the system's behavior. This simplicity also

makes it easier for students to manipulate, measure, and modify the model than

it would be in a real-world system



Years ago an educator named Edgar Dale, often cited as the father of

modern media in education, developed from his experience in teaching and his

observations of learners the "cone of experience" (see Figure 1). The cone's

utility in selecting instructional resources and activities is as practical today as

when Dale created it (

Figure 1

Edgar Dale also added that people generally remember 90% of what is

said and done while only 10% is retained of what is read. So the best and most

desirable learning experience is the direct, purposeful experience. Thus, a

teacher must design an activity in which the learner does a real thing. A good

example of a direct, purposeful experience is through games.

A game is a structured or semi-structured activity, usually undertaken for

enjoyment and sometimes also used as an educational tool. The term "game" is

also used to describe simulation of various activities e.g., for the purposes of

training, analysis or prediction, etc. Games are generally distinct from work,

which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more

concerned with the expression of ideas. However, the distinction is not clear-cut,

and many games may also be considered work and/or art. An example of a
game is chess. You use your brain(s) to solve the game and win the game. Key

components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interactivity. Games

generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games

help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an

educational, simulational or psychological role. Known to have been played as

far back as prehistoric times, games are a universal part of the human culture


Instructional games are structured activities with set of rules for play in

which two or more students interact to reach clearly designated instructional

objectives. Competition and chance are generally factors in the interaction and

usually there is a winner. Although games are valuable as instructional activities,

they do not necessarily attempt to imitate real-life situations. (Brown,, 1977).

According to research findings of the Center for Social Organization of

Schools at Johns Hopkins University, that games increase students motivation to

learn. And there are strong indications that game activities, the competition

encourage the students to help each other with their school work, especially of

different races or different sexes. Students like games if they understand the

instructors’ purpose in using them. Generally, the most conspicuous contribution

of games appears to be in the affective are, since games provide motivational

support of learning and contribute in some cases to attitudinal changes. (Brown,, 1977).


This chapter contains the subjects of the study, research design used,

instruments used and procedure used in gathering data and statistical tools that

were used.

Subjects of the Study

This study will be conducted among Fourth Year students of Iligan City

East High School-Hinaplanon Annex under the Basic Education Curriculum

(BEC) during the school year 2007-2008.

Research Design to Be Used

This study used the pretest – posttest control group design in which the

researchers have the study and control group in the tricks and games they are

using to teach the concept of Newton’s Laws of Motion. The researchers used

the systematic sampling with random start in gathering data.

Methods to Be Used

Both the control group and experimental group will take the pre-

perception and pre-test simultaneously which are to be given before the lesson

proper. Then, for two days, the control group will be taught the concepts and

computations on Newton’s Laws of Motion through mere lecture. Then, on the

following days, the experimental group will be exposed to tricks and games.

Afterwards, both the control and experimental group will undergo equivalent post-
test which will serve as the basis for the effectiveness of the mixed strategy. The

researchers will then analyze the data they gather using statistical tools.

Instruments to Be Used

The instruments used in gathering data are perception test and test

questionnaire. The perception test is composed of 10 items that will measure the

student’s attitude or disposition towards Physics. The perception test is made by

the researchers only.

The test questionnaires are used for the pre-test and post test. It is made

up of 15 item questions regarding the concept of Newton’s Laws of Motion,

mostly situational. The researchers adopted the test questionnaires from the

internet and physics book.

Statistical Tools to Be Used

The researchers will use different statistical tools to analyze the data

gathered. They will use frequency and percentage to measure the performance

and characteristics of the respondents. In measuring the significant relationship

between the characteristics of the respondents and their performance, the

researchers will use Chi-square test for two independent samples.

It is necessary to construct a 2x2 contingency table. The formula is

X2 = N (/AD-BC/ - N/2)2
(A+B) (B+D) (A+C) (C+D)







Brown, James W., Fred F. Harcleroad and Richard B. Lewis, 1977. Av

Instruction: Technology, Media and Methods 5th ed. USA. McGraw-Hill
Book Company. p 292,295.
Bustos, Alicia S. and Socorro C. Espiritu, 1996, Psychological, Anthropological
And Sociological Foundations of Education, Quezon City, Katha
Publishing Co., Inc., p. 5.
Mckenzie, Charles R. and Andrew J. Pica. 1999, Study Guide with Selected
Solutions: Physics 2nd Ed. New York. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 208-

Rivera, Filomena V. and Guillerma E. Sambrano, 1992, Toward Effective

Teaching, Quezon City, Kalayaan Press, Mktg. Ent., Inc., pp. 112-113.


Birad, Anecito A. and Stephen V. Tabal, “Physics Tricks As A Teaching Strategy

for Understanding of the Concepts of Magnetism”. Undergraduate BSE
Physics Thesis. College of Education, Mindanao State University-Iligan
Institute of Technology, March 2003.

Macasero, Queenie Hazel O. and Flor N. Naingue, 2006. Factors Affecting

Students’ Performance on the Concept of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
(SY 2005-2006). Undergraduate Thesis. BSE-Physics, College of
Education, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan


Blundell, Barry, 2006,,

Retrieved on September 13, 2007.
Fowles, G. R. and G. L. Cassiday, 1999, Analytical Mechanics Sixth Ed,
Saunders College Publishing, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Premium Suite 2005.
© 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

Marion, Jerry and Stephen Thornton, 1995, Classical Dynamics of Particles and
Systems. Harcourt College Publishers, ISBN 0-03-097302-3, Microsoft ®
Encarta ® Premium Suite 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.'s_laws_of_motion, Retrieved on October 2,

2007., Retrieved on July 23, 2007., Retrieved on July 23,
2007., Retrieved on
October 2, 2007.

Mindanao State University

Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Education
Department of Science and Mathematics Education

January 2007

The Principal

Dear Sir/ Madam:

Warm Greetings!

We are third year BSE Physics students of the College of

Education, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology.

We are presently conducting a research study entitled, “Tricks and

Games to Learn Concepts on Newton’s Laws of Motion” which is a requirement
for our EdSci 199N (Thesis Writing) subject.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to

grant us permission to conduct a test and a teaching demonstration using the
tricks and games to the fourth year students of your school.

We are hoping for your favorable action on this request.

Thank you. May God bless us all!

Respectfully yours,
Reina Karen M. Celestino
Approved by: Cristine Jean L. Castilla
May A. Cañedo Researchers

Mindanao State University

Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Education
Department of Science and Mathematics Education

January 2007

Dear Respondent,

Good Day!

We are conducting a research study entitled, “Tricks and Games to

Learn Concepts on Newton’s Laws of Motion” which is a requirement for our
EdSci 199N (Thesis Writing) subject.

With this, we would like to ask for your cooperation in the activities
laid out for you. We also hope that you will fill in the needed information in the
survey questionnaires truthfully. Your score in the test to be given will not affect
your grades, in any way. This will be a great help to the success of this study
which will later on, students of your age in the future will benefit from this.

We look forward to your support and for the time you will spare to us.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,

Reina Karen M. Celestino

Cristine Jean Castilla



Table of Specification

Topics Knowledge Comprehension Application Higher Test Percentage

application Item
Force 1 1 0 0 2 13%
Newton’s 0 0 2 1 3 20%
First Law
Newton’s 0 0 2 1 3 20%
Newton’s 0 1 1 1 3 20%
Weight 1 1 0 0 2 13%
Friction 1 1 0 0 2 13%
TOTAL 3 4 5 3 15 100%
Appendix D
Perception Test

Name: _____________________Year and Section: _____________

Date: ____________

Directions: Encircle the number that represents your choice from the list below.

2- SELDOM (rarely, infrequently)
4- OFTEN (frequently, repeatedly)
5- ALWAYS ( continually, perpetually)

1. I find physics interesting and worthwhile. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I see a connection between me as a person and physics. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I see relevance of physics in my everyday life. 1 2 3 4 5
4. I find physics as a difficult subject because of mathematical 1 2 3 4 5
5. I consider physics as a tough but challenging subject. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I understand most of the concepts in physics. 1 2 3 4 5
7. I want to take up a physics course in college. 1 2 3 4 5
8. I join competitions in physics. 1 2 3 4 5
9. I get high scores in physics exams like quizzes, seat works and 1 2 3 4 5
periodical tests.
10. Illustrations and drawings clear out my doubts in some abstract 1 2 3 4 5
concepts in physics.


Personal Data:

Name: Reina Karen M. Celestino

Home Address: Block 7 Lot 10 Emerald Homes Subdivision, Lambagohon, Iligan


Place of Birth: Surigao City

Date of Birth: July 27, 1988

Civil Status: Single

Mother’s Name: Carmelita M. Celestino

Father’s Name: Vicente F. Celestino Jr.

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Iligan City East Central School

Tambo, Iligan City

Secondary: Iligan City National High School

Generalwood Street, Mahayahay,Iligan City

Collegiate: MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Tibanga, Iligan City

Course/ Major: BSE Physics


Personal Data:

Name: Cristine Jean L. Castilla

Home Address: Zone 1 - Balagatasa, Maigo, Lanao del Norte

Place of Birth: Maigo, Lanao del Norte

Date of Birth: June 23, 1988

Civil Status: Single

Mother’s Name: Bernadeth L. Castilla

Father’s Name: Atwel A. Castilla

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Balagatasa Elementary School

Balagatasa, Maigo, Lanao del Norte

Secondary: Holy Cross High School

Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte

Collegiate: MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Tibanga, Iligan City

Course/ Major: BSE Physics

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